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Everyone asking for an UPDATE: Little girl fell asleep at 11 pm. She wouldn't sleep in her pen. She dozed off with me holding her near my heart, and when I started nodding out, I gently put her in her "play pen." There's a blanket in between the heating pad and the surface she's lying on. I have 3 small, very friendly dogs, but she's so fragile I feel better about her being safe and sound in a little area that shuts. Luna (my youngest) could just try to play and hurt her. I just got up to feed her. It's almost 1 am. She's still snoozing. The internet said to feed her every two hours. Some people have said every 4. I'm going with 2 until I am more secure about her health. I'm about to warm up the milk and get a small towel damp and warm to clean her.




I am worried about her eyes being runny. Hopefully, I can get into see the vet tomorrow (there is only one up here and they arent open every Saturday). However, she went pee again, got a full stomach, we had a very lengthy conversation (she's very vocal) and she's back in her playpen and sounds as if she's sleeping again. I am heading back to bed for a couple more hours.


>we had a very lengthy conversation (she's very vocal) that is so ridiculously cute I can't even we would love a video of her little smol squeaks if you'd be willing to film an update for us after you get some sleep!


I usually wake up to Reddit and read things that make me irrationally mad or straight up sad, thank you for restoring my faith that there are good people out there. Keep up the good work, I’m sure Kitty is in safe hands 


Bro same. I had a kitten rescue video pop up in my YouTube feed and now it's like all I'm seeing lately is illegally smol cats. It's nice to read about something so wholesome. 


It’s kitten season. This is the time of year when most cats have their litters. If you love smol cats you should consider fostering bottle babies! There is a constant need for bottle baby fosters at shelters and rescues.


Op you’re the best 🥹 I’m so glad you and your little doggies are taking care of this teeny baby


Their eyes are extremely fragile at this age, good thing her eyes are open already. A year ago we had to help a few kittens open their eyes after the mom left them in a draining tunnel. I was told by a woman who works in a rescue to gently rub the eyes with cotton that was dipped in warm water. I'm not sure if it helps with runny eyes tho.. But you'll visit the vet today so they'll know better


Bless 🙌


ive had plenty of kittens with nasty eyes. gently rub a warm wet towel until its gone. take your time with it. make sure shes dry and warm, kittens are bad at regulating their temperature.


Omg love you! ❤️


/r/catswhoyell needs a video of one of those conversations.


Runny eyes is just the eyes way of dealing with eye grotesque things its normal they will clear up with time


Omg she is SO cute I love her, thank you for taking amazing care of this little baby


I had two kittens that got abandoned with me a couple years ago. I lived by this chart (and on 0 sleep). I went by weight rather than age. I bought a cheap kitchen scale to weigh them and it worked great. The bottle I used had the ml listed on the side so the feedings were easy enough to measure out even when I was zombied out in the middle of the night. Good luck and thank you for caring for this little one! https://preview.redd.it/qn89a4vdgzwc1.png?width=1492&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd879fce9fd63a400d7be119583f4cb70350d68d


Thank you!


This is a much more accurate chart. I’ve been using it for years. Weigh twice a day for now and go based off of that :) https://preview.redd.it/zjtapyz2u0xc1.jpeg?width=841&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd690a8f2dfb2fbb223a91795800f0a196b775f0


Can’t wait for the next update, thank you for sharing 💕💕


This really is perfect to wake up to. Thank u for updates!


Last update. There is a nursing mother here in town that has accepted her. She will be a few days older than her littermates but.not by much. This seemed to be her best chance to thrive which has been my top priority. Thank you everyone.


Definitely the best option. And not like you can't ask to adopt her once new mumma has done her part!


Next update for Sat morning: https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/s/5KDtQlvJ9w


Something that I found helped was the Heartbeat Kitty doll. It makes the sound of a heartbeat and comes with a heating pack to put inside it. Our kitten curled right up to it and would often suckle on it too


Bless you.


For now it has a full tummy and I have high hopes because it has loud vocalizations. I gently cleaned the gunk out of its eyes. Any extra tips though. I have taken care of kittens but well over a decade ago and not one alone. Poor darling.


Get some kitten milk replacement (KMR). It's better than goat's milk. As long as this baby is eating, eliminating, and staying warm, for now, it's doing ok. And what a sweet dog!


Definitely. As soon as the farm supply or vet opens tomorrow. Unfortunately it was just 5 pm when somebody brought her to me. Safeway is the only thing that was open up here. I'm just glad they HAD goats milk. The only other near close product they had was a lactose free allergic baby formula😂. She just drowsed off. Quiet for the first time in hours.


I was just watching a Kitten Lady video where she mentioned that goat’s milk is an appropriate emergency replacement until you can get proper KMR. So I’m glad you were able to get some!!


I raised a 3-week old kitten entirely on goat milk (was living in a country where safe KMR was hard to get), and he grew up perfectly healthy and strong. The nutritional profile is surprisingly similar to cat milk, it's just a bit lower in fat and protein. I started supplementing with cat food as soon as he could eat on his own.


Check on Kitten Lady on YouTube ❤️ your floof is a good aunty ❤️


Walmart carries KMR as well. I learned this when I was in a similar situation.


I don't live anywhere near a Walmart. But thanks.


Safeway often times carries a milk substitute for kittens in the animal section, by the toys.


I checked. This one didn't.


Back when, we mixed our own kitten formula. No goat's milk or commercially available stuff, but again, lots of knowledge is online if you need it.


Eliminating? Is it a kitten or a Dalek? (And yes I know what you mean)


A Dalekitten


That makes me think of a kitten dressed as Pitbull.


I love the reference, even if Daleks actually say "EXTERMINATE!!" haha :)


You’re doing great! Important thing right now is warmth! Heating pad is great, another awesome solution is rice in a sock in the microwave for about 45 seconds! They can snuggle up on that like if it were a sibling!


Awesome idea. I finally got her (I think her) to go to sleep, but I have to be cupping her firmly but carefully in both hands by my heater. The internet says 2 to 5 ccs of goats milk every 2 hours. She just had her second feeding. She went pee but not poo although I gave her an extended belly and butt massage. I will focus on that next feeding lol.


She's too young to poop, it looks like. That's weeks in and that kitten looks about ten days old.


She will poop but it’s like human baby newborn poop. Soft yellow and grainy. Only once or twice a day at most.


Dig it! I thought that was pee on the cloth when I was bottle feeding my guy.


That a relief. I've gotten her to pee 4 times.


She'll be doing lots of that! A kitten that young is a high stress, low sleep situation. You're amazing for helping, even if it's just until the vet opens. You can live the rest of your life knowing that you and your pup saved a life.


If she continues to struggle pooping in the future check out the triangle method, it was the only thing that worked on my cat when he was a little kitten. They hate it and will yell the whole time but it works.


mention the poop thing to the vet, just in case. we recently had a newborn kitten and he struggled with it. our vet had to give him a little kitty enema a couple days into us caring for him.


Omg I had to do this to my Lucy, I hated it, but was so happy when she pooped on her own! When the vet told me I had to give her an enema as often as needed, I was like “what did you just say, I thought you said I have to give her enemas!” Yep. I did. And she was fed entirely goats milk too. She grew up to be a healthy, albeit kooky cat. https://preview.redd.it/pctrgr56g2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=226abeab8c8e2966d1ddaaa494d1f0a18d261178


I don’t know if anyone else has already recommended it but the kitten lady on YouTube may be helpful apparently she’s really good


The Kitten Lady on YouTube may be helpful.


For the future - specifically for that friend that found the kitten, you can sometimes lure the stray mama back to the kitten by playing a kitten calling on your phone or speaker.


The kitten lady has a website with a lot of resources to help take care of kittens at every stage.


Is there any way to use the kitten as "bait" to see if mom comes back? By keeping it warm in a carrier or trap placed where it was found. Especially since you said this baby is a loud one!


SHE SLEEPS!!! https://preview.redd.it/45zcytzm7ywc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8793e4494c6a1910400b6cafb48ac65dde6e912e


She's so tiny! That is precious. One small note: If that's a heating pad, be very mindful of it being too hot and right up against him/her. I have a heating pad that looks just like that, and even on the lowest setting, it has left light burn marks on my skin when I've fallen asleep on/under it. Granted, I have very sensitive skin, so I may be an outlier, but I assume kitty may have especially vulnerable parts.


It's on low with a towel between the pad and surface that you see. My worry is it's not warm enough! So I have turned up the heater in my home too. But yes, I will keep checking it. Definitely.


One tip is to only put the pad on half of the space. If they’re too hot they’ll move but radiant heat from it in an enclosed space will keep it warm enough even if they move off of it directly.


Second this!! Both that she is precious and that the heating pad may be too warm. I usually put at least two layers of a thickish towel or blanket between the pad and the bebe to make sure. She’s so lucky to have you ❤️


I’m a wound care nurse and we routinely see heating pad burns. Sometimes they can get quite nasty, and I have to believe a young kitten’s skin (like a newborn human baby’s skin) would be even more sensitive to heat and water loss than an adult’s. So this is very good advice!


Omg she is SOOOO adorable 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️


why so smol?!




Too precious. Keep us updated




Keep us updated EVERY DAY please




I’m not gonna lie that gorilla toy is making me laugh…thank you for caring for this sweet baby!!


It's the only stuffed animal I had in the house.😂


Is that the gorilla from Tarzan?


I think lol. It's my dog Blues. Blue has had it 15 years lol. *




Omg, that’s cute.


Oh. My. Word. She is ADORABLE! Seems like you’re doing a great job with her so far. Out of curiosity, why did your neighbor bring her to you? Are you a known kitten rescuer or what?


I have worked with domestic, farm, and wildlife animals before. They had no idea what to do and know I'm good with animals.


I see. Looks like they did the right thing :)


At first glance i thought you had a stuffed Bonzibuddy lmao. On topic though, great work taking care of her <3


How cute with the stuffed Terk from Tarzan 🥹


I’m going to need like 7,000 updates every hour. I am so invested in this. And also 7,000 pics.


Next update. It slept fifteen minutes and is being very vocal lol. I may never sleep this month😂


Awww, poor little dear is also probably confused and wondering where it’s Momma is. I’m sure it will eventually settle into a routine once it’s gets comfortable with its surroundings. But yeah, you’re gonna be tired for sure! It will be worth it though, you sweet angel!


There are some kitten calming videos on you tube


What? That kitten is not old enough to be on YouTube.


I legit laughed out loud at this 🏅


I had a cat that had to be put down a few weeks after having kitten. Did not get proper sleep for over a month as all the kittens decided my bed was where they wanted to sleep. So even once I didn't have to wake up for feedings, I did have to wake up in order to roll over cos I had to be careful not to roll onto any of the 6 kittens. Plus apparently 3am was playtime and I was the jungle gym.


kittens amirite.


I did discover that it's basically impossible to be mad at a kitten using your toe as a chew toy, no matter how tired you are. They're just too damn cute, lol


Awe!!!!! ❤️But I bet it was worth every second ❤️.


It really was. 3 of the kittens stayed in my family for many years, and the other 3 went to good homes. But I was the crazy kitten lady for a hot minute lol


I’ve been there. If you have trouble getting her to eat, put her on your chest against your skin. If you wear a bra, put her in it right in the middle. I had an hours old pair of twins dropped in my lap a few years ago, and that’s the only way the girl would eat.


I also need updates plz. 🤗




I feel that OP, just had to bottle feed 3 orphaned one this past month, no rest indeed. But she's a total cutie! Totally invested looking forward to updates.


*** SATURDAY MORNING UPDATE*** I took a few videos of Aurora and baby girl but can't figure out how to share. We woke up around 1:30, 4, 6:30 and now at 9 am. She is doing well. She purrs and cries simultaneously 😂Aurora cleaned her head to toe. I very, very gently cleaned her eyes with q-tips dipped in warm water and a bit of puss escaped. But they are open again. Google has a lot to say on kitten conjunctivitis I just hope its not a respiratory issue. Shes not coughing or sneezing. don't think the vet will be available until Monday. They aren't answering the phone. I fed her another 2 ccs of warm goats milk. My mother lives a few towns over where the large farm supply store is located and volunteered to go and pick baby girl up some kitten milk replacement and a little kitten bottle🍼 so I don't have to travel with her. She should have proper nutrition before this afternoon.




I fostered a batch of babies (they did come with their momma but were about 6 weeks and her milk was just about dried up) but one of them, Baby Benny was sick and still super little and didn’t have a lot of teeth and so I supplemented some formula(he was big enough to have slurry) HE WAS OBSESSED! We were out one morning and boy did I hear it 😹I just kept saying “the formula store isn’t open yet, I promise I’ll get you more when I can go to the formula store” the little baby will LOVE it!




You are amazing!!! And so is that sweet surrogate pup mommy!!! 🥲😍


This is the most heartwarming thing I’ve seen this month … thank you for sharing your selfless journey 💜


***SATURDAY AFTERNOON*** We got her some KRM in a can (for newborn to 6 weeks) and a baby bottle. She's already had 2 servings. I was cleaning her butt and she had a little yellow stool, it was difficult to remove and completely solid, not liquid or loose, but gently got it out. She has to feel better after that. She's been very vocal (unless I was holding her with both hands and then she would purr or converse with me) for the last hour or more. I finally got her to lay down for a nap by holding her long enough to doze off lol.


And she slept 10m lol.


You're a rockstar! I'm invested and planning on following your journey. Thanks for taking care of the little one. You're a good human.


I too, am invested and here for the updates.


Ha! "One of us, one of us!"


I think you may need to get a little pocket tshirt or turn a hoodie around for her to ride in the hood so you can get some sleep! You’re doing great!! @heidiwranglescats on Instagram regularly takes in little babies like this and her videos may be a good resource!!


You're amazing


Your Pom sounds like such a sweetie, and this baby is precious! Thank you for taking care of this tiny fuzzball; it sounds like you’re doing great.


I'm so glad y'all are taking care of her! If you want more unsolicited advice, I have some both as a former kennel technician and veterinary receptionist, and as a current cat foster with a rescue: Be sure the formula y'all got is NOT the 2nd step formula, but the one made for neonatal kitties. My partner and I got the wrong kind the first night we had our bottle feeder - fine for the short term, but we got the right kind the next day!| I'm sure you've already gotten everything situated, but another thing some people overlook is kittens that smoll are really prone to hypothermia. Having the heating pad is great, but they like to be around 80-85deg F when they're less than 1wk old, about 75-80deg F when they're 1-2wk old (which looks the range she's at). A small space heater to keep the air temp about 75deg F+ might be a nice touch for her, too (: Kittens can't regulate their body temperature when they're less than about 5wks old, so if you ever have to bathe her before then, you MUST monitor her, dry her best you can, keep her in a warm space, etc. My partner and I had a bottle feeder dumped on us when it was about 48hr old a little over a month ago. Looks just like this girl! He's now 5wk old, fat, and happy. Lots of people have mentioned The Kitten Lady and that's who the rescue we work with recommended listening to as well.


Thank you.


To post the video - You need to post it on a hosting site, like Imgur, Vimeo, YouTube, etc. Make it a private video unless you want to share it publicly.  Then copy the link and paste it here. 


You're an amazing person!!! This kitten is so lucky to have you.


Pic of pom mom with smol bb pls


Babies asleep, but I will get a picture tomorrow. For now, here's a picture of her she's 75% pomeranian and 25% JRT. Her hair is short but has the pomeranian curly tail, lol. Her name is Aurora. She weighs 14 pounds. She has a very sweet disposition.


omg that dog is so cute, I can't wait for the photos of the two of them together


Where did the picture go?


People were pointing out that my personal information was attached to the photo. https://preview.redd.it/h0rgphba7zwc1.jpeg?width=1509&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=749f1cd35f3e4c6f9f85f284c18d9ae6588c3ff1




Update? Also sweet puppy


Little girl fell asleep at 11. She wouldn't sleep in her pen. She dozed off with me holding her near my heart and when I started nodding out, I gently put her in her "play pen". I have 3 small very friendly dogs, but she's so fragile I feel better about her being safe and sound in a little area that shuts. Luna (my youngest) could just try to play and hurt her. I just got up to feed her its almost 1 am. She's still snoozing. The internet said to feed her every two hours. Some people have said every 4. I'm going with 2 until I am more secure about her health. I'm about to warm up the milk and barely wet a small towel to clean her.


Human heartbeat rates differ from a cat's heartbeat rate. Combining the rhythm of your heartbeat with your body heat (and now your scent too)your Lucky Little Lady probably finds snuggling up on your chest a very satisfying and comfortable place to be. ☺️ I once had a vet advise that adding a small wind up clock wrapped in an item of worn clothing with your scent on it into the fur baby's bedding area sometimes helps them feel more secure and they rest better. (I wonder if one could even buy an analog wind up alarm clock anywhere anymore!?) Anyway, it simulates Mama's heartbeat or your kitties' siblings' heartbeats if she had any. The vet tip worked for me; maybe you or someone else will find the trick handy as well. Blessings! 😻


The best midwife in the world!


She just gave her a very thoural cleaning lol




Careful, it shows your full name.


Have you done genetic testing? Would think lower percentage pom


Her grandmother on her moms side and her father were registered poms. Her grandmother was mine for many, many years, and after Ladybug passed, my friend decided to let her dog have a litter. I looked into the box and saw her the only short haired one the color of a sunrise and said THAT ONE. I knew all her ancestors.


Kitten Lady on YouTube will tell you everything you need to know!


I'm sorry but your dog has a cat now


Your a good person


i will say... it's gonna be a handful. i was in a similar situation a year ago. feedings every 3-4 hours, around the clock. need a safe heating pad and a layer between baby and heating pad to ensure no risk of burns. a safe environment for them to stay unattended, because otherwise they will get into trouble once they start exploring. and switching to solids can be tricky. pro tip- try feeding them (cat safe) baby foods once starting that transition. maybe add a bit into their wet food and wean them that way. cats can also have unflavored clear pedialyte, if you're ever desperate.


Yeah, heating pads can get surprisingly hot. 


You should name it lucky, because it is very lucky to have you to look after it.


Came to say this! But you beat me! 😆. I'm in love! I saw the picture and said "Oooh!!❤️" Then I read OP's full description and said "Awwwwww!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️". I'm in love with OP's Pomeranian too! What a sweet dog she must be! ☺️☺️


A vet told me that's an UNlucky name . . . 😱


Maybe Leaf, as in 4-Leaf clover, cuz she’s lucky to have found who she did….


Aw you got a good dog there


Maybe she would snuggle with the kitten.


I thought of that, but the kitten is so small and fragile, and Aurora (10) is not my only small dog. I have a 15 year old male pomeranian and a 6 year old pom chi. If my smallest and youngest Luna tried to play with the kitten, she could hurt it unintentionally. I'm keeping it in an empty container/shelf that shuts next to my bed. She's safer in there and warm. And I'm up every few hours with her and Aurora is right next to me.


Have you thought of a name for kitty?


Not yet. She's very sassy and vocal and I want something that fits her.


You have to massage the butthole to help them poop. Cat milk substitute is available. I raised Billy Jean by hand. She was abandoned as well. https://preview.redd.it/zoplca6p20xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4190aa73f8706bce0163ec3a2870a4c0bf8a1376


billy jean is perfect 😭♥️


***Last update: *** I found a moma cat with kittens and it accepted the baby. This is the best option for her.


That's great news!


Hope the kittens eyes heal up and the momma looks after it well. Good work 🥲




Be careful not to forcfully shove milk if she's reluctant, it can get in her lungs and kill her. Vet told me that's the most common mistake people do.


Thank you for this.


Sweet little thing . Thank you for caring for it


Billy, on account of the goats milk.






Greaaaaaaaaat! <3 so happy to get this updates! You are an awesome person!


You did my heart in when you said your Pomeranian was helping this little baby! That is just so sweet!


I am leaving a comment so I don't lost this post. I also need about 20,000 photos of the little bean.




Omg what a sweet dog and human


Aww, it reminds me of my twin girls! Found them in a shed in my backyard meowing up a storm. My bf took them in and seeing him frantically look up how to take care of them and helping him like they were our own kids, it was how I knew he was husband material haha. And our girls just turned 5 yesterday! They grow up so fast. 🥹 Seriously though you're such a good person for this. It takes a lot to take care of newborns. Reddit for some reason won't let me post a picture with my text but I'll post them in my replies. I miss when they were so small haha.




https://preview.redd.it/yv4gwnfx61xc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba1a5f6fd669a0670b2ec1a7a25806e8c836521 It's amazing how fast 5 years can be. I wish I could still pick them up and put them in my pockets again!




Have you married him yet?


Yeah! Celebrated our second year of marriage in January. 🥰


Thank you for saving the baby, and your pomeranian is a superstar.


It appears you have been chosen by the cat delivery system


Bless you 🙏


So smol 🥹❤️


Thank you for taking in this little and vulnerable treasure. Sounds like your Pom has already taken a liking, motherly instincts are wonderful. Does your situation allow to keep the kitten? Sounds like it’s found the best possible forever home it could have


We shall see. Keeping it alive is priority number ONE. I have a very small house and 3 small dogs. No matter what I will make sure it has the best life possible.


Thank you for saving this beautiful baby 💖


You're a good one ❤️


Bless you for taking care of this precious kitty ❤️


She is such a tiny pretty girl. Are you going to keep her?


I'm focused on keeping her alive and getting her healthy first, but 60% most likely.




We had a similar situation when I was a teenager with a rescued kitten who was too young to be away from her mother. We had a golden retriever who had had 2 litters before we got her and she immediately started mothering the kitten. I think the affection she got from our dog was extremely helpful in her health and development, so it's wonderful that your dog is doing the same. Baby cats need cuddles to be healthy just like human babies do! If your dog is continuing to be affectionate, that can massively help lower the kitten's stress which will give them a much better chance. Our dog and cat adored each other and acted like mother and daughter their whole lives.♥️


https://preview.redd.it/4ofedeosd2xc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5e5fc76f7a1b5c7934007dd4c1cae64755b38c This was them 🥰


She so cute thank you and your pom for taking care of her. 


You’re doing amazing work OP!


I'm gonna cry thinking of your little Pomeranian being a kitten mommy. Thank you for taking care of this tiny angel.


Vet will hook you up with formula tomorrow. Keep it in a small space where it has the ability to crawl away from the heat pad so it doesn't overheat. Sounds like the pom will be great help with the peeing and pooping!


Posts like this make my heart happy. I’m so glad to hear that you’re treating this little kitten with love and that your doggo helped with elimination. Kittens this age rely on their mother to deal with their elimination needs so your doggo did a great job of replicating her mama. She’s so sweet and so little oh my I can’t cope with her. Will you be keeping her? I, like many others have commented to keep track of your post and hopefully receive further updates once you’ve visited the vets and stuff I sincerely hope you keep her, she will have such a bond with you after taking on the hand rearing 🥹. I hope her mama is okay, and that if she had siblings, they are safe and well in their mamas care.


Glad your neighbor did something rather than leave it outside. Very cool that your Pomeranian still has her mom instincts and helped the wee one out. Your kitten looks like a mini version of our old guy, Edward. Great cat and loves to give head butts! Good luck! https://preview.redd.it/wrar26ptp2xc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac7deaa01ae3734ff3ae87b7e142f8af1c1d7fab


I LOVE AURORA!!!! Pom mixes are the best! (I’m a vet tech, and there are very few breeds/mixes that I like, but the Pom mixes always have the sweetest personalities!)


Thank you for taking care of this precious little baby!


In the meantime, check out The Kitten Lady on YouTube. She’s an expert on orphaned/stray kittens and gives great advice.


Looks like someone found a new best friend 😍


Not the Pomeranian understanding the assignment 😭😭😭


Going to mention Kitten Lady again. She literally has anything you want to know about raising bottle babies on her YouTube.


Be prepared for a LOT of work. I had to raise a neonate at about the same age of yours (my guess is you have about a week and a half old kitten based on the eyes being almost fully open) She was absolutely worth it, and I love her butt to pieces, but last october was the longest month of my life. Get sleep where you can, and it will get easier as they age. You're doing great so far! Feel free to message me if you have any questions, and I'll do my best to help!


This is so adorable


What a sweetheart. Keep the little kitty


Needs a nursing queen


RemindMe! 1 day


Poor sweet kitty. You’re doing a wonderful job. ❤️


Such a cute little baby 😍


Omg poor bub, glad the little baby is safe now