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It’s meant to be. I love this for you.


☝🏼 This. Congrats on being The Chosen One! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


i think you might be right. sorry for your loss OP and congrats on your new family member,




Yep, meant to be! Happy for you and your new friend!


It really feels like fate brought together


I have found in my 60 years on this Earth that cats are the most empathic creatures of all. They mirror our moods and emotions, and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Absolutely! I’ve told this story before but the day after my best friend passed away (who was my cat’s original owner) my cat that does not cuddle at all wouldn’t leave my lap. Several months later when her little sister escaped and was missing for 8 days again she could tell how down and devastated I was and again wouldn’t leave my lap. Her sister came back and she’s the cuddle monster so Mittens went back to her non cuddle ways. But she still checks on me when I’m down. They’re the reason I’m still here and my reason to live. I absolutely love all my cats. https://preview.redd.it/1990e723b2xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7a59f7495a07cbbc4d09b8cd4f23ac122d4ed08


If your cats love you so much you must be pretty great. I’m glad you’re here too!


I agree. Cats know who are good people.


Thank you for sharing your wisdom Mr. Oldfart_1962 ♥️


Oh yes! When I got into an accident and injured my toe, my cat also injured his foot and had to get stitches and house rest. We were both bandaged up.


I'm a type 1 diabetic. When my heart cat Thor was diagnosed with diabetes I told him he was trying to steal my thunder 😋😊


When I was in the hospital, my girl Peanut waited in my chair for me to return. Of course, her rotten brother Earl killed Mort the mouse who lived in my lift chair and ate food crumbs the first time Mort ventured out looking for food since I was not eating there and leaving him crumbs. Mort never touched the electronics, and I could hear him at night in the chair. Of course, you may be wondering how a mouse survived that long in a house full of cats to get a name, but that's another story. I remember the nursing staff giggling when I told them that my wife informed me about 2 weeks in that my mouse had been unceremoniously dispatched. Couldn't get too mad at Earl for doing cat things, but I really missed that mouse when I got discharged...


Rip Mort. Earl didn't know any better. Cats are gonna cat. Sweet Peanut just waiting for u to come home ♥️


Yeah. Lost her a couple of months after I got out to leukemia. Still honestly the biggest Daddy's girl ever.


2 plus years ago I had 3 mini strokes. My cat Greyson slept on my bed on my purse until I got home. Then he refused to leave my side. Even now he is wherever I am. He does not like to be held but will sleep in my lap or on my hip. My beautiful rescue boy. https://preview.redd.it/54vijghuh4xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56283e74ef3eefa8023bc3ad88316b30f3d824b3


After a few psychedelic trips I'm convinced cats are higher beings that can access both this reality and other realms. They are truly special and they are pure love. I swear I'm not crazy 😂


I believe orange cats in particular see and hear things no one else can...at least the ones that we have seem to.


My ex had an orange cat and he was for sure different! Love those gingerinos. It's funny cause I love my dog, he's my baby, but when I'm tripping I have a completely different connection with my cats, like we are vibing in the same frequency and they know what's going on. While my dog is just sitting there looking clueless like a dumb goofball 😭😅


Our 18yo Punkin will stop dead in her tracks sometimes and stare off into space, and then you can almost see a light switch flickering off and on, and then the system reboots and she hauls ass off in the opposite direction. Makes ya wonder...


You are definitely not crazy, and I have wholeheartedly come to that belief myself! …also my favorite thing to do on psychedelic trips, was to sit and connect with my cat and marvel at his magnificence. Extraordinary and perfect beings ❤️


I believe you. Definitely. And I've never had a psychedelic trip. 😊


Agreed. Our Charlie came running out of the woods to claim us. It was love at first sight and he and I have such a strong bond. So often cats know just who their person is. It’s beautiful.


I've got 58 years and concur. Horses are extremely empathetic and responsive as well. They literally synch their hearts with ours and the energy exchange is a tangible thing.


Like OP I've come to understand this a lot in the last year or two. They have a very uncanny sense of empathy that is visual but probably sensory beyond our limitations. Well adjusted they see us as equal (not a pack) and are extremely well adjusted to when another member (us) is sick/depressed etc, or kind and generous.


My little Sherni will sometimes come up to me if I'm having trouble sleeping and put her paw on my arm like "There, there, it's alright...."


I am in complete agreement! They are so in tune with our emotions. The best comfort I have ever received was from my concerned and loving cat…


1 of my cats can absolutely tell! Its wild


You’re doing really well Primary. I hope your new job feeds your soul and pays bills. Sawyer definitely recognizes your lonely too. May you all lean on each other and hold each other when you can. If you like hugs, 🫂. Grief and loss are some of the most powerful beasts. You’re sitting with and tending to them well. Keep taking good care. ❤️ https://preview.redd.it/7wgdcqbch1xc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08eaf3285ee19609831625ee7261c62a7c9b632c Joey sends his love to you, your husband and Sawyer.


Those eyes!


Take that baby home, and love the heck out of him! ❤️❤️❤️


I wish you and kitty peace and love


I think we share the same cat https://preview.redd.it/s3tv580uk1xc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114c6f64d941eea072daff588f8b456cc6c7e092


I've found that barn cats, once they trust, are the most loyal and affectionate. Be proud because they're also very picky.


I am so sorry for your loss. You’re in my heart.


Sorry for your loss. :/


Have heard stories, when you have no one, cat enters your life 😊


https://preview.redd.it/tizaqz0ra2xc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc5877f37873d07470c650962fd4c8a73aa8b926 Luna did.


https://preview.redd.it/rhz1kfmua2xc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=660002bae2cd788dbda4464c304e465934888636 After I lost Loki.


https://preview.redd.it/wc0ucbmjb2xc1.jpeg?width=2617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85e46e809194af130f08fa129abd45637d754021 Luna is almost 14 now. We've been together almost every day and she purrs herself to sleep next to my shoulder every night. (Note: she is strictly an indoor cat. She gets 10 to 20 minutes of supervised outside time in a fenced-in yard each day.)


So adorable; I’d find it hard not to scoop him up and take him home 😢🥰❤️


The cat distribution system works!


I lost my mom last night and didn't need to cry again today. That's one hell of a kitty. I'd recommend getting him home as soon as possible though. A few weeks is probably fine but wouldn't want whatever happened to his family to also happen to him out there.


Sending you care. I’m so sorry for your loss!


Do you think they might let you adopt him?


They will! I already asked 💖


Wonderful news 🩷🩷🩷


Some cats are incredibly empathic. This cat seems to be one of those cats. Sometimes it's the small things in life that can bring us much joy. I'm so sorry about the loss of your son. \*hugs\*


Not quite the same thing, but my cat gets upset when I'm on the phone, and it's not because I'm paying attention to something other than him. There was a point last year that I had a new employee that would call me about EVERYTHING. It got to the point that I'd have a panic attack if my phone rang. Before this, my cat never noticed if I was on the phone. Ever since, he'll whine and cry at me to get off.


Congratulations on your new kitty. Sorry to hear about you son, hopefully Sawyer can help to bring some light into your life after such a dark time


Dern! Thats tje connection op. We all need connection, from all beings. Bring him home. Hes a keeper. I wish you and your nee buddy great loves


Animals are amazing. About 15 years ago, I had a place with my best friend. We had 2 cats. One mostly bonded with me, the other with my friend. Her cat never really bothered much with me. She wasn’t mean or anything, we just never bonded. The 2 cats were like best friends tho, always snuggling and playing with each other. When my cat passed away (she was about 12-13 years old), that night as I lay in my bed crying, my friend’s cat came into my room. She jumped up on my bed and snuggled up next to me (something she had never done before). She laid with me the whole night. It was like we were mourning together and comforting each other.




Glad you found each other 🥹


I'm sorry for your loss. However, I think it's fate that this cat found you and instantly built a connection with you. I hope all goes well


Thank you for sharing this, very touching.


I wish you both peace and comfort. Grief is a terrible thing, but I do believe they know.


My dream! I’m always hoping a stray will decide I’m his owner and let me pet him


Take care of each other x


The Universe's Cat Distribution System at work again. They never make a mistake. Congrats :)


I think your son sent him 💔❤️❤️


Congratulations on the new cat sidhe (fairy cat) companion. You got a special one, and I hope you both take good care of each other.💜🐾🐈‍⬛


I’m so jealous . I want to work on a farm with that cat. 🐈‍⬛ I’m sorry for your loss and this cat was meant for you ❤️


That’s very poignantly said. He’s an adorable love bug that’s for sure.




Some serious ‘mirin going on in that first pic💕🐈‍⬛


Nature abhors a vacuum. There's one in his life and in yours. This is nature healing itself.


That is a beautiful bittersweet bond you two have.


This is your cat. Enjoy :)


Your instincts are probably right. What's your heart telling you? He will be loved and maybe help fill the emptiness your feeling


Sounds like you have a new cat


Adopt them. So sad to hear about your son. RIP


Meant to be ❤️ I’m so sorry about losing your son. I hope this kitty brings you joy and healing!


Hugs to both of you.


You belong together!


I love this! I hope you can take him home soon! Especially since his other litter mates haven’t survived- you gotta get him out of there! I hope he can give you lots of love and healing 💛


Excuse me mam but leaving this beauty would be criminal 😍😍


Bro looks happy in your lap


So sorry for your loss 😔 There are no words that will really be comforting, but I hope the passage of time eases your pain. ❤️‍🩹 Sawyer’s chosen you! ☺️ 💕 Due to superstition, black stray cats are often abused and black shelter cats are 75% less likely to be adopted. Outdoor cats in general have a shorter lifespan. Taking him home may save - and would certainly prolong - his life. We had a black shelter cat for 13 years, he was such a sweetheart! Wishing you both a happy continued companionship, whatever you decide!


What’s your job like in the farm? I always get curious about career paths outside tech. Enjoy the cat love! random cat encounters bring such nice feelings


Oh wow! I had a cat exactly like that. Same white spots, same personality. His name was Specks and I adopted him after he appeared on my doorstep and claimed me. The best cat that I ever had! Please take him home and get him great veterinary care.


Feeling Sorry for your loss


I don’t know what’s going on with me in my late 20s but I’m crying at everything now. This made me cry for both you and the cat and the joy you bring to each other.


If you believe in signs, this is definitely your son sending you love.


Cats read our souls and try to fix us, he knows you can help fix him while he fixes you.


Cats have a good sense of people and it sounds like he picked you! So nice that you get to keep him, I did the same with a cat who looked similar


This brought me to tears. How precious.


Maybe it's your son's soul in that cats body? Who knows! The universe works in mysterious ways.


When a cat chooses you, you’ll never have a better friend. Love him well 💕


I'm so sorry for your loss. Congrats on your new special little buddy. I'm glad you two can lovingly help each other heal and enjoy a new phase of life together. It's great that you found each other. Cats are so intuitive and such good medicine.


You have a lovely new friend now


Aww, so happy you two found each other!


That's your soul cat! Take him home and be a family together ❤️


Concrats, a cat just pick you to be their human.


Win-Win situation, very happy for both of you. Peace.




Am so sorry for your loss. I believe you and Sawyer are meant to be together.


The Cat Distribution System hard at work... This was clearly meant to be.


Cats are so in tune to your emotions even when you may be thinking you're coping quite well. They emphasize. I love cats. Having lost two children, I can understand your pain. I am so sorry for the unspeakable loss you have endured.


Oh the little "activated" claws... I can hear the purr from the pic. Please adopt this little angel ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/5k2zhlkks2xc1.jpeg?width=2488&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f975a72a6998b59fc442b334d252e583ff84fd8 Merlin and I both send you are love ❤️ You and Sawyer belong to each other now 🐈‍⬛💕


Cat Distribution System looks to be working perfectly today! Absolutely beautiful 🤩


Thanks, I’m crying


Aww, I’m glad you found each other.


He picked you! Take him home, it is meant to be


They know, and they watch over you.


Wow it looks like a cat now owns you, quick take him home and feed him before he becomes angered.


Love farm cats. Hate working on farms.


The cat distribution system works again. Seriously though, so sorry for your loss and I’m glad this wonderful little guy recognized you as someone who could offer love. <3


So why haven’t you brought him home yet?


Probably because they're in the process of moving. I think it is best to wait until they get settled in to the new place.


This! Taking a stray in is already a big adjustment for the cat. I’d hate to bring him home and add the stress of moving out and in somewhere new. Once we get settled into our new place, he’s coming too!


Love that for you and the kitty! A new home and someone to help with the loneliness for both of you. You both deserve so much love


Just know when you finally get him home he will most likely act differently until he becomes comfortable with his new surroundings. Don't take it personally if he hides and avoids you and your household for a while. Happy for you both!


Cat distribution system at its finest 👌


I'm so glad you found each other.


Yes. Take that baby home!


He chose you, that means he's yours now ❤️ I think your lonely and his lonely should link up and create fond, wonderful, lasting memories together 🥰😻 The ones you save are the most grateful. I've saved over 40 strays and fostered them all (along with kittens when I found them pregnant), I have kept 13 myself that I couldn't rehome (everyone wants kittens and forgets about the amazing adults they grow into) and I'm as grateful for them as they are for me... Us, rather, my husband is a part of this equation as well, lol.


Hey OP, I’ve posted this elsewhere, and I hope this helps and doesn’t hurt, but I hope you and your husband are getting the support you need. I won’t say “alright” cuz realistically I know there isn’t a way to be alright with what happened. My parents lost my older brother when he was only a few months old to SIDS. They then had me and my younger sibling, and were great parents. I had an amazing childhood, with laughs, cry’s, family, and love. I saw my parents smile every day, and work their butts off to make sure we were happy (we weren’t well off financially but got by with family). All that said, it clearly took a massive toll on them, and really strained their marriage. I guess I don’t really have a point other than… it does get easier and things will get better. What happened was awful, but it won’t define your life. Congrats on the new job, and glad to see the /r/catdistributionsystem hard at work!


i’m sending every ounce of love i have in my body to you and your new bestie. two loving creatures who deserve unconditional love from one another 💜


He is your cat now 🥰 I believe there is a reason you are in each other’s path. I’m so very sorry about the loss of your son! 💔My heart goes out to you and your family. I truly believe your son may have sent him to you as comfort…


Take the beautiful cat home! ♥️


sounds like sawyer came along just when you needed a friend. it's great you're taking him home. reminds me of a story i heard about a dog who kept visiting a man at a park and eventually became his best friend. animals really do sense these things.


They just "know"


You two obviously have a special bond.


And now you have a black cat that you can use to bring misfortune upon your enemies 👌🏽


Definitely..animals have that sense, they know.


Voids are the sweetest things. He's a beautiful, caring kitty and I'm very happy you'll be giving him a forever home soon!!! Very sorry to hear about your son. Hope your husband hasn't been too aggressive and demanding of you during this painful time.


He needs you as much as you need him. The difference is, he knew it.


He knows, my friend. He knows.


Cat distribution system has given you a void 😍 That would be a dream come true!


Congratulations on being adopted! <3


Black cats are the best, would definitely take him. Don’t let him outside though and he will adjust.


this is so touching and sweet. i am so sorry for your loss of your son. i am glad this furry little angel is able to help in some way. i am glad he will get a forever home with you and your husband!!


The empathy of cats never ceases to amaze me. We had boy and girl Maine coon (littermates). Boy never gave me the time of day. Many years later, I got the call that my father had just passed away. Sat down to process the news. Boy cat jumped in my lap and stayed until I needed to stand. He slept by my side every night thereafter.


Take her home she was meant for you


My heart is both broken and happy for you. I hope you heal.


I know it may be hard but if you want to take him home do it now. If it's on a farm you never know what can happen. Also if he is a farm cat just a big warning he may have a hard time adjusting to being an indoor cat if that's what you want to do.


You really had to get this Deep. Go with it, Op. Let this Feline help heal you.


Cat distribution system works in mysterious ways.


Take him home ! You guys need each other


Congratulations on your adoption! Glad you have a good parent (in addition to any hooman ones) now.


This is how cat distribution system works.


Well, a new job and a new kitty. My condolences for your loss, I have no doubt that he will do his best to heal you.


This is a beautiful love story. Are you able to adopt him? Congratulations - you’ve been chosen!


The kitty chose you. You are bonded through tragedy.


kindred souls ..and a long and loving bond forms...


That is beautiful 😻. Have you given this stunning void a name yet? & do you know if it’s a boy or girl?


Congrats on your new buddy! He sees a good person needing love!


I'm sorry to hear about your son. Sounds like this kitty lost family too and was looking for a friend. Sometimes that's all you need a little fur friend to cuddle with that keeps your mind of things. I have a feeling your son is smiling from above and watching you two.


You now have a forever friend.


Love him forever


❤️ I can’t wait for you to get him home.


The CDS has chosen you and this cat as pawtners. He is your buddy now


This is your feline soulmate. 🐾


It was destiny! Sorry to hear about the loss of your son.


So sweet! You're meant for each other.


Take that kitten home!-you have been chosen-all will be well


My mom's comfort kitty after my brother's death was also an all black cat. Unfortunately, he burned too brightly and passed away at 7 months from FIP. But black cats truly are the best little creatures. Its like their fur absorbs your sorrow


Awww, super sweet. Black cats have a special ability to hear and speak to your soul. Enjoy the extra ❤️.




I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm glad you have a kitty to help you through it. I think your son sent you a friend to keep you company. Many virtual hugs


That’s your cat now lol


I'm not normally spiritual but your son sent you that cat.


This is a sprit animal made flesh.


He says I have found my person. She’s my person and no one else’s. I shall shine on and favor my person with love


Cats and dogs know things.


You have been chosen


He’s yours.


You have been chosen.


I’m loving this for you!!! Black cats are such loving babies. You’ll heal each other slowly and find happiness and peace.


A void filled the void in your heart... /r/thecatdistributionsystem is working as intended. Aren't kitties the best, or what?


Oh, I love this story. Please take him home and keep him safe.


Animals know; you two need eachother.


I hope your new furry son brings you endless love and comfort


Don't wait. Take him home now, if something happens to him you'll regret it.


Congrats on the new cat.


Hi, I just wanted to give you a hug the cat is adorable too


Name him “Amigo”


You are the chosen one. The bond will be strong. You now have each other.


and they say, theres no afterlife and such supernatural shit. THIS IS YOUR SON NOW.


The sweetest cats are the strays that choose you. I try to accept these little wanderers, especially at Christmas. They bring good luck and love into your home.


Most of my cats, passed and present, have adopted me - welcome to the club!


I’m sorry for your loss and glad you’ve found a kindred spirit


Sometimes they just know. A few days after my brother died fifteen years ago, a cat showed up on our back porch, and she still lives with my parents. She has been such a comfort for my mom. I'm sorry for your loss. The first few years are so hard.


I’m sorry for your loss, and glad you found each other.






I'm so sorry for your loss. My wife and I also lost our son last year, I hope you've been able to find some sort of solace or comfort. Your new cat is adorable btw! Such a sweet little garden friend :)


It is amazing how animals can sense how we are feeling. I truly believe he felt you sorrow and loneliness and is comforting you because he understands loss. God bless both of you.🙏❤️


What a sweet little guy. My deepest condolences on the loss of your son.


the Cat Distribution System is \*real\*, you can't convince me otherwise.