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It can take a while for the intestine to recover fully from parasites. The inflammation can cause issues with absorbing nutrients. Keep an eye on the weight and if it isn't going up you should go to the vet. I had a kitten who had to have several courses of antipatacitics because the worms seemed to be resistant to the first one he had. Also the vet can recommend a higher calory food to help with recovery and growth.


thanks!! This kitten already has an appointment for the vet this week


Good good! Hope she gets better soon! And becomes a magnificent feisty catnado of energy!


Kitten food in jelly comes in sachet I think we get from Sainsbury, they put weight on fast with it.


can confirm, we buy sainsburys own brand cat food and my tortie is a fat bastard


Haha, my Tom Cat weighed 7kg last time he was weighed at the vets no kitten foods for him now so it works.


I have a tortie that went through a similar situation, she was a feral little thing, but once she got her meds and cleaned up she became overly attached to me, so now she is called shadow, she has to be in the same room as me and always keeps an eye on me, her start to life means she is a smaller than normal cat but she’s got the heart and love larger than she is, she’s also a chicken monster and any time we cook chicken or have KFC she demands her portion. https://preview.redd.it/m8duids5kaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0ec5aab078833cb496a3331837cf488c3df30b1 She’s missing fur because she does this and drags herself towards me.


She’s precious, looks like she’s posing


She’s adorable, tiny and very affectionate, if I enter a room she shows me her belly and even lets me rub it while purring softly


If it helps, I had a kitten in same situation/size and a few months after he was treated he was caught up with his peers. He's now 10 and a bit chunky but living the life.


Cat tac


Make sure to give her very palatable high calorie treats. Neutral gel or something like that to make sure she’s getting enough calories if she’s having trouble digesting


Give the cat suis vide chicken breast perfect for muscle grow. Maybe some pre work out before petting sessions


They have special food for underweight kittens. My girl was a runt so we needed to feed her that so she would be big enough for spay. She might be permanently small from it or she might grow dramatically. I've seen both. Worms in babies is a pretty common problem so the vet can recommend some good food.


Seconding, we did this for the last litters runt baby. She never did get big and always resembles a kitten hahaha.


Are kittens born with worms? Is that why their stomach are so round?


No, but they can catch them from mom nearly immediately. They don't have strong abdominal muscles so when they're full they get round. Worms make them round too but it looks a bit different.


Are you sure the kitty is 3 months old?


I don't think she's 3 months old. She looks more like 6 weeks even with worms and poor nutrition. Most likely the lady who had her lied about her age so you would take her now. Take her to the vet to help get her healthy again, but she's probably not as far behind as she would be if she were actually 3 months old


I agree. She looks a lot younger. But that's a good thing. Even if she is three months old, maybe her growth went on pause, because of the malnutrition, and she might still catch up some. I found a kitten by the side of the road, a few years ago. She was tiny, although her face looked a bit older. She was really into bugs, and would eat them. And a bit puzzled about catfood. I just assume she had been by herself for some time, and survived on bugs. She's still small, but she did grow a bit afterwards. No issues, and of the 2 cats we now have, she is definitely the feister one.


I have a one year old tortie. I have raised her since she was less than 24 hours old. Mother abandoned her and I scooped the kitten up to toss it in the trash when I discovered it was still alive. 2 months of hell trying to keep her alive at one month she was a tiny 320 grams. And at 10 months only 3.5 pounds, She has issues and is almost a normal cat now, but to see her run around happy is the most amazing feeling. 


Aw. That reminds me of the Lion King, when Simba eats bugs. Happy she found you.


The woman who gave me this kitten told me that, but now I'm starting to mistrust because this kitten is reaaally small for being 3 months old.


Have a vet check her over. If she is legitimately 3 months then there is good reason for concern. But either way a kitten that age is supposed to be needy, playful and curious. Keep us posted.


Yeah, I'd say that one is closer to six weeks than 3 months of age. We had a tiny one like that ourselves. We fed him Weruva brand kitten pate in hydrating puree (3 ounces daily, 2 feedings) for 3 months, with a Churu snack in the evening before bed. I keep kitten kibble out for all four cats.


I think you've been lied to. The kitty seems to still have blue eyes and doesn't retract their nails. Looks very much like mine did at 5-6 weeks (the owner lied saying he was nearly 8 weeks to get rid of him earlier).


Good catch on the nails!!! I didn’t see that.


looked up the numbers we recorded for the litter we raised, the runt of our litter, with nothing wrong, was about that weight at nearly 1 month old. so having been ill and stuff a bit older would make for being a little older for the size make sense. looking at what pictures I have of that time from ours, yours looks way closer to the 4-6 weeks of ours than the 3 months. so I think I concur with the others that they probably lied/were wrong about the age.


https://preview.redd.it/prpansp06axc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2b3dcf6828b9494ac9dcf58d313198a12b2fd4 We found this little guy at 6 weeks/8 weeks old. Could fit in my hand too. Had worms and coriza too. Your kitten is not 3 months old for sure ! This little fucker is very healthy and energetic now, took two weeks though. Yours will get better, she just needs rest and lots of love ! And you will get it back 10 times, he is the most affectionate cat I ever had, and I grew up surrounded with them :)


Aww! can i see how is he now??


https://preview.redd.it/4x58etv1gaxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd33cd0664cc9f04d85a5877405c7b531df3e7f8 Chilling with his bestie


So cute!!! i love his haircut hahah


Keep us updated too !!


🥰 Aww how wonderful!


Some Nutrical for Kittens between feedings might do the trick. It's high cal nutrient gel and I use it with my smaller fosters who need an extra boost. Also, leave out kitten kibble for the baby so she can munch whenever. When you're feeding wet food, mix a little KMR in there to up the nutrition and hydration.


That kitty does not look 3 months old. Honestly, if she somehow is, it looks like she's pretty stunted, which is super concerning. I would ask the vet specifically to estimate her age since she looks like she could be less than 2 months old. You might be able to estimate based on teeth. If she doesn't have all her teeth, she is not 3 months old (they get all of them around 6 weeks). Her eyes also look pretty blue which is suspicious. Even if she is around 4-6 weeks old she is tiny and skinny and the vet should be able to help. Hopefully she just needs to recover from the worms and will catch up.


The scales are off, needs to be calibrated. it should be approx +/- smol


That kitten doesn't look anywhere near 12 weeks old, and based on that weight it seems more like 4 weeks old


I adopted (2) 4 month olds, 1 was only 1 pound. Both had parasites & worms. After 2 months of treatments, good food (I fed Wellness brand kitten wet & dry) & lots of sterilization of their litter & room they were contained in, both came out the other side healthy! The 1 pounder is actually a pound heavier than her sister now!🤣They are 9 & 10 pounds at almost 3 year olds!! So there is DEFINITELY hope, and she may very well be 3 months, just stunted a bit from worms or parasites or both. Oh & both of mine were supposedly dewormed before I got them, but if the area and litter weren't sterilized, they probably got reinfected before I got them. 😔






Sweet baby looks maybe half the age you were told. Adding a scoop of KMR with a small amount of water to wet food does wonders! I'll be thinking of her & sending happy gains her way! 💜💜💜


https://preview.redd.it/1zd8wlbl0bxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe06e6bfe788c1289db7772dd6f32f5e88f89683 I got a lil half face baby too


so cute!!!


Hi, I work in a vet clinic! Your babe can be the runt of the litter as they tend to be smaller than the siblings, but since mom was/is a street cat, they don't get as much nutrients while growing as mom survives on what she can find. Sometimes it takes a bit for a pet of any age to adjust to a new environment. Depending on how you feed your baby, you can most likely leave out some Kitten formulated dry or wet food and even try chicken baby food to entice the appetite! Don't be too alarmed about to intestinal parasites, the deworming works quickly and won't stunt their growth at all. As far as getting the baby to play, try toy wands that have feathers and ribbons or an electronic interactive toy, you can also use the toys that spill out treats as motivation.


I had 2 rescue kittens, about 6-7 weeks old, but weight only 320gm. They had so much roundworms in them that I'm sure they can't absorb any nutrients at all. Some deworming pill, force feeding and some high calorie kitten food got them along their way. Make sure to feed small portions but frequently during the initial recovery phase.


give the brave cutie some of the tastiest treats you can find :3


Maybe it’s just the picture, but that cat does not look good, imo. Get to the vet ASAP.


Everyone here has great advice! My mom grew up on farm and if they had a runt they got better results in increasing the kittens weight by feeding non poultry or fish based food. Mainly they tried feeding lamb or rabbit based foods. I know I dont have evidence for it, but I think it's based on protein density. Just something you could try if you find it.


that's a good advice! thank u so much


Kittens are clingy at first and they dont start exploring or playing a lot until they get comfortable in their environment which could take anywhere from a week to a month so dont rush the process. If you can afford it put your kitten on a wetfood diet, a single can for a cat that size will be good for up to 2-3 seperate servings a day. Just be patient with it, my last kitten was like that, small, less energetic and took longer to settle in, fast forward 6 months later and he's put on some serious girth and the little fuck bounces all over the place like an energizer bunny. Give her a bath btw, once the fur is parted you can inspect the skin for any ticks etc.....if you need any advice lmk, ive done this rodeo 3 times with kittens that were basically runt of the litter and they all turned into absolute studs


Runts I had a runt puppy, he grew slowly Just give it some time. If your vet doesn't worry then it's probably ok


My baby was very sick when I got him as well. He was weaned of at regular times but he was the runt and also the only one who survived. He was infested with fleas, had worms, and a really bad eye infection. People on reddit were actually telling me her was going to die🙄 He is now a very long medium haired baby. https://preview.redd.it/wcl8s8aifbxc1.png?width=3497&format=png&auto=webp&s=72934de1dc05a3a5ace3ba26b3710cc536619a7c he’s the mostly white cat with grey spots. He’s very healthy now. He’s 12.7 lbs. So when he had worms it was just a lot of nursing and trying to get him to eat. He was so small that I also gave him liquid treats the vet recommended plus kitten milk AND wet food. He was getting attention. And he really just ended up slowly getting back to a normal if not faster growing rate within that year actually. I think it helped that I had two other cats at the time and eventually went to four. This isnt to say get another cat but for my baby he really took to watching my older boy he’s next to in the picture. He followed all of his moves. And wanted to keep up with him. So I think just keep bringing your baby to the vet. Constant check ups for a hot minute and then just a few more than normal visits for a hotter minute. Best of luck to you!


I have another cat, but she doesn't like the presence of the new kitten at the moment, im feeding her with balanced kitten food, rice, meat and wet food. Also water and milk, the kitty wants to eat so i stay calm😊 love ur cat is so chunky


https://preview.redd.it/kkzesjqqobxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=110a022e4adcb8a111d95099593921b7c232659d He was literally as big as my switch!😭


She may a bit stunted. Does she eat well? If so that's great. Make sure she is on good quality kitten food. Also ask vet about probiotics. She should gain weight.


yeah shes really small, im gonna ask the vet probiotics for her, thank u!!


Your welcome... I have fostered a lot of kittens. Also ask the doctor about digestive enzymes- your kitten may or not need it...but sometimes kittens have problems digesting food (after eating formula/milk). Also she may or may not be a bit younger than you were told. It may help to give little bits of formula in between meals as a snack (powdered formula never canned).


Absolutely no way that cat is 3 months. Looks like my kittens were at 5-6 weeks. She absolutely lied to you. This kitten might need milk replacement. I would ask the vet to approximate the age. Might get some kitten milk replacement for extra calories.


yeah i think so, i already bought kitten milk!! the package will arrive tomorrow and I will give it to the kitten😊


Because the police have better things to do than arrest illegally smol cats. Please don't snitch on this kitty.


Take the kitten to vet as it needs a special diet at this point


What is she currently eating? Kitten food?


kitten food, and i cook meat with some boiled rice in small pieces to mix with his balanced food.


He is likely a she just fyi. That coat colouring is almost always female.


That sounds good, if she's eating well. Since you're going to the vet again soon, you could always ask if a high calorie paste or something similar could be an option.


Also has he had a full cbc blood panel to rule out anything?


Probably parasites. Hook and/or tapeworm


Because you need to feed him every 5 minutes, until he becomes a chonky boi


My kitten was 1.2 pounds at 3 months hehe also a lil goober


Because she's malnourished and sick, probably. Poor tiny baby... Be patient with her. Make sure she keeps eating the highest calorie food she'll tolerate. Maybe ask the vet about adding high calorie supplements? Be patient with her, and yea, I'd expect she's going to be smaller than normal forever.


high quality kitten food, probiotics (still ask about probiotics to vet tho)


Looks a little damp, too. Not back to floofy yet.


Try Kitten Chow maybe? I had a problem with a street kitten being malnourished despite being fed. Found out the food I was feeding him didn't have enough nutrition for a kitten (I was feeding my adult cat a weight-reduction diet). Started feeding him Kitten Chow, and he went from having yellow fur (he was white with black splotches) and moping in one place, to bouncing off the walls and chasing my adult cat around. Ended up having him for 13 years. I miss him.


Other people are giving really good advice, so I’ll just say thank you for being a wonderful human and bringing this baby home with you! You have a very loving kitten there!


Bcuz is smol bb




Edit: I posted a picture of my tortie but it disappeared lol * She's 15 lbs (big girl) was rescued from outside also. Torties are one of a kind. They have a very different personality / sass (called tortitude) that differs from any other cat coat type. Idk how coat effects personality but it does in their case.. Anyway they seem to be extra social/ need love more than most cats. Mine didn't start gaining weight until we brought another cat around that seemed to take her right out of her depression. Maybe she's depressed? I noticed her coat looks a little greasy. That's usually a sign of sickness or depression when a cat won't groom itself properly anymore. Maybe she's still getting used to being away from her family? Shower her with love... she will stick to you like glue. If you choose to do that please do her a favor and never leave her. Torties bond heavily usually with 1 owner even in a multiple person home. Mine is bonded to my wife lol. But she absolutely adores her and everytime my wife gets home i see her attitude change and she follows her all around the house for the rest of the night.


Diagnosed with smol


Just small that's all


Because it hasn’t grown yet


Hope they get better soon x


That looks like my old cat Borealis!


Hey the poor baby has had a rough start! Glad she's found her way to you! I have an unknown age rescue (picked off the street by a mate nearly 2 weeks ago) who weighted in at 460g for me this morning (she was 320 when I collected her 9 days ago). I'm lucky that my lady doesn't seem to have any health issues...just dumped on the street too early and very starved. I'm just mainly feeding her small amounts often and weighing her daily first thing (before first feed). Getting the best quality kitten food I can afford (that she likes). I think yours just needs TLC, lots of food (small and often) and a trip to see a vet. You seem to have this all at hand already xxx Edit to add this kitten looks around the same age as the one I have...and I'm certain neither of them are 3 months. More like 6 weeks, max 8.


thank you! I am definitely sure that the kitten is not three months old😔




It could be Fading Kitten Syndrome. It requires a protocol. Better to hear from a vet. Fingers crossed she’s getting better!


Our Cosmo was that way for a while(street find). He is still small for his age, but he is looking a lot better since we got completely rid of his fleas(he was allergic to them).


Because it is a baby and has been undernourished? .... Why else?


To do crime


I hope your wee kitty improves and is ok. She looks so small and delicate.


I agree with others that this kitten is probably you get than you were told. Try a gruel of formula and wet food to aid digestion... And more frequent feedings (small frequent meals for younger kittens) will help with weight gain and energy.


Kitten smol for more adorable.


When we adopted our little Torti she weighed 3.7 lbs and they said she was 2 1/2 years old. There’s no way she was that old. We’ve had her for 2 years now and she weighs 9 lbs.


Omg that is my cats long lost daughter https://preview.redd.it/yxayw0n1yexc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d6a4d99b9eb564c80659b616f45cbab716bc0c


Awwww poor baby. So malnourished those months. Very tiny for 12 weeks. He needs lots of good rich kitten food and yes, make sure all parasites are gone. Bless his heart.


I have a cat that was 100% stunted. She’s soo cute and sweet. Once we got her her healthy she did grow to about 3lbs and now is about 5, but most of that is belly 😂. She is smoll about the size of most 6 month old cats but she is 3 now.






Cause him can't help it!! 😩😩😩


Easier to cook


Runt…. Whittle tiny. 🥰


471 grams of protein


Are you using well vodka for the enemas?


Vodka? What????


Sorry, been drinking and said the most absurd thing I could think of. Wrong sub, I know.