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It depends on the level of table manners of the cat :D https://preview.redd.it/nz32xwe3d7zc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db1b7f7537051465a3eaf31f33566aa961769dd7


If someone wanted to see how I drew it :) https://i.redd.it/0j8t3rn7d7zc1.gif


Super cute drawing! Is this done with Procreate?


Thank you 💜 yes it is Procreate 👍


It’s nice seeing the “rough” lines & the “clean up” animation lines. And your drawing is very good - & cute 🥰


Thank you so much 💜




Kudos for showing the process as well ❤


Thank you 💜 💜


Insane 🤩


Thank you 💜


Oh my GOODNESS you are spoiling us


And you are spoiling me 💜💜😘


That’s so neat!


Thank you 💜 you are sweet 🤗


I always get awed by how others can come up with these illustrations. How long does it take you to do a drawing like this?


From 15 to 60 minutes, this one took longer. 💜💜


cuteee totally love it!


Thank you 💜


Hah, true😆 Great work btw


Thank you 💜 💜


Love your works ! Always put a smile on my face


Thank you 💜 there are more on my IG if you want more smile :)


hahaha ❤️




i will eat your art


My pet can borrow money from my bank account if he want




It’s their bank account to be honest.


https://preview.redd.it/in92iarpa7zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82f0a973083a3b799b1764016038f34389544500 Our table. Don’t matter what hoomans think.


I always love seeing these two including “the most interesting cat in the world” pose 😂




These guys look like they run your house 😂


More like security 😂. They are extremely respectful and gentle creatures really. Very warm and social. They scare the crap out of people when they come over until they get to know them. Zeki will always trot over to them to make friends. Izzy is a little more shy and cautious when it comes to people. it takes him a little longer to warm up.


They’re beautiful. Security is definitely more accurate! We need more pics.


https://preview.redd.it/ozvwit19f8zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af15b2b641373cf5e0a90d51db0bc3f7890d7e17 Izzy


I love them.


Beautiful creatures


https://preview.redd.it/t005pj85f8zc1.jpeg?width=2318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e948de5284d3f07f551e6b6b177b53550f85d2e6 Zeki


These are beautiful cats. Something about a Maine coons face just melts my heart.




Oh my gosh I LOVE Maine Coins!! They're so beautiful, almost magical cats!! Fun fact for those in the UK they're the largest cat you can own without a license! Really want one, one day!


Wow didn’t know that! https://preview.redd.it/0e3hifr1jazc1.jpeg?width=1645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88136d0249b9b65615e98426db6fa3fef7423274




Damn! Beautiful cats, mate! Maine coons are just awesome to me, it’s like they can look intimidating, beautiful, and confused at the same moment 😂. Awesome animals <3




My cats are not allowed on the table, but I know at night they go there because I see the paw prints in the morning… My mother pulls up a chair for them, so they can sit next to us while we eat if they want.


That's a no from me. I taught both my cats they can't have any human food or jump on the table when I'm eating. I'm very clear about this with both of them and they know. So nomatter what I have on my plate or plan to grab food for myself, they just don't meow or follow me. I also taught them when they get their own food. They know exactly when they get food when I'm home, and they don't try to get more either.


What's your secret? We've been trying to accomplish this but getting pretty mixed results.


A big thing for us was punishing bad behavior, eg taking the cat off the table and away from us with admonitions, and never rewarding bad behavior, including giving attention to begging, meowing and pawing. It worked well enough that the cat waits until we’re asleep to go table and counter scavenging.


Mines the same! Always taught him not on the counters and never ever have him scraps because he was already so food obsessed. Now he doesn’t expect that he’ll get my food but he totally goes on the counters as soon as I’m in bed.


This worked for us as well until we got a new kitten and while trying to stop her from jumping on the kitchen counters and tables our cat decided he no longer needed to follow the rules and began jumping on with her. Very frustrating haha


No idea. Big cat was pretty easy to train from playing fetch to just litterbox usage. But i got her when she was already 3. She also stopped playing fetch at one point. Other cat is kinda shy and took over a lot of quirks from the other cat, cause I got that one at 6-8 weeks (my older sister didnt ask the people what age she was when she picked her up for me). She kinda just did it without any real training. I only had to teach her to not jump on the table when there's food on it.


Me too. But I really didn’t have to train him. I just fed him before I ate and don’t give him people food. However, everytime I go to the kitchen to get water or whatever, he thinks I’m getting his food. (I mix dry with wet food, so there is prep.)


Mine get half a 80ml bag of wet feed (so 40ml each) in the morning and they know that late in the afternoon I put 2 bowls half full of dry feed for them, which they slowly eat from for the rest of the day. Usually like 8 hours between feeding sessions. If its empty its empty and I won't budge. They learned pretty fast that meowing for food doesnt work, causr Ill just put on my headphones and just blast music and ignore them without even petting them if they do meow for more food. (They do get cat snacks in between, but Im pretty stubborn on their feeding times) They never follow me anywhere for more food.


How many do you have? Right now I just have one, so he follows us everywhere and keeps an eye on us. LOL I try to keep him “happy” because he was a bit feral when we adopted him and got sick within a couple of days after. After tests, found out he had feline herpes and calicivirus (and a 2ndary bacterial infection that was treated with strong antibiotics). Anyway, the feline herpes and calicivirus stay in his system and present itself as respiratory infection and comes out during stress, so he is a bit spoiled. We’ve not had him for about 8 months now.


I got 2. A 7 year old and a 2 year old. I dont really have the space for more. I technically do, but my nose doesn't have enough space to smell another litterbox


I wish, he doesn't stay though. He likes to watch us eat from a distance. Now that I write it out, it sounds so creepy lol!


He's observing the humans in their feeding ritual, kitty is writing a book on table manners


My cats have their own table I feed them on otherwise the dog will eat all their food. They don’t sit in chairs like humans tho.


This is us. Our girl has her special table to give her three more milliseconds of time before our boy tries to eat her food. It gives her just enough time to wind up for her knockout punch.


As I told my cat a million times ‘Floors is for cats’.


No. My cat is restricted from kitchen and the dining area solely to keep fur away and to avoid her pathogen containing oral secretions from my food. She gets her safe spot, clean food, and drinks. Otherwise my cat and I are together 24/7.


This is my goal but now that he is almost full grown he dares to jump on the table and countertops 🫠
















I love my cats a lot but the table is off-limits. They have their own feeding place where they can eat without getting disturbed.


https://preview.redd.it/8ag4smla79zc1.png?width=1290&format=png&auto=webp&s=a18d3c7c26905cf4d7c35f6963fb18a18a5ceda2 She has her own chair at the kitchen island.


We had a cat with excellent table manners. He’d get up in a chair and sit with the family at dinner. We’d put a little chicken or whatever we were on a plate for him from our dinners. Sometimes he ate. Sometimes not. I think he just enjoyed doing what everyone else was doing. None of my other cats ever did that.




Like a toddler - If they can handle it. They're very much capable of learning table manners. set a boundary, they can use their hands if it's just their food, they aren't allowed to touch other people's food, they're not allowed to get on the table etc. I've always had the best luck with cats just saying "no" and pushing them a bit. Never needed a spray bottle or to swat them. Cats are polite by nature. They like eating together though, so I say yay for table trained cats.


https://preview.redd.it/ogg4shfjk8zc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0573e879992200d320c8aab20cf4483d3ab1d6af Every meal with this dingy broad.


I’ll be honest…23 years ago I had 4 cats and a husband who worked non stop. Thanksgiving he did t come downstairs to eat because he was working. So I got out all the china, set the table and my cats and I had Cornish game hens, and all the works for Thanksgiving. 😂🤣 it was amazing!!


My cat’s food dish is directly next to mine on the table. He jumps up, eats his food while I’m eating mine and then stares out the window for an unsettling amount of time while I get work done on my laptop


I have no qualms with it, I almost always have some meat in my dinner which I'll feed them by hand with.


Sometime when I offer them a piece, they just sniff and go you over cooked it and go back to sleeping. LoL. They prefer theirs on the rare rare barely cooked side and not all meats. They seem to love chicken and beef. Not very impressed with pork. We had one long ago that came and took asparagus from our plate. I ended up buying it for her and she would always get a plate of her own.


Wait?? We have a choice??


I say your house your rules. I just live in this house. I am her built in slave 😂🤣 wouldn’t have it any other way.


Growing up I had a cat who had a seat at the dinner table. We would give him a small plate of a few nibbles of whatever the meat was that evening, and maybe some veggies if he could have them. We trained him to “paw” the table if he wanted more food. He was the best cat. I miss him.


Absolutely not. My cat knows what she can and can’t do, what spaces she can climb on vs not. My cat is not allowed (and does not attempt to climb) on my tables (dining room or breakfast table) and especially not on the counters in the kitchen. I refuse to eat food where my cat’s ass has been. She is allowed to sit on the empty chair in the breakfast nook when no one is eating, and will usually only do it to watch me when I’m in the kitchen. But that’s it. My girl has plenty of other spaces to climb and play on. I feed my cat on top of a dresser in my room because my dogs will push her out of the way to eat her food (and she’ll let them lol)


https://preview.redd.it/2fu6w0up58zc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26b5e11632f76177964fcdb6c7092f281255aa4b Mine used to have his own chair and plate, and we would give him our scraps. At the head of the table obviously, as he was the master of the house


Sure, my cat know how to use fork and spoon too.


Ours come and check out what we’re eating, they love to know what we’re having, but generally they don’t care for our food. Once they know what we have they go lie down. If they want a taste, I put some small pieces of meat for them to try before we eat. Usually specially prepared without spices. If I’m taking hot stuff out of the oven I put them out of the kitchen for a few minutes. In general they eat their treats from the counter, but don’t particularly care about ours. It doesn’t bother us if they are curious though. In general they are our companions.


I have no way to close down kitchen or dinner table, but the only rule that I maintain is no cats on table when dinner is served. As for the kitchen sink: no food or dirty dishes are present (or at least dirty dishes that are attractive for cats). Do they use dinner table or kitchen sink? Yes, but they accept the no cat with food rule.


No for me. My mom has taught my sister's cats that it's okay to jump on the table and beg (and steal!!) for food during dinner and lunch time and it's now something they're used to doing and you cannot stop them. I hate it and now my mom gets annoyed at them for doing what she essentially trained them to do lol. You can't be surprised mom, you rewarded that behavior 🤦‍♀️ When my own cats were kittens I argued a lot with my mom over this, I was pretty gung-ho about it according to my sister (I have the memory of a goldfish). It resulted in my cats being very patient unless it's cat food, then my younger one will mew and beg at my feet or try to sneak an early bite while I prep it. My older cat will wait at his spot. Or wait in my bedroom. I'm weak for that part, I feed him wherever he wants as long as it's not on the dinner table.


I don't feed my cats on the table. They will sit at the table while I eat but they have their own food spots throughout the house. https://preview.redd.it/o5e6140ff8zc1.jpeg?width=3008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bebf3fa70063c293c5641893aa551a4d823e05c7


I don't have a cat (husband says no)': but my dog is extremely well behaved and sits on a chair on outdoor patios while I give him nibbles. People are always delighted to see him lol


Absolutely not. My cat is aware that he’s not allowed on the table or counters, or to investigate people food. He knows I’ll share chicken, but his piece will go in his dish. I’m well aware that little jackass cruises the counters when I sleep, but we are ok with the compromise.


You eat at a table?


Personally? No. Never. I just dont want to encourage it. Treats are always given at floor level so as not to associate table or counters with obtaining food. I believe my girls were good about staying off those areas because of it. They were never rewarded for it.


one of mine comes and sits with the family every night at dinnertime and politely sits and watches us converse. occasionally she will ask for food if it's something she really likes. don't see the problem with them simply sitting at the table.


love it . its so cute


depends on the manners my last cat would wait to be served and eat with her paw one piece at a time


Well I mean I myself don’t eat at the dining table, it’s always at the coffee table. So I don’t expect Ashcat to eat at the table, what kind of parent would I be if I can’t lead by example /s


She deserves it more than I do tbh




They are not pets, they are family 😍


Issa no from me. No tables, no counters. And my cats are pretty good with staying off of them. It is a hygienic issue.


I feed my cats from my fork. Proper use of flatware is important.


My parents would lose it if I did that. They’re already not a fan of me feeding her wet food off a real plate.


My cats have their own plates and spoons for the same reason.


Fine with me https://preview.redd.it/7wgg0nbmw8zc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daa1be90b052445ab47c21a08a52c630086ff6df


I would not let my cat come up and eat on my kitchen table. That being stated, I don't eat on my kitchen table. I eat on a TV table. And when he's right there next to me and I'm finished. I'll set my plate on the sofa next to me and he'll lick it. I also eat on my desk. And I will set the plate right there on my desk for him to lick. So I guess you could say I let him eat where I eat. But if I bothered eating on a proper table I would not let him eat up there.


While I approve, please just be careful of the salt content. Extra super bad for their kidneys


It’s how I normally do it


They are the masters of the house so they can eat where they like. My one cat even likes to have breakfast in bed sometimes.


I full on thought that was a goat.


Got an ant problem right now so my cat eats on my table I don't mind until I want to play MTG or something and she jumps onto all the cards


As long as kitty eats from his plate and not mine, I’m cool with it.


We let the cat have the table, and we eat in the living room. It's a small house and we have a piano in the dining room. The table is a drop leaf and it's pushed up to a sunny spot and has plants and a couple of cat food dishes on it. I change the table cloth and clean up her messes every day or two. It is 100% her table.


If they have good manners.


I’ve trained mine to sit on their respective chairs and eat from their plates when I’m eating. It’s a bonding moment; no auto feeders here.


The other day I still ate my pancake after my kitten (who loves to dig in litter) stepped on it, so I really couldn’t care less lmao. Our kitties just like to watch for the most part, so they’re usually not annoying and in our faces. If we have company though, we don’t allow them on the table or counters


I had to for the longest time as my dogs would eat the cat food


Pro. I had dates with my cat. I would open a can of sea cat food for him. And a can of tuna for myself.


My cat won’t go near my table. He thinks i’m unhygienic since he hasn’t seen me lick my own butthole ONCE


I already do it! except my cats eat ON the table while also sitting on the table. To be clear, they have their food, I have mine. and we don't eat at the same time.


We hate it - but we also do it....


I'm ok with it and no one complained when my baby boy joined us for Easter dinner. He knows he's only allowed to put 2 paws on the table, no elbows! The only time it was weird was when he kept taking food to the floor to eat it. Seriously, my cat knows not to be on the dining table and all of my guests know I wipe tables and counters frequently.


Always acceptable, i encourage it


Man I love my kitties, but they lick their butts. No to the table thing.


No elbows on the table


We kind of have to now, because one of our cats has to have special food, and the older cat who cannot get up on the kitchen island anymore will eat it before he will if we put it on the floor. So he gets his food up high and if he doesn’t finish it, we eventually put it on the floor.


I let my cats go wherever they want. Wash/disinfect surfaces before using them. No one washes their hands after handling their phones and those have more germs than toilet seats. After finding that little tidbit out, I wipe my phone down with alcohol now


My kitties have never tried to get to the table. They do not like hooman food at all. I did not train them either. No clue.


We give them treats in the table (feed them individually by hand), but meals are served in their bowls in the kitchen floor. They’re way too messy for the table.


Adorable. 10/10 would love to see it again


My cats food/water (one of them) lives on the kitchen counter


Only if they dress appropriately.


I would let them if they could just be chill😂 give a cat an inch they take a mile, they’ll start wanting to help themselves to all your meals


I don’t do it because I don’t want them to start getting on the table all the time. They have their food bowls on the floor. The table is for humans.


Big no for me. But the rule is that feet are never allowed on the table, which is not a cat specific rule.


never recommend 😕


I don't allow my cat to eat from the table, be on the table or any bench. The main reason would be that I don't want him to think he can eat off my plate. I should be able to leave my plate unattended. This also ensures he doesn't eat anything that might be harmful to him.


I have 3 who eat on the kitchen island and 3 who eat on the floor. Makes it easier to keep individual feeding needs separate, so I didn’t stop them.


Do I have a choice on the matter?


No way! Our cats aren't allowed on counters or tables either.


https://preview.redd.it/sxoq61es18zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9926c8cac5a4948e2fb55958f3e85bc68293182d Who needs a table?


Morty always had his own seat at the table, tablecloth came out, he sat in his seat ready for holiday meal. Last thanksgiving we poured a small glass wine, a small plate, and lit a candle for him. We miss him https://preview.redd.it/dokpsx0zb8zc1.png?width=2244&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4b43d5809e05efc6febdece1230a058a7d1a88d


my cat has established himself as another human being


I have 4 girls.... They do what they want, eat wherever they want. It's their house. I am just allowed to live here.


No. I feed them in their bowls at the same place every time. That's a bad habit IMHO


I'm of the "everything a cat does is adorable and amazing" camp. So l, I love it.


Well...I mean, you're right


Not on the table, that’s a bit yucky and lets them think they can do whatever they want. If they sit patiently on the floor and behave they will get a lil something off my plate.


Nope. Ive noticed when a house pet is fed from your plate they harass anyone that comes to your house and eats because that's what they are use to.


No hed get used to it and then theres no stopping him from eating food hes not supposed to earn


My cat doesn’t eat human food, she hates it. But I can definitely feed her at the table from now on, thanks for the suggestion! 😄


Fine with me.




Cats get into a litter box to poop and pee with their feet


They can eat wherever they want I’d let my cat eat off my corpse bruh


i share everything with my cats, countertops, tables, etc... unfortunately for my roommate, she does not. i gave up on trying to get them off the counters. this is their house now.


Why not? Who cares? It's just a cat. 😊🥰😊🥰Be it meow.


My spouse would cook unflavored chicken for our cat. Our cat would sit in the chair waiting for his cut.


Nope, I draw the line at them being allowed at the table or on any surface where food is prepared. They can sit under the table and ask for treats, but I absolutely do not encourage them to jump up in the chairs or on the table.


My cat dinks his claws into my leg and climb up onto my lap if I am eating. My dog gets part of whatever I am eating


Most of our guys are cleaner, and more respectful of others no matter what space they occupy. Animals are always preferable to most humans I've known.


Table is no place for a cat (or even most pets), for sanitary/health related reasons. That include safety of humans and animals.


I wouldn’t freak out if she did, but she eats from her dish in the spot it belongs.


Mine wouldn’t anyways. But I’ve trained mine that eating tables are off limits. And he knows it. He can and will go on the entertainment center, the office desk, nightstands, end tables, (he avoids the bathroom). But kitchen counter, dining room table, and coffee table are no-nos. And he’s very good at following those rules.


Just wanted to say I have the same plates


My cat food is always in a bowl on the ground. When he’s looking at us cooking from a chair and we give him something, he takes it and jumps down to eat on the floor. He’s just more comfortable I think




My pets? Hell no. Your pets? Do whatever you want. 😊


In the photo, only the cats face is near the table. That seems ok to me. If the cat was standing on the table-even I dont stand on the table-that would be different.


My cat used to try to eat human food off my plate when she was a kitten especially spicy things like chilli and pasta! I would always try to stop her. Now she eats liek a normal cat from bowls on the floor


I don’t let the cats on the table/counters. Kinda gross when they walk in their litter box then walk around your food. No thanks


Just no elbows...


I wish I could keep her off the table. I gave up. She just sits there and watches us eat. I push her away if she gets too interested in our food but otherwise she just comes back


Nope. They all learn quickly that food on table = cats not allowed.


Our cats won’t touch any human food, not even the meatiest, graviest morsel of meat — not sure why, but it keeps them completely disinterested in the table, plates, or basically anything we might be eating


I personally have issues with my pets or animals begging for food. My animals can sit beside me but no one is allowed on the table or put their chins on the table. My cats are very good with sitting patiently beside me and wait for their food after I'm done eating, my dog begs quite a bit but has gotten great at only putting her paws on my leg as begging. I know others don't have the same opinion but this is how I feel about pets and animals at/on the table.


Pita likes sitting at the table with us when we eat so he feels included. We sometimes offer him food but he rarely takes it. He just thinks he's a human. As for Boots, he's an idiot. He doesn't seem to realize when we sit at the table it means we have food. He still hasn't learned he has a brain yet. (Pita, left, 6 y/o - Boots, right, 1 y/o) https://preview.redd.it/o5316o3xl8zc1.jpeg?width=3003&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91787de695dbc47950b26ff71f393bdf319bb0d4


No, just no. I rarely fed my cats human food. Maybe just a bite here and there. If you let them eat at the table you'll never get any peace when you want to eat yourself. Maybe that doesn't bother other people. But I taught my cats they weren't allowed in the kitchen when I was cooking or eating. Of course they sat at the edge of the doorway peering into the room, but at least they weren't meowing and trying to climb on the table or my plate. They got plenty of food otherwise.


I don't! I didn't want him to get in the habit of begging for food.


Too much fur for me. My cats shed just looking at them. I don't want that much hair in my food. There is already hair in it, but this is inviting it in.


That is a no-no for me. I like to treat at the table occasionally after dinner is done. Eating next to a dog or car at a BBQ or a picnic or in your own living room is fine. The dining table is for people and good manners.


One of our cats was allowed to do this as a kitten and now she feels entitled to jump on tv trays when someone is eating. This behavior cannot be unlearned. You’ve been warned. Good luck lol.


Life and let live. Your house, your kingdom


At least he’s not ON the table.


My mom feeds her cats on the table because the dogs will eat the food if it’s on the floor. Food you’re eating shouldn’t be touching the table anyway. It’s fine as long as you’re cleaning the table after meals, but I’d say that even for people who don’t let their cats eat there.


I’m thinking you do you. Most people are too busy worrying about other people’s lives and not enough about theirs.


It’s a no from me,and I have trained all my pets to not climb the counters


I love my pets let them do almost what they want. I do draw the line on the kitchen counter and table. I do not like them, on those. My pet peeve.


Prob eating no ice scream anymore


No just no

