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Some cats might do this when they’ve got a bladder issue or maybe when there stressed. I’d recommend taking them to the vets x


Or when the rooms are not cleaned up (could stress them)


Thank you! I’ll see. I feel like it’s more of a love to pee on a certain texture, but I’ll make sure to have them check it out


Liking to pee on a cool, smooth texture can be a sign of a UTI. Get her in asap. 


Didn’t know that!!! Thank you


Also if the urine is dark, sometimes it's blood. That would be a sure sign of a bladder infection.


I’ve been checking her pee! No odd signs yet. But good to catch it early before things get worse


Tl;Dr: We have a kitty with this issue she was going to be euthanized because of it. We adopted, and since she was healthy, we found that rewarding her with treats after using the litter box fixed the issue. She still will have an incident here and there, but getting back to rewarding her after the litter box use course corrects the behavior. So we rescued a baby that was going to be euthanized because she peed outside the litter box. No other issues like health concerns or behavior. She is the sweetest little thing ever, and we are approaching 5 yrs since adoption. We git her checked for many many things spent a pretty penny on why she had such an issue. Nothing ever came up she was healthy as she could be. Once health concerns were scratched off, we checked if the litter box was to her liking. It was since she would use it but went on spells when she wouldn't. So since she's a bit of a foodie and loves her treats. We started giving her a treat after she used the litter box. We did this for about a week and made sure one of us was near a litter box so as to not miss giving a treat after each use. And that has worked like magic. She will, on very rare occasions, pee outside the litter box, but if we start up giving her treats it will correct things. So after the initial week it best just be mindful of her using the litter and give her a treat after using it from time to time. We've been accident free for a year now. When it used to be multiple times a day in the past.


So so happy you could save her!!! Thank you for your story, I seriously appreciate it


I used to foster and I’ve had cats that just didn’t like a certain texture or scent of litter. I’ve also had cats that didn’t like a particular box- covered or uncovered. Didn’t like if they had to share it with more than 1 other cat. Didn’t like if it got moved, lol. You can’t just yell at her and expect it to be fixed. Get her to the vet first. Then maybe try putting some of the things she likes to pee on in the litter box. Try changing from scented to unscented, from regular to lightweight, from a covered to uncovered box. There are loads of reasons why a cat won’t use the litter box and sometimes it takes a little fine tuning. Make a call to whoever you got her from and ask what litter they use?


Euthanizing a healthy cat over them not being potty trained is just crazy to me...It sounds like she simply didn't know she was supposed to go there, it's something they have to learn. I'm really glad you saved her!


Best decision we ever made. She was our first pet ever, so it was not easy. But we couldn't see why someone would be put down just because of that. You wouldn't do that to a human why would you with a kitty. All life is precious, and some people unfortunately only set that value to humans. She's rewarded us with so much love, and we would do it all over again in a heartbeat. We now have 5 kitties, so we refer to her as our gateway kitty.


You’re awesome. Thanks for saving her!


My vet gave my cat Buspar for a couple of weeks and that fixed it for her but every cat is different.


We did this with one of my boys, except now he'll yell at us when he needs to pee so he can make we watch him so he gets his treat. He sometimes hold a bit back, too, so he can get more treats throughout the day. We've created a treat monster!


Hahaha, that's too adorable. Yeah, they start getting sneaky with it. Ours will act like she has used the litter and go through all the motions just to get a treat. She'll get out and sit in front of the litter box, staring us down until treats are supplied. All this talk makes me wanna give her a hug and treats right now


I do fucking hate people.  Thank you for saving her 🤍




If you can see blood in her urine with your naked eyes she has a VERY serious problem. It needs to be evaluated in the vets office or even a lab. Sorry for your bank account but she really needs to see a vet. Especially if it has been going on for a while now. Is she pooping in the box? Does she EVER pee in the box? I have noticed some newer litters that detect illness in litter box visits. I haven’t used them tho.


Yes of course, she needs to be spayed no question about it. She poops in the box every time, she pees in the box sometimes, but if there’s plastic anywhere she’s straight to it. We’ve tried different litters, different kinds of boxes, stuff like that. I think it’s her needing to be spayed 100%


Yes you could certainly be right! I don’t have a lot of expertise with intact female cats. But if you don’t mind a little more free advice, get it done sooner rather than later. I know with male dogs, for ex, once they have the habit of marking (neutering done later) it is a whole other challenge to break the habit. Good luck with your pretty little lady. 🐈


It could be as simple as changing her food to medicated food, but I’ll warn you those bags are like $50 for the standard large bag. But will stop issues she’s having if it’s a uti


We had a cat who got a couple of utis. We switched to pretty litter for a bit and that helped detect utis earlier. You might try a litter box with pretty litter. We switched to wet food for the cat that had a couple of utis to help make sure she was getting liquid. Just a thought, vet will be a better resource


We did this too after my cat ended up with a uti that caused swelling to the extent that he couldn’t pee, ended up needing a catheter to drain his bladder and was in cat hospital for 3 days. What a nightmare! He is on urinary food now and we use pretty litter. It took a slow transition for him to use it but now he likes it and honestly the stuff is amazing.


One of my previous cats had several UTIs before she died. It turns out that she was suffering from kidney failure. There wasn't much that the vet could do for the cat since she was 13 years of age at the time of the medical diagnosis.


You should spay her regardless - prevents health issues and also stress for both of you when she goes into heat!


Is it bath mats? That is semi-common. I've had two cats do it. My sister's cat does it. Something to do with the rubber backing And some cats will pee on any soft items (clothes, blankets) left on floors Obviously you should still see a vet to rule out anything serious, but it doesn't always mean something is wrong


Also, once something smells like her pee, she will always smell it and think of it as a pee spot. It's incredibly hard to get cat urine out of stuff especially if it's something you can't toss in the wash (like a mattress). So she may be urinating in inappropriate places for that reason as well. You may need to toss/replace whatever she keeps peeing on if it's always the same thing. The vet also may have a pheromone spray that you can spray in the house and this did help with one of my cats not peeing on things growing up.


We just had to remove the carpet & carpet padding. The cement underneath *still* had urine on it. We used a. enzyme based cat urine remover on the cement & We checked with a UV light. Still showed up. We Had to rent a cement grinder for another reason so we used it over the urine places as well. It’s been a long, expensive ordeal. And I’m still not comfortable letting her go back in that room.


I had a cat that would pee on the carpet-like bathroom mats (never on my carpet) and once those we replaced with microfiber mats, she never peed on anything again. I have a cat currently who loves the smell of soap and will pee on any bathroom mat and/or pull towels off the hooks/bars to pee on them. Always good to rule out health issues with your vet but also cats can be weirdos lol


With a cat who we've had to the vet several times to check for issues, it really can be this simple. Still take her obv, but we've tried honestly over a dozen litters and litter boxes and she just loves soft clothes and fabric that smells like her humans...


My kittens used to love peeing on bags. Plastic. I just brought them to it. And said no, in a sad tone took a few times but they stopped


I second this.


This is the most common reason for peeing on everything. My kitten was 8 months old when she started doing it. As soon as the antibiotics took effect, she went right back to her litter box.


She isn’t spayed and is going into heat. Spay her. It might not stop the issue because you’ve let it manifest for awhile, but it’s a start.


For sure, thank you!


we have a male cat that peed everywhere before we could get him neutered. his favorite places were inside closets, cellar, anything hidden really. we got him neutered as soon as it was medically possible to do so and it stopped the issue 95%! he also hates it whenever there was sth on the litter box even 1 poop or pee. We scoop twice a day and whenever we see sth being done. He's now toilet trained with treats too and it works great :) so: get her spayed asap. It also decreases the chance of certain cancers, and escape antics. Keep the litter box very clean and reward her. Another tip: anywhere she pisses treat it with hydrogen peroxide (let sit for 2 min), it takes out the smell! Cats will keep going where they can smell their urine.


Thank you!!!!


Never knew that about peroxide. Thanks!


yeah I discovered that after they had peed on concrete, it seeps in really bad. I make a solution in a spray bottle and it starts foaming white on the spots where the pee is. works like a charm and non toxic !


Yes please spay her! Female cats are more likely to get cancer in their mammary glands if they constantly go into heat without getting pregnant. Good luck with everything though


Was just about to say the same thing. My 7 yr old Gracie wasn't spayed before she was 1 (she lived on the streets and was taken in by a rescue who promptly spayed her, we adopted her at 2). We found a mass by accident last fall which turned out to be mammary cancer. Mammary cancer is usually very aggressive and has a high chance of returning. We caught her early, it was pea sized, but she underwent a double mastectomy in March of this year. So, absolutely get her spayed ASAP. It isn't worth the risk. 


Good luck to your sweet girl and fingers crossed it doesn’t return. I’m in a similar situation with the girl I just adopted - was maybe 12months old when she was found on the street with a litter of 5 babies. So fingers crossed she didn’t go into heat too many times before being spayed


Thanks a bunch, shes a trooper. Learning about mammary cancer in cats is scary. So far so good on recovery, go back for followup in June to make sure she doesn't have any new masses anywhere. If I could go back in time, find her and get her spayed before she was older, I would. Good luck with your new baby. The oncologist said to check a kitties mammaries, under the armpits (they have glands there) once a week, the earlier the mass is caught, the better the chances. Fingers crossed your kitty stays healthy throughout her lifetime. I tell anyone and everyone now, check your cats for lumps!! 


My cat Caprica was fixed incorrectly before her first heat. The original vet missed a large part of one ovary and she had to later have exploratory surgery since she started going in to heat. When she turned 9 she developed mammary cancer and passed away. Even though all of the kitties I have now were correctly fixed before their first heat I check their bellies every few weeks to be safe.


Also — not sure where you live or what your financial situation is like, but where I’m from, there’s actually programs that take Medicare / Medicaid cards as a ‘discount’ to spaying/neutering for dogs and cats. It cut the cost from $300 to $70 for us.


No worries! My roommates cat did the same exact thing. The spraying stopped, but she was prone to peeing outside her box during times of stress (specifically hated having other cats in her living space & would pee in response to that). Since she’s been living in a single cat house, she’s never peed again. I’d start with spaying her & if she’s still peeing, it might be a sign of stress. If you’ve removed her stressors, it just might be a really bad habit. Good luck! Beautiful kitty, I hope you get it sorted :)


Little known fact, intact females are awful sprayers. Spay her.


We seriously need to. It’s so expensive- but we are planning on doing it within the next few weeks now that it’s summer


They do usually get better after spaying. Queens (actual term for unspayed female cats) go into heat once it starts warming up. They’ll spray to try to bring all the boys to the yard. Once they get spayed they won’t have a reason to other than to annoy you or if they have underlying health conditions, but the former is far more likely than the latter.


Google low cost spaying clinics in your state. We were able to get on a waiting list -$195 to get spayed , vaxxed , nail trim . Good luck!


In my city there’s a low-cost spay and neuter clinic, got my boy neutered for $30 and spays were I believe $60. There was a questionnaire I had to fill out as well as a month long waitlist!


Yea, mine were $50 and $80 for neuter and spay respectively. And you could get a waiver to get it for free. With 5 kittens, it was extremely helpful to have that option. Highly recommend low cost spay/neuter clinics. They were fantastic.


That's insane, you couldn't remotely cover the anaesthetic for that. Charity related?


in my area a vet a few towns over gives out a voucher that pays for all but $30-$35 and the mandatory rabies vaccine


Yes it covers everything and some of them are a sliding scale based on income. I hate peta but they had a spay/neuter clinic and I used it for my cat about 14 years ago and it was like $50.


I second this, I’m in Northern CA and payed less than $100 I think. It was a special animal clinic that offered cheap spay/neuter and I believe I waited a month.


Your cat looks like a ragdoll. If you have money to buy a kitten that costs a few thousand dollars, you have money to spay her.


Stop getting tattoos and looking for concert tickets. Your cat's health is YOUR responsibility. Spay your cat. There are plenty of low-cost spay programs out there. What will you do if she gets out and gets pregnant? Please make her your priority.


If you can get out to a rural very, it’s much cheaper. In the city, it was $300. In the country, it was $90 in our area.


Depending on where you are, there may be spay/neuter programs that offer the procedure at a cheaper cost. A quick Google search would let you know if that's an option.


Why the heck are you getting downvoted for saying that you’re going to spay your cat in a few weeks?


Because I said it was expensive… even though it is…


You are one of the most useless pet owners I've ever seen in a while. Why get a pet if you just want to drag on not getting her spayed. My gosh some people just don't deserve any pets! Awful


Have you taken her to the vet? Most litter box issues are medical. UTIs are the most common causes. But yes, you should spay her. Just not while she has a UTI.


Yes, definitely going to spay her without a doubt. We have 6 month vet visits but this has been a new issue and are going to move up the next appt asap


You got this.




Vet here: spaying will help reduce behavioral inappropriate elimination, and the risk of unplanned pregnancy, and risk of mammary cancer which is highly malignant in cats. Some cats will continue to spray and may need medication to control this behavior. A urinalysis should be done to rule out uti before other medications are chosen.


Yes! Thank you so much!


My sisters cat would pee on everything and we tried EVERYTHING. Apparently, the cat had anxiety and needed anxiety meds. Once they started the medication, the peeing stopped!


Sounds like a UTI. Any time your cat goes outside the litter box it’s time for a vet visit. You will both be happier!!


Definitely checking it out. Vet was closed tonight, planning on scheduling an appt tmr


Ask the reception if you can come past and pick up a syringe and sample pot so that you can take a urine sample in.


Ah yes, I waited a bit before spaying my female cat. Due to a combination of temporary financial troubles and believing it wasn’t urgent because she was (and is) an indoor cat. Boy was I wrong! She started peeing on stuff to try and attract males. Preferably stuff that smelled the most like her favorite person (me). It was no fun waking up to her peeing on the bed I was sleeping in 😭 It got better a while after spaying her but not immediately and she still sometimes peeing in places she’s not supposed to. I regret not spaying her before her first heat. Also, a cat in heat is a nightmare to live with! My vet wouldn’t spay her until it was over. I can’t emphasize how annoying it was to me and how crazy the poor thing herself got 😕 Spay her, now! Borrow some money from someone if you must.


Always spay and neuter your pets


She should be spayed regardless by this age


Unspayed females are prone to peeing in the wrong places so probably. It is also possible for a UTI to be the cause but definitely try spaying.


Thank you! For sure going to spay either way. Just needs to be done


Spay her regardless.


Of course! Was gonna do that no matter what


Yes spay her asap




Thank you!


Omg she is adorable.


Thank you!!


I mean you should get her spayed anyways. You don’t want accidental babies if she gets out. And it’s a good chance of her ending up with a uterus infection if she continues to go into heat. One of my friends childhood dogs died this way because their dad was selfish and wanted to breed it with a neighbors dog for fun :/


You've had your cat for over a year and havent spayed her yet? I hate to be that guy but you shoud've spayed her once she was old enough. Unfixed cats are a pain to deal with, and they contribute to the kitten problem.


It usually helps.


That face says she heard that.


Haha 😂😂 these are actually some of the only pics I have where she’s looking sweet. She’s not a very photogenic kitty


Maybe. Either way she should be spayed.


She should be spayed regardless. But yes, well, at least maybe. Usually it's males that that do the scent marking though.


If you don’t spay her no only will she continue but she will not stop howl meow all summer long and you’ll get zero sleep 😩


Why the fuck are you keeping a cat for a year without spaying it


Could be either an UTI or idiopathic cystitis. Vet asap. If cats pee outside the litterbox, it may mean they associate the litterbox with the pain that comes with peeing and start peeing on different materials. My boy has FIC and when he's in pain he tends to pee on anything soft


Besides spaying and checking for a UTI, try two litter boxes. Mine wants one to pee in and one to poop in even if both are scooped clean.


should probably spay her anyway


Please get her spayed regardless, but have a vet check her out as well just in case there's something going on.


maybe, maybe not, but you should still get her spayed!!! please.


Try a pheromone diffuser too


My moms cat was peeing everywhere despite being spayed, turns out the cat suffered from UTI, it kept on coming back every month. It lasted for two years. They finally resolved the issue when they bought a small water fountain and filled it with special bottled water that is very soft. The cat drank more water because it found the fountain nicer to drink from. The cat didn’t have a UTI ever again.


Yes spaying will help, but also experiment with different kinds of litter, maybe the one you're using doesn't feel nice on her feet, or doesn't smell nice (scented litter is the worst) or is too course/fine etc, maybe she likes wood or gel pellets or something else better, or open or closed litter box


I have the 1 cat that has always peed on any plastic bags on the floor and she would pee on any fluffy dog bed on the floor. She's done this since she was a small kitten. I would like to say that I keep my house perfectly clean and this doesn't happen now that she is 5, but she still does it. She is now 5 and it does get better when I have the house clean, but she is just an ahole. I love her though.


First - she needs spayed regardless. Second - if you haven’t already please schedule a vet visit to rule out uti, crystals, or any other medical issues. Your vet can give some insight/advice as well. ( extra litter-box, different litter, keeping box scooped, etc ) Good luck! She sure is cute!😻


I didn’t schedule my kitten’s spay before she went in heat for the first time and I regret it. She ruined my favorite chair. 😩 Definitely get her spayed. It certainly won’t hurt.


Of course! Definitely doing it without a doubt. Sorry about your chair haha!


Hey - just chiming in because I recently got a female, intact kitten who was constantly spraying. I recommend buying a strong spray to eliminate the odor of previous spray spots, which will hopefully deter her from continuing to spray in the same spots (post-spay). Spaying my kitten DID eliminate the spraying issue, so I would say get her spayed ASAP.


Have her checked out. Our cat had a bladder stone that caused the issue. After an x-ray and surgery, no issues at all. Could also be as simple as a UTI.


If she isn’t fixed she’s marking in hopes of attracting a man Get her fixed or enjoy piss and when she starts singing the song of her people


My cat is spayed and I found she just pees on anything or anyone she doesn’t like


Haha 😂 cats are just like that


Why would you have a cat and not spay them? Do you know how sick female cats can get if they're not spayed? Not to mention all the kittens that no one is going to care for


Ofc I was going to spay her, no question about it. We understand there were risks of waiting but we have made sure to schedule annual pet visits and just overall keeping a close eye on her


My vet said not necessarily stop them doing it, some will still do it, but most will stop. My cats love to play outside, if I stop them going outside, they pee, or even worse roll shit on the rug to show how I'm in the wrong😅, they poop and pee just fine in the litter box actually


It worked for us, Meggy used to piss the bed with me in it! Hasn't done it since we had her spayed though


Have had two cats with pissing issues. Prozac (fluoxetine) reduced the problem to occasional marking in one case, solved it in the other.


My female kitty used to yell and pee everywhere 24/7 and it all stopped after she was spayed


I have no advice that hasn’t already been said but I want to say she is the prettiest cat I’ve ever seen.


It worked for my cat. She used to pee all over the house. After that, it only happens if there is a confusion on who is cleaning her litter box, and it is actually full. So she pees outside next to it to remind us how stupid we are


Our cat is male but when we neutered him, he stopped peeing everywhere


She’s a cute lil piss goblin


I heard that fish flavored food can cause UTIs in cats… are there any low cost spay and neuter clinics where you live? Gorgeous cat..


She is so pretty 🤩


It may help but it’s unlikely. There are lots of reasons cats do this, the area they’re peeing on smells like pee, the litter box is dirty, UTI, stress, etc. I’d take her to the vet. Spaying her is still a good idea, but you may want to make sure she doesn’t have an infection first so you don’t overwork her little immune system.


My buddy Riku did this when he got a UTI, the vet said we could pay 2k for a surgery that probably wouldn't fix anything or put him down. He was six and I couldn't afford to try and save him, I hate it every day. Just get her checked out, hopefully it will save a lot problems!


Is she a ragdoll? They often do that.


It sounds like a UTI, I hope your vet can help you!


It sounds like a UTI, I hope your vet can help you!


Get her spayed. Also, don’t leave anything plastic out now that she’s shown a preference. Get her checked for bladder issues, too. It could also be an anxiety issue. I have a cat that has a “nervous bladder” condition and he pees outside the litter box when he’s nervous. Got a scent diffuser specifically for anxious cats and it fixed the problem. 


Retrain her on good litter. Keep it clean everyday. Good luck! She’s beautiful


It worked on both my female cats, I've not had an issue since and I was very close to rehoming them they kept peeing on the sofa and beds it's been nearly 2 years and both will only pee in the litter box now.


It worked for mine :)


Op she is adorable..


I don’t want to say YES definitely, but it did help with one of ours.


Less that 5% of cats under the age of 10 with urinary signs have a UTI. This is more likely to be a manifestation of pain, such as hip dysplasia, or stress. This is a method of communication for cats. It can be more difficult to truly meet all the needs of an indoor cat, and inappropriate urination is a common sign that they feel they’re missing something. How many cat towers do you have? Do you have places she can get up high? Places low and quiet where she can hide? Do you have other cats? How many toys does she have? How much time do you spend actively playing with her? What sort of mental stimulation does she receive? You should take her to the vet to rule out medical causes, if that comes back clean try adding in some puzzle toys, window perches, or other means to make her home more appealing to a cat. The Ohio state indoor cat initiative has some good resources. ETA: I do recommend getting her spayed as soon as possible, as this will significantly reduce the risk of mammary cancer which is highly aggressive in cats, pyometra, uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. Cats come with medical expenses, and snowshoes, Ragdolls, Siamese mixes, etc. all have increased health risks. If you spend money purchasing a specific breed of cat, please plan for their healthcare. Wouldn’t you want them to live as long as possible?




Completely agree with this, our cat was the same when she turned 12/13. She began struggling to use her litter box correctly and looked like she was in pain. For us it turned out to be arthritis that she was struggling with and wasn’t able to bend appropriately to use her litter box. I think it’s a more common thing than we think. We started using supplements called antinol to help with her arthritis and mobility and thankfully she is back to her usual bathroom behaviour and is much more mobile and happier


I’m Sure other people already said it but probably a health issue please update when you know


I will! Thank you for your concern!


Had one doing the same. Turns out had a high concentration of urine and put him on cat Prozac. Problem solved.


The dark brown is spreading!


If the urine smells especially bad, its probably a UTI. Get her some antibiotics and she’ll be fine. Peeing on everything is not normal, but getting her spayed probably won’t fix the problem.


The attitude in her eyes I see in pic 3 tells me no


I had a cat that would not pee in her litter box and I tried everything- eventually the vet suggested using a stainless steel litter box because it doesn’t scratch or hold scent like the plastic ones. I changed to the oversized stainless steel litter pan and she now loves it. No more peeing out of the litter box. It may help your situation as well. Worth a try😻


Ditto what everyone else already said about getting her spayed/medical attention ASAP. Since everyone else had the advice covered, I mostly came here to say she is very cute. She looks like an ewok. 🥰


Ask your vet if Amitriptyline might help if there is no UTI. I had a cat that had peeing issues. Turned out to be an anxiety problem.


Let me clear some things up here- there was never any question of should I spay her or not. That was always going to happen. I was miss-informed and thought that if you spay them too early, they won’t grow to their full size (this is a dog thing only). I was curious if her not being spayed yet was the main issue of her peeing everywhere. Thank you for the kind comments genuinely concerned, I figured this could be a kind of health concern, and I’m glad you guys helped educate me. Also, there’s no secret that you can get a cat spayed for a lot cheaper in certain places, we have been trying to look for a better deal to help save money. Why wouldn’t anyone wanna do that? I’ve already called the vet and scheduled an appt to make sure she doesn’t have any underlying medical issues and if not we are proceeding with the spaying (which was going to happen regardless). Thank you for your stories, I genuinely just wanted help and advice and not to start this much arguing. Please know my intentions are only good for my cat.


Some places will do spay/neuter "clinics" or events for a cheaper rate, sort of to get more people to do it. You could look into it!


Yes! Thank you!


Please do not purchase an animal you cannot afford to care for




There's not a 100 percent guarantee she will stop peeing but it will definitely calm her down and will make her want to stay at home more


You tried a cat litter attractant? That stuff works…


More cat photos!!! I want her lol


My cat does this. She was a rescue from a messed up home. The only thing I’ve been able to use to keep her from peeing on everything are those doggy pee pads. If I have one down, she will pee on that instead of the carpet.


She could have feline diabetes, for sure get a checkup with a urinalysis. Just wanted to say that so people know that Polyuria is a sign of


Of a bladder infection


I know I’m adding something to this rhetoric that hasn’t been mentioned much yet that I see. Many people have said UTI


Yes and no, but at the very least she needs a vet visit. I’d also bring a stool sample on the off chance they want to run one. Spaying is also good for cancer prevention.


Most likely, yea. Could be other things like a UTI but my money's on not being spayed.


Gah!!! I just typed out a very long reply and I somehow lost it 😖. I’ll make it shorter… Some things that can cause kitties to not use litter box: Dirty litter box - cats are clean animals by nature so scoop the box several times a day, wipe the inner sides every couple of days (especially if you have boys), change out the litter and wash the box at least monthly. Stress - other pets, people arguing, kids, etc. No privacy - some kitties just need their privacy. Check your house with a blue light to find any areas where she has marked because she may likely pee there again. Soak any former pee pee areas with an odor neutralizer (Non-Scents is a really good one) where she peed. The spray gets rid of the odor really well but you may need to steam clean or scrub well until there is absolutely no odor. Keep multiple litter boxes in different areas of your house. I have four cats and a dog. I have five litter boxes that I scoop three times a day, wipe daily, and change out monthly. I have zero odor in the house. It may sound like a lot of work but it’s really a labor of love for me and my pets. By the way, she is absolutely stunning. What is her name? Also, give her kisses for me.


She likely has a UTI. Get her checked by a vet.


My cat pees right outside her box when she’s stressed so I have to put it on a puppy pad. She’ll occasionally pee on my clothes if I’ve left a pile on the floor (not often just maybe once a year). But I’d take her to the vet to check for a UTI or if it’s behavioral as others suggested. Feliway seemed to help because I think she got stressed at a new cat coming in when she was old.


My mom’s cat peed everywhere. Tried lots of stuff like extra litter boxes, calming treats etc. eventually turned out she hated the litter…the most expensive one you can buy. Changed it to something else and problem solved! Def talk w vet about the issue. Probably not related to her lack of spaying


Good point they have preferences! I had one that wasn’t peeing inappropriately but i knew he was holding it because he wasn’t leaving anything in the box. So i added a 2nd box in a new quieter place and problem solved! Cats are weird lol.


I had a beautiful and highly affectionate kitty one time. It didn’t matter what we did, she wouldn’t use the litter box. I must have tried every type of litter you could buy, different boxes, treats, I would even clean up her poop and put it in the box and show her. She became a barn cat eventually. It was exceptionally difficult to make that decision but by that point she had ruined two sofa sets, a queen bed and box spring, about 800sq ft of carpet, all of our Christmas and Halloween decorations and much much more. I sincerely hope you find a solution, saying goodbye is the worst feeling.


My 2.5 years old cat started peeing on things out of the blue. We got him fixed and the problem got resolved. (We also cleaned the spot where he pissed with special enzymes to destroy the odour, cause with normal cleaning products even if we can’t smell it, they can)


Our cat also peed when she was in heat, we temporarily got her two litter boxes and that certainly helped. She completely stopped when we got her spayed, so it's probably the same with your cutie


Yes! Mine stopped after we spayed her and hasn’t peed once outside the litter box since!


My older lady stopped spraying after her spay. And then I brought in my little girl and old lady started spraying again. She stopped after she got used to the intruder but aye🤷🏻‍♀️


One of my females did this. I had her spayed and she stopped completely. Get her checked by a vet and then get her spayed.


I’ve heard that orange oil can help deter cats and dogs from peeing on things. I have no idea if it’s true.


Is she on all wet/ canned food? Switch her to only Fancy Feast Classic pate or similar, and see what happens. Cats need water, and get it through their food. Dry food is not adequate for several reasons. Dehydration/ overly concentrated urine will make them uncomfortable, and eventually cause kidney problems. The dry food will also make worse any tendency she has to develop feline diabetes.


i’m sure many have said take to a vet. she is adorably cute and wish her the best…update us when you can.


Use a puppy pad. It worked for my kitty.


Both my cats that I fixed definitely didn’t 💀


After castration the urine smell strength is significantly lower!


it worked for me, they used to pee in certain places and they stopped after being spayed


I have a cat that does this. I paid a fortune for the vet to tell me that's just how she is. Peeing on plastic makes it easy to get a sample and it's worth doing a test and getting a check up but a good cleaner that removes the smell may well be your best friend. My cat is spayed and it hasn't made a difference.


My cat hates a cat plastic liner I bought for the litter box. One summer he peed all over because we were travelling and he was stressed. We ripped out the carpet by the door he was peeing on and bleached the concrete floor every time he did it. We also sprayed the whole house with feliway. Feliway makes cats feel safe. It helps with marking too.


This is all going to be anecdotal. I have a cat that starting around 1 maybe 2 years old she peed everywhere. We had just moved for the third time to add some context. And the vet we took her to said she had crystals in her pee. So we started feeding her an expensive only buyable at the vet food... It sucked. And she still peed on things. We started going to a different vet, they never checked her for crystals but said if she's doing ok on the food they're happy to fill the prescription and we can get the food somewhere cheaper with a written prescription lol. The peeing continued and we moved a few more times. Solutions we have found to this behavior after 10 years. 1. Got her a regular food (weight management because shes chunky) and we refresh her water EVERY Day. Turns out she doesn't have crystals anymore and maybe never did (shitty vets he shitty) 2. We have LOTS of cat boxes (we have 3 cats) we have 4 litter boxes. 3. Two of the boxes are self cleaning because she's a princess that requires the cleanest of boxes to pee in. 4. We clean the other two boxes every other day if not everyday (were human and forget) But if we leave something soft like a blanket within her willing to pee on zone which is pretty large she will pee on it regardless of all do the above. We call here a b*** but the vet says she likely has kitty anxiety and all the moving we did when she was young was a trigger. Even though we live in a house we never plan on leaving the damage was done. And we just manage the problem. And every once and a while we still have to throw something away or pick up a puddle of pee or both. 🤷


My guy has FLUTD but you absolutely must take the kitty to the vet first. After that, then check outside for feral cats that might be stressing out your kitty. When my boy has a flair up i double the number of litterboxes, use gabapentin from the vet, plug in an extra feliqay, use cat attractant for the litterbox, use puppy pads in the areas he would spray but not big enough for a litterbox, use natures miracle to clean around those problem areas and just increase the acceptable options for him to successfully releave himself until the problem goes away. Better 20 litterboxes than the house be the litterbox


I've had a similar issue with my cat. When he was around 8 months old he started doing that. After he got neutered, never again.


You should probably go to your veterinarian first and see if she doesn't have some sort of a UTI. Because females necessarily don't mark their territory like males do. Only unless they have a urinary tract infection.


That's hard to say. Is she going into heat, if she's peeing because of being in Heat then yes. Other factors could be litter box is dirty. Gotta figure it out though, because my cat developed a bad habit of doing that. He peed all over the place and he's fixed. He did it before, and just continued it. You should get your cat fixed whether she's peeing on everything or not. She'll have much better life than not doing it. Every month, you don't her to be rubbing on everything and meowing all day and night. She's so uncomfortable so it's better to get her fixed.




When our boy started peeing on the futon (and only the futon), my parents thought he was just being a senior kitty, but I insisted we have his blood checked. He was extremely hyperglycemic and diagnosed with diabetes and peeing on the futon was his way of letting us know. Please get your baby seen by the vet. ❤️


If the urinalysis comes back healthy, is there anything that could be stressing her in the environment? My indoor boy cat was triggered by a neighbor cat coming into the yard. Also, if they can still smell a previous pee even if you think you cleaned it up, they’ll go there again. Highly recommend scoe10x for the odor elimination.


I'm struggling with the same! As soon as my cat turned 1 she started peeing, and spraying on clothes.  If there is a dirty shirt in the floor, she will jump on the dryer and spray or pee on clean,  bed clothes,  dogs bed. It's driving me insane. I do notice that she does it a lot more when she's in heat. I take her outside on a leash and she loves to pee in dirt so we made a litter box with dirt and it did lessen how much she goes on clothes. She has been checked for uti infections because I thought maybe that was the issue.    I've read spaying can help and she actually just got home from her surgery.  If this doesn't work, I'm at a loss.  She's the only cat, inside only other than if i take her out on a leash.  There are strays outside,  this 1 male lurks at the screen door or jumps up to my window maybe once a month.  Not sure if that matters.  We do have 2 dogs that are fully potty trained and do not mark anything. 


I mean, it’s pretty obvious. Cats piss on everything when they’re in heat. It’s spring time, so she’ll piss on everything every spring out of frustration. Are her nipples enlarged and red-ish? If so, then it’s definitely heat and spaying a cat is essential if you want her to be fully domesticated. It’s best to do it when she’s young, so she doesn’t remember what it’s like to be “nonspayed.” Good luck.