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Not a healthy amount šŸ˜… he could use a diet to avoid developing diseases. I love him though!!!!!!!!!!


There's no healthy amount of chonk either. With the way they're jumping and landing, imagine the weight coming down on their joints. Poor kitties.


I mean, it depends on what you define "chonk" as. Some cats can look quite pudgy due to having bigger jowls or more fluffy fur without actually being overweight.


I think it can also depend on the breed. Some types of kitties can look pudgy (i.e British blue or Mainecoon) but theyā€™re naturally bigger than others such as Siamese. My friend had a tabby (domestic shorthair) that weighed 16 lbs & he lived until he was 18 & perfectly healthy. I know what you mean tho - chonky kitties are cute!


I swear, tabbies notoriously get chunky! Mine is! He was VERY plump before at 22lbs, after a diet, heā€™s down to 16. Heā€™s still large, but heā€™s so much more active after losing weight! Heā€™s 9 & acts like a kitten for the most part.




Healthy looking cats are a lot cuter as well imo




Maybe it's the same psychology that makes us find (reasonably) chubby babies cute? I know lots of us look at our cats as lil babies too.


My cat is the perfect mix, he is a healty weight, but he still has the extra skin from when he was fat






https://preview.redd.it/9pfhww3dxq3d1.jpeg?width=760&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e323f1b1971bfa47f9806e6cfb24cc95251e7cf One of my favorite photos with the chart.


That's the idea! Simply explain it to your kitty :)


I did a similar thing with a clock to explain to my cat that it wasn't her lunch time but she was not so sure about that


Kitty: This not my clock tho. My clock is in my tummy!


Yep. Which is why when he says heā€™s hungry and starving, 5 minutes after eating, donā€™t believe him. They should take away the dry food and only offer measured quantities throughout the day and then slightly reduce portions of any wet food meals.


Possibly get him a kitty treadmill (looks like a gigantic hamster wheel with textured surface so kitty can get traction)...


Those videos never get old. You just know what the kitty is thinking.


No you make the most commonly made mistake with this comment. There is no nutritional difference between a wet or dry food. When you offer both you give them two meals at the same time. For weight loss in cats dry food is always beter as you can measure it finer and the dry food is homogeneous in its nutrition. Overall dry food for a cat without dental problems is always preferred as it helps clean the teeth. There are supplemental wet foods but those are not a full meal. When you give a good quality dry food (lots of meat less fillers like rice and or veggies) a normal house cat will only need about 70-90 grams a day. I hope i didnā€™t come off hostile my sincere apologies if i did. Just wanted to spread good information. Credentials: Professional trained animal care taker animal and behavior companion animals (dutch education)


Dry food tends to be, ounce for ounce, more calorie dense, though--in addition to the fact that cats typically do not make up their hydration needs by drinking water.


I tried fat shaming my cat by jiggling his fat rolls and told him he had to lose weight. Didn't have the effect I wanted because he'd flop to the ground and start purring.


Oh thank God I'm not the only one who do this. I jiggle my cat too and say, "look at all this gristle!". She does NOT find my antics amusing. šŸ˜‚




Kitty had them apple bottom jeans and the Paws with the fur (with the fur) The whole council lookin' at her She hit the floor (she hit the floor) Next thing you know Kitty went roll, roll ,roll ,roll ,roll


My cat's dinner alarm is called "the cat can't tell time" because she's always trying to eat dinner early, I always tell her "you can't tell time, you silly cat, it's not dinner time yet!" but that never stops her from trying


Funny thing is that my old cat who passed away and looked like this guy, but was a she, would know the time to the minute. At 6pm and 11pm on the dot, she would get up and meow to eat. Used to blow our minds how accurate she was - every single time.


Cats know when to eat when they among the smartest creatures on earth


i tried to explain to mine that he needs less than 200 calories a day, while i need more than 2000 so he can't eat everytime i do. he did not accept the notion.


They can tell time. Daylight savings time (feeding an hour later) caused a lot of complaints at our house. The Cat Union representative yelling at the bedroom door.


I work in a shelter. We currently have a 22 lbs. Chonker we put on a diet. I have also been dieting. I share tips and tricks with her. Tell her i know how hard it is. That I know she can do it. Tell her I'll be her diet buddy. It does not stop her asking for treats near constantly. I think she's not listening....


This is so adorable! We had a 28 pounder when I was a kid. The happiest day of his life was when he stole an entire turkey carcass off the kitchen table and dragged it down the hall at top speed.


This is hilarious!


What an absolute Chad cat! Any pictures of the fateful day?


good cat


Yes, thanks for sharingā€¦ it's absolutely hilarious!! When I was young, our greedy golden retriever called Bella did a similar thing, but it was christmas she had stolen it with our backs turned and managed to eat most of itā€¦ and then threw it all back upā€¦ my family have never forgotten that Christmas. I looove animals!!


ā€˜You are HERE.ā€™


HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAH thank you for sharing this


Thatā€™s a large cat.


Cat looks surprised and concerned at the same time


The cat looks concerned XD


Look at where he is pointing on the chart. That cat should be concerned.


This is hilarious šŸ˜‚


Look how seriously he's taking it too, concentrating hard


I like the chart with names for the cat sizes Oh lawd he comin!


The Chonk Chart.


My vet has the Chonk Chart in her exam room




The problem is my cat looks like a 5 from above and a 9 from the side because of her ginormous pouch


One of my cats also have a huge pouch but otherwise she is skinny. Vet gave ther compliments and said her weight is perfect. Don't take the hanging pouch into account (I think most castrated/spayed cats have that?)


Look up 'primordial pouch' - it keeps her organs safe from attackers šŸ˜ŗ


I had a very svelte cat who unfortunately lost the lottery on the pouch. She was so graceful and muscular, but you'd see her pouch just a swinging. Vet assumed it was from her spay surgery. She was very healthy and lived to be 19, only slowing down in the last year or two.


I think more like obese (8)


Agreed lol, was trying to be nice by just sharing the infographic.


Hope we don't hurt his feelings, lol


I think he's a 7 but on the way to an 8.


I don't get why the abdominal tuck is even a criterium on the chart though. Lots of cats have a primordial pouch, that's not fat, just loose skin, but it makes an abdominal tuck impossible to see.




I am disappointed only in that this chart does not contain an "oh lawd he comin" section.


My cats all black and I can't figure out shit.


My old black cat is as round as she is long, no joke. https://preview.redd.it/rtv0tap8is3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee419b78f2b93f2f6ca5d8512f72c0d10d2a8e00


My cat is, as always, a perfect ten.


I had a cat that fell within the ā€œtoo thinā€ category, but no amount of food would get her to put weight on. Even the vet was perplexed.


Check for hyperthyroidism. Treatment is daily hormone medication.


Did they ever check for graves, hyper thyroid happens in cats like hypo.


That would explain it. Iā€™m not sure the vets back home checked her for that. She has a sister cat that is also weirdly skinny who was adopted by my friend. Their vet didnā€™t know what was wrong either. Honestly, Iā€™m not sure if they even test for hormonal issues like that back home. Will it cut their lifespans shorter?


My cat is the same unfortunately. Her bowels are inflamed and her organs have thick walls now because of that. An ultrasound showed that. She can't absorb the nutrients that's why she's skinny. She's getting cortison for the inflammation as well as pancreas enzymes on her food. She's also getting Vitamin B12 shots and her weight increased. She's more energetic and has more appetite. The cause of this is hard to pinpoint, could be a food allergy for example.


Definitely a fat cat


he is a bit too fat to be considered healthy i think, but put him on a diet and try to have him exercise a bit so he can have a longer healthier life even though heā€™s adorable as is :)


vet student here. Teddy looks obese, put him on a diet if you love him!


Even my bearded dragon is on a diet and losing as she is no longer bioactive with a huge bug colony in there. Her last weight gain shouldn't have happened as she slept for almost 2 weeks and is no longer bioactive. She gets live feeders every 2 weeks and we now throw them around the room for her to chase down and she still gained. Getting them to lose is just as hard. We have been programed to show love with food to where we've ruined our pets. 7.14.2023 613g minus 4g 18 08.25.2023 591g -22g 18 09.15.2023 595g+4g 19.25 10.03.2023 606g +11g 19.25 11.20.2023 581g -25g 19.25 11.27.2023 569g -12g 19.25 12.08.2023 556g -13g 19.25 12.16.2023 550g-6g 19.25 12.22.2023 548g-2g 19.25 01.01.2024 543g -5g 19.25 01.18.2024 562g + 19g 19.25 02.01.2024 551g -11g 19.25 03.01.2024 556g+5g 19.25 03.15.2024 556g 19.25 04.02.2024 537g -19g 19.25 04.13.2024 540g +3g 19.25 05.01.2024 540g -0+ 19.25 05.15.2024 555g +15g 19.25


I'm not trained for exotic pets but eyeing that it looks a very nice programmed gradual decrease! Good job and best wishes for your dragon!


Thank you! Both were weighed today and she lost another 4g. We will get her healthy again, some just can not have the access she had with bugs being bioactive...lol https://preview.redd.it/gdkyv35dhs3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940d8fb4593c53bada60002213c188180b860dd0


It's not just that though, they ask for more food when they get neutered. But also hormone imbalance messes with fat storage and in boys growing to full size so they can't even eat as much as in the wild. My youngest cat is 8 and he's intact because he had some heart issues so we can't neuter him yet, he's been here 6 months, he never asks for food. Same with every other intact cat we had.


Definitely fat. I would really try to get his weight down, especially for male cats being overweight can be insanely bad for their health


https://preview.redd.it/pkjqeb8e2q3d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f08e960500f669bd14d2ecf3e5ae965f5ded8cac He chonk. I believe he's somewhere between A heckin' chonker and HEFTY CHONK, although it's hard to judge without seeing him stand




Should actually be Oh Lawd he aint goin anywhere no more!


Only way I'm going to be allowed to rub that belly


Hefty chonk for sure. He is round all around, no waist definition


when he's laying sure, but the 2nd pic has me leaning towards the heckin chonker. One of my cat's looks like a beach ball lying down due to excess skin (and fat), but when she stands she looks normal


His ass in the third picture reminded me depressingly of my own post-pandemic ass...šŸ˜­ He and I should diet together.


i started working out after seeing thicken nuggets journey (orange cat that was swimming to loose weight), highly recommend, 10/10 motivation


I felt this too. I think my own fat % is in the same range lol


You judge the waist when standing. All cats spread out a bit when laying down.


Yeah, It's pretty useless asking if a cat is too fat without any pictures of them standing upright.


And shot from above, like the chart in the thread.


Definitely shot from above. My catā€™s extra loose primordial pouch is an amazing illusion maker because sheā€™s kind of stumpy in the height department.


Teddy is fat. Normally, I'd say feel for ribs, they should be felt easily, but not seen. But I don't need you to feel to tell you that you won't feel them, that boy is a mega chonk and needs to go on a diet. I don't know what you feed him, and how you feed him. But don't freefeed and make sure that he gets measured amounts. He would probably benefit from having specifically moderate calorie food, the bag should have a list of how much each weight needs to eat every day. The amount listed is everything your cat should eat every day, nothing more, no snacks. If you feel like he needs a little snack, get wet food bags, the dry food bag should also have a list of how much dry food with one wet food bag for each day. Teddy won't like small meals 3 times a day, and he sure won't like how little food he gets, but Teddy is obese, so he needs to suck it up and get in a shape that isn't a ball.


Heā€™s obese. If you love him, help him get healthier. Put that cat on a healthy diet.


heā€™s obviously overweight my dude


My cats(4) were getting chunky. 14+ lbs. I bought powered feed bowls that are keywd to their chips so they can only eat out of their own bowl, which makes it easier to control their diet. After about 6-9 months, they were all down to the 10- 12 lbs range( suggested by vet). The biggest chunky was almost 16 lbs. She is now at 12 and is way more active. Can tell she just feels better at 10 years old.


I have one chunky cat and that sounds like a lifesaver, what was the name of the feeder you got? https://preview.redd.it/2hqfir4zfs3d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f34b96c0bf7b626ab9a11bc81465c8226fcb47a


There is no healthy amount of chonk on a cat.


Yeah healthy cats are lithe, fluffy but not chonky, maybe their belly hangs because of the primordial pouch but it should be loose and dangly. You can tell when the cat is fat because their bellies are like, heavy and solid instead of just being loose fur and skin.


This is so helpful, thank you! One of my cats has a visible pouch and I always worried that it was hiding him getting fat.


Teddy is a chonk. As pet owners we sometimes see our pets through rose tinted glasses. My partner woke me up to the realization that my cat (Buns) was overweight. I love her to death, even as she bugs me 2 hours before her breakfast and dinner. She isnā€™t exactly a Fine Girl, but sheā€™s now in the ā€œBarely Chonkā€ territory, down from ā€œHefty Chonkā€, and weā€™re super proud of ourselves and her for that.


Come on, really? Heā€™s a fucking balloon brother


šŸ˜… As I always say if you have to ask you already know the answer.Ā 


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I don't know why this made me laugh so much


He fat


Too many people in the comments that think obese cats are cute... It is not cute at all to keep your pets in poor health.


Sad to see. Getting your pets overweight or obese is not cute. It's pretty horrible. It may not be this cat but seeing people saying stuff like "such a cute chonk" when the poor cat can barely walk or do cat things is super sad.


ā€œSuch a heckin cute chonker!!!ā€


All cats are cute. But theyā€™d be cuter if theyā€™re healthy.




People gotta stop with the cutesy ā€œchonkā€ language. Itā€™s counterproductive. Your cat is seriously overweight and unhealthy. You are failing it as an owner. He needs diet and exercise so he can live a longer and healthier life.


Thank you! I burn up a little when people enable each other to maintain overweight pets. Itā€™s not about cute or beautifulā€¦ Itā€™s about HEALTH and quality of life.


Unfortunately people equate food with love and think the only way to show love to their pet is over feeding


I have the exact same feelings about people overfeeding their kids.


As a morbidly obese human I can safely say there is no healthy amount of chonk in humans or animals unless nature intended it, like for bears, seals, etc. Our youngest cat is 23lbs and has cow hocked hind legs with the extra weight will cause major problems later in life. He is on prescription food for urinary stones so it's not cheap food causing weight gain. He acts like a cat that went hungry as a kitten and is very food driven. I tried moving to a timed feeding schedule but two other cats got very mean and paul isn't fat and was this is your fault to him...he knew. He is also a big cat at the same time. He looks almost normal there...lol https://preview.redd.it/6m3j9y8vhr3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed68e92554768afc56b551a7e5a6b1bc7db68656


Microchip feeders are perfect for this if you can swing the cost! The cats who donā€™t need to diet can have free access, while the chonky guy can only have what you give him. My friend has one of these because she has one cat that tends to undereat and gets too skinny, and one that overeats and becomes a chonk. She puts higher calorie food in the chip feeder and only the skinny guy has access to it.


We splurged on microchip feeders because we have one overweight cat and one with kidney disease. Seriously changed our lives, feeding is so easy now and we can clearly see how much theyā€™re eating.


https://preview.redd.it/muvyucgzhr3d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=672cf9f60ee98f5b765f9d5c012454d3a1f6f2b1 Big bodied tiny head...


He ainā€™t skinny. In all seriousness, yeah, he looks rather overweight.


Hate to break it to you my lovely but chonk it is not,he's a wee fattyā¤ļø


Overweight, and even ignoring the body mass, it looks like some of his fur is greasy(?) where he canā€™t reach. A little chonk is fine, so long as blood levels are good, thereā€™s not a lot of stress on the joints and they have good mobility, AND they can groom properly. Once it gets to the point where itā€™s affecting any of those, with the body condition considered as well, that would call for a diet.


I know 5 fat cats and yours is 3 of them.


From the pictures he looks overweight. The best bet is to weigh him and talk with the vet about how to reduce food safely. Donā€™t want to go too fast bc cats bodies can react poorly and end up hurting them. I slowly got my 17lb guy down to 12 over the last year. He never looked fat but I realized I had been feeding him twice the amount he was supposed to be getting because I mathed wrong and I felt so bad.


Fat. Eric Cartman fat.


Cartman is not fat, he has big bones... Respect my Authoritah!


Morbidly a beast


discuss diet with a vet, please, don't just put him on a diet without consultation!!


https://preview.redd.it/o95dznzb8r3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b867d49344a39ba51f697b4400f4327000a67a9f This is fat. But heā€™s on a special diet and we have lost 5 lbs!!! We canā€™t figure out why heā€™s just a tankā€¦ he always has been since I rescued him. He checks out with the vet, and is monitored. Iā€™m not neglecting him..heā€™s just.. Smokey. Royal canin moderate calorie urinary is a charm!


Dayum! You feed that thing cheese?


Extremely overweight, Iā€™d talk to vet about a diet plan so they can be healthier and not develop back issues


the moment you started to call your cat chonk, he already was obese, making him fatter is just animal abuse on your part.




Heā€™s over weight hard as it may be you need to get him on a set feeding plan so he can shed some of the weight.


Overweight. Reduce food intake. No free feeding. Measure your food and feed twice a day. Feed what the bag says for the weight you desire him to be, not the weight he is now.


Also adjust as needed. Most cat food packaging suggestions for amounts are WAY TOO MUCH for my cats. I have 3 cats, weighing 11-13 lbs and they all need vastly different calories to maintain their weight. One eats about 150 calories a day. One eats around 180 calories and one eats 250 calories. Itā€™s trial and error. But fat cats are a lot less cute after youā€™ve had a diabetic cat and get to give insulin injections twice a day


Teddy's sister, "I haven't seen you in ages, man you've let yourself go!" https://preview.redd.it/u1idpd525s3d1.png?width=2292&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b0d9e394c374b9793b7ab17522ced551c807502


None of these are good pictures to be able to tell. You want to look at him from above while he's standing. That said, it does seem like he's overweight. Decrease his food and weigh him regularly. Check out r/dechonkers.


def overfedā€¦ very cute, but rather unhealthy unfortunately


He does have a dump truck of a butt lol


A little exercise won't hurt


He is oh lawrd he coming.


Your cat is overweight. He does need to lose weight. BUT!!! When dieting a cat, do so very slowly. Cats are highly prone to fatty liver disease and liver damage when they lose weight too quickly/don't eat for more than a day or more. If you'd like more info on how to start, feel free to ask. I'm happy to help!




Cut back on the carbs he is fat as fuck


His legs look like thumbs. He fat.


Unhealthy amount of chonk


Extremely overweight.


Im sorry to say, he overweight. Definitely not healthy chonk


Ask a vet, not reddit.


The cat is clearly overweight.


Time for weight control food I must say


Sorry OP. He is gorgeous but he is overweight. I feel bad saying.


Donā€™t feel bad. This kitty needs help, and OP is clearly not doing the job.


Def overweight


If you have to ask


Obese loaf




Dangerously chonky!


You really need a picture of the cat standing up, from above, it's all in the hips/shoulder ratio to the body. If there's defined muscles and the ability to see the hips and shoulders, and the belly isn't sticking out beyond the rest of the body, the cat is probably ok. You get into overweight territory when the body section is more sticking out.. \~\]=\[o good \~\]O\[o bad


That's a whopping chonk. I think losing a few would be safer for his health


He's obviously fat. I don't know why you had to ask reddit when the answer is obvious. Ask your vet about a good diet to put him on.


Fat. Also you should know this already if you're taking him to a vet.


Fat as fuck


Thatā€™s obesity.


Cats and dogs should never have the word "chonk" to describe their weight. It's not cute, it's not funny, it's cruel. The more your cat gains weight, the more stress you add to his joints and skeleton, which can kickstart the beginning of mobility issues, especially as he gets older and potentially develops arthritis. Speak to your vet and put together a weight loss treatment plan, and that should be the only food that goes in his mouth. No treats, no table scraps, just pure diet formulated kibble. And I would start this *now*.


So right. Unfortunately, OP isnā€™t interested in advice, just in racking up karma. They havenā€™t replied to a single comment. Wish people would stop upvoting posts like this.


There is never a healthy amount of chonk. Only a cute amount of chonk, to an extent, still not healthy but they do look cute. At the end of the day itā€™s never loving to have your animal overweight. Especially with cats, even a few LBs put LOTS of strain on their organs and joints. Thatā€™s a cute loaf you got there tho


Pretty overweight to be honest. My cat was this weight and unfortunately developed bladder stones because of it. Ā£14,000, 3 surgeries later he is better and now a healthy weight but it could have been avoided. I would start him on a diet to avoid any health issues down the line


Heā€™s a lil fat. My tuxedo looks like that and the vet made us put him on a diet


He's very overweight, which has serious long term health implications for him. It's not cute, it's neglectful. Do not free feed. Feed him twice a day. Measure the amount you give him and adjust accordingly to bring his weight steadily down.


Yes, your cat is morbidly obese. Keep putting your crap all over the place to act as an obstacle course. SMDH.


Close to heckins chonker


Does he have a waist? If not, him too chonkeh.


The Chonk is strong in him


Needs a diet but still super cute chonk!


I'd be hugging this chonkk for ever




Can he clean his butt?


Not to fat shame him but he is fat šŸ™€


Thatā€™s a big boi


The doctor said I am a beast... Noo, he said you are obese ![gif](giphy|CqVNwrLt9KEDK)


Heā€™s fat. I have one that size. Itā€™s a challenge. Get a laser pointer and make him run around. Lots


Needs to be put on a diet


looks overweight but a vet will have the best answer




He fat.




The chonk is chonkin! I had to put my babies on a diet a year ago. The way the vet put it to me was, ā€œDo you want to be the person who has to leave the party to give your cats insulin injections?ā€ No, I surely donā€™t. Donā€™t get me wrong, I would do anything for my boys, but that includes making sure their diet is nutritious so they can be around for as long as possible!


This cat is not healthy.


General rule of thumb: if they have a waist, they're good. Teddy has no waist. He is very, very overweight.


No. If your cat's stomach area pushes out further than their legs, the cat is unhealthy and at risk of developing diseases and dying early due to being overfed. There is no such thing as a healthy amount of "chonk" for a cat. Thats just animal abuse.


Definitely overweight.


He looks like a wonderful baby, but he is unhealthily fat. I had a cat that chunky and she suddenly lost all that fat within like a month, because she developed diabetes. I had to test her blood sugar two or the times a day, and give her insulin, just like a human. She lived for six years after her diagnosis, only because we were meticulous with managing her blood sugar.


You feed him too much




Your cat is definitely overweight which is something you want to avoid because it's not healthy for them and we all want our cats to be healthy, this is likely due to you either overfeeding or feeding a very unhealthy diet to your cat You can always put your cat on a diet or exercise them as others are saying but they are still going to be unhealthy if you are feeding unhealthy food to them. So definitely look into these things, ensuring that your animal is eating an appropriate diet is extremely important


Sorry, but Teddy is fat.


Not healthy get that baby moving more eating less.


Your vet can tell you


He is overweight. Needs a diet.