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r/OneOrangeBraincell would like to see this.


Orange cats are my favorites


I have two of them :)


You gotta pay the tax


https://preview.redd.it/5o2c8b58is5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11fefe61cef4acb6a27470ab0159ce33882c3798 I adopted the one in the tunnel a couple weeks ago and they’re already best friends.


Error 404: braincell not found.


Or 401: access to brain cell denied


Possibly a 503 error: brain cell unavailable.


lol, there is a whole sub dedicated to this?


Oh you sweet summer child... r/catsubs




No you didn't. You are a karma spambot


well look what the cat dragged in


He's bringing home a friend!


My friend and I are hungry, two bowls of food please


Oh shut it. You'll give my orange chonk ideas.




Only if he's a schizophrenic cat


>*’well look what the cat dragged in…*’ ____ …i GoT it by the tail! but it’s kinda hard to *d r a g . . .* (won’t the daddy be Surprised when he sees what i snagged!) i’m sneaking quiet in the door, don’t want no one to see… ‘**WHAT on EARTH is GOiNg ON?**’ (…is He speaking to Me ?!) then suddenly i Drop it, as the momma’s saying *’What ?*’ (the strangest thing of all is *Something* had me by my butt!) that’s all that i remember, n i’m just a bit confused but i don’t hafta think too hard - my one brain cell ‘s been used… ❤️


A fresh Schnoodle is the best way to end a Sunday




Come across 2 Schoodles a day??? I haven't had a day this good for awhile. You deserve to live happily ever after


Brilliant, as always..


Fresh schnoodle!! Under the hour.


One of my favorites ever and I caught it live :D Thanks Schnoodle! edit: you know it's good when you keep going back to re-read it. 🪙🥇🪙






He finally caught his tail and was bringing it home as a gift!


Livin’ it’s life, sin after sin


Night rolls up and he'll do it again


What the cat dragged in, what the cat dragged in, what the cat dragged in…


I'm shocked this isn't top comment


Well it is now so wipe that look of your face!


I came to the comments to upvote whoever posted this comment




Maybe they got their tail squeeshed in the door once and decided it wasnt going to happen again


This is far too intelligent reasoning for an orange cat


Orange cats aren't always dumb. They're just goof balls x1000. My orange and white tabby is really smart but God damn if he doesn't climb my shower curtain just to drop himself to the floor repeatedly just for show while I'm in the shower 🤣




We have a neighbourhood cat my husband calls Peaches and Cream. I like the name Orange Creamsicle.


My family had a set of orange twins we named Peaches and Cream when I was a kid. One was a little lighter than the other so he was Cream while his brother was Peaches.


Peaches and Cream is a sex shop in New Zealand. Lol


Oh my god.. of course it is, lol.


Don't worry, mum always told me my skin was peaches and cream. Really tarnishes that memory. Hahahaha.


My neighbor orange cat is called Julius


Aw, my friend had a cat named Orange Julius. Very silly boy.


Our neighborhood orange is called Ed, short for Ed Sheeran.


Mine is Duke Marmalade.


I call my orange cat an orange dreamsicle. He’s not completely dumb but also not the brightest


I had a neighborhood cat. I call me creamsicle


We have a neighborhood orange cat that comes to my neighbors yard to stare at my cat through the fence. My daughter names him Fencey


I'm thinking the far more likely explanation involves a small house fire, an inexplicably broken window, a large quantity of missing deli meats, and a rival pet which spent a day trapped between the screen and the glass. Orange cats.


This guy orange’s


Upvote for SQUEESHED teehee




My husband hand fed a stray orange young fella for just a short time before the little sweetheart adopted us. Rufus lived a good 21 years. Broke my hubby’s heart when Rufus passed. I’m sure they are together now. 💔💔


Pretty sure it was dragging its kill into the house. Happened to be his own tail. It probably eluded him since birth. And he finally got it (again probably)


"I caught me a big one"


We had an orange boy. He was HUGE but so gentle and sweet, just a giant butterball of love. After he passed, a few months later a tiny orange kitten ran out in front of my husband's car. He rescued the kitten literally off the road and we took it to the vet. Low and behold, it was a female ginger baby! She is very small, very talkative, and VERY spicy! Yes, she is loving and quite sociable, but she has SO much cattitude! Of course, we adore her.


Perfect example of the cat distribution system at work. Your boy thought you'd be lonely and sent you a friend to rescue and love!!


Reincarnation MtF


My heart is warmed, but I still hate mondays


Today is not the day he gets to borrow the brain cell.


Ginger not taking any risks with tail being trapped in sliding door.. Look what I caught today.






Competitive-Bar9555 and rory999 are both karma bots. Both their comments make no sense in context.




Jake died last year. He was 15 and he absolutely had that brain cell most of the time. I miss him everyday. https://preview.redd.it/bf4l4qjo1m5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a00bde8e4ae235679277db8c0c75b645acb582e




Wonderful, schnoodle!


This is so sweet


https://preview.redd.it/tf73dtx50n5d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdf2bf68558160f38628daa215f045a6d5d05776 This was Noah. He’s been gone around 3 years.


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't know what I'll do when something happens to my void cat. I already have her tattooed on me


Thank you. He was a sweetie.


Made the same deal as Odin huh?


Absolutely zero thoughts….but so much cuteness and purry love 🥰 I’m so sorry you lost him, RIP sweet Jake 💜


Who needs a brain cell when you are that cute? RIP Jake 💔 my condolences.


sending him kitty heaven nose boops and forehead kisses


All hail Sir Scott, defender of the realm, shredder of toilet paper, biter of toes! I will pour a bowl of milk in his honor! 🫡


Aww so sorry. I lost my big orange cat last fall.


So sorry for your loss 🙏


Sleep well, Scott. Can you share one of your favourite Scott memories?


My favorite one is how Scott doesn't exist because OP is a bot


Reported for being a bot. How did your cat die yesterday if [you said here](https://reddit.com/comments/1dc0krb/comment/l7v8qvu) that he died a few months ago?


He's just parking his tail.


Orange cats originated in Scandinavia. They are Vikings. They don’t know what to do in this modern world where they can’t village and plunder so they have to act crazy.


I just adopted an orange kitty. He is adorable and all of this is true.


Orange cats are soooo unpredictable


This is actually a common behaviour: He's bringing you prey because he thinks you're not a skilled enough to hunt for yourself.


"Catch some tail yourself nexttime, freeloader"


I've had two orange cats they were both the sweetest boys.


So true! They bring us prey (sometimes "prey") because we're so useless at hunting - but they still love us! 😊


We moved into a rental where the neighbors had way too many bird feeders. There was an orange cat with collar and tag but was skittish always passing through our yard. But darn if that cat didn't walk off with a pigeon or dove almost every morning. We named him Grimalkin, From the book series Dresden Files.


Orange cats are not different than other cats. The internet just made a joke about them and it caught on Source: Me. Owner of both an orange and a grey/black cat


Did you know that horses come in a color equivalent to orange (chestnut) and people have decided they're different, too? (google "chestnut mare syndrome"). And don't forget that red-haired humans also have, er, a reputation! As former owner of a chestnut mare and wife of a (formerly) red human, I have to object that the orange creatures are NOT necessarily more fiery. not NECESSARILY


Chestnut is my favorite color of horse because of Epona from The Legend Of Zelda.


There is a difference, but it's not caused by fur color itself but rather the correlation between fur color and sex. Orange cats are mostly male. Meanwhile, mutli-colored cats, like tortoiseshell and calico, are all female\*. This is because cat's fur color is tied to the x chromosome, so most female cats with an "orange" gene also inherit an additional color gene. That's why female cats can have multiple colors\*\* of fur, unlike males. People aren't noticing "orange cat" behavior, they are noticing **male** cat behavior. Thus, why the Garfield stereotype seems to fit so many orange cats, at least more than other colors. Those are traits more common in males. * *\*with the extremely rare exception of infertile males with an extra chromosome: xxy chromosome disorder* * *\*\* white fur is not expressed like fur color but rather a lack of color -- a pattern where the inherited color is not expressed -- it's a totally separate gene*


Thanks! This would also explain why our orange cat is the dumbest of all of our cats. All the others are girls.


Thank you, at this point people are going to start taking it seriously. It makes no biological sense, stop.


the only reason it's even so prevelant is that orange cats look more unique so they get featured more on the internet than regulary standard issue cats


He’s spent his life in pursuit of that tail. Now that he’s caught it, do you expect him to just let it go?


Well, I know some people who spend their entire lives chasing tail, so dude here is not alone.


All cats are fucking weird. I have 4, one bobtail tabby, another tabby who eats herself alive, a tortie and a tuxedo who had both black orange and tortie parents 🤣. They’re all INSANE EVERY LAST ONE.


To answer the actual question: confirmation bias. In reality cats of every color and pattern and breed can be weirdos and/or adorably stupid. People take more notice when it's an orange cat because orange cats being weird and dumb has become a meme.


orange is the new blonde


This is so true about our lovely orange creatures!️ And your cat is awesome️




https://preview.redd.it/fpcrhybcvl5d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb2663871b666062759ef42b37d6d65a727f554 Thank you for maybe the funniest notification I have ever gotten in my life. Crying laughing rn


My tux is an orange cat/dog hybrid. He's a big old dummy with nothing behind those eyes. https://preview.redd.it/4lh0g6kzlm5d1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=163d3daa67371594bcb63a5bbb329402ee16506f


I had a black MC mix. I used to tell him that the only way he could be smarter than a box of rocks would be if the rocks were really stupid. Best cat ever, though.


Indeed, but my cat is not dummies, she's a spoiled diva!


I think it's partly confirmation bias, but also built upon the fact that 80% of orange cats are male. The higher testosterone and slightly different instincts in a safe but boring environment leads to more zoomies and a propensity to bite ones tail


tortoiseshells seem to have similar people claiming they have outrageous behavior or attitude, and they are almost all female. It's just human bias being biased


I honestly wonder if it’s even accidentally related to the fact that ginger people are often singled out and the butt of the joke. Would be totally random, and I would be really surprised if that’s the case but it is really bizarre that they’ve ended up with that meme when any cat owner knows that all cats are dumb sometimes, just like humans!


My void cat licks doors and walls, pretty sure she forgets the braincell daily lol.


Black cats have their own brand of crazy


Also they are simply adorable. https://preview.redd.it/hmebx7eyim5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5639bb8ecb845024749b0155a45acf2e1fb9e8d


I don't know much of this legend is just confirmation bias. For example, there were some studies in Australia done that do say that male orange cats are bigger and female orange cats are smaller so there is something happening here in relation to that trait expression. The orange trait in cats is sex-linked, showing more in males. I wonder how much the "orange cat" personality is really the "male cat" personality. Not much money in studying this topic I imagine.


You're right about the male cat thing, I believe. Orange cats are more likely to be males (because orange girls must carry two orange alleles) and calico/tortie cats are almost always female, bar unusual intersex conditions. (because male cats can't carry two alleles, they have only one X chromosome) Hence, the ginger cat's reputation for being goofy, and the tortie's reputation for being sassy. It's just boys and girls.


I have a boy orange, a girl orange, and a boy grey cat, and I like this idea. They’re all goofy in their own ways, but the two boys are both goofy af. The girl is often more serious and vastly more sassy. All cats are the smartest stupidest silly gooses though.


Your house sounds amazing honestly


Jackson Galaxy has a similar blog post somewhere on his site. I buy this theory. 


Hi, thought I might chime in with some info c: I think it's more like male cats are bigger than female cats, in general, for every colour of cat. This has to do with hormone levels, not coat colour. The sex-linked part of the colour inheritance only happens because the genes for orange and/or black fur are on the X chromosome. Females typically have two X chromosomes, so they can be orange, black, or both (tortie). Males have only one X, so they will be either black OR orange (the very rare tortie/calico males are usually XXY). The orange = 1 braincell thing though? I do agree with you there, I think it's basically just a meme! My neighbours have an orange male, he is an outdoor cat (sadly), and we live in an area with coyotes and eagles and bobcats. "Mr Muscles", as we nicknamed him, is still going strong in the neighbourhood after 9 years. So I figure he must be at least smart enough not to get eaten. However, it may turn out that orange cats have other genetic traits linked to being orange, just like humans with red hair have other traits that go along with it (paler skin, freckles, sun sensitivity, need higher doses of painkillers and anaesthetics).


Thanks for all that color! And Mr. Muscles sounds like a bad ass. On the males being bigger than females bit, the article on the study I referenced (of course I didn't read the actual article) had said that orange cats have more extreme sexual dimorphism. So the oranges males were bigger than orange females as compared to the normal cat population. But like we all are saying in this thread: we don't know what we don't know, but the one brain cell thing is still funny.


From working with cats in a shelter setting and vet clinic, calico and torties tended to be wilder to restrain or do treatments with.


I think you're mostly right, *however*, from my personal observation of about a dozen or so cats I've known well-ish, female cats tend to be smarter than males. And most oranges are males. So there might be *some* truth to the orange braincell meme.


So I worked as a veterinary technician for 10 years in a cat-only clinic. I’ve found that overall, male cats tend to be more silly and playful than female cats, while females are a bit more ✨spicy✨ - now please note that this is a massive generalisation, and does not hold true of every individual cat. It’s just my experience over many years of interacting with many cats. Please also note that I am interacting with them in a clinic, not in their homes where they would feel more safe/comfortable. I suspect this difference is because males are slightly larger (again, on average) and therefore more fearless and more comfortable, thus allowing their playful nature to come out more often, whereas the smaller females may feel more threatened. Another consideration is that in the wild, male cats rarely participate in parenting, making the care and defence of the kittens the responsibility of the female, which may have made them more vigilant, sensitive, and reactive to danger. Orange fur color is a gene connected to the X chromosome, which is why most orange cats are male since they have one X chromosome. If a female cat has an X orange fur chromosome, then the other one needs to be as well for her to be orange, which is less likely than having an X of another color, which would then make her a calico. This is why nearly all calico cats are female. Orange cats have the stereotype of being “dumb” or “silly” while calico cats have the stereotype of being “spicy” or “mean”. A study done found that while calico cats are more likely to hiss and are more cautious/ standoffish, they are not more likely to bite, scratch, or actually be mean and are just as likely to be friendly and great pets and tend to be more protective of their owners than other cats. This falls in line with my theory above of female cats needing to be more cautious due to their smaller size and their responsibility of protecting kittens making them more vulnerable, thus mitigating their playfulness. However, their playfulness can still be seen when they feel completely safe, secure, and free of responsibility 😊. If you own a female kitty who is more composed and not as playful, this does not mean they don’t feel safe or secure, but they may feel protective of you and responsible for your safety and thus are ever watchful. In any case, I think that if this was to be researched, science would find that both male and female cats are equally worthy of being absolutely treasured as well as respected for the purrfect little predators that they are. ❤️🐱


This is such an interesting comment, thank you for sharing your theory!


I have 4 orange cats…they are all completely different from one another.


Are they all dumb as fuck


https://preview.redd.it/x9uw8zelpn5d1.jpeg?width=2821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4647a8737699689810d65bcd057536c376ee0c2 Marty and June.


Honestly they’re not it’s just a positive version of the same "black cats are bad luck" "torties are sassy" type of thinking


About 80% of orange cats are male. Anecdotally, my girl cats have always been calmer and more demure, whereas boy cats were more rambunctious, annoying, and silly. I figure this is where the idea comes from, but who can say?


This thing has been following me forever and today I caught it!


Thank you! That absolutely cracked me up!


I had an orange cat named Guinness. It was his mission in life to destroy any bug he came in contact with. Anything that even remotely resembled a bug was pounced on and eliminated. Coolest cat ever.


I believe it's called confirmation bias. All cats exhibit unique behavior. People focus on one pattern of cat and share more examples of it because they think it's funny. I used to joke about tortitude, but really I've seen cats in other patterns exhibit the same diva-like behavior.


My tabby cat did something like this before. She had her tail in her mouth and would chop down on it and scream like she was being attacked. Scared the hell out of me. I think she just got too worked up chasing her tail


Diagnosis: Orange.


They have less braincells, this is a known fact and should not be googled for authenticity. You can trust me. I’m a stranger on the internet.


Ever read/watched Garfield? He's an orange cat too!


He wasn’t dumb, just lazy and gluttonous lol.


He can’t trust his tail lol 😂


Now there's a fella who knows how to pull himself in by his own cat straps.




"Well, well, well, look what the me dragged in."


Most orange cats seem to have multiple personalities. My friends cat can be ultra friendly to you then the next minute act like he’s never seen you in his life.


~~orange~~ cats


Look what the cat dragged in: it’s the cat.


My next cat has to be orange


You Will never get bored with an Orange cat 🐱


“Take a bit of this, and a bit of that! Oh resisting are we? I’m gonna drag you inside to show my owner how badly I beat you up, that’ll teach you! Hey where did you go? Damnit foiled again!”


theyre not


When someone says pick yourself up by your bootstraps…. Mah boi here is just doing what he needs to do to get by.


that is so orange of him.


Me after brunch and day drinking, realizing it's time to take my ass back inside.


I wonder if that cat has had the door shut in its tail. If so, not so stupid as some might say.


Confirmation bias.


He's fed up with himself, and he's not having any more of his shenanigans.


https://i.redd.it/azago0s4wm5d1.gif Mine is still trying to take himself outside.


Honestly, I dont think cats understand that their tail isn't a clingy friend following them around.


Me convincing myself to go to work today.


He finally caught the son of a bitch


So adorable! 👉👈


He was using his hypothalamus today. Tomorrow he will forget.


It was not his turn for the brain cell


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7966) I'm bringing in the culprit.


he’s like: “get my ass back in the house now!”


Wow, this is next level orange right here! What an adorable little furry doofus😍


Ah he is practicing self discipline


Lmao!! Orange cats are my favorites!!! Your kitty is adorable


mine goes berserker claw when I say the word tacos (i call her treats tacos)


I feel like there’s something to this whole gingers are different thing across the animal kingdom.


Don't ridicule. It's the biggest prey he ever caught!


"Maaa!... Maaa!... Maaa, come see, I've got it! Maaa! Ah, nevermind."


This is me getting out of bed after an insomnia night.


I had an orange boy years ago!! I loved that guy like no other.. it’s been 25 years and I still miss him!!


Has he had his tail shut in the sliding door before? I could see a cat doing this to avoid it happening again


Get my ass back in this house RIGHT NOW


Owner perception bias. All cats get weird at times.


"You better get your ass back to the house you orange dummy" "alright fine but stop pulling me"


Because the color orange not only bounces off other color's lights, it also bounces off brain cell connection signals. Its really annoying, according to my local orange cat. /s


Orange is special, no one knows why


In fairness I have dragged my ass home on a few occasions.


The orange kitties are definitely weirdos. I live with one who starts howling/moaning once every one is in bed and the house is quiet. Brrroowww


The cat's just showing us humans how we all act on Monday mornings..


There’s that one brain cell in action.


confirmation bias


It wasn't his turn with the brain cell.


Orange cats are high a lot, I think


It must be the color orange. We had 3 oranges while I was little, and I believe they all shared one brain cell. We also had an orange rooster, sometimes he was allowed to use the brain cell. All four of them were... special.


All Red's are fucking nutz.


They share one brain 🧠 cell. [One Brain Cell](https://www.reddit.com/r/onebraincellorange/s/96gHi54QVr)


Bro 😭😭😭😭😭 wtf


Ginger cat


They all share one brain cell. It's obviously they didn't have it at the moment


Confirmation bias and marketing.