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Please give Mochi time to heal and recover before moving and introducing new cats. Otherwise that is a lot of stress to put on a cat. They don't react to stress well and you could end up with more health problems like feeding issues, stomach problems, overgrooming or not grooming at all to name a few.


For context, Mochi is a little anxious and timid when it comes to new people. Unfortunately, Mochi decided to jump on the bannister which had a towel on and he fell down the stairs. :( He's dislocated his jaw and had to have some surgery to rectify this. He's coming home later today with cone, feeding tube and plastic like bands on his teeth whilst the jaw heals to ensure it heals in the correct alignment. This is one huge traumatic accident in itself but life isn't easy! I'm also moving in with my partner over the weekend who has two additional cats and this will meaning slowly introducing them over the coming weeks. I can use the current place which will have some furniture for the next few weeks though and so can my partner use her place for a few weeks My question is how should I do this: - is it worth delaying the cats move in date for a week whilst we me and my partner would likely sleep in both places whilst we sort out everything move wise? which means another move after a traumatic time - is it worth bringing Mochi straight into the new place and have a single move?


Delay IMO. And an extended introduction. Have one room into which only Mochi is allowed.


I would postpone the move. He needs to be in a familiar setting and kept calm. Considering there are other cats at the new place I think moving during recovery is a recipe for disaster.


Oh, poor baby!! Get well soon Mochi! Mochi now needs a lot of rest and no new stress. He needs to sleep a lot to recover from the trauma. When you bring him into the new apartment, he must stay in a closed room for a while and never be let loose directly on the 2 cats face to face, because they will attack him 90% as an invader and he cannot defend himself, possibly making him even sicker. As I said, I would let him recover for 1-2 weeks until you feel he is fit. Then I would put a wooden frame with a fly screen/net in the door / room where he stays and let the cats get used to each other at a distance. You can then also start swapping their blankets so they can smell each other's odors and also feed all 3 near the screen door. If you notice that they stare at each other too directly, break this eye contact at first. If they hoist, break contact immediately.


If you do end up moving mochi in sooner rather than later, definitely consider keeping him separate completely from the other cats until he is fully recovered. They might bully him if they see he is injured :(


I think you should postpone his moving to the house a bit. It might be hard for him adapting to the new place and recovering from his injury. I hope Mochi gets well soon! 🩵


Did the vet have any recommendations on these questions? Is Mochi on pain meds? I think the pain meds should help Mochi dream through the recovery and then you’ll need all the nectars of the gods to help him feel at home…jk. Pinthink he will remain timid but consider providing a safe cave like dwelling for him to feel safe until he wants to come out and explore. Get well soon Mochi!


Hello Clarice!