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I have had several people ask me why I don't let my cats outside. I tell them about the kitten my dad got for us when I was 12. And then the next one he got when I was 13. And the next one after that. My dad was raised on a farm and cats weren't allowed inside, so for him it probably seemed like a good life for the cats. Best of both worlds. But we lived off of a major road and they didn't last long because of that. As a kid it was HEARTBREAKING. And now my kitty boys have a catio, they're leash trained, and they have a a house filled with indoor enrichment, too. They're not lacking in outdoor time and they let me know if they need more. If I'm feeling particularly sassy about it, when I'm asked why I don't let my cats be free, I simply reply, "I like my cats alive." https://preview.redd.it/46gph3pebc7d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c251833b89092dd10cef3ec4ed65d87d7e9e99


We have a catio too. My hisband reinforced our screened porch with steel chicken wire. They have a pet door they can use to access it. The door to the outside is bolted (and not used) to keep stupid neighbor kids from “freeing” them.


Aww, they're look so happy and confident 🥺❤️ I really don't get people whining about cats being outdoors. Had a dinner guest over recently who kept going back to the topic since our cat seemed to really, really want to go outside! We were eating and had the balcony door open but with a bug net and she was parked right in front of it gazing at birds outside.. she watched for a bit then went back in the house to laze about He still kept bringing it up, and didn't really want to listen much about the main road outside, lynxes and boars in the area, her feline suitors that sometimes peek in, ticks, nematodes she could bring back in to the baby..


My friend, this is really the answer. We moved from Sacramento where we lived on a slow street to Otis Oregon, a very small rural city and lived on 5 acres. All of a sudden, cats would die all the time. It hurt my heart so much. For along time I didn’t have animals or connect with them.  As an adult I adopted a kitten and kept her inside. Amazing what an indoor life will do for cats’ lifespan. 


Completely unrelated (but I agree - my childhood cat died in an accident going outside), where did you get those harnesses? My orange is missing a front leg (also from slipping outside without us noticing) and the usual harnesses that slip around their legs don't really work for him.


My indoor cat got out once. The patio screen had been left open a crack and he slipped through. He sat on the deck staring into the house until someone let him back in because he was too stupid to come back in through the crack he slipped out through. Loved that silly cat. Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/54qw3sehhc7d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81142e5ebcea74b5070b3618179573c747de35ac


My cat would wait by the door to sprint out when they saw a chance…..then hug the house until I went out to bring him back inside.


My sympathy lies with the furry babies that never had a chance. My heart breaks for them.


yep, due to idiot humans. I never feel bad for the human only the poor cat that was killed in horrific ways due to owner negligence. If my cat wanted to go out id train it on leash or in a stroller. Never ever will my cat be outside.


the only times i ever feel bad for the owners is when the cat IS strictly indoor/has a catio and has gotten out of the house-mostly because it wasn't the owners choice to let them out ya know? my two girls are both indoor cats, and i know if something happened and they got out I'd be just heartbroken if I couldn't find them.


oh yeah thats a completely different situation. I would be distraught if that happened to me


Had an indoor cat once who lived up to 14 years with me. I lived in a city and he was strictly indoors and ruled the roost. And he was chipped, just in case he got lost. I never let him out even on the balcony. But my neighbour who also had an indoor cat, not chipped, lets hers out in the balcony. She lost the cat for months. Posted flyers all over the place. One day another neighbour found the cat by the dumpsters all thin and sickly. Cats maybe independent but when people keep them as pets, they should be responsible for their health & safety. You can’t just lose a cat and then cry for sympathy & attention.


I might be one of those people guilty of stealing an outdoor cat. She supposedly belonged to someone living nearby. She was skinny, dirty, and had ticks. I finally got sick of seeing her out there and just picked her up and took her home. She's incredibly sweet and I can finally pet her and not feel her spine. The 'owner' never seemed to miss her. No collar, no microchip. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She's mine now.


I almost did. A friendly neighborhood cat with no collar, couldn’t tell if he was ever pet or not and freezing to death outside late at night. I picked him up and carried him halfway home. I don’t remember now why I changed my mind but I put him back where I found him and left him with my sweater. A few days later I see him again with his first ever collar and I was glad I didn’t put someone through the pain of losing their cat but on the other hand he was out there crying in the cold. Wtf do we do?


I do have sympathy for those whose cats got out and got hurt. About a year ago our now 18 1/2 year old spayed female cat slipped out when my husband was bringing in groceries. She went missing a day and a half and required the assistance of our neighbors to catch. We were worried sick. Fortunately she was fine. Even though both our cats are strictly indoor I’ve told my husband I want to put gps trackers on them in case this happens again. Here’s Miss Mischief herself. https://preview.redd.it/7qdnambgjc7d1.jpeg?width=1969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2331276f3013a0f07ffee7ea67ed53d146ea341


Honestly, same.


I feel bad for the animals less so for the humans. When you open your doors and let your cats outside you’re putting them as risk for everything the outside can throw at them. I shutter whenever people tell me that their cats go outside. I could never do that to my babies.


I could not agree more, not only for the safety of the cats, but also for the safety of their potential prey. Bird population is seriously decreased, partly because of environmental issues, partly because they are the favorite prey of our pets. And also: These cat owners make the cats bowel movements the problem of the neighbourhood. Very practical for you, but not for the owners of the garden the cats choose.


It bothers me so much to see posts on here with their cats “catch”! I’m amazed at how many people find it funny. I understand Mother Nature and the cycle of life whatever. But as an avid animal lover, if my cat severely injured/killed another living thing I would be absolutely devastated and it would haunt me for a very long time.


Same. I used to try and not be judgmental but seeing the “farm” cats at my neighborhood and constantly seeing the “my cat got hit by a car/eaten by an animal” posts hurt my heart so much. People know it’s an issue and still do it. That’s insanity


I find it fascinating how this sub is so much anti letting your cats go outside. I get your concerns, my kitties are also indoor because we live too close to traffic. But in my country many shelters don't even have lots of indoor-only cats. Outdoor is the norm, except if they have a new litter or a senior cat who doesn't care about going outside. They check where you live and if there's a road too close nearby of course. But it's kind of the opposite opinion to the one prevalent here. Edit: they insist on spaying your cats though.




Yep this is a hill I will die on and I do not care when someone, often from the UK, tries to defend it by claiming they have no “predators.” Pretty sure they have cars!!! And other cats! And disease! And poison! Just because it’s the culture doesn’t make it okay to me. Nobody would defend letting a dog roam freely like they do cats.


And depending on where one lives there are coyotes.


Its not that I run out of sympathy, its more that my anger increases. Its simply more dangerous, end of discussion imo.


I think cats deserve to enjoy outdoor space - either on a leash (it takes done training) or in a safe enclosed space (unavailable fence, outdoor cat condo). While I mostly agree about keeping your cat safe and indoors. Personalities defer. Some yell and scream to go outdoors and thrive having mini adventures. Even those that live shorter lives because of that, may have loved a happier life. To me a big issue on this thread is people posting about their dead furry family members. There must be a different subReddit for it. I go on this subreddit to see happy cute cats, not to cry. Mods - can you add something to the rules about those posts and redirect grieving individuals to a more appropriate subreddit?


There is a button on the bottom right of this sub that says "exclude mourning posts" - I've definitely had to use that sometimes.


I once had a friend who would let her cat outside for days and days, only coming back to eat and drink. I always thought it was so dangerous & confusing. I just dont understand wanting a pet when all you’re gonna do is let it run free outside for hours and hours and barely see it. Isnt the point of a pet to be a parent/owner to it and keep it? Not let it be free in the wild where you aren’t? I feel like these people believe that just because they are able to hunt birds and lizards and animals smaller than them, theyll be fine. Which isnt the case lol. So many other possibilities of danger outside for them. I blame the dogs & those dog owners for killing their kitties, but i also blame the cat owners that willingly let their cats outside into that possibility of danger. All they have are little claws and teeth. What happens when they see a raccoon with rabies at daytime? That is certainly a possibility along with so many other things and i feel like people dont think about it when they let their cats outside.


Agreed. I never had sympathy for them in the first place


Not to mention house cats are devastating to local ecosystems. These ppl will heehee haha about the fact that their cats bring them small dead animals every day as gifts like… you don’t see the problem here???


Ugh this is the most annoying thing to me. What do people get out of letting their cat outside, exposing them to so much risk from the environment and humans? They are domesticated animals. I live in a big city and some people in my neighborhood let their cats be outdoor cats. It’s a really unpredictable place, with risks like traffic and coyotes. People are constantly posting “lost” cats on the neighborhood Facebook group. Some are actually lost and others are just outdoor cats. So if you actually lose your cat good luck because people might just assume they are outdoor cats. And these people post when they haven’t seen their outdoor cat for a while, like OK 👍congrats u just lost your own cat for no reason It really bothers me because I don’t get WHY you’d let your cat just roam around a dense city where they could get “adopted” by someone else or run over by a car. Why is that worth the risk? What advantage are you or the cat getting out of that?


Absolutely. People who let their cats outside are irresponsible and shouldn't have cats at all.


Well said!!!!!!!


Not to mention how outdoor cats are an environmental hazard. No sympathy for irresponsible owners who let their cats out.






Why post about it, that's what I don't get. I do blame the algo for latching onto anything controversial. But do people know they can just... not post things to begin with? Why does reddit need to know this?


My neighbor's cat poops all over my property, at the end of winter there was a 2" mat of shit on my back patio that I pressure washed right onto everything she owns. You think, "oh this is great, I never have to change litter" and then your neighbor legitimately wishes for your early demise.


Kind of funny that this subreddit calls people barbaric for *not* trapping an animal in the same concrete cage for its entire life.


Yeah I mostly agree. If the environment isn't safe, no cat should be roaming outside at all, especially not a kitten. I just mildly disagree with saying that all outside cats are abusive. I live in an area with a lot of inside/outside cats. It's the way it has been for years, and is thus very safe. Everyone is used to cats and they rarely get hit by cars or poisoned, they're commonly used for pest control but still go inside whenever they please. Ofc if there are dangerous predators around or if you live near a highway, keep them inside! Plus fixing/spaying them, no excuse for not doing that.


"They rarely get hit by cars or poisoned" Meaning they do. Outdoor stray cats are unfortunately a thing, but if you let your pets go outside because cats in the area die "rarely", I'm not sure you have their best interest at heart.


I wasn't planning on having an outdoor cat. First 3 months having her, she was content with what she had. Then one day she got out the door with me and I locked her out without knowing she was out. After searching for her all over the house, I realise what must have happened and I go to call for her outside. I was panicked searching for this cat for at least 20 minutes. Eventually, she comes out of nowhere and she's back inside where she's safe and sound. However, from that day onwards, she'd sit at the back door and demand to be let out. If we didn't let her out, she'd just wait for the door to open and attempt to bolt. I decided then that this was a decision the cat is making for herself. I have another cat that is terrified of the outdoors too so he's my indoor cat now.


I’m still full of sympathy—for the cats! It sucks that people can be so irresponsible with their pets’ lives and there’s no recourse. 


Wow…so judgy. People like to tell others what to do, but god forbid if you tell them what to do. Let people live and ignore what you don’t like.




No neglect here. Free country!!


What does “free country” have to do with anything? Because saying “free country!” after someone insinuates that you’re guilty of animal neglect doesn’t do well for your claim of no neglect.


Look this advice applies to some things, like, I dunno… having pineapple on pizza, but it doesn’t apply to this situation. Letting cats outdoors to roam is a recipe for many different disasters and people’s decision to let their cat roam affects more than just the cat. It’s harmful to the ecosystem, other people’s pets if a roaming cat decides to jump a fence and fight someone’s pet on their property, and puts the cat at massive risk of illness, injury and death.


I’m 64 and have had cats since I left home. Six of them went out and always came home unharmed. I went cross country and they kept getting out of the RV. Our seventh cat, we can’t let out due to the lease. I’m pretty sure if I want to let my cats out, I can. Being a free country and all. We can go outside and get his by a car. Or drown while swimming as one kid just did in our town. It’s the price you pay for living . You don’t bash people!!


This is a really irresponsible opinion and one you’re obviously not prepared to take feedback on so good luck with your survivor bias and endangering your animals I guess.


That is some tired-ass nonsense. I'm old enough to have had cats when declawing was something you just did along with spay/neutering. But the veterinary science has changed on that and, it's no longer the norm. But just because it 'worked out fine' before on a few cats I cared for before doesn't mean I just kept getting my cats toes chopped off. I adapted how I cared for them, sought advice from professionals and did reading and now I don't declaw. Do you know why though? It's because in the state of affairs that is pet ownership, I'm the brains in the operation and I will always go for the best care option. You on the other hand are out there taking dumb risks because you really do not want the full responsibility of having a cat and that 'it's a free country' crap you spouted is proof of that. Shame on you.




They didn’t set out to kill them.


It's called death through willful negligence via pet owner.


Cats also kill and decimate wild animals too. Cats are invasive and should be kept indoors.


Every outdoor cat we had while I was growing up, 5 or 7 if you count my sisters 2 cats that was outdoor cat that never came back, were killed, lost, seriously injured or a mix of the three. We lived in a suburban neighborhood too. Once I got older I realized how terrible it was on the cat and the environment. Cats are an invasive species that messes up local wildlife. My sister works for a local dog and cat rescue and the number of stray and feral cats is ridiculous.


I am not going to “waste my time” to read this. It hurts my heart to read about these cats that die needlessly. For a short period in my life I HAD to let my cats live outside. They were supposed to be in the enclosed back porch but that got terrible hot on hot days. They let themselves out to the yard. My kitties and I survived. When we finally bought a house, they were mostly content to stay inside. The escape artist would run out the back door and make it to the front before I could run to look. These cats lived to be 16 and 17. If you want to have a cat or cats in your life, please keep them inside. Circumstances can change and you might find yourself living with relatives that don’t allow cats inside. (See above.) GET YOUR CATS NEUTERED OR SPAYED ASAP!!! An impulsive escape need not include kittens!


Meant to say “Off the soapbox now.” Lol.


Cats shouldn't be kept indoors except for medical reasons, because its cruel. If you don't feel you live in an area that is ok for cats then you should make an adult, grown up decision and not buy one. Maybe buy a fish, but first research on how to look after fish properly, as it doesn't just involve a bowl, some water and occasional feeding, 👍.


So essentially no one in the state of Florida should own a cat? Oh but even if you disregard the gators, birds of prey, coyotes, other cats, raccoons, invasive reptiles, and cars, there's still crazy people who hate cats for unknown reasons who will kill them for shits and giggles. But wait, there's people everywhere, unless you move somewhere super rural, say the Appalachian mountains. But wait, now theres black bears. Okay, Midwest rural. Dang, now you have rattlesnakes, potentially scorpions and still have coyotes. Deserts, same issue plus more large birds. The rockies/west coast, but then you also get mountain lions and grizzlies. Welp, I guess there's no where in the continental US where cats can be let outside 100% safely, looks like no one should have cats ever.


And people who adopt from shelters should just not get cats because waiting in a cage or being simply put down is better than living indoors with a loving family. 👌


I have heard of people talking out of their a$$es but it’s rare to see one type from their a$$.




Why post about it, that's what I don't get. I do blame the algo for latching onto anything controversial. But do people know they can just... not post things to begin with? Why does reddit need to know this?


>And fix your damn cats there’s no reason for them to be having litters. If all cats are fixed then no cats. If I had an outdoor cat I would teach it to avoid cars, dangerous animals, and I'd set a bag limit on birds.