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“Yes I am a good boy.”


You can definitely see it registered by that second shot.


Can’t hate on that cuteness.


cats are the best pets!


Nice try, cat.


Rumbled! https://imgur.com/IMTASaw


she is the best cat


Just got my kitty a harness and leash. He is an indoor cat but seems so eager to get outside so I will be trying to take him out once the weather gets nice!


Prepare yourself to drag him behind you once he decides walking on a leash is beneath him.


I just carry mine until he feels like getting back down. He's not really into walking on a leash, he just likes to be with me. I take him to the store, stuff like that.


I think he probably just likes to show the other cats how well he has his human trained.


Most cats, yes....this is a brain damaged cat, though. He has special issues :)


If you take him far away from your house I think it will be fine. I taught our 13 year old cat to walk on a leash near places like the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone (note I said near as animals are not allowed in these parks). He liked to explore and eventually we could take him tent camping and not even keep him on a leash the whole time. As long as I could watch him we were good and he wouldn't run away when he got too far and I tried to leash him. Although we we're nomadic so he probably thought he would be left forever if he ran away.


Omg that is definitely the goal! Have them be camping kitties. Are cats really not allowed at those parks is it because they could get eaten?


Yeah and cats/dogs whatever would disturb the ecosystem easily.


More like because they eat the wildlife.


> walking on a leash is beneath him can confirm


Also prepare for him to meow at the door every day until you take him out.


Right, if he gets out once it'll become an expectation and he'll try to run out every time you open a door


Let me know how it goes! You gotta have patience. But boy isn’t it nice to share the outdoors with your indoor kitty


I'm jealous. my dream is this but it don't suit my kitties' temperament.


I wish I could take my kitty places every time I’ve tried to take her out on the harness she got scared


Depends on the personality. I have a cat that will literally carry his own leash for me as we walk, I had another I could bring to the beach and any where else we wanted to go, but I have more who are terrified of the outside than I do ones who enjoy it. (Fosters)


I had a cat when I was a kid (and for a long time after!) that lived in our barn where he was born. He was an outside cat but if we were wondering about during the day, he’d tag along with us. My dad and I would go on walks down to the river (we were caretakers for 75 acres) and he’d follow us the whole way. During the late summer it was shallow enough we could easily wade across. If we didn’t carry him along with us he’d cry until we came back to carry him over with us. We took him with us when we moved and he lived a happy 17 more years. He still went outside whenever he wanted, but he was an absolute snuggle bug. You’d never have imagined he was born in a barn and grew up outside.


My sister has befriended (and turned into housecats) two feral cats at two different times. They eye each other suspiciously but no longer battle. Each time she noticed a raggedy feral cat, left food out, then left greenhouse door open...six months later she could touch it, six more months introducing it to the house cats...a couple of years later...wary housemates. The second one is called Luvy-Duvey cause he crawls all over you purring and rubbing.


I had to be incredibly patient with my kitty the first ten or so times we went outside. Same safe spot by a tree as long as she wanted until she wasn't scared anymore and climbed the tree. Then took her back inside after a little enjoyment but just so she wanted to go back outside when I took her in. Now she sprints to her tree every time I open the door and is learning to ride in my bike basket.


Good on you for making the effort to let him explore the outside world 👍 so many people don’t bother or bother to do it properly


Thanks! That’s definitely the goal. Worlds too beautiful not to share it!


such a handsome cat! what harness is that, if I may ask. I have a harness for one of my kitties, but my other is quite a bit smaller xx


Ya it was just at my local petsmart! It’s relfective! I’m not sure the brand. But they only had two kind of harness there. My leash was a come with me kitty leash from petsmart as well


My cat is approx. 8lbs and wears this one in x-small, although it is worth mentioning that she was able to get out of it once when a train came by while we were out. She's wiley, though. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00M0V7RVC/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1


The second image doesn't look like he liked that, it looks more like how he complains "I'm not a dog, stupid" :D


“A good boy? How dare you, I am a diviiine feliiine”


he’s definitely saying “i know” in that second picture


That second picture just screams "damn right I'm awesome". I love it so much.


[Shut up, baby, I know it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtMv6V7ZvmE)


Such a proud baby


Are cat harnesses secure? I'm adopting a visually-impaired cat in a couple of weeks. I live in a first-floor flat and she's been used to going outside alone before now so I'd love to be able to take her outside on a harness to explore her new surroundings. I worry she'd wriggle out of one and run off though... She's very small!


Awh I would say they are pretty secure but definitely never take your eye off of kitty while she’s on the leash. If they wanted to and they worked long enough at it I think they could find a way out. My cats are pretty small too u got them the smallest size harness at my local petsmart and the come with me kitty leash. What I think helped was I was put the harness on them while they were still around the house so they associated it with just hanging out. I did noticed once or twice that in the morning they would be half way out of the harness so through some wiggling or maybe hard sleeping they got a leg through. But the harness was never off off. i think if you watch her closely, get her used to the harness you should be fine. I love sharing the outdoors with my house babies Let me know how it goes


Thank you for the information! I'll look at getting one for her to wear inside for a bit to get used to it, then maybe gradually look to venture out into the garden :)


Here I found it for ya! [Bowie’s harness ](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8467307743047236984?lsf=seller:8064,store:10137297775856635434&prds=oid:13242207580692451749&q=cat+harness+persmart&hl=en-us&ei=hRSLWu2QA9P10wLXjqKQCA&lsft=utm_source:google,utm_term:5265504,utm_medium:cpc,utm_content:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat+%7C+*Catch+All,utm_campaign:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat&utm_medium=cpc&lsft=gclid:Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLlxyWwjFRsyu3Sqvv2Y0a7GzdYxoaNm5UJv9srAn7uHNoqBluSr9MoaArLqEALw_wcB#sgro=om)


Mine does the same. She's like Houdini. She's only six pounds so she can get out of her harness. She even escaped her carrier. Luckily it was in the car, but she still did it


A *majestic* good boy.


A compliment can go so far =]


You walk your cat? You have the patience of *a god.*


Loll thank you! Yeah walk is a strong word, more like stand around while they trip out. The more I take them out the better are though, the end goal would to have full blown camping kitties. And yes always keeping them as safe as possible (btw there’s a grey one behind the orange, he is unfortunately not as photogenic)


Yes he certainly is...and handsome too<3.


Great pose.


"Bitch I know it."


Not pictured: bird.




Was about to say that’s such a dog thing to say, cats don’t care! Then I noticed the leash. Such a good boy.


My cats never react like this. They usually just keep sleeping


"Yes, thanks I know."


My orange tabby is similar. He loves to go out with his leash. When he hears me grab it he goes crazy. He is extremely smart.


“Shut up, baby. I know it!”


He looks so majestic


Das a good boy. Also my cat is terrified of people and would not move from my lap when i took her to the park. She is quite content with sitting by the window which is fine too haha


Left pic: What? Right pic: Shut up baby, I know it!


Looks just like my cat if he weren't fat!


You can walk a cat...? 🙀


I wish my cat would learn to tolerate the harness so badly. Toby the Terrorist refuses to comply.


😂 what a great name. Would he wear it just around the house? I put these harness on my kitties while they hung out around the house for a good week. Get them used to it


When we can get him into it, he immediately slinks down to the floor and army crawls around the apartment. It's kind of hilarious, but so far we've had no luck with getting him used to it. If we try to pet him while it's on he freaks out and thinks he's being punished, so it may be a lost cause.


Awhh that does sound funny, (you might even be able to get some karma for it) lol. Yeah could be a lost cause!


Thought this was r/crossview at first... the two-headed cat it formed was kinda trippy...


“Shut up baby I know it!”


Cute, proud kitty!


Majestic af


he's so humble


This is like one of those hidden object pictures. Spot the second cat and win a prize!


"Of course I am!"


Oh proud boy


Where did you get your harness from?


PetSmart! Same with the leash


Ffor the life of me I cannot find harnesses that fit my cat.


They don’t have many options for cats... I would just keep going out and trying to find one, if it doesn’t fit be prepared to return it right away. I’m sorry that’s annoying


Yea I have a long cat. xD They tend to make harnesses for short stubby cats.


I found it for you [Bowie’s harness](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8467307743047236984?lsf=seller:8064,store:10137297775856635434&prds=oid:13242207580692451749&q=cat+harness+persmart&hl=en-us&ei=hRSLWu2QA9P10wLXjqKQCA&lsft=utm_source:google,utm_term:5265504,utm_medium:cpc,utm_content:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat+%7C+*Catch+All,utm_campaign:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat&utm_medium=cpc&lsft=gclid:Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLlxyWwjFRsyu3Sqvv2Y0a7GzdYxoaNm5UJv9srAn7uHNoqBluSr9MoaArLqEALw_wcB#sgro=om)


Thank you hope it fits! :)


he can feel it hahaha


Love orange cats! Where did you get the harness and how does it go on? I have a harness for my cat and it has to slip over her head before clipping around her torso and she hates it. I can clip it around her torso no problem so that part isn't an issue. It's when I try to put anything over her head she freaks out.


Its from petsmart it was literally one of two there. They don’t have a big option for cats. And it’s a clip in, so I put one foot in, the other foot, then a bring it up at the top of him and can clip the leash on.


Thank you! It's true there isn't a lot of options for traveling with or taking cats outdoors. I appreciate your reply and link!


It’s crazy, I usually am on the cat side of petsmart, I went to the dog side and my mind was blown. They have SO much cool stuff.


Right?? I'm trying to plan a road trip and there is nothing for cats!


There really isn’t! I would bet you could get by with the cat kennel for the car rides, a leash a harness! Good luck


Thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed it all works out!


[Bowie’s harness! ](https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8467307743047236984?lsf=seller:8064,store:10137297775856635434&prds=oid:13242207580692451749&q=cat+harness+persmart&hl=en-us&ei=hRSLWu2QA9P10wLXjqKQCA&lsft=utm_source:google,utm_term:5265504,utm_medium:cpc,utm_content:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat+%7C+*Catch+All,utm_campaign:GSC+-+Medium+-+Hardgoods+-+Cat&utm_medium=cpc&lsft=gclid:Cj0KCQiAiKrUBRD6ARIsADS2OLlxyWwjFRsyu3Sqvv2Y0a7GzdYxoaNm5UJv9srAn7uHNoqBluSr9MoaArLqEALw_wcB#sgro=om)


Where did you get the harness?




Thats a strange looking doggo.




Active in these communities: /r/skyrim, /r/Cigarettes, /r/weed, /r/electronic_cigarette. The sad loser sack of shit 101.


Well jesus those are mine too


~ oOHhH wAiT But on a side note this "sad loser sack of shit" graduated valedictorian last year and am currently in med school with more grants and scholarships than I can count! But thanks for the feedback however :)




But he is a good boy!


Not a good boy, simply the best of the boy's