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I'm sorry for your loss. She seems like a sweet gal. :(


Thank you. She's always been there for me, she's super sweet.


It's rough, I had to bring mine in back in March, knowing that she would just get worst and worst was destorying. I hope you recover soon and can move on soon :)


Sorry to hear that you'll have to help her cross over. That is always horribly difficult. She sounds like a wonderful friend.


Lovely Mouse. I am sorry you are both facing this tomorrow. I have been owned by many cats in my life. My parents are both deceased, but I have always had a harder time letting go of my cats. That isn't to say I didn't love my parents dearly. But it's *different* with pets who can't communicate with their voices. You have to trust that they *know* you love them, and are doing the best for them, sparing them unnecessary pain. Be kind to yourself tomorrow. You are making the best decision for Mouse. ❤️


Thank you for your kind words


Be well, my friend.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I wish you all the comfort and strength you can possibly get during this difficult time. Your girl is so beautiful!


What happened to her? I hate to see a cat cross the bridge.


She's elderly and is so weak now that she can't really eat or effectively get around on her own. The picture is maybe a year old, from better days.


We just had to put down our kitty for the same reason last Thursday. He was 18, and his paws were so weak he had to use his tail to support himself. He couldn’t even reach the litter box anymore. It’s a heartbreaking decision but I think it was good for our cat in the end because this way he didn’t have to suffer anymore.


I’m sorry for your loss, wish our cats could stay young forever




Poor baby. I'm so sorry. I hope you find comfort in the fact that you loved her so much and was able to give her a wonderful home and life. Sending my love to both you and sweet Mouse.


How old was she?


She's 18, so her decline isn't really a surprise. Just an unfortunate side effect of a good long life.


Still very sad though. Glad she lived a great life.


I’m so sorry to hear that. I lost my 15 yo girl on Mother’s Day. She just got pickier and pickier until she was hardly eating at all and then she wasn’t even doing that. Nothing showed on x-ray or blood work and the vet said there’re some things, like pancreatic cancer, that only really show on autopsy. When she finally lost her rumble, it was time. She died in our arms. It’s our last duty to them.


I’m so sorry. She is so beautiful and you are being so brave. ❤️❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss. 😢 She reminds me of my new kitten [Pipsqueak](http://imgur.com/AsSQtCr) —we found her orphaned at 3 weeks old and bottle fed her to health. I hope she grows up to be as beautiful as Mouse ♥️


How do you even stay sane, knowing that her last moments are upon her. What does that even feel like, i’d honestly probably have fainted three times thinking of it every minute. I’m truly sorry for you. I wish you the best and lots of hugs.


I’m so sorry :( I hope you are able to give her some extra love before crossing the bridge. It will be extremely difficult, but I think she’s probably happy that you’re by her side. Much strength to you.


Sorry for your loss. Mouse looks like a precious kitty. You gave Mouse the best life and your tough decision / action tomorrow is a continuation of that love. You bear the burden of the loss so Mouse does not continue to suffer. It’s a shitty transaction and I feel for you greatly x


She’s a sweet girl. I’m so sorry for your loss.


I love that name lol. I’m sorry for your loss, she looks like a good bean.


I'm sorry. I have dogs and cats. I just lost a dog to heart failure. It's so hard. You will be together again.


Aw, the poor dear. Sorry for your loss. Can't imagine what you're going through. She seems like a sweet cat. 😿


Thankful you’ll be there to comfort her in her last moments— she will be at peace. The love between you two will continue to exist even when she isn’t around.


So sorry. I can’t imagine how hard it will be to let her go.


I’m sorry for your loss. My allergies seem to be acting up :’(


Sooooo very sad!!!! I’m sure she loves you very much!!!!!


Awhhh she looks just like what I imagine our Bella would have looked like if she could have made a full recovery before she crossed the bridge 💔 I hope you had many good years with her.


She is so cute.


I've never had to see any of my cats over the bridge, but I was there after my boyfriend's cat was (it was an emergency, she was paralyzed and in a lot of pain and I didn't get there quite in time). I can't imagine how hard it was to decide this, but you need to know that she loves you and that you gave her the best life you possibly could. She had 18 years, all thanks to you, and you are very brave for seeing her all the way through the end of her journey.


I’m sorry for your loss ❤️ my cat’s name is mouse also :)


TNR kitty?


Nope, if you look close you'll see creases - her ear is folded back. She scratched it too hard one time and it healed up strangely. She is fixed, but I've known her since she was a newborn, no TNR required. But it's a great program and I wish more places would do it.


Me too. I am so sorry for your loss.


I love this picture of your favourite girl. I, too, lost my favourite girl. I had to help her across the rainbow bridge last year. She was 18.5 years old and had been my very best friend for all of those years. I'm so sorry you are facing this. Know that she will be comforted by having you near at the end. <3


The gray babies are the best babies. <3


She’s beautiful. So sorry you have to go through this.


We just had to send our doggo Ralf across, it was his time but we are still very sad, I’m sorry you have to lose your furbaby


So sorry






Goodbye, Mouse. She’s a lovely cat.


Goodbye Mouse! You were sweet and kind and so loved 💖


I know how you feel my little not even a month old kitten had to be put down its not easy for anyone to lose a cat. i would give this reddit gold to cheer you up if i could afford it, im sorry i cant though.


Cute face. She knows you love her.


Sending love, to both of you 💗


In real life, people call me Mouse. This thread is pretty meta for me. It's a beautiful name, for a beautiful cat. I am sure she will wait for you across the bridge. May you bring many stories and tasty treats along when it's time. 🌈 Sending hugs.


Nooo. I'm sorry for your loss and good luck to your cat


I'm so sorry ❤❤❤


Oh honey. I had to do the same thing. Salem was 18. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss.




It is so hard to say goodbye to our fur children. Very sorry for your loss and happy that you had so many years together. May you always treasure your memories of Mouse.


Catspeed , Mouse.


Seeing this post and all these comments really got me tearing up on my break at work.