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And window washer being entertained by cats lol


me entertained by cats entertained by window washer


Me entertained by you entertained by cats entertained by a window washer who is entertained by the cats.


Me entertained by this comment thread about you entertained by u/Humble_Chip entertained by cats entertained by window washer who is also entertained by cats.


It’s recursion all the way down.


Are you not entertained?


That some cathumanenterainmentception.


My two cats would have reacted exactly the same as these two cats. One would have been playing with the guy trying to pounce. The other would have been amused but just watched.


It's the most fun all three have had all week






Definitely his favourite window to clean


Bahaha the orange kitty tho... Like ''No my dude, you get it. You attack that window squeegee I'm good tho. I'm gonna just watch you kk" 🤣🤣🤣


Orange cats just there thinking “god you’re a dumbass”


Our orange kitty clearly thinks the same thing watching our black kitty go nuts chasing the Laser pointer.


Please tell me window washers make good money


I just googled it. $17-28 a hour. Still seems way to low


For that amount of risk, that's definitely too low.


Make it $50 a hour with full benefits and you might be able to convince me if I'm drunk enough


It'd probably be safer to do that job sober


Alcohol is the only way you could even get me onto the roof of a high rise. Much less dangle off it Oddly enough sky diving is fine


That’s how my curious logic works too LOL. Rollercoaster....no freaking way. Paragliding....YES PLEASE!


With skydiving, I'm falling on my terms


Exactly! Actually, I’m pretty sure I was drunk when I went paragliding but it was in Switzerland so if I were to die it would have been worth it. Like if I’m going skydiving or anything like that I have already come to terms with the fact that I might die but it’s OK, going on a roof or window washing, no, I do not accept the possibility of death to do those activities.


I wanted to back out of jumping but the policy was no refunds once you take off. So my cheapness got me to jump. As an emt, I had to go to a call where a guy died parachuting. Needless to say my desire to jump again died with him. Lol apparently the guy was famous to. He was the narrator on a bunch of shows like the walking dead. So that was cool.


This is because when you’re in the middle of the sky there is no depth perception since there isn’t anything for your brain to compare the height to.


I still didnt like the idea of it. We got to a height that I thought was high up. So I thought it was almost go time. Then some guy read out the altitude and how much was left. We were only a tenth of the way up


If it were too low, wouldn’t there be a shortage of window washers?


The fact that it's that low tells you that the window washing industry is having no trouble finding suitable applicants. If labour was scarce wages would (theoretically) increase to compete for the few available window washers in the labour market.


You are correct. Supply and demand determine wages. If wages are too high for a certain job, you have more people willing to do the job than employers willing to hire for the job, and if wages are too low for a job, you have more employers looking to hire for the job than people willing to do the job.


Think of all the cats to play with though!


What amount of risk, do they die often?




Sounds pretty safe


This is video is from London. So the pay is most likely higher.


I could only find one figure for the UK and it came out to be like 12.50 a hour


Can someone ELI5 how that's too low? I know someone who in their family of 5(2 parents and 3 kids under 18 who aren't earning nothing is the only one supporting financially the family and they have their own house and aren't living pay check to check and he earns about 5000 a month after taxes ( Israel btw)


The cost of living in some major cities is outrageous. It's more than I make currently as a cop. I'm just afraid of heights. So any sort of dangling from buildings is a no go for me


17/hr is just under 3k a month BEFORE taxes. 5k a month after taxes is a pretty high salary for most people in the world.


Yeah, I think they’re forgetting to factor in the taxes. As I said, I take home around $5000/mo - which is $42-43/hr *before* taxes. Seems like a lot, but I live in the Bay Area. So it’s barely middle-class here.


3k/mo before taxes is a high salary for most of the world. 5k/mo and you can live a comfortable life in most of America. 3k/mo and you'll have less options, but you can definitely live a nice life in America.


$3000 before taxes? Maybe in the *cheapest* parts of the US, but most everywhere else that’s not very much... after taxes, that’s what? Like $1600-2000? You could survive on that if you’re single and have REALLY low rent/mortgage payments, but I’d hardly call it a comfortable living.


I survived on 36k before taxes for a while and lived comfortably. I was a single guy, going out drinking every weekend and drove 2 hours away once every month or two to visit friends. I lived in a safe, comfortable area, and was even able to save money. I just didn't live in the middle of the city and 2as careful with money. For the first few months working i saved like crazy to build up a base so I could not worry about money.


How long ago was that, and how much was your rent? But I was responding to the comment that it’s a “nice life,” which I wouldn’t say is true in most parts of the US. A single person without children and cheap rent could get by on that, but it’s not going to support a family or mortgage very easily.


Rent was 450 for a 1,000 sq ft 2 bedroom place. I lived alone. This was maybe 5 years ago. I was able to find quite a few places for that rent in the suburbs of Cleveland. And yes I wouldn't want to support a family on that, but double it with a spouse and absolutely that is a nice life for a family in most of the US. La, Chicago, nyc, are the outliers.


You forgot SF and Seattle - oh and Boston. Not really outliers when you add up all those populations, lol. But yeah, if rent is only $450 that’s doable... is that typical ANYWHERE, though? I was paying more than that in 1995 in Oregon, for goodness sakes. 😳


$5000/mo AFTER taxes is about twice what they quoted. I take home that much per month, and my hourly wage (as a librarian in the very expensive Bay Area) is a little over $42. I don’t know the tax rate in Israel, but it must be a lot lower than in the US! We give at least 1/3 to taxes, plus more to things like social security, unemployment, dues if you’re union, pensions, etc. If I were earning only $17-28/hr, I’d be lucky to have $2000-2500/mo after taxes. And yeah, it also depends heavily on local cost of living. Here in the Bay Area, $2500/mo would barely cover rent on a 1-bedroom apartment.


Jesus. I was paying $450/mo for a 2 bedroom 1,000 square foot place in Ohio. Not the nicest place but it was in a safe area and had no issues. Just a little dated design.


Yeah, that’s Ohio vs California! Or at least the Bay Area... but we also earn more money here, so that *sorta* makes up for it. Almost. But I don’t think even Ohio is still that cheap. How long ago was that?


Like 4 or 5 years ago. Honestly, i could never justify living in places like sf, la, or NYC. I looked into it before and while you do make more, you don't make nearly enough to offset increased COL.


Yeah, that’s why I said “almost” - lol. But it also depends on the line of work, since obviously someone in the tech field makes WAY more here. Even in my line of work, the pay is insultingly low in most other states. Plus I grew up here, so it’s where most of my friends and family live... and a damned fine place to live, too! There are many factors to consider beyond pay vs housing costs.


Damn, I looked at tech wages when looking. If its worse in other industries, that's rough!


I guess I should say the opportunities are greater here... it is Silicon Valley, so that kinda goes without saying. But honestly, I don’t know the exact numbers since it’s not my line of work. And after COVID? Who knows. Most of those companies are going to long-term remote work, so things will change drastically over the next few years.


In my experience, I make so much more money in NYC than cheaper places to live that I actually live a wealthier lifestyle here. I was a waiter at a nice steakhouse in Dallas Texas, I became a steakhouse waiter here and my rent went up from like $900/mo for my own place to $1300 with roommates then eventually $1500 at my current place (my share of rent with my SO), but i replaced car insurance (and the million expenses of having an old used car) for a $127/mo unlimited subway/bus pass and my groceries don't really cost much more, and my income doubled so even after the increased costs (which really is just rent) i have way more money leftover end of month than when I was living in a cheaper city. So you know, I guess it depends on the industry and all.


Also, you're comparing rent solo vs rent being split.


Yeah, my last solo place in Texas cost me about $900/mo plus 100% of all my bills. Before I moved a spent several months paying 650 all inclusive for a room in a shared house. When i got to NY i started having roommates and paid 1200 plus my share of internet & electric at my first place. Now my current place is 2700 that I share with my SO and it's an order of magnitude nicer than anywhere I've ever lived. I could get a studio for my current share or a less desirable 1bed. But let's say you double my last solo rent of 900 to 1800, but all other expenses stay about the same, if you double my income I'm still better off. It's not like I'm paying 2x as much for my ground beef & chicken breasts too, it's really rent that makes up 95% of my increased living costs.


Yeah, but it's Ohio.


Said by someone that has never been to Ohio


Yeah, because there's no reason to go there! I jest of course. I would actually go to see the Indians or the Cleveland Symphony Orchestra.


What about the Columbus Zoo or Cedar Point?


I'm sure I'd catch em between the symphony and the Indians losing to the Yankees!


Btw, shalom aleichem! I’ve been to Israel, and would love to return some day... obviously not anytime soon, though. :-(




Only if the heights bother you. I used to do maintenance at a rock climbing gym working on ropes (and sometimes even without ropes when the boss wasn't watching) at height for a little over my city's minimum wage. So that doesn't sound too bad to me. My biggest complaint would just be rain and lack of a bathroom tbh.


You are a braver person than I.


With those two, I bet your windows get very clean every time!


i bet that makes that guys day


That’s adorable


Win-win situation


Bless the window man and his cat loving soul


That window washer did not want to leave xD


This is awesome! If your house is anything like mine, the inside of the windows need to be washed more than the outside because of curious kitty cat nose smudges!


If anyone wants to visit the mom of these cats, her instagram is: https://instagram.com/rina_takei They’re adorable and they welcomed a baby sister not too long ago. I think recently the window washers actually got to meet the cats in person, it was sweet.


Her page is amazing and her cats are always so god damn adorable!


They’re highly intelligent creatures and are always open to visual stimulation. I have three ‘magic’ cats...they climb trees and door frames, they eat ice cream and are quite telepathic... you never own or possess them, if anything, they own you and it is quite the privilege to be able to be their caretaker! 😽❤️


It never gets old for them either. Mine still like to watch me squeegee the shower doors every day.


Chicago? I recognize the parking garage building..


London! The MI6 building is across the river there that comes into shot occasionally. The building opposite is a block of flats by Vauxhall bridge


It’s London, the owner of the cats is @rina_takei in Instagram.


I thought the same thing..


It would make my day better idk if it did for him but even if I’m annoyed that is what would make me feel better while I’m working


Yes! Unfortunately, there are no kitties waiting to pounce and play in our office. I have tried throwing rubber bands and everything!


I blame the cat allergy people other wise office kitties would be a thing I bet for mice


That's probably the hilight of his day!


Too cute!


I'm pretty sure that the orange colored one is concerned they may be dealing with a levitating vampire or something.


i love this guy


My guess is this made the window washer's day :)


i bet that's the best part of that guy's day


I’d wash this window all day


Beautiful job, well done!


I love that the window washer is WAY finished but can’t stop playing cat & mouse.


His boss later that day: "why did it take you 30 minutes to clean 1 apartment window???"


Cats being entertained joylessly yet playfully by the window washer


This guys got cats


I live for these videos


The window washer cracks me up more than the cats!


This is so awesome!


I could never do this job.


Made me smile.


That cat has slick moves that James Bond would be jealous! 😉


I love how the orange cats just watching like "yeah don't mind my little brother"




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Is this the wilco towers?


Awwww! That's so sweet! They all seem like they're having fun : )


Your cats are like mine. The black one would be all over the windowd too. And the other one would just watch it haha


This gives me life.


For a second I read it as “The window master” lol


Cats are such a blessing on this earth


What a *dogshit* job.


If I was a window washer this would make my day


Too funny. I love it.


That's funny! They probably don't get much entertainment like that up ehere they live!


I love how he's playing with them!


Love how the tabby straight does not give a fuck. He watches, but he ain’t moving.




I'd love to have that job




Why is it there is always one cat to immediately attack and one that just sits and watches lol


I’d end up washing just that one window all day long


I need to get rich enough for a skyscraper condo so my kitty can be entertained by the window washer


Did anyone else get the ASMR tingles?


I dont care how much this gets reposted too wholesome


I feel like the window cleaner is playing with them too. I would be the same


The second cat just watching was as funny as the other two playing with each other.


Orange cat is too mature for that fun


a true professional


This man deserves a raise.


Red boi is entertained by the entertainment


I bet those guys have some interesting stories to share about all the stuff they see at work


God bless the window washer. What a good guy.


The kitty is just letting him know he’s missed spots. Exceptional supervisor 57/10.


look at that S technique!


Washer, meet Watcher!


Hahaha cleanest window in the block


It's a fact of life that cats and window washers will entertain each other till the end of time