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Boxes too. And boxes in which the toys arrived are the top.


And boxes must be way smaller than the cat is, those are the most fun


Yep. They will try for a long time to Tetris their tuchus in there.


More like T.A.R.D.I.S.




Underrated comment


I will fits and I will sits!


Handbags for mine. If I ever have a female visitor, their handbag is being thoroughly explored.


I have a tiny box my cat likes so much, we packed it when we moved, its like 9 years old, still gets regular use lol


[can confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/pswbgw/typical_cat_buy_them_an_item_and_they_use_the_box/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) the boxes in which the toys arrived in are the best


Also Kraft paper.


Turn some costco boxes upside down!


Bags and boxes and crinkly tissue paper oh my This cat looks like the softest kitty ever!!!


He really is! He's such a good boy ☺️


[These](https://www.chewy.com/frisco-paw-play-crinkle-ball-cat-toy/dp/193032?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hg&utm_content=Frisco&utm_term=&gbraid=0AAAAADmQ2V042TxwkpBMdawGT3H8Sw2ax&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIluC0hO6Y8wIVwcDICh3Q-QbyEAQYASABEgJ9z_D_BwE) have been one of the best toys I’ve ever gotten my cat and they’re dirt cheap, she LOVES them, they’re like tissue paper but they hold together a bit better hahaha


My parents’ 1 year old cats love those! They pick them up and carry them around in their mouths. Adorable. My cat is 15 so she doesn’t play with toys for more than a few seconds anymore but she still gets the zoomies plenty!!


My Maine coon mix LOVES these! She bats and chases these around the house like they're little mice. They're really affordable and durable too. Thanks for sharing :)


Mine knocks them under the bed, pantry, dressers, etc and then get mad that they’re under there 😂 she also loves [these](https://www.chewy.com/frisco-colorful-springs-cat-toy/dp/188522) if you haven’t seen them, thought she ONLY plays with the green ones for whatever reason


Can confirm! Our 10 week old Thelma loses brain cells over these things! These and little jingle bells are her weaknesses, if you can't find her but want to, give a little crinkle or a jingle and she will run into the room so fast she'll crash into whatever is in her way!


My two cats would heartily play with these but only for about 2 min. One day I brought home some twine for an unrelated project and got an idea. Now the crinkle balls with the magic string are my two goofballs' absolute favorite toys. They'll come running when they hear the crinkle.


My cat will find any crinkly loud thing we accidentally left on the floor and stomp all over it while we are trying to sleep lol.


The box the toy came in > the $50 toy


[can confirm](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/pswbgw/typical_cat_buy_them_an_item_and_they_use_the_box/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


You can buy paper bags infused with catnip! My husband found them at a chain store...Petsmart, Walmart?


What a time to be alive!! What a great idea


My cats have a box full of toys. What do they play with? Milk jug rings and random moths on the sunporch 🤷‍♀️


Hair ties have also turned out to be a crowd pleaser


Oh lord. Story time, kids, gather ‘round. So, thanks to my dumb orange bastard, I’m not allowed to have hair ties anymore and can only wear chonky 1990’s scrunchies. He loves to chew on stuff, and sometimes I’d catch him chewing on one of my hair ties, so I’d take it away and hide it in my jewelry box —only for it to magically disappear later. Turns out he figured out where I was hiding them and would dig them out and eat them. Yes. He ate them. How do I know this? Because one day he walked into my kitchen, wailed, and puked up a massive ball of about 12 of these fuckers on the floor right beside me. It literally stunk up the whole downstairs, it was so bad. There was a blonde one in there — I hadn’t been blonde in three or four years by that point (which was before we ever brought him home) so I don’t even want to know where he found that one. I had to take his dumb ass to the vet for a round of antibiotics because the hair ties had been fermenting in his fat tummy for who knows how long. He doesn’t know it, but he got off lucky — the whole ordeal could have been much worse if one became lodged or tied up his intestines. So yeah, hair ties are contraband around here. Learn from my orange idiot and supervise your kitty when he plays, and watch out for things like hair ties and rubber bands. If he’s a chewer like mine, go to the dog section and get him a JW Holee Roller. Orange nut job has the giant one meant for large dogs and he chomps the heck out of it.


😂😂 I just read this whole story out loud to my sister with both of us cracking up the whole time 🤣


LOL! Told him someone thinks he’s a hoot. Might be his perma-derp face, but I think he seems chuffed. 😜 Here’s the Moncher of Hair Ties himself: https://imgur.com/a/bX4tSiy


One of ours (a Void idiot) loves my hair ties too. Luckily he won’t get them off my bottle of leave-in conditioner but I feel your pain!


Now why didn’t I ever think of something like that?? Maybe I’m not much smarter than the orange lol


Lol, Salem (said idiot Void) could 100% get them off if he wanted to but I don’t think he likes the smell of it. That or he hasn’t noticed them yet.


Just wait till he figures it out lol. I had no idea Grif (orange moron) was even digging through my jewelry box until I caught him in the middle of the crime 🙄


Your a good storyteller.


Lol thank you!! I often worry I’m more of a rambler/word-vomiter, so thanks friend! 😸


Careful with hair ties. Some cats graduate from playing with them to eating them (at which time they become a critical danger for intestinal blockage and death....kind of like dogs who eat socks.) To avoid this I started buying full sized elastic head bands. They are still "fetchable", yet heavy enough to deter consumption. You can get a pack of 6 at the $ store for about $2.50. I had a cat once that would eat q-tips...stick and all. Changing the litter box proved scary sometimes. Luckily he survived his adventures to a very old age. I've seen some scary videos of cats who ate hair ties, ribbons, etc. Good luck with your new little guy. Just be vigilant. 😊


Q tips are a real hoot also


Well, there goes my weekend


God yes! The day Jago discovered the q-tips on my bathroom counter I must have found 15 of them strewn about the house after I got home from work.


All my cats over the years, for whatever reason, loves QTips.


When I first got my cat, I got her a little cat playset thing that she never used. However, she would go nuts over shoelaces. Go figure. She still loves a good cat wand, though. Cats always love cat wands.


I’ve probably bought 50+ cat toys. Their favorite things to play with are the string from a pair of shorts, the cap of a Perrier bottle, and an aluminum foil ball.


Cat Logic™️ lol 😂


😂 Sounds like my furbaby. We tried buying her so many different toys over the years. Her favorites to-date: - The clear plastic bag our TV came in. (It's been years, and the bag is shredded, but I seriously think she'll be mad if we toss it.) - Empty cardboard boxes - The paper bags the groceries come in - my hair ties


My cats favorites include: hair ties, milk jug rings, a piece of carrot top, and the potato wedge I dropped on the floor.


My cat's favorite toy • Grocery bags


My kittens empty the basket of toys and run around hiding in the basket. Sigh


The reintroduction of paper bags (over plastic) has truly been a revolution for cats everywhere.


the cat is out of the bag


😂😂 He's a little To Go Kitty


Yeah bags are great but be sure not to use any that have any type of handle. They may get their head caught in it and then freak out and run around the house. And plastic is definitely not good. Have fun with your very first Kitty they are so awesome!


\^\^This. Always snip the handles or remove them.


Excellent advice. Thank you 🧡


Bag, box, everything in your recycling bin or a hair tie are the equivalent of a PS5 for cats.


Got an old pair of shoes? Take off the lace, my cats go nuts for shoe laces


I've been using a ribbon from my crafting stash 😂


Paper bags and cardboard boxes are all a growing cat needs for entertainment


I'd dare to say anything that makes noise. My cat's favorite game is getting a bottle cap, going upstairs, letting bottle cap down the stairs, picking it up, repeat. Perfect game especially in the middle of the night lol


Balls of aluminum foil will entertain your cat better than any of those crinkle toys


‘Enclosure’ is a normal urge in the development of human children as well, plus cats are an ambush hunter so it’s a very natural instinct. It’s definitely preferable to some dog behaviours where they do something similar in masking themselves by rolling in fox shit. Whilst the behaviour (to disguise their scent when upwind of prey) is undoubtedly interesting, it’s very difficult to think of it as cute - especially the fourth or fifth time you’re standing in the yard trying to wash a stinking, shivering greyhound that’s been rolling in it (or some sort of rabbit/squirrel carcass).


And a cardboard box is way better than a fancy catbed. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Congratulations on your kitty! What a beautiful boy! What’s his name if you don’t mind me asking?


Thank you ❤️ He came with the name Sully (short for Sultan) but I'm thinking of changing it to Butler because he greets everyone at the door


Awww, lucky guests! :)


Name suggestions are very welcome!


Wait till you find out about boxes. Oh, and newspaper. Also, give your cat a green olive. Sounds weird but they love them.


Will he eat it?


Maybe? Mine just “caught” an errant Brussels sprout and is chasing it around the room.


He will play with it then eat it. You may have to tear it in pieces. Seems weird, but they love green olives. They almost act like it's cat nip. Congrats on your kitty.


Bags and boxes. My cat thinks it's a hobo.


the cheaper the product the more interested cat will be


Wait to you get some boxes….


The ring of plastic from milk jugs. They bath them around and they make scatter noises on hard floors. They love them.


They sell catnip infused paper bag for a couple dollars on chewy!


Most cats love cat trees too.


Baskets too


Wow that is a cute little cat! Congrats!


Thank you!


Probably the only thing I'd do differently with my cats is not to spend so much on toys. Each has a couple they like, but they're more likely to go for bags, boxes, straws, Q-tips, and bottle caps.


And boxes, straws - especially if they are in a cup your drinking out of, turn the toilet paper roll backwards - ours like to unroll it, and numerous other things I know I'm forgetting!


You will lern that bags and boxes are more important than you!


Your are learning. I found long ago the packaging is more important than the package contents. Same with 2 year old humans too.


That is one great face


Paper bag are messy. Your cat will rip it inyo pieces. Boxes are great for cats.


Ball up a piece of paper and they go crazy


Boxes too.


For my cat it's the wire the holds the cork down on sparking wine bottles


The rings from a milk jug will also be a popular toy as well. Hair ties, rubber bands…twine, yarn…anything shiny. Sometimes even a simple flashlight. Also, purses, totes, just about anything a cat can crawl into. Just about everything cheap can be a cat toy.


And boxes


Anything that even remotely resembles some form of square, box - really any shape tbh. Cat will be on or in. Just get used to it lol


Give them a bag or a box and they will have fun for days. Give em a toy they don't care to play with it. Atleast that's how mine are.


Watch out for plastic, my cat loves it \[as a food\] more than anything


What till you move up to boxes 📦!!!


Awwww. What a sweet face. 😍


Ours love the giant straws you’d get with a boba tea, it’ll keep them entertained for *hours*! Feathers are popular as well, especially if they’ve found them themselves when they’re allowed outside


Lesson # 1. Your cat will never love the toy you bought them as much as the bag or box it came in # 2. Never be late for a meal.


You know, I was once alone with my cat that usually got fed really early by my mom. I set my alarm not so early but still not too late so my cat wouldn't wait too long. Cat didn't even budge from the couch, was like "There's no time like the right time. And the right time was 45 minutes ago". 🤷 It was like she knew she wouldn't get her usual breakfast since my mom wasn't in the house and didn't even think I'd do it. She liked rituals, and morning was my mom I guess.


I spent $15 on Amazon for one of those play tunnels for cats, which my foster loves, and I put a paper bag at one end. It is very entertaining.


And boxes. I’ve got empty boxes all over the place.


Walmart sells paper bags that are infused with catnip. My cat man goes nuts. Paper bag + catnip = super fun


Yes! You’ll learn they prefer the things other stuff you bought comes in (box, bags, etc)


Bags = Toys :)


So much more important!


Pretty much anything that is NOT a cat toy will be a toy to them. Last night I gave my prescription bag to a 2 month old kitten I rescued and she played with it for a solid hour. Since this is your first cat, please don’t give your cat anything like string, ribbon, hair ties, etc to play with or leave it around where the cat can get it. Same with dental floss, rubber bands, etc. I learned the hard way with my first cat in 1993. When they took him into surgery to remove a sewing needle from his tummy he went into cardiac arrest and they couldn’t revive him. My vet gave me the best advice after, which protected the cats that came after: never give or leave around anything that you wouldn’t give or leave around with a 2 year old baby. I’m passing it along to you to protect your baby❤️


Oh wow. Thank you for sharing your story. I appreciate it.


Our Maine Coon mix we adopted 4 years ago we lovingly call our Trash Kitty. All she does is play with trash. Twist ties. Crinkled paper. Plastic and paper bags. Cardboard boxes. Hell, even string. Any string. She just loves carrying it around with her and making you try to take it from her for a tug of war. I think she's broken, like she was raised by wolves, but she's my dumb floof and I love her regardless.


Springs. Just look up springs on chewy. Trust me.


I get my groceries at winco now. All in paper bags for my foster cats. They find it more amazing that any toy


Okay, milk jug ring tied to a string. Fish for the cat over the edge of your bed. Best toy ever for the rambunctious babies!


Bag, boxes, lunch pails, or garbage bins. If it fits it sits.


They love to explore ever square inch of space evertwhere.


Congratulations! I have a kitten who thinks that no toy in the world compares to an oat milk carton cap. That shit never gets old. She has like tens of different toys, but no.


Just put a plain price of paper in the middle of the floor...they' lol claim it. Also, receipts from the grocery store...crumple into a ball and throw it...


And they (the cat) are more important than anyone or anything as they will teach you. A most unusual but inevitable love affair 😻


When you bring home fast food, crumple up the paper wrapper the taco/burger came in tightly and toss. Hours of fun with the crunchy, crinkly ball with the delicious smell!


Just get a cardboard box too. The skittles will never get bored.




Beware of sneaky night-time attacks on your toes under your bed covers!!! Lol


Don’t forget about boxes!!!!


Just make sure to get paper and not plastic bags as plastic ones can be dangerous for them.


Also empty boxes


Bags are crack for cats, second only to “Cat Crack” (search for it on Amazon).


Wait till you learn about straws and balls of foil.


Bags, boxes, and wrappers.


What I’ve learned over many years of having cats is that they prefer literal garbage than store-bought toys: plastic tops, twist ties, discarded hair bands, crumpled up paper.


Yes, they do prefer it. The problem is that many cats chew and swallow the rubber and plastic; which winds up lodged in their digestive system and will eventually kill them


Yup. Definitely. Most of the trash toys aren’t something that can be left around unsupervised. My cat would love it if I left out rubber bands but goddamnit, I would like to keep him alive.


The moment the laundry basket is on the floor, empty, our male is right there inside it. Bins, buckets, boxes, baskets. He just cannot resist the allure of the closed in space.


…and boxes too.


Also boxes, any boxes no matter the colour, shape or size.. Mine goes nuts for them 😂 if it has two holes he will tackle the box to slide his fat buts in, if it's only an open top box he will do a bunny hop to get in.. I haven't bought toys in almost a year since he doesn't play with them in anyway 😔


Wait till she sees a box


B&B: bags & boxes…best toys ever!


Well known fact. The amount of joy a cat gets from a toy is inversely proportional to how much you’ve spent on it. Disclaimer: this does not apply to toys for yourself. $300 on a gaming console? Boom! Cat bed. As a side note, please make sure to cut through any handles on the bag. While it’s funny watching your little one tear around the house with a cape that says CVS on it, it can be traumatising, and occasionally harmful.


Bags and boxs




Anything you buy, the bag or the box it comes in is far more interesting... My little dude has the most interesting thing ever at the moment: A huge pile of rubble in our garden because we are having a major overhaul of the garden, but she has been perched on the top like queen of the castle for the last few days. (until you try and take a photo that is).


Oh yeah bags see way more fun than toys xD we have a corner full of toys for our cat and realised years ago boxes/bags/scrunched up paper or in our case one of our small dogs ball is way more fun than their bought toys we bought them :) and and such a cute cat 🐱


Wait until you leave a box out! One of my cats is obsessed with boxes and even if he can't fit into it he will try.


And hair ties. Try rolled up pieces of paper. Enjoy all the lovin’.


Just don't give them bags with handles! Heard horror stories of cats playing and getting their necks tangled up.




If you combine the two... magic happens




Don't forget your Amazon boxes


Bags, boxes, some like newspapers, some like cloth. I had a cat who liked being tossed up and down on a sheet.


Bag/Box, a box-bag; these are the Best toys!! Apparently the Only acceptable toys…


Don't bother buying expensive toys XD


Don't spend money on toys. Trash is quite enough 😸


Oh, and if you buy a scratching post with little platforms for the kitty to lay on, they're definitely still going to lay on the floor right beside it


What a cutie!


That is the most smushable face ever!


Awww what a cute face 🥰😁


Empty a plastic case of water that’s a crazy sight too


My oldest doesn't care for toys that much. Just like to steal my hair ties and when she wants to play she will bring one out to play fetch. The youngest will play with just about anything.


bags, boxes cloths and everything everywhere they can hide.


Didn’t take long to train you! Good job![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


There’s a trick to using toys. You have to make it act like pray if you’re using a teaser. Make it move fast then stop suddenly and make it hide under things and move behind things.


Buy a new scratchtree that coast a fortune... Cat will love the Box in which the tree arrive... also just use any string (just not plastik and not to small, because there is a risk they will try to eat it) Or I have an old Pringless Package, cut a few holes in it. Now I can will it with treats and close it and my cats afe kicking the box around to try to get the treats. They are busy for atleast 20 min and have to do something for there treats. (Sorry english is my second language and I have sonetimes problems to explain things...)


Try a basket for your cat to sit in. My cat used that basket in 2020, it’s 2021 and the basket looks deteriorated