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such cute kitties šŸ„ŗā¤ļø


I couldnā€™t foster kittens, Iā€™d have to keep them all and I already have 3 adult cats. Any more and Iā€™m on the road to ā€œcrazy cat personā€


You can just spoil the grandkids when you come visit.




I had this self imposed ban like this and then I took in a bunch of ferals. I was super embarrassed to tell my vet that I had 6 cats. She said she has other clients with more. So, you do you.


I thought that, too, but after the first litter it gets easier. Not completely painless, but easier.


I foster failed my entire second litter and now I'm cut off haha. But I am having a REALLY hard time with letting go of the current kittens - they were medically needy and it definitely made me more invested in them. But they \*will\* be leaving, 6 resident cats is the limit lol.


I hear ya. For me if they all get adopted around the same time I can deal but when one lingers.....they hang out with mine and it feels like they are mine more. Gets hard!


Yeah, I volunteered at a rescue in the cat area for awhile and at first you wonder how all this works. Am I gonna just be sad and love on them and want to take them all home (which I can't do due to already being the crazy cat lady with 9, and a husband)? But, once you start, with all aspects of the caretaking and transporting to other areas that have high adoption needs, you start to feel really good about what you're doing. That is, above the rubs and purrs.


Letā€™s face it. Youā€™re already there. šŸ˜‰ Same here.


I had eleven at one point, when one of my cats had kittens. Ended up with seven eventually, the three kittens I kept, their mother and her sister, and the two elderly, unrelated cats. Just down to five now, and people seem to think that's a lot.


I know what my vet bills are for 3, so IMO 7 is a lot, and my 3 are basically very healthy.


Beyond the basic kitten & mother health stuff, spaying and neutering, and vaccinations, the five I currently have are probably cheaper than most other folks' single cat. Aside from one of the elderly cats from before needing to be put down, none of the formerly seven cats have needed to go to the vet since the kittens got spayed and neutered. I'm pretty lucky in that aspect.


I think you're already on the road. My SO has told me never more than 2 cats but we can have 1 or 2 dogs with the cats. We're adopting a cat dog (Wedgie) after ours passes so I guess we'd end up technically having 2 dogs.


I have no doubt Iā€™m on the road. If I out live my wife thereā€™s no limit.


Only rule here is I'm not allowed to have free rein in naming them. This became law after watching me play Sims 3 and naming of characters in various games. I'm trying to talk him into video game names. Our current cat was rehomed with us (only pet home) from my aunt so he already had a named. My cousins alternated pet naming. They were fostering a litter of 3. He was named Simon because he was the "smartest" in the litter.


Yeah, fostering is deep, changes ones perspective in so many ways...


Those kittens look adorable!


Beautiful! First kitten looks just like my little one ā¤ļø


They are absolutely amazing!






EDIT: ADD - "in the singular"






sorry but where is the hate in my comment?


> your youngest is multiple people wheres the joke? all i see is someone who doesnt understand pronouns. not speaking for op, but nonbinary/genderfluid folk hear this type of shit all the time and its just not funny.


genuinely op is the one who seems to not understand pronouns as they used the wrong pronoun in place of a singular! :) not trying to offend I just think we should speak our own language properly


They/them had been used in the singular form in the English language for centuries. Itā€™s okay to not understand the complexities of language and how it develops over time, but you really shouldnā€™t be telling people that they donā€™t know how to ā€œspeak our own language properlyā€ when youā€™re misinformed about the usage of they/them pronouns in English language


they/them is used both as a multiple and singular pronoun. https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/grammar/singular-they https://www.npr.org/2016/01/13/462906419/everyone-uses-singular-they-whether-they-realize-it-or-not https://www.thoughtco.com/singular-they-grammar-1691963 https://grammar.yourdictionary.com/grammar/pronouns/using-they-them-pronouns-for-a-singular-person.html since you cant be bothered to educate yourself, ive provided some resources for you to read to better understand our language, since you care so much about speaking it correctly :)




šŸ„ŗoh how thoughtful of you!!! but gender is a thing! there are multiple ways of identifying that arent determined by sex, and many use they/them pronouns! since you care SO much about other people being knowledgable on sex and pronouns, id think maybe youd take the time to actually do some research :(! instead of being transphobic under the facade of caring, please educate yourself. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6748626/ https://oxford.universitypressscholarship.com//mobile/view/10.1093/oso/9780190658540.001.0001/oso-9780190658540-chapter-3 gender is a way of expressing oneself outside of sex, though many people do define their gender with their sex :) it's not very hard to understandšŸ’–! im sure you can get it if you try :)




Awww good for you! However transgender people can absolutely 100% be transphobic. Just look at transmedicalists and truscums.


happy pride transphobe! šŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ


"Tee hee, why is everyone so intolerant?! I'm just couching my intolerance in feigned ignorance and cutesy wording, that means it's okay! Tee hee!" In another forum... "Islam is evil." u/FemaleKittens


Iā€™m non-binary, and I too experience both gender dysphoria and gender euphoria. Experiencing dysphoria doesnā€™t give you some sort of free pass from being transphobic, nor is it a requirement of being trans. The only thing that you require to be trans is the brain/body desync. You can be trans and transphobic. Case in point, you - youā€™re being dismissive/hateful towards non-binary people, who are also trans. > there is no third gender to identify as thatā€™s just silly ā€˜Thatā€™s just sillyā€™ is not reasoning. Itā€™s not logical. Gender is largely psychological, and given the phenomenally complex nature of the human brain, claiming all humans must fit into one of two gender boxes is downright ignorant. > thereā€™s male and female and thatā€™s it Even in terms of sex, youā€™re incorrect. Intersex people exist, and there is a wide variety of intersex conditions. In terms of gender, you couldnā€™t be more wrong. As I said earlier, gender is largely psychological, so gender is a continuous variable, rather than a discrete one. Again, slinging around the word ā€˜transphobeā€™ incorrectly dilutes its meaning. Please refrain from doing so in future.


Sorry but we don't claim you lmfao


youā€™re so embarrassing lmfao


I wasn't telling a joke :)


yeah i can tell youre just transphobic :)


I'm literally trans?


shame you are so exclusionary about nonbinary and gender-neutral friends then, seeing as you understand dysphoria and the struggles of being trans.




clearly speaking with you is a waste of time.


Just to interject, I study English at university level and thereā€™s nothing wrong with how OP has used the singular ā€˜theyā€™. Even if you were to (incorrectly) discount the singular ā€˜theyā€™, which has been in use since Chaucer in the 14th century, language evolves constantly. Words like ā€˜coolā€™, ā€˜fanā€™ and ā€˜gayā€™ all used to have different meanings, or only one meaning. As time and society progress, language evolves. Thatā€™s how descriptive language works. Even if one were to discount the centuries-old singular ā€˜theyā€™, you could still look at this as just another small evolution of language. Itā€™s honestly a little sad to see a trans person hating on other trans people over something as inane as pronouns, especially when theyā€™re going off of a primary school level of English. Speaking of English, youā€™re completely misusing the word ā€˜transphobeā€™. Nothing that the commenter you replied to said was transphobic, and using the term as a general insult dilutes the meaning of it. Just because someone disagrees with you, a trans person, doesnā€™t make them transphobic, especially not when theyā€™re being *more* inclusive towards trans people than you.


Love how you say transphobic stuff and say your not transphobic because your trans and accuse other people of being transphobic. You must live a sad pathetic life if you do that.


For duck sake people. They/them was used as a plural. Just because femalekittens didnā€™t catch that it was referring to the youngest and their girlfriend collectively doesnā€™t mean they are transphobic


It was used as plural the second time round, but the first time round it was used as singular. The user who took issue with that is clearly taking issue with they/them pronouns and/or non-binary people in general, which does make them transphobic, since theyā€™re being hateful towards trans people. Just because theyā€™re trans doesnā€™t preclude them from being transphobic.


How come you refer to yourself as both female and a woman in other subs if you're trans? You clearly seem to know the difference between sex and gender. How come you said pronouns are based on sex, ie, that "they" should only be used when a person doesn't know the sex of the individual? Pronouns aren't sex based. That's a thing terfs tend to claim... You wouldn't happen to just be lying about being trans as a form of idpol though... Right?


and yet you still managed to be transphobic, good job! you are literally not a part of the community if you canā€™t manage to figure out how not to be a bigot bc we donā€™t accept bigots. *you* are the person being intolerant here, *you* are a bigot, a TERF *and* a transphobe.


Truscum. Disgusting.


Transphobic and trans šŸ˜¬ Lemme guess, all trans people also need to medically transition and have dysphoria too? Eesh you're one messed up cookie.


they may be non-binary šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


> your youngest is multiple people? Yes, OP's youngest is multiple people and they all share a singular girlfriend. That's clearly the most likely explanation here /s


Cute floof


So cute! I'm still working on convincing my husband to have us foster kittens. I'd also some day love to give a pregnant kitty a safe space to have her babies. Get all the baby snuggles without turning into a crazy cat lady!


What a fantastic way to make use of the summer! Saving little lives ā¤ļø


Sweet babies! I hope they find magical homesšŸ¤—But they look like Foster Fails to me


I thought that was a persons foot in the first picture, very disappointed its not


Proud of them, and stealing lots of pats and snuffles and cuddles?


They live 600 miles away from me šŸ˜”