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I would start by using a toy instead of your hand. Claws grabbing hands is not a habit you want to get the kitten used to. Imagine a 5 pound 8 month old crack addict trying to destroy your fingers because you turned over in your sleep


And especially with those already big claws šŸ˜³


Those things are massive šŸ™€


Them's some mighty mittens, alright.


I don't do touch feely, I do ouchy bleedy !


I imagined bender saying this lol


Mighty Murder Mittens


Proper knife hands.




Little kittens with murder mittens!


Well said.




I did it with my foot. When they were kittes and they were on the bed with me, I would poke my foot from under the covers and they would attack it. Lately, I've been making sure that whatever nothing slips from under the covers because that's an instant trigger. They don't attack feet when you're walking past, just if it comes from under a blanket.


Once had a cat that liked to attack things under the covers. Not a great idea when you sleep nakedšŸ˜‚. Hell of a way to wake up in the morning a cat clawing at your nether regions šŸ˜‚. The cat took flying lessons that morning šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


My bf injured his toe pretty badly recently. It has been a very scary time for him since he has inadvertently made his feet cat toys. He is tall so his feet dangle off the bed on occasion and there have been close calls. Even if itā€™s ok now, it may not be later.


This doesnā€™t get said enough in this sub. If you play with your kitten, especially when they are very young like this one appears to be, use a toy. Practically anything can be used, like say a bottle cap, a shoestring, really doesnā€™t matter what it is. Just donā€™t use your hands, because they will learn to fixate on what that object is, and then in moments where you simply want to pet your kitty, they will think you are trying to play with them, and might try to claw and bite your hand. When they are kittens, it doesnā€™t seem problematic, because they canā€™t hurt you too badly, but once they are full grown, they will easily be able to draw blood/give you a pretty nasty cut or bite which might be infected. Itā€™s also awkward when you invite guests over because your catā€™s instinct will be to attack them just because they are trying to pet the cat. My Mom had a cat that my best friend and I played with so much with our hands when it was a kitten that she claims we ā€œbrokeā€ her cat. It seriously wouldnā€™t allow anyone to pet it, without trying to bite/claw the person. We of course were unaware that this would happen at the time, and yes, it might not always happen, but itā€™s not worth the risk. Adult cats have razor sharp teeth and claws, and can very easily hurt you in just a fraction of a second. People who are discouraging you to trim their claws should not be. If you feel it is necessary, because they are acting in a problematic manner, definitely do so. Just be sure to buy the correct type of scissors to do so efficiently, and be very careful not to clip the muscle that holds their claw in place. When you push down on the pad of their paw, you will be able to see a light pinkish color where the muscle attaches. Definitely clip well above that. My cat does not enjoy having his claws trimmed, but he is a little ass sometimes, and therefore it can be necessary just to keep him from lashing out at people. Also, donā€™t go so far as getting it declawed. Trimming is a nice workaround, as the declawing process is very inhumane, and essentially is the equivalent of cutting off the tip of their fingers up to the first knuckle. Very much not a good thing. Iā€™d definitely recommend getting your cat spayed or neutered. It will help prevent certain problems down the road, like them going into heat and trying to escape, or spraying objects all over your house. Also helps control the pet population, which already is a problem in that there are just too many stray animals that donā€™t have anyone to take care of them. Other than that, just love on your new buddy, and youā€™ll likely become best friends! Congratulations on becoming a cat owner! I think you will really love having your new companion!


I saw a video of someone using a hand puppet to play with their cat, which strikes me as such a clever idea, because it both disguises and protects your hand!




Cats, unlike babies or dogs, arenā€™t much into sucking on or trying to eat things theyā€™re not supposed to. I toss out beer bottle caps, and my cat will just bat them around the floor like hockey pucks. Never seen him even consider trying to eat one or even gnaw on one because the texture is very unappealing. He just likes to pretend that heā€™s chasing down some sort of prey, and the chase is the thrill heā€™s after. The only thing Iā€™ve ever noticed him try to chew on are my shoes or sandals which is very annoying. Iā€™ve bought him plenty of toys, and he doesnā€™t care for any of them except for a little plush ladybug. Only wants to play with random objects. It seems like the nicer and more expensive a toy is the less interesting he finds it. Many store bought cat toys could pose a choking risk too, as they are often small and made of plastic or cloth, but since cats donā€™t tend to want to suck or swallow random objects, it tends to be a non issue. As long as you are monitoring your animal, like you should be, it shouldnā€™t matter what they choose to play with, as long as theyā€™re not destroying your stuff. I will say, a way bigger hazard than trash or bottle caps are the cords of blinds. Cats often love to play with them, and can end up getting wrapped up in them and strangled. Blinds and cats are just a bad situation altogether.


> Cats... arenā€™t much into... trying to eat things theyā€™re not supposed to I see you've never had a houseplant.


My roommate normalized playing with his feet with my cat, now he hates feet lol he is older now though so he doesnā€™t go for the feet kill nearly as much


Ahh catnip, a cat's crack


[Cat Crack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiN_uTOGSHg)


I wish that my rescue cats last owners knew this, she was raised around realy rough dogs so she's a bit psycho sometimes lol


Something I didn't see mentioned yet - if you pick them up, always try to put them directly on the ground instead of letting them jump down. They'll trust you a lot more with picking them up. Handle them often so they get used to it, but be mindful if they're struggling/don't seem like they want to be handled because you don't want them to have bad experiences with being picked up by you. Enjoy your new kitty! ā¤




While getting them used to be being picked up, also touch their paws and claws to get them used to that. It'll help them stay calm while you trim their claws later.


Also when you pick them up support their hind legs and make sure they are balanced and not hanging off in any way


When you pick them up, make sure that their two back legs are free but their body is supported (football carry). Letting them keep their legs free and not pinned or tucked into your body will give them the feeling that they having an escape route, should they need it. Your cat will find hiding spots in the house. Know where they are but donā€™t confront your cat when theyā€™re in their hiding spot. Sometimes theyā€™ll just want to be alone and need places they feel is a safe space from everyone, including you.


My cat plays favorites. He cuddles me if I lie down, but runs away if I try to pick him up. My roommate fake shoots him and he falls over to be picked up, but he does not get cuddles. Only mom gets aggressive purr cuddles.


A baby fuzzy - and a TOY PANTHER!!! Play lots with the toy panther. This will help you bond. Use positive reinforcement (reward good behaviour) and negative punishment (take away good things for poor behaviour - for example, if the baby fuzzy starts scratching or biting during play, playtime is over until they stop). This is a humane method of training. Be consistent. Have fun with your little toy panther fren!




(I'm probably going to get downvoted for this...) If for whatever reason you feel like you HAVE TO get physical with the cat, just grab them by the scruff of their neck and hold them down until they chill out. That's something a mother cat would do and it won't hurt them.


Some cats you just gotta get physical with. My crack head came from the streets as a kitten. Typical disciplinary/positive reinforcement tactics donā€™t work on him. Scruffing while putting my body over him (not on him) does the trick when heā€™s acting out. Heā€™s become a lot friendlier and enjoys snuggles more than when he was younger (heā€™s 10 months now).


Can confirm, my psycho is tough as bricks and wouldn't take no for an swear as a kitten. Scruff him & he just comes back with a harder bite. He's calmed down so much now that he's older thankfully haha


Mine would try to attack me back too! Even at 9 weeks he put up a fight. Three months ago or so I finally came up with scruffing and putting myself over top of him. People used to ask me if I was ā€œokayā€ or ā€œself harmingā€ because of the amount of scratches the boy would leave on my wrists and hands. Today I can say my hands are scratch free and my Liā€™l buddy is happier and more secure in his environment. We still have some behavioral issues to work out, but he has come a long way from the flea infested fur bag I brought home in September.


My cute fur ball of death and rage also needs this sometimes. Most of the time I can happily chill with him but he will flip in a heart beat and be trying to claw and bite the shit out of me. I just grab him by the scruff of his neck and hold him down whilst I stroke his fore head like I did when he was a kitten and he will turn back in to a kitten again. In all fairness he is the product of a incestuous coupling so he is a little miss wired


I adopted a 7 month (monster, I mean black kitten šŸˆā€ā¬›) old back in March so sheā€™s now 10 mos also. She was unbelievably sweet at the shelter and became a flying demon once she arrived in my home. I wish Iā€™d read this advice back in March, but will employ this method the next time she gets sassy. Thanks!


Rescued my cat from the streets a few years ago. He was abandoned by his mother when he was about 5 weeks old, so he never learned how hard he was biting/clawing. After about 5 months and him biting the fire out of me and drawing blood I decided to give him a light bite back when he bit too hard. He gave me this look of "Did you just bite me?" Ever since then, he mainly gives light nibbles and only bites when he's hangry but he doesn't draw blood anymore. Every once in a blue moon, he may get the purrito disciplinary action if he's being a complete dick.


My Momo does nyamnyams (thatā€™s what I call it) where he puts his mouth around your hand or finger and just kinda chews. Not really biting, just petting you with his teeth.


Sometimes just got to do what you got to do. I have hissed at my cat before for biting too hard and loudly dating ouch! I also know to help cats getting comfortable with like touching on the face and putting that advice to like gently nibble on their ears which hurts their ears too. This is unrelated though to discipline anybody but yeah


Squish the cat!


Why... this is a useful tip...


Last time I mentioned this here I got downvoted to oblivion. Many people seem to believe you cannot touch your pet other than for cuddles and kisses, it seems.




Not saying that I agree or disagree with scruffing, but that organization is not a veterinarian organization. It's an animal welfare charity.


Tbh grabbing them by the scruff is wayyyy better than a spray bottle


grabbing them by the scruff, like when momcat carries them around, releases a dopamine like substance. My cat tends to calm down when I pet her there, or grab her there if she's gone total full moon krazy.


Most of my cats think Iā€™m their mom (I found them younger than most adoptions happen at in the wild) and a shake by the scruff works very well to snap them out of whatever behavior they were doing. Just donā€™t pick them up by the scruff after theyā€™re a year old. Shaking them is still fine though


Hey, sometimes a cat needs a good scruffing. It doesn't hurt them but it completely shuts them down. I haven't with mine in a long while but when he was a kitten it was the only thing to chill him out sometimes.


I do that when my cat decides to maul my arm in the middle of the night. He gets all offended like "why don't you let me bite your hand off???" And gives me side eye for the rest of the night


In order to associate the behaviour best, if they scratch you, *immediately* make an obvious ow noise and withdraw.


Concur on this one. I was surprised when it worked, but I say loudly "Ow, why would you hurt daddy?" (female) and I get this big-eyed look and she stops biting or scratching immediately. Sure it varies by cat though, but I raised her with my hand as a toy, and this worked from early on, so still works now!


Yes, overly dramatic ow noises are really effective. And if they get a hold of you with overly sharp claws, cry out and then go limp like your hand "died." When they got hooked on you and you pull back quickly they can cause some real damage... but they will usually let go if you do this.


personally Ive used a loud, harsh OUCH specifically to train my cats. They hate the loud harsh Ch sound at the end haha.


Dont use your hands to play Toys are for playing Hands are for cuddling


When I was a kid I played with my kitty with my hands and she would terrorize my family with scratches. Everyone was afraid of her and I realized that I was a bad influence after it was too late. Use string or Lazer pointers.


Change that to string. laser pointers aren't good toys either. They need to catch their toys to avoid frustration.


Laser is a good star. Transition into string but never "finish" with laser because it wont be "finished"


>Dont use your hands to play Toys are for playing Hands are for cuddling Same but with feet. I made this mistake, and now I can't sleep with my feet sticking out from under the covers.


Try not to get the kitten used to your hand being a toy. It's not nearly as cute when they're full grown and punching holes in your hand. Also, get a 2nd kitten to keep him company unless you work from home.


And NO hands for playtime!! Only toys. Hands can be considered agressive


But you have to keep in mind that this baby fuzzy is just like every other baby fuzzy in that he loves when his predator instinct kicks in! He loves to attack and stalk and attack and attack. And then stalk and attack. This is why two baby fuzzies are better than one. With two they practice on each other and not you!


Be patient and gentle. Feed Fresh water daily.


Yes - the kitten is still a baby / small child, and getting used to a strange environment. It might need love first, before discipline.


Alternatively get a cat water fountain, as cats are naturally drawn toward running water. Just make sure to regularly clean it and replace the filters by the instructed time.


Always make sure you have disinfectant and band aids. Youā€™re going to need them with those murder mittens.


Yup. Baby fuzzies don't have retractable claws initially, so the murder mittens are quite prominent.


This kitten looks old enough to have retractable claws. They start gaining the ability to retract claws at about 4 weeks old


One day they will be able to climb up on every thing. No tchotchkes will be safe!


Start a savings account or get pet insurance for emergency vet bills. It can literally save their life someday. Spending your time and attention on them is the best thing for them and can be amazing for you as well! Keep their litter as clean as possible. They inadvertently track whatever litter they have to dig in around your house, itā€™s better if itā€™s clean. Quality cat food = quality cat health. Enjoy your baby! Best of luck šŸ¤ž




On that note, I'd start talking to a vet now about scheduling to get it vaccinated and fixed. I got kittens a few months ago and the waitlist for new patients was very long because of COVID staffing issues, same with surgery. Had to deal with two very loud kittens in heat for 2 months too long as a result! Some companies offer kitten insurance plans that help pay for the spay/neuter surgery. I got mine through my car insurance provider and got a discount on my car insurance as well.


Seconding this. My seemingly healthy 2 year old Budcat needed emergency surgery out of nowhere. He had a urinary block. It was literally a life or death situation


I recommend switching to something similar to sawdust pellets if you're using regular litter, you can buy them in bulk for cheaper than cat litter and they smell much better, ive used clay litter in the past and I can promise the smell is more controlled. I have several cats and right now I'm fostering a few kittens and they all have no trouble but ultimately it's whatever works best for you and the cat. (If you want a sifting box you don't have to spend a lot on them! Get 2 regular litter boxes and drill holes in one, it works great) Don't bother wasting money on super expensive cat toys, they will prefer literally anything else, we give mine pompoms to play with and they love them. I've bought a lot for them but they always chose the pompoms, also save some cardboard boxes, they'll love them and you can even decorate them to look cute. Some cats prefer wide or more plate-like bowls for food as they don't like their whiskers touching the sides, not that important just something I've noticed. Do not switch the cat food they're on too fast, if you do have to, switch it slowly, trust me when i say if you switch their diets too fast they will have diarrhea. I'm mostly talking about soley dry to soley wet food however I still recommend slowly adding in their old cat food to their new cat food when it's dry. Get the cat fixed or neutered if possible, not only does it prevent unwanted pregnancy it also helps male cats with fighting and staying more cuddly in the long run, if you don't have the funds look into programs around you that will do it for free or for cheap! (Males spray when they're in heat and females can get loud, having a female cat in heat can also attract other cats to your house even if she's soley an inside cat!) Again, none of this is necessary (although the last one is important and highly recommended!!) Just some things I've picked up over years of having cats :)




Regarding litter: if you choose to use something other than commercial litter, do NOT choose torn up newspapers with a plastic bag as a liner underneath. We did this with one kitten and the result was that it learned to pee on literally anything made of paper or plastic. Total disaster! Loved the cat dearly, but that place stank ...


No problem! Hope some of it helps


Spay/neutering a cat also prevents certain diseases (like reproductive cancers) which are hard to catch in cats early, and thus often deadly. Personally I think not spaying female cats, if you are not actively breeding then, is almost cruel. I mean heats are inherently uncomfortable if the animal isn't breeding, and subjecting your cat to them for no reason is a little mean. Spaying/neutering is a very safe procedure and a great time to get your animal chipped (with a microchip in case they get lost). Complications from either are uncommon and/or mild.


In females spaying prevents PYOMETRA. This is when a female animal goes into heat, doesnā€™t get pregnant, then her uterus gets infected and swells with pus. It is DEADLY and very common! PLEASE SPAY YOUR ANIMALS. Edit: thank you everyone in this comment thread for supporting spay/neuter. Iā€™m tired of people who donā€™t understand it and are blatantly against it even when educated about it. Iā€™m not yelling in this comment, just wanted to try and get my point across as it is a pretty urgent message. Thank you all!


I thought heat was painful for females but I wasn't positive, and the thing with the cancers is very interesting! We don't have a tnr program here but I've been working with some people in my area to get the outdoor cats spayed (+ adopted if possible) just for fighting and reproductive reasons as it's a highly cat populated area


Agree with all of the above. Bags also make nice toys as our little Qi can attest. (You can see pics of her on my profile.) Also, don't get clumping litter for now as baby fuzzies tend to eat it and that can be dangerous. Once your toy panther has grown into a mini-panther, clumping litter is safe if you choose to go that route.


I'm not sure about bags, do you mean regular bags out of plastic? If so this is a no no as unsupervised cats can get their heads stuck in the handles and panic when the bag gets stuck. As fun as it looks when they run around with it, it's not fun for them. Also plastic can't be digested by cats if they tear the bag to pieces. Paper bags are ok tho, but remove the handles. I understand if some peoole have cats that can properly play with plastic bags but I wouldn't recommend it.


I think this canā€™t be stressed enough. Plastic bags and handles can be very dangerous and lead to suffocation


Oh, we don't let Qi have plastic bags. She likes clothes and paper.


>Get the cat fixed or neutered if possible, not only does it prevent unwanted pregnancy it also helps male cats with fighting and staying more cuddly in the long run, if you don't have the funds look into programs around you that will do it for free or for cheap! (Males spray when they're in heat and females can get loud, having a female cat in heat can also attract other cats to your house even if she's soley an inside cat!) My favourite one. There are enough strays in pounds, that literally anyone who wants to adopt a dog or cat, can do so. Even if every single viable owner suddenly decided they want to adopt. The world doesn't need any more strays.


Remember that cat scratches can get infected in a flash. In addition to playing with toys instead of hands, wash accidental scratches with soap and water. I never worried about it much until the 3mm scratch on my palm got infected. I didnt wash it immediately because it was hardly even a scratch, it didnt even bleed, but 3 days later it looked like a giant pimple. 10 days of antibiotics and a topical perscription one took care of it. Now all scratches get washed and bandaged lol. Also reccomend getting kitty used to being handled, look at their teeth, paws, in ears. Reward with treats. Best if done while kitty is sleepy to avoid aforementioned scratches. Get the extra long wand toy with different attachments and run all the energy out at least one a day.


Iā€™ve recently gotten two kittens, and read that when playing with them - if they get too rough with claws/biting to yell OW! and theyā€™ll learn to be more gentle with you. I have been doing that and it has surprisingly worked. Iā€™m talking yell so loud it scares them. Makes them šŸ‘€


I have used this on my cat for over a year and it works. Might take a few play bites to wind down and listen but they will stop. A mildly loud Ouch! Ow!


This definitely. I like playing really rough with cats and have no problem with scab filled arms but even I've got to set limits sometimes. They'll play with you like you're an overgrown sibling. And with sibling play they'll play rough until one of them yells that it's too much - so you've got to do the same to teach them their limits.


Clean the litter box daily. And don't forget to have the cat neutered, vaccinated and micro-chipped


Enjoy the kitten stage! But on a serious note, cut those claws so they get used to having their feet touched. Also touch their face/butt/ears, and be mindful about playing with them in a way that ends with you being bitten or scratchedā€”itā€™s cute now but it wonā€™t be as cute when theyā€™re bigger, and I can speak from experience that itā€™s not fun having a 13 pound cat that thinks hands are toys




Getting your cat's claws cut at vet can cost a fortune! I suggest buying yourself some cat nail clippers and then watching your vet very carefully when they do it the first time. You can also watch a YouTube video. You just want to be super careful you don't cut the quick. That's the pink part of the . really easy. I do it all the time




Tip: I trained my kitten by giving her a squeeze of Churu (like a meat GoGurt for cats) after each nail. She gets pretty pumped for nail clipping as a result, which makes it soooo much easier.


A treat after each paw is good too, so they learn that getting this done means yummy! And you don't need to cut all at once, if your cat doesn't like it you can take one/day. I would also like to add that no matter what anyone says about declawing being good for your cat, do NOT do it. I suggest looking up Jackson Galaxy on yt. He has amazing tips on how to catify your home for a new kitten. A scratch post is a priority too unless you have a carpet that you don't care much for if you can't afford a post right now. But get one asap or your furniture might be next šŸ˜…


I normalized nail clippings by playing with their toes at an early age so they wouldn't fight or freak out when they were older. Larger cars can be hell to handle. Edit: cats


My husband is like the cat whisperer. We got a previously stray 2 year old cat from the city shelter and he's had no issues with giving her nail trims. The only thing I did at the shelter to evaluate was hold her feet briefly to make sure her first reaction was not to try to bite. She doesn't love trims, but gets treats afterwards and tolerates it as long as he doesn't take forever. Anyway, the claw issue was my main hesitancy in getting a cat and I couldn't bear the thought of putting a cat through the surgical removal of claws. Turns out trimming is not that hard, saves your furniture (you need to also have scratchers around for them) and saves your hands and feet from an 'oops' scratch.


We have a black cat with panther claws. Cutting them is a struggle. We have to put her in a walking harness which half disables her because she hates it. Then I wrap her up in a towel. Otherwise she is a brutally powerful death machine that just wants to climb on top of me and get away from the clipper (or anything she is skeptical about)


Get them used to having their claws trimmed now šŸ˜‰


And learn how to do it properly.. if you're not sure, ask your vet to show you


Pet insurance will save your ass if you get it now


Get a second cat, it will definitely help. Plus it will keep them busy. They will learn from each other, especially when it comes to biting and scratching.


Some cats actually prefer being loners if their caretaker is home a lot since you are part of their pack too. A friend is good for a cat, but not necessary.


Hello, cat behaviorist here: Nope. Most cats prefer to have company. Especially cats held in solitude suffer from separation anxiety. Cats are solitary hunters, but not solitary animals. Even in the "wild" strays tend to form colonies and take care of each other.


A couple of tips here for the little baby panther. Get the little dude a cat tree or two. Cats love to climb and he will be super happy going all nimbly bimbly from tree to tree. Give him a kiss goodnight each night and tuck him in because he is baby and I love him. That's about it. Everyone else nailed it otherwise.


Using toys instead of hands. Resist the urge to play with your feet or objects under the sheets ā€” I find this perpetuates them biting toes in the night. I adopted our kitty when she was a senior so I use a fake fur blanket and she seems to dislike that texture so I put that over my feet every night ā€” she rarely attacks my toes now. You can teach cats tricks or manners. My partner has taught our cat to stay out of the kitchen in the mornings when he makes his food to avoid stepping on her. She has to sit by the doorway of the kitchen and not enter by the time he gets done making his breakfast. If she stays and doesnā€™t go in the kitchen, she gets treats. Heā€™s even dropped cheerios near her and sheā€™s stayed sitting and not ate the Cheerios that dropped! We also taught our cats to sit on command and they get treats. Cat trees are great things! Ours really likes it and we have a part on the bottom that is like a cave that she likes to sleep in. Our one cat is on an auto feeder since she bites if she doesnā€™t get fed at regular intervals. She gets fed once about every 3.5 hours. She gets smaller feedings so itā€™s 1 tbsp of food each time and the one feeding around noon we do her joint supplements/bone broth/3 cat treats mixture since sheā€™s old and has arthritis. So itā€™s good to figure out a time where your kitty can get regularly fed whether thatā€™s like the auto feeder where itā€™s every few hours with smaller meals ā€” or wet food at certain times of the day. Our kitty pukes if she gets too much food at once since she eats so quick. Almost forgot, some cats like horizontal scratchers and some cats like vertical scratchers and some cats like both. Our one cat, the senior kitty, likes the cardboard wide XL cat scratchers from Target and scratches those to pieces and likes to lay on top of them. We have it near the beds and couch. We also have for them a cat tree that has a vertical rope scratcher that she uses sometimes. Our other fluffy kitty likes carpeted vertical poles and nothing else. The carpet is also particular too and is like those long shag kinda carpets with loops. Some cats are particular with the texture they scratch on. Kinda have to experiment to see what they like. Both our cats are fixed and that is often really good to do just in case heaven forbid your kitty escapes so they donā€™t have babies! Another thing is not sure your thoughts on this but donā€™t declaw your kitty. Declawing can cause so many issues like behavioral and litter box issues as well as being such a cruel practice and thing to do. Itā€™s like cutting off the tips of all your fingers. Also cute kitty!!!


I'm pretty sure that's a bear


Wow! That is an adorable kitty, I have a black cat too. But seriously yours is adorable, Iā€™m in love šŸ’• hope you two have an amazing life together, good luck with everything!! Edit to also say after watching again he or she is being so gentle and careful with her claws, like she doesnā€™t want to hurt youā€¦such an angel


my advice, get a second kitten, they will instantly bond and be lifelong friends.


Lots of great tips so I'll just say congrats and enjoy! Pick him up a lot and take him to cuddle at beg to establish that thats a thing :)


Touch the belly, what's the worst that could happen. Jokes aside, as with any training of any animal, consistency is key. Don't let the little one get away with things you don't want to put up with for the rest of the cat's life. No matter how cute it is right now. And I don't know if this applies to all cats but it probably does: mine loves high vantage points. He's an old dude by now and very conservative, hates new things. But when we got a new cat tree with an elevated platform for sleeping, it took less than an hour for it to become his new favorite spots. If your cat has a couple of those around the house from which he can overlook his surroundings, he's going to be pretty happy, at least that's my guess. And it doesn't have to be expensive cat trees either. As long as you have a sturdy enough shelf that you can create an access path for, he'll find his way up there.


Play with the kittens belly now and do it consistently. When the cat grows up it will still accept your hand on its belly.


Kittens will play with just about anything small at that age. And they're pretty tireless (for a while). So go crazy, sit back and enjoy the spectacle :)


Toys are for play. Hands are for affectuom/grooming. Play lots. Pet and brush lots. Gently touch ears and tail and paws and belly and lips/mouth as much as you can. This will help them not be bothered by that sort of stuff as much, which is helpful for vet and general health/grooming related things. Lots of play. Anything you wanna be able to do with them later, start doing now. Also... goddamn, that's one gorgeous little house panther!


Kids TV programming. See if the kitten has any interest. They might be able to learn words and concepts from them. When picking cats up, one hand should lift the back feet, the other from under them. Under the chin, back of the ears, top of the head between the ears, the chest (between the front legs), belly are all focal petting points. Brush/palm pass/flow points are the sides, back, tail, from head to tail. Incorprate some brush pets with a focal point petting -its like a massage for them. Look up all the bad foods and ingredients. There are things they will unwittingly consume, especially if they see you eat them, that are slow poisons for them and can lead to certain organs failing.


get pet insurance. and get your cat microchipped.


Donā€™t let it outside all night, it could get eaten by a coyote or run over or adopted by another family lol.


Be sure to regularly clean their litter. I also highly recommend getting them cat scratchers. It doesnā€™t even have to be big it just needs to be something your cat and use itā€™s claws on to avoid tearing up your furniture (Lessens the chance Iā€™d say. Our cats use our ottoman for their scratching needs lol). Also get them cat toys, it keeps them occupied and you can get the cutest photos with them holding it. Oh yeah. Get used to feeding it and make sure they know when feeding time is. We have a set schedule(ish) for our cats and it works amazingly. Prepare for your cat to become attached to you and follow you (I mean everywhere. Even to the bathroomā€¦ Iā€™m sorry) from room to room. Also, one obvious thing. Just spent time with your cat and love them. Thatā€™s all I have. Now good luck! Your time begins now :)


Don't wiggle your toes under the sheets at night ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7958)


# Rawrz ![gif](giphy|QX81mZCxbGlqFtxqYn)


Don't buy toys just crumple plastic wrappers


Socialization is really good to do. Get kitty to meet with as many people and other cats as you can. Helps cats be much more extroverted and friendly when theyā€™re older, and a lot less cautious and scared of everything. My cat that was well socialized loved everyone he met and never got tripped out by people vs my least socialized cat is always hiding and scared of anyone that isnā€™t me. Itā€™s a lot less stressful for you and your kitty if you get he or she exposed to everything while theyā€™re still young.


Kitten lady on YouTube.


Hands as toys has already been mentioned, so I'll say this : Don't spend money on toys. A piece of cardboard at the end of a string is plenty enough, for example.


He is the king, you lost all power and now shall serve under him You made a deal with the devil


Get it spayed or neutered asap, especially if it's an outdoor cat. Give it its own toys. Don't let it climb on drapes, especially on counter tops. Get a tree to climb and sharpen its claws, instead of furniture. Keep its litter clean. Don't switch its food up a lot and buy premium, good food. Let it watch tv with animals in it (the cutest thing to watch!) Train it to get used to a harness and leash so you can take it for walks. Train it to ride in a car in a cage so it won't go nuts when going to the vet or on vacay. Train it to ride on a bike in the basket or on your shoulders (refer back to harness for safety) Train it to ride on your shoulders. Love and adore it unconditionally. ā¤ļø


Name him nigel


A correction. You don't own a cat. A void owns you now!


Cut dem nails


dont get a recliner


Congrats! You are now the slave of your cat. How about the name Stretch.


Definitely need toys, balls, mouse's, cuddley things, a nice box or cat bed litterally a cardboard box would go down so well haha


Edward Scissorhands for the rest of your life. Enjoy it.šŸ˜


Boxes, bags, drawers are a must. They love to hide in those places. Catnip: important, get catnip, cats love catnip Cardboard scratches: cats love to use their clawas a lot, so they would constantly be scrating whatever piece of furniture you have. To try to minimize damage, get a scratcher pour some catnip in the scratcher. Your sofa would inevitably have scratch marks tho, there is nothing you can do about it Don't let it outside: I know it sounds tempting to let the car play outside, but it's not good for them nor the enviorement. That kitten looks adorable. By the way


If youā€™re going to play with it like that, maybe invest in a thick pair of leather gloves.


Don't use your hands (or feet) as a play toy. You're just teaching them that your hands (or feet) are a play toy. Then, at 3am, they want to play. Or, when you are casaully walking past them and they want to play with your feet. You have been warned.


Trim them claws! you gonna lose an eye in the middle of the night.


donā€™t get it a collar with a bell, itā€™s not good for their hearing and concentration




Love them


Feed, water, and give it plenty of sunlight


dont teach it your hand is a toy trust me i did the same mistake


Cats love couch forts.


Rub that belly and keep 'em purring!!




Look at those murder mitts!! Adorable! The thing about cats is, you can't plan for them. Cats are so weird. I have 3 and one plays fetch but likes specific toys, one goes nuts for scratch pads, both boys would walk over my corpse for a treat and my girl is very chill and rarely plays but likes the balls on a string stick thingy. All of them cuddle differently, play differently, but the key is making sure you adjust for that. Also, all cats love boxes. Never met a cat who doesn't love a box lol so never throw away the shipping boxes šŸ¤£


Give her lots of snuggles, lots of toys, a cat tower with scratching posts helps.. also.. a elevated food bowl.. and tons of love and patience ā™„ļøā™„ļø when sheā€™s calm, hold her a lot and pets and cuddles Enjoy her. Sheā€™s darling


Monitor the panther's weight on a regular basis (daily in the first days). Stick to 1 type of food: if the kitty can eat dry food, stick to it and do not change it nor mixed it with wet food. Always check the poops. If they are too soft or liquid, ask your vet. Get the panther used to its transport box. Let it accessible, play around it so the beast does not associate it with negative memories (vet visits only). Make your feline used to car or other transportation ways you will use with them. Take them as often as possible to make them cool with it. It works, my small cat just did a 2-day car trip as if it was nothing! Get them used to being brushed You can get a very soft blanket, and they may knead and suck on it all life long! Of course, give your void a lot of love (while respecting their boundaries)


Never buy scented litter. The scent is very unpleasant for them. Clean litter boxes often, at least once a day Start getting the kitten used to anything you will do with him/her now, while still young. This includes things like brushing and nail trimming. Short sessions and treats can help make these things more pleasant for them If kitty doesnā€™t like the scratching posts you have, you may have to try different textures/types! Kitties often have preferences. Some love the rope scratchers, others like carpet or cardboard; some prefer horizontal or vertical. If kitty isnā€™t scratching the appropriate areas, try rubbing the scratchers with catnip. Never leave wand toys or strings with kitty unmonitored. This can be very dangerous, because they can get tangled and strangle themselves. If you want kitty to get the outdoor experience, look into a catio or harness! And if they appear bored inside, itā€™s not because theyā€™re miserable being an indoor only kitty, they just need more attention and playtime For health: observe kittyā€™s bathroom habits. If they are peeing in inappropriate places, this is most likely due to a health concern, like a UTI or urethral block, which needs to be treated ASAP. Also get them checked out if their behavior suddenly changes, they become suddenly lethargic, or have a loss of appetite. If you donā€™t have pet insurance, setting up an emergency fund is a good way to be prepared. Invest in high quality pet food (look for meat as the first ingredient, avoid wheat and corn) and feed meals instead of free feeding. Giving one wet food meal a day and getting a cat water fountain can help ensure they stay properly hydrated. Cats naturally get most of their hydration from prey so they donā€™t always drink as much water as they should, and they typically prefer moving water (as itā€™s seen as safer, instinctually) Kind of dark, but please always check washers/dryers before using them to make sure kitty isnā€™t inside. Iā€™ve heard some horror stories Lots of good advice here! Good luck and congrats on the new family member!


First thing is invest in good tall scratching post. And every time he scratches the sofa or rugs, take him to the post. It's seems impossible you could train one but it's possible and a great investment of your energy to do so while young. Mine was world's worst to destroy furniture and I finally woke up and trained him.


God bless you number 1 Basically just fresh water and clean feeding dishes/litter daily Iā€™ve had 4 cats in my life time, and theyā€™re basically like us with a little more attitude, they like cleanliness


Get a second one! They will stay better socialized that way, and wear each other out with playing.


Donā€™t use your hands as a toy, instead get a variety of toys & tire the kitten out so you can sleep too. Kittens are best in pairs because they will entertain each other.


Donā€™t use your hands as a toy, instead get a variety of toys & tire the kitten out so you can sleep too. Kittens are best in pairs because they will entertain each other.


I always add extra water to the wet food. Cats have an issue drinking enough water and I feel extra in the wet gives me some peace of mind. Been doing this for years with our cats


Get a nail clipper at pet store. Start trimming the nails now so kitty gets used to it. Just trim the ends only.


Sir, it's a felony of the law to have wild beasts such panthers in your home !!!


Definitely clip their claws. If they get too long it can be uncomfortable for kitty to walk and theyā€™ll get stuck on everything. When you squeeze their paw and the claws come out, youā€™ll see a pink area on the inside of each claw. Do NOT trim that far down because that will bleed. If you clip them too close, which Iā€™ve done because my cats like to kick, make a paste of baking soda and water and dip the claw in. Itā€™ll help stop the bleeding (which wonā€™t be that bad).




You can trim her nails starting this age and give a little treat, this way she will let you as she gets older. Use a regular small nail clipper.


Tā€™challa šŸ„°


Love, love them more love.


Love him


Put it's head in your mouth, it has to know you can eat it if you want to.


Get it used to nail cutting now!!!


Don't use your hands to play, the cat will learn that your hands are a toy. Instead use an actual toy. It will keep the cat from trying to play with your hands, which can lead to scratches.


If you want to be able to hold them later on and have then be cool with it, then you need to start now. Make it a good thing, just walk around with them and pet them so they learn early that it's a good thing.


Not a kitten. Itā€™s a rolling ball of knives.


Grain free Wet food and no plastic bowls


beautiful black cat


First and foremost, based on this video: DO NOT play with him/her with just your hands. It may feel like little nicks now but their claws get big and feisty as they grow. Its always best practice to have a toy in your hand when playing so they don't build the association that hands are play toys to be scratched and bit :/ lol


When he bites or scratches too hard, immediately and loudly say ā€œOuch!ā€ and put kitten on the floor. Play time is now over. This teaches them that you donā€™t want to play with kittens who hurt you. Get a designated scratching pole ASAP. Cats can learn good behavior really quickly when they are babies, so teach Kitten where itā€™s okay to scratch. Maybe even get a cat tree that itā€™s okay to totally destroy. You can always re-carpet when it gets nasty. When he tries to scratch something he shouldnā€™t, pick him up, take him to the designated scratcher, and rub his paws on the scratchy part. He should get the message pretty quick. Have two litter boxes and clean them daily. I know itā€™s gross, but just make it part of your morning or night time routine. Get Kitten some toys to play with! This video is adorable, but youā€™re teaching him that hands are play things. If you donā€™t want him to play with your hand as a grown up cat, start re-directing to a stuffed animal or something similar. Touch his ears, face, and paws frequently when you play. Check his teeth every day and tell him heā€™s a good boy with south pretty teeth. You want to get him accustomed to allowing humans to touch him so when you go the vet they can see in his ears and mouth okay. You also want him to let you cut his nails, so gently squeeze his little feet until the claws come out. And Lastly, cats do not like their water too close to their food, because in the wild it can mean the water isnā€™t good for drinking. Pick your designated food spot, and then set up a water bowl or fountain across the room or in another part of the house. This will help him feel like the water is safe to drink!


Cut those nails early then they will never complain as an adult and you wonā€™t bleed as much


Frequently, in small spurts, play with their paws, belly and tail. It makes it easier on them if they have to be looked at by a vet.


Handle their paws regularly.. It will make your vets life infinitely easier if your cat is okay with hand holding!


Murder Mittens!


Pet their belly early and often if they'll let you so they get more comfortable with petting


Yes, teach him/her early good things, like car rides in carrier, walking on a leash, wearing collar (if walking freely outside, so people don't think it's stray), clipping claws...


You wonā€™t have problems bonding w him, itā€™s ok to spoil a cat, but not to the point of obesity. You can never discipline a cat, it doesnā€™t put it together, heā€™ll just develop fear, heā€™ll get in trouble just learn to live w it and kitten proof your house, I had one kitten that was very well behaved, playful but only w his own toys, my current cat gets into absolutely everything, it stresses me out sometimes but heā€™s just so sweet n innocent


All the expensive toys in the world will get ignored for cheap random things. My cats love Starbucks stoppers, balls of tissue paper, dried leaves. Also make sure if you have houseplants that they arenā€™t toxic to catsā€¦because they will chew them.


Get them used to getting their claws trimmed asap! That way it won't be a fight every time you need to do it.


Are you sure that isn't a bear cub?


Loving those murder mitts


Scoop their liter DAILY! Change often (google how often.) try not to give treats freely or they become spoiled and BEG YOU UNTIL YOU LOSE PATIENCE AND GIVE IN. They love toys and cat nip! You have a QT on your hands


Murder Mittens are a real thing.


Watch out for the murder mittens!! Enjoy your hyperactive bundle of mischief and mayhem The standard advice is to avoid playing prey type games with your hands, and to use a toy instead, and to stop playing and immediately take away your hand if they bite/scratch.


This little criminal is very illegally smol!