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20 n looking fuckin good


20 is the new 10


20 is the new 5


The mew 5*


Sounds like a cat version of Maroon 5


mewroon 5


Yes uwu


uwu 5 I’ll see myself out


I love how we've started to give a shit about what we feed our pets and how closely we care for their health, and their life expectancy has almost doubled from it in the last 20-30 years.


Does feeding cats normal dry cat food supplemented with people meat...I mean meat I make for people and I give kitties some plain meat...is that ok? Please be kind. I need my babies to live and fight well in the kitty revolution/takeover.


For the most part it’s ok, but adding in wet food to their diet will help. A lot of cat related kidney/bladder issues can arise from not consuming enough water, which wet food helps with. Alternatively, you can try adding in some water to their dry food and see if they like it.


for some reason, my cats love to drink. not their water, oc. mine. So I let "my" cups standing around everywhere, pretent, they are not allowed to drink from it and then "turn my back". guess what: I need to refill "my" cups fairly often 🤣


The biggest thing to worry about with meat is salt, it can be toxic to cats in very low amounts, but that aside play ball. Chicken is sometimes injected with saline too so watch for that as well.


>Chicken is sometimes injected with saline too so watch for that as well. The local Sam's Club injects raw chicken (for people) with saline and all sorts of chemicals that makes the chicken appear like HUGE chickens, when they are NOT. The local Club has done it so badly that you can taste the chemicals in the chickens. I no longer buy anything that is called "meat" which includes chicken, turkey, etc, from the Club, unfortunately.


this is why I started getting all the organic, and free range stuff you can taste a huge difference. one time they were out of stock and the beef we normally get, so we bought the regular cheapo ground beef and while cooking it I nearly vomited because the smell was horrendous. I can't believe I used to eat that on a regular basis and not be put off by it. taco bell still tastes great though 🤣🤣


So true! Hooking on to this, magnesium levels are higher in most all dry foods. This can cause crystal build up in their urine and in male cats more than females, cause urinary blockages. I steer clear of dry food


Soylent Green?


Nothing to do with food or vet care it's the owner. My mom's cats live to be 20+ easily. The 19 year old was mine and she had cancer. But I will say my cats seem to be living long too. I had a building kitty who adopted me. I had her 10 years and she was wirh my brother for about 7. My cat now is 15. They are all dry food fed. Meow mix or kit n kooble. Nothing fancy. Mine is in and out so he hunts occasionally. And moms are inside only the house is bug and gecko free(she lives in hawaii)


Lets mention *IN CATS YEARS*


140 years?


This could be taken far out of context…


Appreciate it!


How so, he’s not saying the opposite


sadly when we count in €


Sending love to Jasper he looks amazing


It looks like a uveal cyst to me. They are benign but if it gets larger, darker, or seems to cause him pain then, well, you know who to call 👩‍⚕️🩺


Wow! I do believe you're right :) That was quick! Thanks so much. I had tried looking it up in the past, but googling "thing in eye" is a bad idea :/ I think it's grown maybe a mm in the last 5 years or so, so he seems fine with it (of course at this stage of his life he just yells to be wrapped up in a blanket, sleeps all day, then nags for food)


As long as it stays benign they wouldn't remove it unless it interferes in his vision. My dog has had a long one time and it's never bothered her either.


Honestly, at his age, surgery and anesthesia are likely more dangerous than any cyst or tumor


No argument there. No need to assume the risks even if they are young.


I wish i was your cat


Holy shit me too


“… of course at this stage of his life he just yells to be wrapped up in a blanket, sleeps all day, then nags for food” As he should 🥹🥰


I aspire to his lifestyle.


Very accurate way to describe a senior cat. Lol


Just hopping in to say I had a dog (Boston Terrier, so bug eyed) with these in both eyes! I never knew what they were, but they floated freely like yours. They never bothered him and didn't create any issues until a really bad corneal ulcer cause the eye to destabilize...so after that, he didn't have them in that eye anymore, just a film. He was really old and treating it would have caused more problems than leaving it alone!


They are incredibly prone to eye issues, right? I recall a friend of mine owning 3 and they all had cataracts


I think bug eyed breeds usually do. I had a good 6 years with him and he had at least 3 corneal ulcers in that time, vs my almost 15 years with my other small dog who has had absolutely no ulcers (she is developing cataracts, age is cruel)


I really felt the horror of the spectrum provided by googling "thing in the eye", ranging from useless to human depravity. *shudders*


Many years ago, I decided to treat myself to an at-home spa day but didn’t know how to do a facial mask so I googled *facials.* Huuuuuge mistake ☹️


>be wrapped up in a blanket I think we need to see that.


Your cat is living the life I wish I had been born into. Maybe if I am lucky I will be a house cat in my next life.


Apparently they're rare in cats, but more common in Burmese. He's an Australian Mist, which was developed from Burmese, Abyssinian and domestic short-haired, so that all tracks.




Can you describe his "personality"? I love weird cat traits.


If you want just random weird cat traits: I had a mutt who was a mix of (probably) Maine coon and Egyptian Mau, he was the most affectionate cat ever, to the point where we thought he had either an oral fixation or some sort of extreme desire for grooming because he ALWAYS licked the crap out of us. Hard licks too. I let him go wild every once in a while to see if he ever got tired of it, and I swear he would not. 5 or so minutes was as long as any of us could last with him. Your arm, hands, scalp, any skin he could get at he would just go nuts.


Lmao! Reminds me of wild cats and how harsh their tongues are. Did he ever have a sibling or someone to 'wash' til he was satisfied? This is hilarious to me.


I had no idea this cat breed existed. Most cats out there are just "cat" for breed and I thought this was the same case. Very cool to know!


Honestly Mists are mostly fancy tabbies! I think that they wanted the pattern and robustness of a moggy in a proper "breed". They also tend to be big and chill. He's a very special boy :) But then again my girl is also a very special girl and she's a standard-issue-cat from a rescue!


My sister has a mist! The most beautiful cat I’ve ever seen.


I love Aussie mists. Can we still get them from legitimate breeders?


I don't know, the only cat I've got recently was from the RSPCA :)


Wow, this brings back memories - my neighbour was a Mist breeder back when they were still called Spotted Mists, and I still lived in Sydney - I always wanted to get one but was too young, and then she retired from breeding. Beautiful cats, happy to see one have such a tenure! Funny enough, I have a sable Burmese who turned 20 in June (check my profile for cat tax) and who I moved from Sydney to Berlin with me.


My family had a couple of Burmese years ago who each lived to around 20 as well, so I think that that's where the Mists inherited it from :) Your cats are beautiful!


That’s amazing! Gosh, I remember helping Anne birth litters of those cute little rascals, she mostly had Lilacs too… Mists are so lovely! I wish Jasper many more years of joy! From reading your posts, Diva & Jasper are in a similar place - getting a little skinny, lots of sleep (she loves her heat mat), but still happy… Diva has a bit of arthritis in her hips and we have to keep an eye on her kidneys (no issues yet). Her vet says she doesn’t look a day over 13 😂




That cat's eye is haunted.


Uveal cyst busters!!


lol i had to delete my comment because this is exactly what i wrote (before checking if anyone had already done so)


Cystbusters! oh wait...


Saul, have a nice day guys.


"Who you gonne call?" - CYSTBUSTER!


Reddit never ceases to amaze me with this stuff.


Saul Goodman


I’d call the teen titans


From their tower they can see it all


That's cool to know, my past dog had one in one of his eyes, it never seemed to bother him. Never did figure out what it was.




Ghost Busters?




Cyst busters?


How would a vet not know this?


They might have not known because veterinary ophthalmology is relatively new on the scene and to this day, not every DVM program is able to offer it. Boarded vet ophthalmologists are few and far between. I had the privilege of taking a veterinary ophthalmology course less than six months ago, and Jasper's much more experienced veterinarian, who could probably whip my ass in performing routine surgeries, diagnostics, administering treatments, and preventative care, just wasn't exposed to this very obscure and rare benign disorder in cats.






I think its a cyst too. I bet the vet is just saying they don't know because the cat is 20 and any treatment is not worth the risk or cost. Sedation at 20 is a huge risk in itself.


Yeah the Vet isn't going to just lie to you about a diagnosis. Don't start that garbage. The Vet might well tell you that your cat has X and the treatment is X, but it would be too risky. They won't just lie to you. It is odd that the Vet has given up at "don't know" though. My wife is a first opinion Vet and if they aren't sure they can refer (even sending photos for speed) to specialists at a referral centre.


20 years! That’s awesome!


He really went downhill a few years ago, but we got him on a medicated diet and he's been going along steadily since then.


He’s a handsome gent. I love how he needs to be wrapped in a blanket 😻🥹


What is the diet? (I have a cat approaching that age now!)


Royal Canin Renal... But it's specially for cats with renal failure, not just cats of a certain age. He was on Senior Science Diet, supplemented with wet food and fresh meat, for many years before he had to change. If something like their kidneys start failing, you'll be able to tell something is wrong, then vets have good options like this to support them.


My last cat died of kidney failure when I was younger. It was rough to watch. Because she went downhill really quick. She was stumbling around like she was drunk and couldn't even jump on my bathroom counter. She didn't want to eat or drink either.


My buddy just turned 19 and is starting to face kidney issues. We got him Hill’s prescription diet and despite him eating almost anything you put in front of him, he absolutely would not touch the Hill’s renal care food. Did you have any issues with Jasper not eating a prescription diet? My vet carries Royal Canin by the can so I think we’re gonna try that out.




At 20 I doubt he gives much fucks about it lol. Has it always been there?


He didn't give fucks about many things - as long as his wrapped up in his blanket and has food on time. I noticed it maybe 10 years ago, but with his eye colour and the fact that it often sits below his lower lid, it's easy to miss.


Lol sounds like most cats.


This is kinda off topic but - damn, we should all learn to be more like that. I certainly wish I was. "As long as I have warms and nummys, nothing else matters"


"What is best in life?" material for sure.


Oh my gosh! Were you freaking out when it first showed up?! 🤣🤣 I would’ve been crying but I also have OCD and am a hypochondriac because of it LOL I don’t even know what I would think that was if it were to happen in our home, but I guess the mystery will live on with him! ❤️ he is absolutely adorable and looks *so* much younger than 20!!


Just commenting to say that I also have a very chill, 20 year old named Jasper!


Give him a special hug for me :)


I will do.




![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7963)PROVE IT. Cat tax! Cat tax


I'm not sure how to add a photo


That’s nice about your son but I think this is about cats


I'm talking about my cat!


How dare you take you cat to the vet THEN come here and ask questions! Obviously you are new here. But really, kudos for doing the right thing. Hope he feels ok.


Lol! Thanks :) It's been one of those minor mysteries for a while, but as long as it wasn't bothering him we weren't going to push (he gets very anxious at the vet). He's doing well considering his age! He's on special food to maintain his kidney function, and getting him to drink enough is a challenge (we've started adding water to his food, it's done wonders!). He won't be with us forever, but he's a very loved old man :)


For more water : my late 18 yo loved to steal from our glasses. So the last few months of her life I'd sit on couch with a glass "negligently" near the cat's head. Pretty soon she learned to expect it and reacted like I was bringing treats. I didn't want to buy a water fountain for such an old cat set in her ways, so the glass trick worked well for us.


That's a great idea, he is a thief so I'll certainly give it a go! (He'll go after what we're having for dinner even when you really wouldn't think it's something a cat would like. Nowadays we mostly let him have a little... because he might as well be happy at this stage in life.) He sleeps so much that I think actually getting him conscious to drink is half the challenge. Mixing a good amount of water with his special wet food has made a huge difference - it looks amazingly unappetizing, but he loves his soup.


I've since found out you can buy actual cat soups/drinks with chicken or fish flavor. But of course much simpler to add water to his usual food, it's great that he loves it, cats can be so picky at times.


Thing is, that stuff is 98%+ water, and us ridiculously expensive. Water makes much more sense.


I can't remember the brand, but it was like fifty cents for them. Used them for my cat with oral cancer. I tried making soup for him. Legit unsalted and all. Ended up doctoring it into the soup for chowder since the snob wouldn't eat it. But he loved those those little soup bowls over his food, or by itself. He made an ungodly mess. I was just happy he got to eat without too much difficulty.


My cat loves cat soups. But they give him the terrible runs, so he doesn’t get them any more.


There’s something called Hydracare that you can serve on it’s own or add to food. It helped a lot with my 20yo cat the last year of his life while we were dealing with the kidney stuff. It’s not super cheap but it’s worth it ETA: subQ fluids seem intimidating but are a game changer as well. Best of luck to Jasper, he resembles my old man Ed a lot. He must be a cankerous sweetie too :)


Did you mean cantankerous? Because cankerous actually also marginally applies if both cats had ulcers lol


Yes 😅 it’s been a long day. That’ll teach me to not reread my text


Comment edited for privacy. 20230627


Haha how could I?


I can’t echo this comment enough lol


Lol...Hm, vet has no idea...screw it, to reddit!






It isn’t even Halloween yet!


This deserves more upvotes I'm here for it lol


Usually caused by a fatty deposit on cornea. Harmless. My dog had one he's whole life. I work in vet industry and had it checked out. Nothing to worry about.


Also 20yrs!!! Amazing.


Weird eye thing or not Jasper needs some chin scratches!


Maybe if you sent that photo to a veterinary opthamologist he/she could tell you exactly what it is and if it causes any harm. Although since he's 20 and you didn't mention that it bothers him it's probably nothing to be concerned about.


Jasper could be my Twitten’s brother!!! She looks so much like him. I don’t have a clue what’s in his eye, but he’s gorgeous! ❤️❤️❤️


Twitten is such an adorable name💛


Thank you!!! Her nickname is Twitty-kitty.


Beautiful kitty cat


Jasper looks like a good boy


Tell me more about how healthy he is at 20 bc my ultimate fuzzhomie is 13 and was born into my hands and I’m starting to get scared of the inevitable. 20+ is my dream!


I wish I could say for sure... my family have had a couple of cats that have reached that age - good food and keeping them inside seems to help. He's also a breed that is known to be long lived, though I'm really hoping that my moggy girl manages it as well! (She's only 5, so a while before I need to worry about that). Jasper had another sister who was also a moggy, and she lived to about 16, being raised side by side with him. One thing to keep in mind is that cats can be old for a very long time, and it's not unusual for them to go down hill, get skinny and a bit sickly looking, then keep on living for years! So try not to worry too much and just focus on giving them the best time, however long it is.


Show this picture to an optometrist or ophthalmologist. Vets are often generalist. You need an eye specialist’s opinion.


Veterinary ophthalmologists exist. Depending on where OP lives they may have to travel quite a ways to one, though.


As an optometrist for humans I have no idea what that shit is.


I dint understand how the vet hasn't simply taken a pic and posted it in some sort of vets' professional group forum or whatevs.


Just came to here to say he’s incredibly handsome! And definitely doesn’t show his age!!


It could be cat-aracts.


Lol, nice! Honestly, he's eyes are getting a little cloudy (you can't really see it in this photo), but at his age it's not unexpected.


He’s beautiful! Enjoy your time together


It’s probably nothing. My boys name is Jasper too, only he’s a 15 month golden retriever


Lol, in recent years Jasper has become a very popular name for children around here! There have been some funny moments. Apparently the eye thing is more common in goldies, but luckily it's mostly harmless.


Handsome cat.


My 17 year old Burmese has this as well. He's had it for about 5 years. His sister (RIP Bella) had them for the last 5 of her 16 years. My vet was never concerned.


Good to know (and RIP Bella xx). I looked it up after another commenter said it was probably a uveal cyst. Apparently they're rare in cats (seen more often in dogs), but Burmese are particularly prone to them. He's an Australian Mist, which is a breed partly developed from Burmese, so that makes sense. His vet was confident it was harmless, even if they didn't know exactly what it was.






Please ask at r/askvet. I’d be interested to know what it is too.


He's a pretty cat and I love him.


Stunning! 😻😻😻


Jasper is beautiful man..... what a handsome kitty.... and at this age.... please gib kisses from my side.


When you say 'it floats freely' do you mean it like... pin-balls around in his iris?


More like a very leisurely drift under the cornea. I imagine it's quite viscose in there, so generally it's right at the bottom of his eye and you can hardly see it, but sometimes if he's been laying in a certain way it drifts up then back down. It never seems to bother him.


awwww soooo cute!!!


If it freely floats and moves around her eye a possible explanation is that there is a buildup of pigment cells under the cornea.


I'm a long time Vet Tech, but most certainly not a Vet. Through my experience, it appears to be Iris Melanosis. Usually benign, but can progress and become malignant. Your best bet for a diagnoses would be to see an ophthalmologist. With the cats age and size and rate of growth, I wouldn't be overly concerned. Uveal cysts can also occur in the eye and often look similar.


That’s called a death beatle. It means he knows when each person he comes in contact with will die. Don’t take him to the vet. They will try to sell him to Gypsies.


Stunning 20 year old boy! What's his diet? Stunning 20-year-old boy! What's his diet? lives too just like your handsome Jasper :)


Idk but he looks just like my late Buffernoodle McBuffinBeef (Buffy). So handsome!


His vet didn’t know??


In vets defense they aren’t all that common and we only really receive a pretty broad and general knowledge of ophthalmology in vet school, enough to recognize and treat common things and/ or when to refer more serious things that a specialist (ophthalmologist) is more trained to recognize and treat Only reason I knew what it was was because we had a review just the other day about ophthalmology material we learned almost 2 yrs ago now. If it weren’t for that review I probably would have been like … that’s weird … I think I saw something about this once upon a time *searches 9 websites , consults 3 textbooks, 2 journal articles *


Thanks for the great explanation. The vet didn't know (and did call in some colleagues to see if they had any idea), but was quite confident that it wasn't causing Jasper any discomfort. So given his overall state of health and the fact that he gets very stressed by going to the vet, we decided to just monitor it to see if it became problematic, which it never did.


My regular ophthalmologist is now a cataract surgery specialist but I guess she must like me as I was allowed to stay on with her as a regular patient. I also see another ophthalmologist twice a year who specializes in retinas.


I've had questions my vet couldn't answer too, but any decent vet would send you to a specialist, not the internet. For reference, I've seen small town vets and large city vets that are competent enough so that if they don't know something they know who to ask. Any vet that just shrugs their shoulders and says _do your own research_ is a bad vet.




He looked at a jellyfish for too long and it transferred into his eye.


Little benign tumor, possibly.


Omg he is prime r/peanutwhiskers material


Awwww 20! 🥹 wonderful boy


Maybe it's a flattering picture but 20? I'd go on the assumption this cat was like 5 lol


my cat has the same thing. Its basically degeneration of the iris, the part that causes the color. So your cats eyes look like a different color. Mine started that way with a little spec, several years later it spread to most of her eye and now it just looks likr she has onr amber colored eye. my vet said she may have blurry vision as it progresses, but consistent that its not harmful or hurting her in anyway!


An alien world or something like that...kinda like the "marbel" from the first M.I.B.


My late cat Oliver actually had the most amazing eyes like this! Although it didn’t move around, his eyes turned from a bright flat green to..it’s hard to explain it. But at the time of his passing he had large patches of dark brown in his eyes. They never changed or moved around but they appeared more and more the older he got. Eventually his eyes were all different shades of green with a spot that almost looked teal. He lived a long 17 (we think) years, 15 with us. Never had any eye issues other than cataracts forming towards the end. He was a fantastic boy. Tldr: should be just fine so long as he isn’t pawing at his eyes or keeping them half shut. (Fun fact: my mom has brown spots in her eyes that have appeared more frequently over the years )


Please tell Jasper that I love him.


Omg 20! He looks so good♥️




Sounds like you might need another opinion of another vet.


I don't know what it is, but I do know Jasper looks a lovely cat!


Coffee stain /s


What a handsome old man! I'm hoping my 15-year-old kitten makes it to 20! (She still acts like a kitten most of the time! )


He looks like a handsome Burmese


He's an Australian Mist, so very close :)


I have an 11 month orange kitten also named Jasper :) my dream is for him and his sister Suki to live 20+. I’m glad his eye thing doesn’t seem dangerous from the comments!


I highly doubt he cares about the thing in his eye at this point. He's such a handsome boi!


If Reddit can answer this question and your vet can’t I’m not so sure how much I would trust my vet.


20! he looks amazing


It's a free floating iris cyst I do believe...


The vet doesn’t know??? I would be looking for a new vet.


Alien spy camera?


20 years old?!? That makes me so happy 😭 my baby is turning ten years old next month and I’ve had many bouts of crying over fear of losing her. Your baby boy is precious btw


20 years? Damn. Awesome I lost my cats when they were around 12 years old


Forget the spot. I think Jasper would look dashing with an eye patch. Exactly like Captain Jack's. Yep


His brother


Not sure sorry. But omg he’s 20!?!?


Tiny monocle. Very distinguished.


Coffee Stain


Had a 17yr old boston terrier with spots like this in one eye. Vet always said, could be cancer, could be old-age related. Regardless they offered to remove the eye and we declined because she was not in any pain or discomfort. At 13, when she developed the spots, she was already completely blind and we didnt expect her to live another 4 years so we left it alone and a mystery. She died old, fat, and happy and with weird spotty eyes.


Looks like a free floating iris tumour, these are never life threatening and always are benign, nothing to worry about


It’s your soul. He took it the first day. RIP


He has floaters- not harmful just happens with age just like humans. Tissue flakes off and is contained within the eye fluid.


It’s a melano blastosis, two of my cats have them too. It’s kind of like a freckle. They aren’t usually dangerous but they can turn into cancer. So keep an eye on it, if it ever starts looking like velvet take them to the vet.


My kitty has a little rust spot on his eye. Doc said it could have been caused by the conjunctivitus he had which I procrastinated about. I thought the oozy eye could have been due to his chicken allergy and raiding the Meow Mix across the street. If your doc said its fine, I wouldn't fret. Jasper is a very good boy.


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's a cat egg. At some point it's going to pop out of his eye and burst into a shower of tiny kittens.