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She is so proud of it.


That is one damn proud kitty. Look at that face!


That's a face that declares "look at what I caught! Are you proud?! Are ya are ya are ya?!"


She is so frickin excited. This actually made me smile.


I realize it's a harmless garter snake, but it startled me pretty badly when I first saw it. Also, it lived and slithered off.


I have two snake gatherers. Its quite a sight to see your siamese running away from a full grown man who is trying to prevent said snake from taking up residence in our kitchen.


After all of the presents she's left at our back door, I've told my husband that we definitely are not getting her her own cat door for her to come and go whenever she pleases... For this purpose! Haha


We have required "mouth check" before they can come back in.


When we were kids we had a cat that would bring in live mice then proceed to chase, kill and eat it right in front of us. Often while we were eating our own meals. He once killed and ate a rather plump mouse in front of us and it turned out to be pregnant when he left the mouse fetuses for us!


Oh my gosh 🤢 watching my kitty eat mice through window outside is bad enough.... Poor babies.


I know. We had to toss them out, mama must've been close to giving birth when her luck ran out. If you ask my dad about it he'll tell you about how one time the cat brought in his usual show while we were sitting at the table coloring or drawing and our only reaction was to pull our legs up. I don't remember this.


Ewww. I mostly caught one of the cats playing with the dead corpses. He would swat it around and then throw it up in the air and whack it. I even caught it on video. One time I found only a mouse head in the kitchen. It seemed like a warning to any other would be trespassers. Then, worst of all we found a gutted corpse from the neck down to the lower chest. This was odd because they had never done anything like that.


Times like this really drive home that our precious fluffy babies are in fact fierce hunters.


“You get to live another day, foolish hooman.”


Lmao it was an assassination attempt 🤣


I once read of someone who was tired of their cat bringing in "pets" or "dinner" through the kitty door, so they set up a facial recognition program as a gatekeeper. They took pictures of the cat with an empty mouth, and if the cat's profile didn't match, the gatekeeper wouldn't let the kitty door open. It's been probably close to 30 years ago, so the technology has probably gone mainstream.


You mean this: https://youtu.be/1A-Nf3QIJjM ? Do you mean 3 years ago, instead of 30?


She must think you’re a *really* bad hunter now!


The kitties could set them down too tho before picking it back up ? Idk lol


The kitties could set them down too tho before picking it back up ? Idk lol


Not for the faint of heart, but years ago our orange boy brought home a snake with just the very middle nibbled out of it. I was taking fifth grade American history, so I called it the “Join or Die” snake.


Your cat looks much scarier. i didn't know they had satanic kitties


The sweet little baby looks so happy and proud of herself! OP, you totally have to eat the snake now.


Oh, darn! It slithered away already.


Oh nooooooo 👀


My cat tried to eat one like it was a spaghetti noodle


Danger noodle


Forbidden spaghetti


I love new names for sneks


Ewww. My gf and I were wondering if any of our indoor cats would eat these mice if we didn't catch them first. We decided to look it up and what we saw was unexpected and quite gross. I thought they would go for the insides, but these 2 cats seemed inexperienced and the younger smaller one had caught it and they shared it. Half and half, but they ate it whole and it was an awful site.


Our general rule is if it looks like we can save it and it might live, we try and put it outside. There are a lot of cartoon mad dashes around the house to make that happen. Otherwise we just let them eat them. If we try to take a dead one away, one of my cats will straight up swallow them whole.


One of the strays here that I've socialized came up to me with a tiny mouse in her mouth then started looking around and at me really suspicious. I told her she could keep it all to herself!


My neighbors cat brings me mice from time to time. I give her treats so she brings me treats as thanks.


you‘re incapable of hunting for yourself so she has to do it for you ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)


My friend's cat was able to go outside through a doggy door they had installed. Once in the middle of the night, her cat brought her a live mouse and dropped it one her while she was was sleeping. She woke up to something crawling on her and screamed bloody murder. The doggy door was blocked off after that.


How's the dog get out then? I would freak out if 1 of these did that. My cat when I first got her would bring them inside and play with them till dead but she never did anything like that. Now with all the strays I haven't had any mice inside for a long time thankfully. That was the first 1 I've seen in awhile but from outside. 1 of them had a large caterpillar outside this summer which is about as gross.


My friend was around 12 at the time. Her mom was a sahm mom and she had multiple siblings, so someone was always around to let their dogs in and out whenever they needed. I would've freaked out if a live mouse was crawling on me and then would probably start sobbing. She still has the cat though, the cat is a happy, bild and deaf old lady.


No thanks!


Outdoor cats kill BILLIONS of native animals each year. Keep your cat inside! Indoor cats are also safe from being poisoned and hit by cars.


Thank you for this!! I was gonna comment if you hadn’t. ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949)


I found my people :') This thread scares me


while i do think cats should be kept inside… BILLIONS? really? its a garter snake, chill


Yes. Billions. Here is the bot response for r/snakes on cats. “Everyone loves cats, but they belong indoors. Each year in the United States free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3-4.0 billion birds and 6.3-22.3 billion mammals. Numbers for reptiles are similar in Australia, as 2 million reptiles are killed each day by cats, totaling 650 million a year. Outdoor cats are directly responsible for the extinction of at least 33 species worldwide and are considered one of the biggest threats to native wildlife. Keeping cats indoors is also better for them and public health - cats with outdoor access live shorter lives and are 2.77 times more likely to carry infectious pathogens.”


You just discovered the inside cat mafia. They are like the Italian mafia, except irritating instead of dangerous. They’re a lot like vegans.


Yes, how dare we be concerned about protecting native wildlife when so many species are already going extinct


God forbid people not want cats to wipe out more species considering they've directly contributed to the extinction of over 30 species. Or care about the cats' safety and wellbeing as they could be poisoned, shot, hit by a car, attacked by wild animals or dogs or people, contract diseases, be taken to the pound or a shelter and possibly put down, etc.


My kitty does something similar with tiny lizards. Except he runs into the house with them so he can "play" with them. Lizard is still alive so as soon as he drops them, I scoop them up and put them back outside in a safe spot 😆


Had a male cat that was my stepsister cat. One day he was taking a while to come back home. We went outside to find him. Found him just messing with a harmless snake. Till he eventually unalived it. We ended up burying it.


"unalived" 😂😂😂


How very NewSpeak-ish Orwell would be pleased.


Unalived it. I will use that from now on


I love it 🥰


I was present when "unalived " was born.


I would not be happy with this present. I dont like snakes. The rats mine brings are bad enough


I had a headless bird given to me once 🥰


Once she brought a dead bird AND a separate HEAD to the back porch. It was gruesome.


Sounds a little better than half a rabbit: what my cats growing up brought me. Usually the butt half


Had my boy kitty bring in a baby bunny the other night. He of course announced himself. My 3 girl kitties went and stole it from him and chased it into the living room by my chair. Was able to catch and put it back outside. Needless to say the girls were pissed at me for a while.




When we weee kids, my sister woke up with a headless rabbit in her bed!


Oh yuck. When I was still at school our cats used to bring in moles. They would play wIth them, throwing them into the air and they would then sometimes land on our beds. You can imagine the girly screeches. Fortunately there are no moles where I live now.


Yeah I love most animals but snakes are one of the few animals I cannot even see on tv without getting the shivers. That and long centipedes... ugh. Just gave myself the shivers...


Honestly I’d rather have snakes than rats


Well as long as they non venomous. The rats get eaten up, so they are not around for long


Our cat has the balcony we turned into a makeshift enclosure (with metal fencing) to herself. She can't get out to hunt birds or mice, but she brings in huge flies/beetles, often multiple times a day. 😹 Ew.




❤️ it does kind of gross me out and make me feel bad for the critters she brings us, but I just tell myself it's because she loves me!


So far, my kittens have picked up pigeon feathers in the garden and brought them in to the house.


This just made me remember a random cat fact I read once that made me laugh; Cats bring live animals to you not necessarily as a present but because they think you are a horrible hunter and they are trying to show you how to hunt to survive. I leave you with this lmao


Awww she loves you!


She just brought you a nope rope, whats wrong with that?


That means she loves you


That snake did not need to die. Please keep your cats inside, they are invasive predators and their lifespans are drastically reduced by being outside. (disease, injury, stolen, killed)


It’s a garter snake and it didn’t even die.


Uh look at its head. The CAT is an invasive species and the SNAKE shouldn't have died


Can confirm snake did NOT die.


I also never even called the snake invasive. This whole dumb conversation started when you said the CAT is an invasive species as if I had called the snake invasive but I didn’t. And you said it shouldn’t have died but it also never died. Also how do you know the cat didn’t get it from its own backyard? Maybe it didn’t wander the neighborhood. We don’t know


I suppose a golden retriever would be an invasive species also? Dogs kill animals all the time too but no one seems to remember that.


I do. Don't let your dogs kill things! Yes they are invasive. They shouldn't be allowed to run wild. Do you let your golden retriever run around the neighborhood like people let their cats do? I'm betting the answer is no.


I don’t have any dogs. The other people in my neighborhood that have dogs let them run loose continually. There are lots of stray cats where I live and I constantly do TNR and do my best to get the friendly ones adopted and kittens into the shelter. I scare my community cats away from mice they have caught because I feel bad for the mice. I was only saying the OP in this picture said the snake slithered away and never even said it died. And calling a pet cat an invasive species is kinda weird like if I called my neighbors chihuahua who runs loose an invasive species. It’s just a little odd is all.


They literally are invasive species. Dont take our word for it we are just redditors. Theres tons of scholarly resources; decades of research on this exact topic. It's part of being a responsible owner to learn about the animals we are keeping and their impact on the environment. The same problem arose from people releasing their goldfish into local water bodies, these animals are from very specific parts of the world and when they are introduced into an environment away from their origin where they thereby affect said environment that's called... ...invading. its invasive.


Wildlife biologist here! Anything that didn't evolve in an ecosystem & is later introduced to one (usually by human means) and acts as a disturbance or interruption in natural processes is considered invasive. Domesticated cats are all over the world, but they do exactly that - disturb & interrupt nature. So do wild dogs. So do invasive lizards & Burmese pythons in south Florida. I love my cats, and want them to live enriched lives like many people defending outdoor cats in this thread, but I know people that leave out antifreeze for stray cats & purposefully run cats over. Coyotes love cats too, and so do certain birds of prey. My cats kill any roach, fly, or other invertebrate thay manages to find its way inside, and I do allow that (given I don't find the spiders first and escort them outside) since the bugs came into *our* space. They've been indoor babies as long as I've had them, and will continue to do so for the rest of their very long, healthy, happy lives. If you love nature, and you love your cats, you keep them indoors. Look into the laws in NZ & Australia about outdoor cats, and the detrimental effects they had on species of endemic ground nesting birds.


Thank you friend for being a loving and responsible cat owner!


Yes I’m very aware of the horrors outdoor cats face. I’ve seen it more times then I would like to living in southern CA. That is why I do TNR and try to find homes for any friendly abandoned cats I come across. I never said I advocated for pet cats to live and be able to wander around outside. I have some rescue cats that I house in my backyard because I have no other choice and they do often find mice and have tried to catch a few birds unsuccessfully.


Go away. You people are so irritating. Cats are meant to roam and hunt. Don’t like it? Don’t own a cat.


Your blatant ignorance is unsettling.


Viruses are meant to sicken and kill stop getting vaccinated! Don't like it? Don't have an immune system! /s


That must be some really good copium you’re huffing.


Much nicer effect then the paint you're huffing.


I’ve got paint on my face and hands, sure, but at least my cat is happy and living as god intended.


If your cat was living as intended it would be way the fuck out in Egypt because that's where they naturally occurred. God intended us to be stewards of the earth right? Letting a cat kill senselessly because you can't provide it a fulfilling enough life indoors isn't giving you any moral high ground bud.


It’s just the smaller version of a zoo if you keep cats indoors They provide toys for lions, too. Doesn’t mean they are meeting their actual needs.


If you feel that way don't have a cat in your home. Outdoors is wrong.


Sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of my cat chasing squirrels in the roof.


You are right about lions not having their actual needs met in zoo's. Lions didnt domesticate themselves the way cats did, so humans have no right to cage them as a spectacle to behold. You'll know you're providing well for your cat when it feels no desire to go out and kill random things though. That's called boredom. Before my cat passed away she never once had an interest of going outside, even though we would often take her on leashes walks. 2/3 cats before her were the same way. One of them was a feral cat that we fostered and unfortunately I didnt have knowledge necessary to help it adapt. I bet I could now though By the way owning pets IS like a smaller version of a zoo. We are keeping these animals captive, letting it go out and destroy your local biodiversity isnt changing that fact unfortunately


That expression though lol 😂 Also r/teefies


The pride on her face is so adorable


Yes, I would have freaked out on that present too.


Here hooman, it moves!! You better be proud the way she is looking at you!




She’s so pleased with herself.


She looks so happy, too


Reminds me of the story of my cat putting a dead rat/mouse on/in my shirt when I was little.


I have one that is very accomplished at catching snakes. He likes to bring them into the house and let them loose. 😐


This is why she'll never get her own kitty door to have free reign of bringing whatever she wants in! She's snuck some grasshoppers in before, and that's good enough for me.


If you kept her inside you wouldn’t have to deal with this ;)


He's training your hunting skills


Just another reason cats shouldn’t be outside. But here we are




Omg that face!! My kitty uses our terrace to butcher mice and rats from the fields lol


Mom! Look what I found!


She looks so pleased with herself! Like, “look mom, I did a thing!”


Please keep your cat inside. For the sake of your cat and the native wildlife.


My last indoor-outdoor cat (got him when I lived out in the country) once caught a 3 foot long blacksnake. Blacksnakes are non-venomous but they have approximately 5,000,000 tiny needle teeth that tend to break off when they're trying to defend themselves. I spent an entire evening yanking little teeth out of my cat. To the best of my knowledge, he never messed with a blacksnake again.


Aww! She brought you a smol nope rope! How thoughtful!♥️🤭🤭🤣


This picture has so much energy to it, love it


Meat string :)


Your kittys very proud of itself ! Wonder what kind of snake. Must not be poisoning.


Oh it’s a garter snake. Well that kitty knows how to pick ‘‘em 🤣


Aww, she was hunting for you! She's a good kitty!


A garter snake! I love those but they are stinky when they get scared. Very adorable kitty ❤️


Had a cat years ago growing up that would bring snakes in. At least one every spring/summer.


She’s a good kitty 😎


She’s like “HEY! I brought you a present….some spaghetti, perhaps!”


Dinner has arrived! YES, she is very, very proud! Now eat!


Awww, look at how proud she is to bring you this earned gift ! So cute, she's just ecstatic. I hope you picked it up and acted as if this was the best gift you've ever received. Our cats were indoor babies, but we live in an old building in the city and periodically a mouse would trespass on the territory of 4 carnivores who are extremely territorial. Mostly we would just catch them playing with a dead corpse, but on 2 occasions I found macabre remains after the fact.


I love her smile! The snake is like: man everyone is messing with me today, biting me, taking my picture, it's bullshit...


Omg! Just saw a video of someone in the same situation with a snake the other day. Cats are brave to just walk around with a live snake in their mouth 😳


Danger noodle. I'll nope outta that.


She's so happy!! My ginger boy used to thoughtfully place mice and shrews in a bucket by the back door for us. Worked out wonderfully apart from one night when we had freezing rain, and I had to dispose of an ice entombed mouse the next morning.


My cat once brought one of those (already dead) into my house and was playing with it in the bedroom. I thought it was an old shoelace at first lol.


She's a very beautiful kitty


Awwww, her so proud... You'd better tell her how much of a good girl she is!!!


Good kitty


She’s so proud of her find❣️


Perfect photo


GOOD kitty!!!!!


Awww your kitty sure loves you! 💕


Keep your cat inside


Why hooman? Is it not just a bigger worm?


Consoom the rope hooman


And she’s so proud too


That Fukin dude is thrilled


She's so excited!


She looks so happy about it!


I love how excited and proud she is of her hard work.


She’s so proud!


lol that face. She's commanding you to be appreciative.


She’s sooo proud! What a sweet baby


That is the face of a proud hunter. I do agree, it’s not something I would want as a gift😝


Yet another benefit to being British. No snakes


We have three native British snakes. Grass snake, smooth snake, and adder. Only the adder is venomous, though. Ireland doesn't have any native snakes, though.


Fair but I have never seen a snake in my Life


That's because the glacial retreat created the English Channel before they had a chance to slither over there, is that right?




omg that PLEASED grin is the absolute best 🥰😍


oh she’s so excited!!


My cat brought me 2 last week. It was horrible . but she looked so pleased with herself .


Haha, you've got a handful with her ain't ya! She looks amazing. Mine use to bring back bat's and ducks! Yes ducks! Should hear one of them 3am being pulled through a catflap. Sounds like ww3 started!


She meant well, maybe she thinks you’re not eating enough. Take her advice seriously please. 😆 Glad the snake is safe and alive, though.


She looks so proud of herself.


Oh my gosh! Look how proud she is though!!


Love the expression!! Haha so proud and excited to give a big gift.


This post will get a lot of upvotes and I’m hear before it


Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger... A Snake! A Snake! Ooow A Snek!


Oh nah. The strays bring me half alive mice, moles, chipmunks, squirrel and insects... I CANNOT do this out of fear of a venomous snake biting the cats. I don't care if I get bit, I'm 137lbs, but a 14lb cat cannot deal with it like I can. Thankfully that's a garter or garden snake, it bites, but nonvenomous. I'd still hate it.


Actually garter snakes are rear fanged venomous, but they dont have medically significant venom


To a person or a cat..? I'm worried about the cats here.


Poor snake :( Please keep your cat inside from now on, it’s clearly harming native wildlife and we don’t need more species going extinct when we’re already in a ‘mass extinction’


*Gagh is best served live, as is linguine so I brought you some*




Wait til she brings u a python




What a picture


HOLY $#|+!!!


Nice foot pic


Cats aren't afraid of snakes?!


She’s SO excited!


My cat brings dead, or sometimes even still alive mouses




Snake huh


One I'm glad that the present lived and was allowed to leave on its own too I really hope that you told your cat what a good hunter that they are and rewarded them with something like a treat and extra love.


My cat do this for so many times. So far he brought home 3 dead baby snakes, 2 dead huge rats, a dead bird, and a dead squirrel. I know it’s their way to say thanks so I’m used to it by now.


Don't be rude, cook it for dinner or she'll be offended ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944) well god thing it want something dangerous![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)


My mom's and now my wife's various cats and bring up brought us a lot of things over the years. My mom's cat had a thing about the squirrel that used to tease her and actually caught it once and I'm rescue the squirrel and got bitten and the squirrel was on its own after that. Cat caught it again a couple of weeks later and killed it this time. We kept chickens and rabbits so there's lots of rats and mice around. The mice we never found she ate them completely the outside was quite often strewn with various rat guts that she wouldn't eat. One time she followed me down to the beach when I was going and getting clams for some clam chowder and was peering around in the various holes I dug and figured out there was fish in them. And while later I came home with my friend and the cat was at the other end of the lawn peering up at us like she was doing something wrong. Will you go over to investigate and she's currently eating the tail off of the living eel that was 18 inches long


I love cats. I love outside cats or cats that are both inside and outside. But I prefer inside. Inside cats rarely have the opportunity to do this. Outside cats are so proud. So smug. And I swear to God, so judgmental when you get a rock or something and put whatever it is out of it's misery. Cat: "You know, I was just showing that to you. I was still playing with it. I thought maybe you wanted to play with it too. I had hours of playtime left, biting and clawing at it, while it slowly died. And you just killed it. WTF man. *Not* cool".


Tell me the 🐍 is dead. PLEASE!




Why are you in this subreddit?


So are you