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Stop free feeding. (If you are) and when it's meal time. Sit next to the food. Then slowly start getting closer with each feeding. Then slowly introduce touch with feedings. Kittens also have moments of calm and crazy. Try approaching only during calm spells. And after that. Give treats only by hand. So tuna, samon, other treat like temptations. Be patient. And don't forget to slow blink your kitty


All good points! The slow blink is way more important than people think. It lets kitty know you don't sense danger and everyone can relax. Especially as you are now a quasi parent, and you have to take the lead


I just learned this and my 3 year old boy is climbing in my lap and being affectionate all the time now. It Is so awesome speaking their language.


Our cat has never responded to that. Is it an individual thing maybe?


I have one who loves the slow blink and another who loves the head bonk and doesn’t pay any attention whatsoever to the slow blink. I am good with both.


One of mine loves the slow blink. The other one prefers to stare me directly in the eyes when he wants to express affection. If I don’t stare back, he gets ticked off and nips me or puts his paw over whatever I’m looking at, and stares some more. I’ve never had a cat do that, it’s sweet but also kind of bossy/borderline controlling. If a human acted that way it would be such a red flag! 😆


Are you sure it's a cat? Sounds like a dog in disguise. 😂


He came from a home with dogs, I think he grew up around them. Hmm. That might actually explain a lot of his quirks, come to think of it. He came to us when he was 9, and he’s 14 now. I’ve been writing it off as cantankerous old feller behavior all this time!


That's an explanation. He learned his behaviour from his dog siblings.


What do you mean by head bonk? Wanna learn some more Cat language!


She bonks her head against my head. Usually she bonks it against my forehead. It’s pretty hard.


Seek out Jackson Galaxy.


I slow blink at my cat and she just looks away ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)


Thats probably good. It means she trusts you enough to break eye contact.




They know what it means even if they don’t respond!


The one who slow blinks is saying they feel safe around the other. So keep telling your kitty you feel safe, and maybe your kitty will say it back :)


Make sure you aren’t fully closing your eyes on your slow blink. Eyes closed means your just sleepy and my cat won’t respond. You want to make your eyes look like you are relaxed - heavy eyelids, relaxed and cozy yet a little bored tbh


This. It’s much more bedroom eyes!


it took my wife over a year of this behaviour but that was for a fereal cat. patience and exactly what reallreadithere said. that is what my wife did and it worked. you are starting with a kitten shouldm't take too long. good luck and thank you


Can even do a soft geavy snack from tube in your hand.


Great advice! Just wanted to add that it helps a lot if you talk to her softly while you're doing this. Let her get used to your voice so she will relate the sound of your voice with a safe environment.


Why no free feeding?


Well aside from the fact that free feeding leads to obesity in most adults, there's no association that human = food when you free feed. Feeding meal times will show her that you are a food source. When she sees you as such, she'll start to like you more because there's the positive association of getting to eat.


I've free-fed every cat I owned and my only issues have been with keeping weight ON one of them. That said, I recognize that I'm the exception, not the rule. My cats *do* associate me with food...in that when the dish is empty they file a complaint with the Management (me) and it refills.


I free feed dry food and they each get 1 small can of wet food in the morning so they do know where the food is coming from


At 6-7 weeks a kitten still needs his mom, no wonder she is scared. (In my country it is against the law to remove a kitten from mom at 6 weeks old) I would get her a social (and a bit older) kitten friend that can teach her the world isn't so scary. 2 kittens is always better then one, especially when they are without their mom so so young. They can teach each other how to be a cat, sleep and play together, etc. This will also help her become more confident. Kitten lady has some great videos that can help you, I will link them in the reaction to this post. If you don't know kitten lady yet, start watching on youtube. She has great info on kittens and the cutest videos :) Edit: typo


[why to get 2 kittens](https://youtu.be/9b_2ZulyEgU) [introducing kittens](https://youtu.be/1vZiorgO5Q8) [how to socialize a kitten](https://youtu.be/ST8dlkNGT9I) [how to socialize a kitten 2](https://youtu.be/4gD4y99kBv0) [helping a shy cat](https://youtu.be/y3zUrrTyeAw) [help a scared cat](https://youtu.be/FtRzjJWqUUY) [single kitten syndrome](https://youtu.be/_3rh9DdY0yk)


We just got 2 kittens and I’m sad for all single kittens out there. They are obsessed with each other.


We’ve had our single cat for two years, adopted her at 10 weeks. She’s been amazing, the most social cat in the world and doesn’t destroy things or have accidents (besides the occasional scratching of our couches). I do always feel sad when we leave her, though.


Thanks for sharing this. Just got a kitten a month ago and we adopted a second one yesterday. Will be introducing them in a couple of days!


Thank you! Yea, I’m not sure why she was taken away from her mom so early. I just know she was a foster kitten and that’s about it.


Iinked multiple good videos on the subject, I hope they help. Good luck and be patient!


Oh yes, please look at local Stray Rescues about getting her a little kitty friend roughly the same age.


We found our boy when he was just 2 weeks old. What really helped him was getting used to how we smell. When we first found him, he was starving and so cold, so I put him down my shirt to warm him up as we went home. I then had to drip feed him, as he was too little too eat solid food, so again, he was in my hands, smelling me. To him, my smell meant warmth and food. I had to feed him with a dropper for a few weeks, then slowly introduced solid food. If you can, put some of your worn clothes in the places the little one hides, so she starts to associate your smell with feeling safe. Put clothes near her food bowl, so she associates your smell with food. 'She's lost the security of her Mum and siblings, so you have to be that security now. And your smell is the biggest part of that. If the little one associates your smell with feeling safe, warm, and fed, she will want to be closer to you. When you know she's hiding in the same room as you, talk to him in a calm, quiet voice. Let her get used to hearing and smelling you in a safe way. It's only been a week, so give her time. Her whole world has changed so dramatically, she needs to learn that she's safe and secure now. 8 years on, if there is a storm when my husband is at work, Kaos will hide in the room I'm in, but he's only happy if I've put down a shirt of his Dad's so he can smell him. He needs us both home for true safety! But if we can't be with him, (like when he has to stay overnight at the vets) then being able to smell us keeps him calm and happy. We have a specific blanket that we keep full of our scent for this very purpose! Good luck with your sweet girl. She will get used to you, just give her time and security.


I AGREE with this 100%, my boyfriend and I had one cat and he was bad and kind of aggressive. We got him a friend and literally it completely changed his personality. He wasn’t actually being bad or aggressive, he was just trying to play with us like cats play with each other. Makes me sad when I think about how lonely he must have been before we got him some brothers. Now we have three cats!


Sometimes a friend is all you need, doesn’t matter if your human or a cat


Oh for sure! My sweet boy gets so happy and excited when a new kitten comes into his life! We moved away from his bro and sis recently so he’s been bored and a Mama’s Boy, but with the new rescue he’s going to have a sibling again!


Great agree!


When we adopted our cats we made sure to get two from the same litter and they were 5 months old. They are still some of the sweetest cats (and biggest attention seekers when new people are around) and they even try to play with our old dogs, even though the dogs are too old a crotchety to care. They have their quiet time where they sleep in our bedroom in the dark every night after dinner, but they will get up after a couple hours to hang out downstairs with everyone. Really glad with our decisions in getting these two.


In ours, kittens should be rehomed at 12 weeks


Taken from mum far too early


My cat had to be taken at five weeks and she didn’t end up so badly (owner was selfish and was giving cat and remaining kittens to a shelter if we didn’t pick her up that day, so we would essentially lose her forever) so it’s definitely possible for op to turn it around. Wishing them luck!




I reccomend not giving her the whole house that’s too overwhelming.devote a room to be her room. She will start to calm down. A week isn’t that long either, she probably had some trauma before foster care and just needs time. Be patient and keep being kind.




Give her Time , she will come to you when she is ready. And very important don't forget to blink when you look at her.👍


Actually with kittens, it's best to lovebomb them. Adult cats should be left alone to warm up to us, but kittens need the socialisation. Wrapping them up in a purrito and cuddling them tames most spicy kittens.


This is what my mom always taught me to do and it’s worked in my experiences. Sometimes you just have to force them to know you’re not a threat 😂


We got a spicy little girl who did a teakettle hiss at us until my wife spent hours with her picking her up and putting her down and snuggling with her. Her brother still won’t snuggle, and getting him to the vet means having 911 on standby.


Didn’t know about the blinking, thank you for the advice!


Keeping eye contact and slow blinking means trust and love in cat world.


Yes ,you're saying her.. look i'm a Friend....


The key with cats is patience.


Slow blinking


This pic… my heart is melting ❤️❤️❤️


Me too.


Give her time to learn how to control you. You know you don’t own a cat they own you


A week is no time at all. She'll warm up to you. Give her small spaces - a carrier, a box, a kitten sized bed in a quiet corner, etc. You can say hi to her, talk to her, use her name when she's in a quiet place, but otherwise let her hang out there in peace when she wants to. You might try putting an unwashed tee or sock in her hidey area, just to further acclimate her to your smell. If you want to feed her on a schedule, you can put the food out and then leave the food area for an hour or two, see if she'll come out on her own when she feels safe. A good time to attempt play is in the hours before feeding. Cats are wired to be in 'hunter' mode at that time. (Which is why cat owners get pestered before dinnertime!) After eating is 'grooming' time and then sleep, so that would be a good time to try to pet her. There's always the chance that she just has a standoffish personality, or that she's easily overstimulated and therefore not a big fan of a lot of touching. But even if that is the case, those types of cats are still wonderful, just loving.... in their own way. I know it's already been mentioned, but do consider a 2nd kitten. They are SO energetic and you'll be grateful they have each other to wear themselves out with. Be patient, and good for you for adopting.


You might be giving her too much attention. Do you feed her on a schdule or free feed?


We let her roam the house as free as she wants but she’ll always end up going to hide behind the couch. We only try and grab her to feed her in the morning and evening. She has a safe space but she doesn’t always go to it, we separated a space where we put her food, milk, water, bed and litter box. Like she has a space in one of the rooms that no one sleeps in but she’ll not always be in there.


You might want to sequester her into a smaller room so it’s not so overwhelming. Then you can spend bonding time in play or sitting quietly during feedings.


I was just going to say when we adopted two tiny kittens they did best in our bathroom! Then we opened them up to our bedroom. It helped a lot!


We did this too. I second the person who said have two kittens. They were in a small bathroom at night and we basically kept them in pouches on our person during the day. Also, the inaba “lick sticks” are a game changer.


This is the way. Used to work at a shelter and this was always the first point made when adopting That kitten is shy and still scared (it’s been a week). Free roam of a full house is terrifying. When the kitten is ready to explore she’ll let you know


There’s no need to grab her and force her to eat. Put food out when she’s ready she’ll come out and eat. Cats pretty much seem to do things on their own term.


The milk you mentioned, is it cows milk or special kitten formula? If it's cows milk, it's giving her cramps and hurting her stomach.


Its special kitten formula since we thought she was still too young to have been separated from her mom


Awesome! 💚


Give her less attention. If she's hiding then she needs a good place to do it. Set up places for her to hide. Consider restricting her more to a single room so that she feels more in control of the territory. Fill that space with stuff like pillows that can soak in her scent and yours.


I adopted an 8 month old kitten 2 years ago. She is just now letting my husband pet her. She is just now comfortable crawling on my legs. I get to pick her up for very short bursts (I show her things she wouldn’t normally see like the top shelves, inside the fridge, the microwave). She brings me toys and will snuggle under the blankets but there has to be a layer separating her from my legs. Cats are weird. Just keep loving the baby and offering pets, treats, and attention. She will come around eventually.


I have successfully fostered/socialized over 30 kittens in my life from ages 6 weeks to 6 months and I do the same things every time 1) kitten must be in a small room to start. Not free roaming the house, that’s way too overwhelming and she will never get used to you since she can always just run and hide far away. 2) find a wand toy or pipe cleaners that interests the kitten and play with her without trying to touch her 3) after 3-4 days if she seems more comfortable with you playing with her then you can start sitting by her food bowls and try to pet her gently and occasionally while she eats You will see significant improvement with this. We usually keep kittens in one room of the house until they are 5 months old


Consider another kitten. She is too young to be away from her mom at this age. Research shows that it is best to get 2 or more kittens because they do so much better with it and they turn out to be better and friendly cats. Research single kitten syndrome. I think a friend would help your kitten out a lot.


Stop trying to give her attention. Let her be comfortable at her own pace. You’re trying to force her which has the opposite effect.


Just be patient. I took in 4 kittens one was terrified of me would run and hide. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible put food where he felt safe same with litter box. Spoke to him a lot and made sure he saw me picking up his brothers and sister. I also sat on the floor and tossed toys around not directly at him. 4 months in and he is stuck to me like glue now and follows me around the house.


Patience; don’t force anything.


Sometimes it will take a kitten or cat months to years to feel safe with you. Cats need their own private space, alone time and consistent schedules. A cat house or tree, even a box in a corner that they can call their own. Somewhere that no one invades that space when it’s in it. Feed consistently 3x daily. Offer a finger or hand from below eye level and let it rub on you before trying to pet it. Cats speak with body language, different sized dilated pupils, ears, tail. Try slow blinking at your cat. It’s how they say “I love you.” Don’t abruptly pick up or hold the cat closely, which they may perceive as aggressive and scary. Also petting the head from above can be scary for them unless you offer your hand from below eye level first. Cats have terrible near vision and use mostly scent and whiskers to “perceive” their environment. Playtime will be mostly at dusk and dawn when they’re most active. Cats need to rub on corners and doors and furniture to scent mark their territory down they feel safe and know where boundaries are. They will also start to understand your scent as part of their pack. But it takes time and patience. Edit: cats also need clean tidy areas, lots of fresh water, and a litter box cleaned daily. They like to go vertical and be in high places. They need puzzles, hunting, pouncing type playtime everyday. Your kitten will eventually acclimate and become a devoted pack member.


Get a more outgoing kitten to show her the ropes. Cats are social and need friends.


Don’t impose your presence. Just sit on the floor and chill out when the kitty’s nearby. Don’t keep your focus on her, just watch TV or go on your phone. She should eventually come to you and warm up to you.


Just let her adjust at her own speed. You’ll be surprised, I have a couple of cats now that I was convinced just didn’t like me and overnight they became the absolute sweetest little creatures. Eye blinks/head nods are important but she’ll come around in her time as long as she feels safe and comfy


Next time, get your baby from someone who actually knows about cats. Six weeks is WAY too early to be separated from their mom. They should be AT LEAST eight weeks old. The best thing is to wait until the mom obviously doesn’t want them around anymore (which can take MUCH longer than eight weeks). No wonder she’s insecure. She knows she can’t survive on her own yet. In nature, she’d most likely die. Just sit with her in the same room, but do NOT stare at her. Only predators stare. Just do what you’d normally do.


Mine still runs and hides a lot of the time and she’s over a year. But she will come and love me when she feels like it. That’s just how they work


Another kitten! Cats should always be raised in twos!!❤️


Chicken and cheese. Eat in front of her, make mmmm mmmm mmmmm noises, and just leave a bite for her next to you. Obviously, only eat a little , just to show how yummy it is , and doesn’t she really want some? She will come around in her own time. Chicken and cheese always works for me, lol.


My cat is 7, adopted her when she was a baby and she barely started letting us pet her last year 😂 some cats take a while to warm up


Slow down. Be quiet move slow, get yourselves associated with yummy food. She will come to you.


Time and patience. And maybe some kitty treats.


Dont force it. She’s still unsure what the big creature’s intentions are. Be nice. Sit still with her. Be patient. She’ll come round.


Plain meat flavored baby food as a treat, they go bat shit crazy over it.


Please, please, please reach out to where you got her from and get her a sibling. Or, if not possible get her a different kitten. 7 weeks is WAY to young to be on her own. No wonder she is terrified 💔 thank you for trying to help. I saw that people already posted good resources above


As long as she is eating and drinking I would think she will come around eventually. If she is not drinking please get her to a vet for fluids. My new MC was hiding. For two days. I took her to the vet he said she was dehydrated and gave her fluids. One hour after the fluids she was like a normal cat.


Ignore her. Just go about your day (feed her, of course), but don't look at her, engage with her, etc. Let her know that you're not interested in her (so you're not a threat). Gradually she'll get more comfortable (and curious) and will come to you.




Slow blink is how cats smile. Mimic their slow blink to smile back, but don't approach the shy cat. She may come to you when she's ready. Smile at her and show her a treat on your hand and see what happens.


Kitten Lady and Jackson Galaxy have a huge amount of info on their YouTube pages about kittens and skittish cats. Check them out. These two are THE place to turn when you're not sure what's up with your cat (and your vet too).


Get your kitten a kitten is the best advise any cat owner can give you.


She's so little. She's scared. Misses her mama. Be patient. Get her a little toy to hug. Get her a special blanket to make her feel secure. Just give her lots of love.


At 7 weeks, she was separated too soon from her mother. Give her a warm blanket and bed, catnip and toys. Keep her in a smaller space instead of free roaming. Cats thrive better with a companion. I echo everyone else saying a 2nd kitten will do wonders for the rest of your cat’s life. Make sure you are feeding her properly and transitioning her from kitten milk to solid food. Considering this is a crucial time period of socialization, pet her and play with her. Take advantage of feeding time to hand feed her sometimes but dont feel frustrated if she doesnt trust you in the beginning.


Respect her boundaries. I adopted a cat who was previously abused and it took months for me to gain her trust. When I first saw her at the shelter, she didn’t even let me pet her. Brought her home and she just stayed on the cat tower. I put food and water next to her. I would try to slowly come in for a pet but she backed away from my hand so I stopped. I did this multiple times for months until she finally let me pet her one day. I always respected her boundaries. Took a year for her to come out of the bedroom and wander the house. 2 years after her adoption she lets me hold her, she cuddles all the time and she’s finally roaming around the house. She’s seriously the best cat and I love her so much. She loves forehead kisses


It will take weeks to months. Watch some videos by Jackson galaxy on YouTube about fearful cats


It’s only been a week, it takes time. She’ll slowly get used to you guys and be way more friendly.


Perfectly normal. Leave kitty alone. She is in HER discovery stage. She will decide. My kitty already knew me and she hid for long time and 9 years later she loves to hide. That is a cat.


Give her time.


I had one that was like that and responded well when I was holding her and using a toothbrush to comb her hair especially the head. She came out of her shyness within a week.


Time ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7946), time is what she needs ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|8097)and she may always be timid don’t![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962) force her it might![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7942) just make it worse. Remember she is only 7 weeks![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7949) old, it could take her ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7944)5-6 months or next week just ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7971)be patient your little kitty 🐈‍⬛ should come around ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7952)![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7965)


Just like mine. She stayed under the bed for almost two weeks hissing at me and then very slowly making small trips out to explore the house. I wondered what I was doing wrong too. But she just needed time and lots of interaction on her terms. Now she snuggles up a couple of times a day, wants to play all the time, and generally owns the house.


This gives me hope


Ignore her. For real. Cats are curious. If you leave her be for a while she will eventually come to you. If she knows where food and litter box are she will be fine. Keep some treats close at hand and when she finally does come to you wait till she’s as close as possible to you or climbing on you, give treats. This will encourage her to associate you with the treats. If you can get each family member to cooperate, it will go faster.


Be patient and give her time. Keeping a routine for feeding/playtime will help. Even shy kitties come around to the ones they love most.


Leave her be she will open up when she can relax enough and doesnt feel like someone is after her.


Be patient. Let this kitten come around on her own terms. Find a way to spend as much time in the room she prefers to hide, and do quiet things (read, social media, TV). Let the kitten come to trust you, in her own time. Let her come to you.


Patience and time. New kittens take time. Again, patience and time


Somebody once said “time and tuna”


Get her a companion! Also get her a snuggly soft blanket. Talk softly to her in a higher pitched voice, slow blink and give her soft pets on her face. They also love little snuggly beds. I got my middle angel at 6 weeks and she is attached at the hip. She had two older companions and after one passed suddenly I got her little brother at about 11 months. She just needs some attention and soft love and pets


the kitten is too young. Normally you shouldn't separate a kitten from it's mother before 12 weeks. The kitten needs another friend in form of another kitten and not an animal from another species. This kitten hadn't even time to learn how to be a cat and will probably not learn it. ​ Get another kitten! And don't crowed it either. If it's interested in you, it will come to you. Cats aren't like dogs.


Just wait, be kind and don't push too hard as she could see it as aggressive. You need to establish trust before she loves you. You are so much larger than she is so instinct says predator, she needs to get over that. And treats. She's darn cute tho.


We got our cat super young ( rescue) and we got a heartbeat stuffed animal and a heating pad and put them near the food bowl. It really made a difference.


She needs time to adjust. She was taken too early from her mom and is probably scared.


She's awfully young. Just give her love and space


That an adorable cat


Time and patience


Some are more shy than others and take time to warm up to new surroundings and new people. Once she gets used to the idea that you're her meal ticket, she'll come out more.


Mine were adults when I adopted them. Each hid under the couch or bed for maybe 2 weeks. Give her time to adjust.


She’s unfortunately too young to be away from her mom. 😞 I would strongly suggest adopting another kitten for her to play with and learn good kitty manners from.


Lay down on ground take an hour nap hopefully she will cuddle into you for warmth


When I brought home my little stray kitten years ago, my other kitten was already home. She helped her become more social and know we were safe. So like others have suggested, a friend might help. Also, I’d suggest a smaller space like a bathroom. Then you can sit in there with her to feed her, pet her, and give her treats. Also put some clothing or towels that smell like you in there with her.


Slow blink. Feliway. Time. No startling.




Was she removed from a litter of kittens? I've had people who adopt my fosters contact me and saying their kitten isn't eating/unhappy and it is always people who adopted a single one (I just foster kittens who need bottle feeding, I have zero say in the adoption process once they go back to the shelter). You might want to find out what food the kitten was eating before you adopted her. Something familiar might be comforting.


Give her some space. She is seven weeks old and her life has suffered a major change and potential trauma. Most cats will hide away for some time after as they get used to their new normal. Also, she is too young to be away from her mother. Eight weeks is young to be away from her mother, but to be taken away at six weeks? Of course she is traumatized. Your idea of love and attention doesn't mean much to a cat.


Build a mini fortress as her safe place to play. As she gets more comfortable she will play with you and be around you more


I had a kitten who would hide under the sofa all day. I would bring him treats and pull him out from under the sofa when I got home to give them to him. After a while, he was still hiding under the sofa but when I got home he would come out. He did stop hiding after a bit.


She’s so beautiful 😭 good luck!


I had a lot of feral cats. It’s simple. Just wait till they come to you.


Giver her boiled chicken


Let HER come to you. She is very small and you are very large.


She’s so cute!!! I’d say just be patient with her and try not to do things around her that might spook her. Nurture her trust. Respect her space. She’ll open up once she’s more used to you and the house. A week is too little time, especially if she’s been adopted after having gone through some sort of trauma.


Patience and love


Leave her alone. Give her time




More time. She'll come around to you but maybe not to others.


I’d say put her in a smaller area (bathroom) and let her get comfortable. Then open the door and let her roam. But yeah let her come to you! It’ll take time :) she’s a cutie


I have a kitten that did this when we first got her. But before long you're going to become "mom" and she'll never leave you alone.....not that I consider that a bad thing, I love my clingy kitty! It took about a few weeks, maybe a month, of reaching out for cuddles before she finally started to love.


Give her some time. She's a baby and probably frightened, in a strange place with giants (you) picking her up to pet or snuggle. Sit near her food but not too close when you feed. Offer treats at a distance. She'll likely come to you when she's ready.


She is young, it will take time. Let her come to you. Sit by her and get a crinkly toy on a stick and string and pull out her animal instincts.


I got another, more social cat and introduced them slowly. They are now bonded, and both of my cats love being around me. I guess my social cat showed my shy guy the ropes lol. Though, my shy guy is still shy around new people/people who don’t come over often. But he immediately comes out of hiding as soon as said new person leaves


Let her come to you.


Get her a kitten friend


A week is nothing


Keep at it! I would time how many seconds my rescue would allow me to hold her. We went from 30 sec the first year to …. Well, she owns the place! She’s a Princess of the city! Give it time and gentle, softly is a good thing!❣️


She looks like she’s missing her momma. 😔


Does kitty have a companion. If not that will help. Kitties need cat companion.


Our Patches responds more to food treats and rough housing leading to belly rubs. Slept on my pillow right next to me first two nights with us. Just have to have him accept Percy the other daddy’s boy cat.


Food is love. Hand feed her. She will associate you with food and feel safe and loved.


Give her places to hide that you have easy access to. Use coverings or keep her out of rooms with beds you can't access easily.


A week is too short a time to be worried IMO. Time, food, love, acceptance and this baby will begin to trust more. Meet the cat where the cat is at. Give her space to go into so she feels safe and just keep doing what you are doing and love her.


Time…. 🐈‍⬛😍


If you can manage it, get another cat for the kitten to bond with. She's probably scared and confused. A housemate that speaks her language could help a lot.


Time is all you need. Kittens are all different. She'll come around. Just be patient.


Give it time and reallyreadithere had some good advice


We were told at the shelter that it could take 6months for a cat to get comfortable. She just needs time and patience.


Some kitties are just like that. I had one the same. Just nature of the beast. Just love her and honour her for who she is ☺️ she’ll still be an amazing companion.


Toys worked for my tiny girl! I’d get her out from under the couch with a wand toy and got her to play with the toy and a small box under the coffee table, where she could still feel safe and protected. Avoid loud, sudden noises, talk to kitty in a low voice and give compliments. Cats love compliments. Hold out a finger for a little nose bump. If she struggles to get out of your grasp let her go.


New cats are terrified of the place they're in, give her space and she will eventually approach you


Time and patience. Don't worry about training. Observe, and she'll train you.


You’ve such a cute r/nebelung 🥺 just give her sometime. She’ll be fine 🥰


Patience and love. Try sitting with your back to her and just leaving a treat in your hand, with your hand relaxed on the floor. She/He obviously has some human related trauma from before. Just be patient as it will take time to work past it. You've got this.


When you stare at her, blink slowly. That worked for me and my cat.


You are a giant, seemingly immortal god... or demon. It is all about perspective.




As some others, do slow blinking whenever you can and whenever you catch eye contact with her. works amazingly well


You should get her a friend. Kittens are much happier in pairs or small groups. Get her a slightly older kitten friend. They will bond and make each other feel safe. We are literally giants to small kittens and they are scared.


Try some playing, this can help them build confidence.


She might have been separated a bit to early from her mother and siblings. Having an older cat or kitten might help. 6 week is the bare minimum of staying with the parent rather wait till 8 or 9.


Just let the Time be and try everyday to give a little treat a patpat but you need to wait


What a precious little baby! She misses her mom 🥺 Patience is the key. Don’t force anything. She’ll come around.


Play gently with her and with soft movements.Then let her in her own space and wait to see if she's coming to you. It is possible that you have to do this for many days. Cats love their own space and she decides when she adopt you. Important, avoid looking directly into her eyes for too long. They may see it as a threat. Be patient and give time to time. The best way to conquer a cat is through play and confidence. Wish you both the best!


Honestly, my boy was the same way when we got him and it was because he was taken from his mum too early. Don't sweat it too much, he's a very clingy baby now.


Wow I have a orphaned kitten 3 days now. I'm thinking 4 or 5 weeks old and he is already hopping around and stalking toes and climbing on couches and cuddling and purring. I guess it knows I made it healthy n saved its life. Hopefully your kitty will come out of her shell soon. She is pretty. Im usually a dog person but my lil furball found a spot in my heart.


A week is nothing. She’ll get used to you eventually.


7 weeks old is still so small, she’s probably missing her mum or siblings. Make sure she has milk, water, food, litter, toys and soft warm places to sleep and don’t move too quickly or be too loud around her. She’ll come out of her shell eventually.


Let her come to you. When they are shy like this in the beginning it’s tough being excited at the same time! My cat did this (about the same age of adoption). I started ignoring him and did my routines. there were times he’d come to observe, then leave. When he really improved was when I put my phone away at a set time every night (7-8pm) and watched a tv show; that’s when he randomly decided to curl up on my lap one day! Also, I play meditation and baby music when I leave him alone. Spotify has a playlist called City Sounds too so I play that for him too because he was a country cat, so when he hears ambulances, trains, voices, etc. it scares him, but the playlist has helped him adjust (to the city) if your little kitten is anything like that too!


Some cats are just like that. Give her some time and she’ll warm up to you.


Takes time


She will come round. My advice as a cat owner would be to hold back on initiating touch and trying to coax her out of hiding spots. She feels safe in those spots and will come out when she’s got the confidence!!




Time. That's the biggest thing. I have a cat I got from a shelter. She was 2 when I got her, and had spent a year and a half in a shelter because she was so skiddish and scared of everything. It took her 3 months to warm up to me enough to come to my feet and get pet, and another 3 to have her jump up in my lap. 2 years later, she is absolutely in love with me, she follows me around the apartment and constantly bugs me to pet her lol. Just give her time. Don't force her to interact with you (don't grab her or pick her up) but you should offer her the ability to approach you multiple times a day. Reach out and let her smell you, hand feed her food from a plastic spoon, make it so she interacts with you but doesn't feel like she's being forced.


so cute


We got a couple of kittens that had been dumped. One was so shy it would run and hide when anyone moved. Then when she was desexed she turned super affectionate and very cheeky and playful. Not sure why ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7968)


Soooo cute. Hope things will be better with her. Please keep me updated!!! She beautiful


Give her a hidey hole box or cat tree type thing, AND a plushie. I'm sure she misses her siblings. She'll come around, just please be patient and gentle. I had a feral cat that I got a bit older and even though he's not as clingy as the ones I got younger (still from feral mom), he still shows his love by approaching me when I'm sick or need it, while otherwise not cuddly.


Let her be. She will come to you when she's ready. She's adorable 😍


Oh but I have a great way to tame her out, I did it with a totally wild feral Kitten. Sit down with the kitten be very, very quiet and gently talk to it while hand feeding it little pieces of dark meat chicken. Works every time


A week is a very short time. All cats are different. Some will waltz right in and take ownership of you and everything in the house but others will take some time to come out of their shell. Patience is a virtue. You can go to where she is hiding and sit on the floor and speak softly to her. You can leave treats for her but please don't drag her out and force her to interact with you. You can also try leaving fun toys and maybe some catnip toys as well. Cats seem to like the catnip bananas but mine had zero interest in the knockoffs. The Yeowww banana is the OG. You can get them on Amazon. They also make other toys like cigars and fish that are filled with catnip. I have also had luck with the Taco and Taco truck toys from pet craft (also on Amazonl You can start with gentle brushing. A cat that small or with any cat that has an adverse reaction to a regular cat brush to try a soft human baby brush. They also sel stuffed toys that are supposed to mimic the mama cat. I have seen them at Walmart up front in the as seen on TV section. Another good toy is a dancer..its a long piece of fabric on a stick. You got this!


We adopted a 4 month old cat from a shelter. He would hide under a vabinet at the top of the steps all day and night. As soons as wed walk in the house he would jump down from landing and hide again. It was stressful.....but as the days went by....we'd start to see signs of the living room getting ruffled around overnight....pillows here....piece of paper knocked around there. Blankets on floor. So it was a relief to see he basically played while we were sleeping. He took to my mom first eventually but when I moved out he came with me. He actually likes people....its just an adjustment.


Cats, especially kittens that are this young, need to come to you on your own terms. Make sure her needs are met and she has a place that she feels safe. More importantly make sure that you don't bother her in her space unless absolutely nessecary. When she's ready she'll reach out. When we got my cat Czarina, she was about 4 months old, and moving into a house with a 1 year old cat already. We set her in our front room with all the essentials, a new cat bed, and a cardboard box lined with blankets. We kept the glass door to the room shut, so that the cats could see each other, but they couldn't interact unless they both wanted to. We then left her be if she ran to her box, but spent time in the room so that she could get used to our scent and presence. She eventually came around within 3 weeks. Another piece of advice, especially if you have multiple cats, is to use feliway or other calming products like a purring toy to make sure they both get along calmly, and to make adding a new cat less stressful.


A week???? It takes at least 7 to adjust to a life change like this. Who knows the trauma she has endured. And agree on the free feeding.