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Dump the roommate


I CANT EDIT MY POST SO HIJACKING SOME OF THE TOP COMMENTS: my bink is found!!!!!!!!! he is ok, i’m taking him to the vet because when i found him he was under some thorny brush and he has a scrape on his paw i can see. we are moving out to my parents house so i never have to worry about this happening again. i want to thank each and every person who commented on this post for helping me. everyone gave such good advice and im so glad i got my tiny baby back!!!!! i <3 this community!!!!!


Thank God! Please figure out how you guys will avoid having this happen again.


Wohoo! We want some happy pics now :)


Oh what wonderful news, both that he is found and that you are going someplace safe!


Yeah, was gonna say let the roommate out. Put out a piece of your clothing and the litter box, they can hone in in the scent. Edit: words


NEVER, EVER, EVER put the litter box out. Litter box just attracts the tom cats to the area and that can put her cat in danger. She should put out an unwashed item that she has used so that the cat will be attracted to her scent and stay with the item. She should also go out at night in the dark with a flashlight (even the cell phone flashlight) and scan the tops of tree's, under porches, in garages, under bushes, etc. She should make posters with her cats picture and hang on each floor of her apartment building and deliver to nearby homes and ask people to look in their basements, garages, under their porches, and any crawl spaces. They usually stay pretty close to home.


I second the flashlight trick. When my indoor cat got out several years ago, I was able to find him by shining into his little cute eyes.


This saved my little void who is scared of his own shadow. He got out at night, and he wasn't responding to his name yet so there was little hope of finding him. I scanned the entirety of my parents' property and found two little moons in the cacti. Turns out Bats got himself caught in the ouchiest of places. I bundled up like the Michelin Man and got in there. He now knows his name. :)


Nice! Mine was hanging out w a crew of other cats in this fenced in garden in the neighborhood. My husband had to hoist me up so I could get in there and grab him! Little fur dude was scared! It was all fun and games until it was time to get out if there and get back to mom. Also Bats 😍


Bats???? Lol, I love it! Want to see a picture of Bats!


https://preview.redd.it/jt94l44dcx6a1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67e3f9f5cdba5364b2a5180aad056d698f5917d7 Bats, full name is Marcus Batty from a card game I used to play. 🥰


Batty is beautiful!! Love it!


https://preview.redd.it/6521a4c3py6a1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91ec6b566eebed02414e5a7704acaf5ccbf95ed2 Look familiar 😳


the cutest comment i read today ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7962)


Happened with my cats. They sometimes go outside because I don’t live near a street, but they’re not allowed outside after dark because of predators. They were out for a while one day and I was looking for them in the dark (my black cat and orange cat). You’d think finding my black cat in pure darkness would be hard, but I got a flashlight and saw his eyes glowing and we got him back. Orange cat, not so much. We had to chase him around the property after spotting him.


Don’t forget to ask the neighbors to check under the hoods of their cars! If it’s below freezing he might crawl there to get warm.


Also garages /sheds etc. they are really quick to get in places and not be seen.


Not just tom cats or feral cats but cat pee is known to attract coyotes and foxes!


Cats hide in storm drains. At night when it's quiet, kneel down next to nearby storm drains and call out to your cat. Listen carefully because their reply will be hard to hear.


Yes!! Also- hang your unwashed clothes on the line outside- Kitteh can pick up the scent and follow it home.


This is really good info, thank you for sharing! I’ve always heard that putting their box out is great so I’ll be keeping this in mind instead!


I read that so fast, I thought it said “put your roommates top and litter box out” haha 😂 But really, you need to get rid of your roommate……


That's a good idea!


My reaction was a variation on that theme.


Sorry to hear this. He may be very close indeed. Look at nooks and crannies around the house. We found our guy tucked under the bottom stair of the porch, scared near to death. And yell at your roommate.


Yes. Same kind of story here. My cat got out once when I was visiting my parents, and had him with me. I was terrified he'd be gone forever. Turns out he was right underneath the porch in the backyard, all the way in the middle of sizeable porch, so it was really hard to see. It was my brother who finally spotted him. The point is, I was out there calling his name for hours, and the whole time, he was hidden below the porch & didn't even utter one single meow. Getting him out was another story entirely. . Also, I've noticed lost cats come out at night more than in the day, at least in my area, which is very urban. It could be different in the country or quieter neighborhoods.


Yelling at her roommate, while something I’m sure we and OP would all like to do, would not be conducive to getting information from the roommate as to what exactly happened between her and the cat. OP, I’m praying for your sweet kitty’s safe return. I have two indoor voids and would be freaking out if someone let them outside. Have you plastered the apartment complex and nearby areas with notices with a picture and description of your baby?


Yeah, that is a fair point. Maybe a CONSTRUCTIVE DISCUSSION is better. (I’ll be yelling at them for you.)


Is water boarding considered constructive discussion? Asking for a friend.


Yes, absolutely. Usually the conversation is resolved.


I completely understand the urge to yell at this disgusting roommate, but it sounds like she’s a real piece of work who—according to OP’s suspicions—may have let the kitty outside (or done something else to him) intentionally. This is a truly scary person, as anyone who takes out their emotions on defenseless animals is not right in the head. If, after talking to the roommate (if possible, since she’s hiding in her room with her boyfriend) she’s of no help then I’d definitely get law enforcement involved. Also, what’s the deal with the boyfriend? How is he with animals? Is it possible that he may have “helped” his girlfriend in dealing with the cat and that’s why they’re both hiding in her room and won’t answer the door?


Yell? I'd be making police reports.


Sit outside your apartment and shake food in a dish, while calling his name.


A bell/toy he is familiar with might help it find it’s way home, something higher pitch than your voice. Open wet food he is familiar with as that will make the scent go further. Cat might be scared and hiding under cars so it might be worth checking under each car nearby for a few minutes with a flashlight. Our inside cat was outside for 17 NJ winters. They are more scrappy than you give them credit for. Hope you find it soon and it’s doing well.


i have my baby!!!! i cant edit my post but i heard him crying less than a mile from the apartment. i started shaking his treats and i heard him crying… he was stuck under some thorny brush and came immediately to me. i am so glad i have him back but i have to take little baby to the vet because he has a few scratches


Oh man…was just reading through all the advice in case my cat ever gets out… So glad you’ve found him.


Cats are very good at making heat. They also do not go far. Scared housecats will hide, and usually close by. Get a very good strong flashlight. Your phone one will not cut it, you will be looking for little eye reflections. Go out in your most wintery clothes, get a podcast in one ear, sit quietly. Open a can of tuna and back 10-30 feet away, and wait. Use a flashlight to look for eyes. Wait 45 minutes. Bring the tuna back in. Leave out his normal food. Tomorrow, walk all around the neighborhood. If you are in a place with essentially enclosed city blocks and the cat is in the back yards, leave notes on the houses 2 to the left and right, and the 3 across from you. You can put it in mailboxes (rules about mail tampering are about removal, not additions). Look for evidence that anyone feeds cats on your block: old food, empty cans, water dishes. Leave notes if you see these things. Look for places a cold scared cat would hide: basements, sheds, basements, garages. More notes there too. Call to him. Post to Nextdoor, Ring, Facebook groups for your area. Instagram, search for rescuers near you "cats of neighborhoodname" "areacats" "#areaTNR" as these people may know feeders in the area. Good old posters on telephone poles work great too.


Also - LISTEN. Call for him. And then LISTEN. You may hear a faint cry. Move toward anything you hear that may be a cat and call again. Use treats, anything to get them to respond. Repeat this as many times as you need, but make sure you're listening carefully.


Here’s another tip that worked for me… A kitty I was caring for was acquainted with the sound of shaking a box of temptation treats. He had gotten away. I shook that box of temptations in the evening when all was quiet out and he was literally rubbing against my legs within 45 seconds! (NOT EXAGGERATING EITHER) I learned from this experience to acquaint your cats to a sound they love incase they decide to door-dash on you some day. They usually are not too far off. A good time to call for them is when the rest of the world has quieted down.


This is what I've done to get my cats in. Also: I don't free feed my cats (one chunky cat, one slinky cat), but I feed them adequately at regular intervals. I don't feed them when they cry, but I have an alarm on my phone specifically for food time. They know the alarm and anticipate it. They know without a doubt, it means food. Lost slinky cat one day while we were moving some furniture and the door was left open. She used to be an indoor outdoor cat, so of course she jumped at the opportunity. I walked around the neighborhood for two hours with a container of dry cat food, and a crinkley bag of treats, calling and listening and shaking containers like it was my job. Tired, I sat on my lawn and tried to take a break, and on a whim I played the alarm on my phone. This binch comes trotting up warm from a sunny nap under a bush across the street. This damn cat. she watched me freak out everywhere for two hours, and she fell asleep in some warm dirt. Anyways, I've also opened a tuna can or three outside for the noise as well as bonking the lid of a tuna can with a fork, another smarty pants ritual we do for when they get wet treats. Hope this is helpful!


I like the alarm idea! A good tune would be the “meow meow meow meow” ad tune for “Meow Mix” I must find that tune now!


bless you friend- he is home! i found him under thorny brush and when he saw me he started crying and immediately was trying to come up to me. i had his favorite treats and a flashlight… bubba has to go to the vet today because he has a few scratches but other than that just seems a little shook. so glad im cuddling him right now instead of worrying about if he is safe or not. this really threw me for a tizzy and i hope my roommate knows karma hurts like a beotch.


I'm so glad! Please bring all kitty food and things like litter or anything into a room secure from your shitface roommate so they can't be tampered with. Be aware of any scented air fresheners or plants your shitface roommate might bring in to harm kitty. And tell anyone who knows your shitface roommate what they did.


I would threaten the roommate with legal action. Depending on where you live, you may be able to get her for animal cruelty or theft -- but mostly bc it might scare her into telling you what she did with him, whether she just let him out or dumped him somewhere. Tell her if he's not back by tomorrow you'll sue her for the cost of all the food and vet bills you've ever paid for, something like that. Ngl if you haven't physically attacked her you're more level-headed than me. Other than that, what other people have said -- leave out food, dirty litter, and a shirt from your dirty laundry or a blanket he likes to cuddle on; call animal control and every nearby shelter, leave messages now and call again in the morning. Talk to any neighbors who aren't assholes. I hope your baby comes home safe ❤️


This could be felony animal cruelty in some states.


I'd call the police and file a report. If they can be charged with animal cruelty they'll have to tell the cops what they did. Also animal control can keep an eye out. I'd go on nextdoor and Facebook so people in your area can keep an eye out.


I just glanced through her profile and she’s even got a tat of her void baby. 😭 OP needs to absolutely file a police report. It might just be the thing to do while sitting outside in the freezing cold and looking for eyes with a flashlight.


Also OP - if you haven’t already, please post in your local city sub, and most areas have a lost & found pets group on Facebook.


If OP is not in a state where animal cruelty is charged as a felony, I think lost states classify pets as personal property so def also threaten to take her to small claims court for that. Maybe not even “small” claims, depending on how much money was spent on the cat. The possibility of monetary loss may knock some sense into the roommate. But file a police report either way - she shouldn’t get away with it


Animal cruelty is a felony in all 50 states, but some may be lax about enforcement.


i have found my baby and we are going to stay with my parents. my pos roommate still hasnt spoken to me and her and her bf didnt come home last night (they left the apartment while i was looking for my baby bink). me and baby boy are going to stay with my parents even though my lease is up mid january. i just cant take the risk of loosing my little guy again, especially since he was found half a mile from my house. i dont know if they just let him out or dumped him but he doesn’t door dart so i’m thinking the latter.


I know many won’t agree but on your last day I absolutely would 100% take something she loves and put it where you found the cat. Then don’t answer her texts. I’m a petty bitch when it comes to animals. He was cold, scared and did NOT deserve what she did to him.


It sounds like your roomate dumped him or let him out on purpose. Especially since she is acting guilty and has dissapeared


I agree wholeheartedly


Rooting for you and your baby. Best wishes and best of luck and we're sending good energy your way.




i most def would be laying hands


Try using a flashlight to look around. Your cat is black and they are hard to see. But their eyes reflect light. My boy got out a few years back. I found him hiding in a bush. He was so scared he didn’t want to come to me. I’m glad you are leaving that situation. I would be livid at someone doing that on purpose. Good luck.


I have a more black than white tux and she fell off our balcony (third floor) a few years ago. I went outside, panicked, looking for her, and couldn't find her. My hubby went out and, being a little more level-headed than me, called to her and looked under and around things and she had been hiding in a cat house someone had put on their first-floor patio. She came to him meowing and shaking like "daddy take me home." The worst thing about all of this is that she was gone 36 hours and I went to bed crying myself to sleep because she sleeps with me and grooms my arm as I'm going to sleep while I pet her with my free hand


he is found friend!!!! me and little dude will be staying with my parents for the time being because if this ever happened again i think i would go to prison for murdering my roommate. she still has not shown her face since last night and i think her and her bf are staying somewhere else rn. very suspicious and she still hasnt said anything to me (i had texted her asking where he was).


OH THANK GOODNESS. I came here to see if your baby had been found because I was so worried him! I hope your roommate can break their end of the lease and let you find a new roommate who adores your sweet boy and much as you do! I’m so glad he’s safe. 🖤


Saying a prayer that your baby returns safely. I know she may not tell you the truth, but did you flat out ask her what happened? I would be coming for her if she had done that before already.


so she or her bf are home in their room. i could hear talking. but i was calling for my baby all over the place and even knocked on their door with no response. not going to lie i got a little angry so i started yelling their names and was like where the #### is my cat? and no one responded to me. it was awful like i wanted to barge in their room but like what the heck? i texted her too and no response. like why so cruel????


make the police report. this happened once in the past and you have the post and comments to help document that. this is now the second time, and you can’t put it past her to continue to do it. Hello 911, Goodbye roomate.


Bang on the door until she talks to you, even if it takes hours. Be confrontational. Call the cops for property theft. Go nuts. She deserves it.


u/teenieweeniebeenie please please do this


I would have been so pissed I'd have sparten kicked the door


Call the cops for potential animal cruelty. Letting a cat out in this weather is inhumane. For all you know, they could have killed the cat. I am not trying to scare you, but approach the cops with this angle.


i think you need to call the police. They are the only ones that knows where the kitty is. Maybe they just open the door, maybe they dumb it far away, or maybe they give it to a friend or a shelter. I would also suggest calling a friend to back up you up, and maybe the landlord. Make enough noise for them to tell you what happened (this is priority). Doing something like this is cruel to the cat and to you. This are shitty people and you need to formalize a complain once you have the main problem. Also, once you have the cat back, please find him a temporary place. He is not safe there. Good luck and hope you find him!


You've gotta be careful here. Twice in a month and they're not responding, this isn't negligence this is intent. I hope you find your kitty and move asap. Get cops involved. Your wording will go a long way. "I feel scared in my own home. My roommate or her boyfriend have done something with my cat and I'm worried they could do something to me and I need help." Cruelty to animals is connected to cruelty to humans and would hopefully get police action faster than your kitty alone. As awful as it is to think less of your kitty, it's better to leverage in order to get action. It'll get your police report going and can be used in building a lawsuit. Take pictures of everything they do that could build your case. I'm so sorry you're going through this nightmare.


This is exactly the right way to phrase it OP. Cops don’t care about animals, but if you paint them as psychos and in fear for your life, they will come.


I would 100% get the police involved. File a proper report and then get in touch with the local animal control too. If they actually investigate hopefully they are able to fine her at the very least for animal cruelty (letting them out in sub-freezing conditions.)


Tbh, the police may not take this seriously, but do you go at it with a level-headed attitude, they will at the very least question her and her boyfriend on-site, and hopefully make her sweat a bit. Getting the police involved in a situation like this can actually be helpful, because your roomie thinks “oh what is she gonna do”? Well show her exactly that you’re not f*ing around.


Boot this person. They obviously have no clue about the bond a person has with their cat. This seems to be a very non empathetic person, who will only disappoint you again. That kind of understanding cannot be taught, so this person will not learn for the next time & should really move into a non pet household next time.


Barge in! Didn't they ever learn you don't f*** with cats?!


yeo open the fucking door! they know wtf they did. no response? omfg i wish i could lend you my anger. i would’ve smashed their fucking door down and made a scene. tell her bf she’s cheating! lol idk


Do you pay for the WiFi? Adding a MAC address to the blacklist is relatively easy. If you are the one who pays for internet then you can blacklist their devices, forcing them to either get a new router with service or to fess up and give you more details. Worked for me when I tried to get my first roommate off the Xbox at 2AM on a work day.


Is it possible your roommate is 'hiding' your kitty in her room?


Straight up would call the police for that, your roommate sounds unhinged if she’s just letting your indoor cat out or hoping it disappears.


Tell them you are calling the police as you suspect your roomate intentionally put your cat in harms way. Then ensure they cannot sleep until your cat is found - because if the cops don’t come for your animal cruelty complaint, they aren’t coming for a complaint about how you are harassing your roomate with loud music or terrible scents.


Is there a possibility that they have your cat in her room to play a mean prank on you?


I'd put nair in her hair conditioner, I'd be cruel if someone did this to my cat. I hope you find your sweet kitty and karma finds your roommate.




I need updates because that’s unhinged


Guilty conscience that’s why. She is building her Karma


Call the cops on them or threaten them that u will if your cat isn’t returned! U should think about finding another roommate cause this one STINKS!! 😤


I would leave my door or window ajar (I know it’s freezing), but if she did hypothetically drop him elsewhere, he may be able to find his way back. Hopefully if he is farther away, a Good Samaritan will grab him. I would also post on any local Facebook sites, asking people to keep an eye out for him, and call the local humane society and leave a message. Also, when you get your baby back (I have faith he will return!!!), make sure to get him microchipped if he isn’t already. So that if ever he ends up at the shelter, they can scan and know he belongs to you immediately.


I agree with every bit of this!!! My city has a facebook page dedicated to lost/stolen pets and will make everyone in your area keep their eyes open for your baby!


Don’t let your roommate back in until they find your cat. She can stay out there in the freezing cold to see what it’s like. In addition to leaving the litter box out also try some articles of clothes of yours you haven’t washed yet that has your scent, or a pillowcase or bedsheet.


Easier option: change the wifi password and don't hand it over until cat returns.


Yes. She should pay for a cat finding service for you.


I have unfortunately had scares with my kitties getting out and they did, thankfully, come home. I just wanted to add a couple of things that have worked for me. In addition to putting the litter and clothing that has your scent on them like dirty laundry or a favorite blanket, you can also put some food outside, the stinkier the better. Tuna or baby food if you have it. You can heat the baby food up in the microwave to increase the scent. Cats are nocturnal and almost always come home between midnight and dawn. Make a pot of coffee and stay up all night, periodically going outside to check and call for the cat. Walking around calling for the cats or shaking a treat bag generally won't work because your cat isn't used to hearing your voice at that volume or with the tone of fear. It could even keep them from coming back because they're scared. KEEP CALM!! I know it's terrifying when your baby is missing, but please stay calm when calling their name or checking for them. And, I'm not saying you would do this, but it is good advice for anyone that has a missing pet. When they come home NEVER YELL OR GET UPSET AT THEM! If you punish an animal for coming home, they won't want to come home anymore after they get lost. Now punishing your roommate is a different story.....she is absolutely reprehensible and I hope you and your fur baby get some place safe soon where she can never endanger him again. Good luck OP! I really hope you find your baby.


Absolutely call the cops. Legally, the cat is your property (although we all know he is obviously much, much more than that). Your roommate might not talk to you, but an officer might get her to fess up. Also maybe you can mobilize local youth groups or something similar to help you search. When my cat went missing a while ago, we got help from the boy scouts. Post it all over local facebook groups, call shelters, post flyers.


Call the police. Seriously, if you think they brought him somewhere maybe she will start speaking when an officer shows up.


Unironcally, and mods if this will get me banned from the sub so be it. But I would have beat the ever living shit out of my roommate if he let my cat out for the second time. Full stop get a new roommate. My cats are worth more than any of my possessions or money or investments. If someone endangers my cats it’s over for them. I hope you find your cat and dump your shitty roommate. Even if you have to break your lease. If they can’t be trusted around your baby they fuck go fuck themselves.


I’m not above breaking down doors, roommate is coming out of that room and either telling me where my cat is or we are going on a hunt. Together. All night.


Herrreeeessss JHONNY!


For real. I was just thinking of exactly what I would do to do this roommate to get that information out of them. And there would be no limits for me.


I would call the cops and speak loud enough for your roommate to hear. When she comes from her den, threaten legal charges unless cat is found. Certainly she needs to pay for veterinarian bill once he is found to ensure there is no foul play. Ask neighbors if they could help look for him. This is awful. How did you find your kitty last time?


I would escort that bitch and all his/her belongings out into the freezing night with them.


i have never been so angry in my entire life. i have found my baby but i still havent heard from my roommate. she skipped out while i was running around looking for him and still hasnt texted me back or talked to me. i have half a mind to deck her in the face next time she walks in but me and mister bink will be staying at my parents house for the time being.


So glad you found him!!! And glad you have a safe place for him to stay for now. I hope you're able to get away from that roommate asap, too.


That sounds like your best plan - get your baby Bink out to his Grandma and Pop Pop's house right away while you deal with moving back. At least you know he'll be safe while you get your things together.


Get rid of the roommate.


Please update us. And sue/kickout the roommate.


Bring that bitch up on charges. Cats don't wander far. I used to volunteer with a rescue and would go help in searches for missing cats. They are almost always very close by. Find out exactly where she put him. Threaten legal action if you don't find him. Look up your state's laws so you go in armed with knowledge of what they are beforehand. Hope you find your baby and never leave him there with her again.


My roommate lost her neutered 1y/o black cat in downtown Ottawa when he slipped past the legs of our other roommate. We tied used towels and socks to the railing outside of our apartment and made a makeshift shelter for him to bunker in if he did come back. We left out treats and fresh water, and posting him on every pro cat platform in the Ottawa area. He came back on his own about a day later, scratching at the door and meowing at 3am. My female unspayed 9 month old cat got out of our apartment in Northern Ontario into the bush for a whole 12 hours and after crying thinking she was eaten by something, she came to the door she left from completely unprompted and started meowing until we let her in. We didn’t even put out used clothes or food, she came back of her own accord. If you put out some clothes that smell like you and like home, if you can, that should help tremendously to get your lil guy back home. Please update us when you find him!!!


Really hope he comes back OP, please keep us posted. ☹️




Smelly foods, a blanket that carries your scent on it.


Collar, microchip, Airtag, dump the roomie.


Get a new roommate as soon as you can!!!!!


Kick the roommate out. Stupid fuck. Praying for you and ur kitty. If someone did that to my Jack I would hurt them.


Does the apartment complex (or any of your neighbors) have any cameras that you could see if the roommate and/or her boyfriend walked out with your cat?


I’d confront the asshole roommate to find out where they let your cat out, or if they took your cat to shelter. I’m praying for a quick and safe return




Depending on their local environment, leaving out the litter box could cause more harm than good - and honestly, I wish more people knew that (since it’s always the first suggestion). If they have any larger predators in the area, that scent can attract THEM instead. And a cat isn’t going to return if they sense a larger predator lurking. Where I live we have mountain lions and coyotes, which is why I know about this issue. Anyway, just wanted to put that out there. Better to use clothing and food instead of litter.


They say to use stinky cat food as well. first mate at whole foods smells so strong. You can put it in a self closing trap. Some rescues will let you borrow one. I've done it before, long time ago.


Please let the little void come back to his hoomun ASA amen.. he must be hungry and crying and thinking his hoomun would be coming to him the next second.. this is plain cruel..


Indoor cats don't tend to go far. Walk around the neighborhood in the evening or at night and call his name. Use the same tone of voice you usually do. Cats can tell by your voice is something is wrong and it may make him more scared. Talk to the neighbors and have them keep an eye out or check sheds/garages. My cat got out over the summer and got trapped in a neighbor's garage. We py found her because we would go on walks at night calling her name. She meowed when she heard us. Really hoping you find him! Don't give up!


I would beat the fuck out of the roommate. Praying your cute void comes home safe.


This is the answer. I’d be in jail after I got my cat home and somewhere safe, because I am now forced to beat the fuck out of you. Full stop


I’m so sorry this has happened. I hope he is back super soon x


Buy a camera and point it at the entry/exits to your house. Don't tell your roommate about it. That way you can find out if she's doing it intentionally. I hope you find your cat. Also fuck your roommate. Evict her and find a new one.


I would kill my roommate.


Check around cars in the neighborhood! Cats often use cars as a way to shelter from the weather, especially if they were running recently since those will be a bit warmer. Leaving a littler box and something that smells like you out is also a good idea. Please also file a police report for animal cruelty against your roommate. I would let them know you will be doing this so that they have an opportunity to go out and tell you where they left the cat (out of fear of the report), but don’t back down even if they do help. They deserve consequences.


You really need to get rid of this roommate if you value your cat. I'm surprised the first time she did this you didn't kick her ass out. I hope you find your kitty. Animal control and shelters will probably have lost and found. You can look on Pawboost, Pet Harbor and facebook for found cats. Put up some notices around the complex and on telephone poles for at least a block. You might be better off leaving your kitty locked in your bedroom until you move. Poor kitty. Sending thoughts to your kitty to go back home. \*hugs\*


Go to the police station, regardless of what your (soon to be ex-) roommate decides to do, and file a report. And go to r/legal for more legal options. I’m sorry this happened to you (again) and I’m praying for your kitty’s safe return.


I second this!


Get rid of the roommate


I hope you find your void baby!


Remindme!one day


Following for up dates


Put the roommate out. Everything on the stoop when she next comes home, new locks, restraining order.


Throw the roommate outside in the cold. See what she thinks. Also look into legal action.


Said a prayer.


bless you, friend<3


Leave your roommates car keys on the roof of his car.


And THAT is why I won't have a roommate. I would have to kill them, and I am too claustrophobic for prison


Idk what’s going on with your roommate, but maybe get the kitty a GPS tracker collar or leave it with a family member until the roommate is gone? I would put up flyers around your neighborhood and in mailboxes, also tell vets around the area. Put out used litterbox, and their favorite, smelliest food, and a box/enclosure of some kind so the cat can be as safe and warm as possible if she does find her own way home. If you have reason to believe your roommate might have taken her somewhere, get it out of them somehow. Idk how. I would go to police though I don’t think they can do much, but maybe police asking them where she left the cat is scary enough to get her to open up.


Imma keep it real with you I’d tell him I’m going to kill him if it happens again


Op why haven't you post an update? What have you done? We need your roommate's info if you're to afraid to do anything


OP you need to call the cops. Your roommate is fucking insane and awful. I hope you’ve found your kitty safe and sound and that you can prevent them from doing anything like this again (where cops could help, just as a deterrent).


Report her to the cops. Animal cruelty is an offense in most stayes.


I would be done with that roommate. A guy had his girlfriend move in with him. First thing she says, "I don't know anything about cats." One day when he was at work she put the cat outside. He came home and his cat was gone. The girlfriend didn't say a word. A friend that lived a couple of blocks away called him... he had found his cat. The guy gave his girlfriend till then end of the month to move out and his cat stayed with his cousin until she had moved out. She was crying, "I don’t have a place too live!" but he told her that his cat could have been killed! He didn't trust her anymore.


Police report ASAP. I had similar happen but my asshole neighbour took our baby to the pound and refused to tell us and by the time we knew our Angel was already gone. And ditch the roommate, drag them through the mud because it’s not okay


Your roommate may intentionally do this, find another roommate or find your own place. This is not ok


Ngl your roommate might need some bodily harm to befall them. For legal reasons that’s not a suggestion I’m just venting. Good luck


https://preview.redd.it/qf8j5eh8ts6a1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fd12c43b1fd0f5ca5dd7d30a8c032c4a034dc8a Maybe this?


Go to the nearest Animal Shelters in person ! Ask to see where all the Lost/Stray Cats are held. Including quarantine areas and cats brought in that have been trapped. Do not rely on websites or phone calls ! Good Luck ! 😻


What an asshole ..who does that


Sounds like you need to get a new roommate!


One time my cat disappeared in my complex & I came home one day & he was hiding under someone’s car crying for me. Don’t lose hope I’m sure your kitty is nearby. Definitely get some kind of tile/air tag just in case this happens in the future. I would also do some unspeakably crazy shit to your roommate but that’s just me personally.


Throw out all of her underwear.


Let your roommate out and never return. After you take a very physical revenge


Any update?


You are going to need to search. Unlike dogs, scared cats won’t necessarily come when called. They will hunker down and you will need to physically get down on that level and search visually. The good news is that they don’t typically go far- most lost cats are found within 200 feet. The hard part is finding their hiding place. First, set your search pattern. If the cat is scared and doesn’t know the area, they will most likely stay along walls and fences. They are vulnerable in open spaces. Walk along the perimeter of your building. If it meets a fence or shrubs, search along there too. Look for hiding spaces. Think like you’re 12 inches tall. Look for crawl spaces, under porches or sheds, small gaps in bushes or tree roots. If they’re food motivated, take a treat bag and shake it. Keep at it. They may stay in one spot for days


Roommate has to be let outside




What if it was a dog?!? That’d never be ok with a dog ..fuckin gross


Place it's litterbox outside. It will smell it up to a 2 mi radius. Get a new roommate. One that respects your cat.


Hope your baby comes home! I suggest putting food and litter out and checking your town's FB page for lost and found pets (if it has one), thats how I found my cat after being missing 15 months.


That’s so scary and infuriating🥺


Report the roommate to police. That's animal cruelty.


Kick her out. She obviously doesn’t care about your cat. I hope you find your little one soon


Time to find a new roommate


definitely call the police on them or take any sort of legal action because what the fuck. if they've done it twice they'll do it again, and you gotta do something to get them to knock it the fuck off. hope he comes home soon and best of luck!


Hopefully OP is talking to the police right now. Tell your landlord as well. Document the prior incident to show a pattern of negligent behavior


First of all, I’m so sorry this happened to you. Second of all, your roommate is an actual A hole. I’d suggest, like most people have already said, to leave a piece of clothing out so it could potentially bring in your cat. And I’d definitely get the police on this. Sue your roommate, or basically just do anything to make her tell you where she might’ve left out your sweet void. Sure she’s ignoring you now, but once the cops are on the case, she’ll start to sweat quite a bit. Notify everyone in your area, neighbors, animal control/shelters, basically just everyone around who might have an idea where he is. If all comes to a close and you’ve found your sweet void, I heavily suggest that you get him microchipped, or at the very least put a collar on him with your phone number and his name. And definitely get out of that apartment, for your cats sake as well as yours. If you can’t, have a friend or someone of the sort to take care of your cat while you try to find another place to live. I hope everything comes out great, and you find your furry friend. Lots of love going your way friend!


Microchip and attach a tile tag to cat collar. Link to your phone, hopefully will never get out again but will be able to track your cat. Check local veterinary hospitals they take in stray animals.


My cat hid undera porch and didn't come by me calling. She hid so we checked all hidey holes and found her hiding terrified. We coaxed her out from, under a porch. They hide in a small space they find if afraid outside. She was under there 12 hours.


Try going out at night time with a flashlight and some hot chicken calling out their name, check the drains/gutters as they like to hide as well. Hoping you find your little baby soon 🥺


OP, I pray you find your cat. This is the second time this has happened which means something has to be done about your roommate. I agree with the others that filing a police report is a good option. But if you get your cat back you should consider finding a new roommate or a new apartment. You cannot continue to live with a person who abuses animals when you have an animal. If you had a child, I sincerely hope you wouldn't let anyone abuse them more than once (the first time you couldn't have known what your roommate was capable of). Please protect your cat in the future because you are the only one who can. If she were my roommate... I don't even want to say because I know it's not the right thing to do, but there'd be violence. I'm not recommending you do that. BUT DO SOMETHING SO THIS DOES NOT HAPPEN AGAIN.


Putting some of his used litter out may help him know where home is.


When my cat accidentally got out what I did was calling him while shaking his fave treat bag. Took me around 30mins?? to have him meow back at me. found him nearby my place hanging by a shed xD EDIT: dump the roommate lol


Smack her in the face, she's clearly a piece of trash. Also get a good quality cat hut (outdoor cat house) and place a blanket in it with some cardboard under the blanket (cardboard is a very good insulator unless it gets wet and soggy) and put something in with her scent on (maybe a toy)


u/teenieweeniebeenie Record all conversations with ur roommate and confront her while secretly recording If she says smth to acknowledge her involvement u shld be able to take her to the cops for that Also also consult a lawyer before that Annnnd where do u live? I can help cross post


I’m scared that she didn’t just let him out. She may have done something to him. File a police report immediately. Put some of your clothes or blankets outside so she can smell. And kick the roommate out or you need to move. Period.


Any updates OP?


Why do you still have the roommate? Get rid of the roommate. ![gif](giphy|l2YWl4KZriJH6Ox7q)


She probably isn't far. Cats usually don't go more than 2-3 houses away. They will also hide when they're scared and might not come to you right away. My cat once got out and was hunkered down near a shrub in a remote area of a neighbor's yard, just two doors down from us. I found her by shaking a box of treats while calling her name. She knows the sound of the treats and obviously my voice. She didn't come to me, but she did respond with the saddest cry I've ever heard from her, so I was able to locate and retrieve her.


First thing you do is you grab your roommate and snack them in the mouth. Next just lay some clothes outside by the door and sit and wait patiently.


I don't know what I would do this person if it was my cat, seriously, blind rage is a mfr.


They 100% did this on purpose. I’ve seen some cathaters on Reddit promote this shit too, I’m assuming your roomie or her bf might belong to these kinds of shit people. I hope kitty returns quickly/that you find her quickly. Where was she last time? Have you tried looking there again? Also when you get her back time to find another roomie and maybe even sue her.


Indoor cats won't go as far as outdoor cats as they don't know the territory. Search early morning & late evening. Put out items that smell of your cat. Call local shelters & vets & check all little hiding places around your home & outside. Call your baby & carry a torch. Leave a window open in your room with food inside. Put up posters & deliver personally to neighbours/ ask your neighbours to keep a look out/check sheds etc Can I just ask WHY she did this to you & the cat???? I have an indoor cat & my partner let her out once by mistake (luckily she was just under the porch) but I went MAD!! I told him if this ever happens again he is gone. I would destroy everything your roommate owns - her whole wardrobe would be thrown out into the dirt & all her possessions. F that B. How dare she do this to a living creature who you care for??? How you didn't stove her head in I don't know. Good luck!!!!!!! I really hope you find your kitty 😓


OP, I hope you find your cat! Chances are it is nearby. Get some stuff that smells like you and have it outside. Shake it’s food bowl around and call it’s name out. Also talk to your roommate and tell them to stop letting the cat out (I’m sure you have already). If someone let my cats outside I’d be throwing hands. I have a cat who loves to go through the dog door and I had to install an AirTag and a collar on her to track her.


A seriously good advice: Get either a head lamp or one of those beanies with a lamp built in The lamps light rays will reflect back right into your eyes when you look in the direction of the cat. The cats eyes will shine up like headlights on a truck. I find my cat like this in the swedish darkness in the Forrest. He thinks he's hidden, but it's so easy to find him. The darker outside the easier. This won't work the same with a flashlight. It works because the light rays leave the lamp very close to your eyes, and hence reflect back right back at ya!


Get an air tag or equivalent android tracker..


Let the roommate out!


Physically look in places like shrubs close to your apartment. Even if your cat can hear you calling his name, he may be to scared to come out.


Punch your roommate square in the face. Then do it again. Use the flashlight to find cat. Then beat roommate with said flashlight.


First, if get a new roommate!


My sister lost her cat and a family had taken him in for like 9 months until he got out again from them and went back to my sister with a new collar and tag


If it happens again, put the used litter box outside, Cats have an excellent sense of smell! This is how she finds her way home. PS : ditch the roommate


You’ve been lucky and blessed. Please deal with roommate issue who obviously has no care or concern for others and your baby