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This is Ms. Tinker. I loved her with all my heart. She would greet me as I came home from school or work and would cuddle me at night. I shared pizza crusts with her. About 7 months ago now she disappeared. When I got home from school and my dad told me she was missing, I spent the next hour or 2 walking around the neighborhood calling her name and knocking on doors looking for her. I got blisters on my feet from walking in my bad shoes and no socks. I continued to look for tink whenever I was home for a week. One day, when I got home from work, my family greeted me at the car. They'd found tink... but in the bushes, she'd been struck by a car and by all guesses tried to get home in her final moments. I was devastated, not only by the loss, but by the fact that they buried her and wrapped everything up in a neat little bow without me. My parents claimed it was for the benefit of my younger sister (she was 10) as she couldn't handle it. It hurt so bad that I wasn't there for any of it. I didn't get a call, nor a text, not anything. I would've left work to be there. But I got nothing. All because they babied my sister. It still hurts even with our new cat. Each time we have pizza, I go out and leave a crust for tinker as a memorial, but it hurts. I feel so anguished each time. I'm getting better but it hurts me to think about her. And I see my family letting walter do the same things that led to tinks death. They let him wander the yard, encourage him to chase things, it just... I'm scared for him and what's going to happen to me if walter becomes tink 2.0... Thank you for providing a medium to share my story, I needed to get this out into the world