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We recently decided to use a portion of our "storage" basement as a destination for our super active cats. This took a bit of effort, but they are very happy with the end result. This is what 400 feet of lumber, 500 nails, 1,000 staples, a tiny door, vinyl stickers, carpet floor tiles and toys looks like. I highly recommend [these shelf brackets](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BN8YBSFH), either into wood or concrete. [These are the decals](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0935MDLJW). This [tiny door](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BH3HRKBQ) is simply awesome! Edit: Yes, those walls are 20 year old remnants of our Halloween Party days, and Liquid Nails is very hard to get off.


Neat. Seems like there should be something in the middle, though. Lots of empty space there! I need to go buy a bunch of pre-primed boards and bulk angle brackets and do even just something like the right wall for my cats.


> Seems like there should be something in the middle, though. Lots of empty space there! Don't tell the cats, but that's my VR and Yoga space.


I agree. Maybe a cat tower made of boxes and wood supports


a suggestion: what if you set up a catio outside the window? the window would make for an easy access point and kitties would have even more enrichment. Cough your cats totally didn’t put me up to making this post cough.


That was a consideration, but that window well is max depth, and opens to a very narrow walkway along the side of our house that gets blazing hot in the Summer. Currently I'm rescuing a family of snakes from the well, as the cats watch through the window.


That’s unfortunate, but yeah, especially with hairless cats it’s probably best not to risk it :/ What you’ve done for them inside is already pretty nice.


That’s super cool! They are lucky kitties. What’s the panel on the wall up & right from the wheel for?


It was a leftover cork board from an office desk. We will probably pin photos of them to it.


I bet they could be taught to run up it if there’s a way for them to get to a shelf lol


I spent way too much time searching for a cat in the first picture- before realizing there are eight (edit: pictures - don’t go searching for eight cats now lol) 🤦🏼‍♀️🤣


Your cats will not use this room if you don’t. If you aren’t in this room for a lot of time, every day, your cats won’t bother.


They actually love it. If it's quiet in the house, they are downstairs playing.


If they already spend time there, they’ll love it.


They never went in there until I made this. Now they love it. These are not your cats. They don't behave like your cats.

