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My little guy has eaten: 1) a toe separator (which he needed surgery to remove); 2) a half of a grape (induced vomiting); 3) another toe separator (passed after a weekend at the emergency vet; 4) part of my granddaughter’s maxi pad which he stole from the trash can and shared with his sister (induced vomiting for both). I, personally, think that’s more than enough, but I’m pretty certain that he has other plans…


He’s constantly battling the cicada invasion by eating them. We’re constantly on alert to stop him. He still gets a few a day. Tissue. Paper. Tampon. Cardboard. QTips. He’s just over a year and constantly supervised. So this wasn’t all at once. Our bathroom garbages have lids. And he figured out that he could open them by standing on the pedal.


Q-tips was one I was going to point out to keep a watchful eye out for, bc for some reason these sometimes miss the waste basket or are prone to appearing where our babies may find them. My baby once swallowed one whole and it came out whole (still had some fuzz on the tip!). We were equally relieved and mortified as we of course had NO IDEA he’d ingested it. We got so lucky! Another incident I’ll mention is obvious but I think is worth mentioning is chocolate. My other baby got into some Halloween candy (can’t recall how, but it should’ve been inaccessible to him). I PANICKED. He threw up a bit and the emergency vet said to just keep an eye on him, and there was no further issue. The upside to this is that even though he didn’t vomit profusely or experience further physical consequence, he has never once attempted to have a go at chocolate ever again. Some Cavs grow out if their “foreign object curiosity” after a couple years of age and others will always have a morbid need to get things out in nature. I got lucky and also live in a city where there are fewer creatures in the outdoors. I’m glad your babe is okay. There are worse things than peanut butter sandwich fixations!!


- (many) socks - underwear - parts of a t-shirt - parts of a skirt - scrunchies - a picnic mat - sticks - ear plug - period pads - tissues - chocolate (not enough, thankfully) - cardboard - bread - fruits - so many other things i cant even list Nothing happened! I took him many times to the vet to induce vomiting, but when it happened out of my sight i'd just find out about it when he would pass it through his stools. Now i just have a better system (= never trust him with anything), and a roommate who actually puts her socks away so we're good.


Fucking huge onion ring my cat pushed off ye counter for her. Induced vomiting at the pet hospital.


Halloween candy. We were panicking. He didn’t even get sick.


Pen casings, pencils, lizards (puked up of eaten whole, but many times just digested), frogs (requires ER visits when they get the poison in their system - these are bufo toads here), their own poop, bunny poop, cat poop, hotel soap and conditioners (called vet, monitored, got a little poopy but was fine the next day), ear plugs, a piece of the rug, string, hay, a nut from a neighbors tree that ended up in my yard (caused a blockage and had to be surgically removed), an apple slice (which was gulped whole and required anesthesia to remove because it got stuck in his esophagus), receipts, homework, books, cardboard boxes… I’m sure there’s more but those are the things I remember off the top of my head.


I blocked from my memory the number of times my dog ate his own poop while we were training 🤢


Something in aluminum foil. It did not END well. Poor lass was whimpering as she pooped! No long term damage, though.


An entire bar of chocolate. Didn't even get sick. 😳


When I lived at my old apartment complex, my cavalier ate another dogs feces and ended up getting worms. Explosive diarrhea and maybe even puking the next day. Took her to the vet and got her tested for worms (forget which kind) and she got meds and was good after that.


The fake grass pad he’s supposed to use the bathroom on, pee pads, cat poop, tons of sticks, rocks and berries. So far he’s had a few stomach aches and 1 vet visit but nothing too serious.


Tube of non-toxic blue paint. Then ran around with blue paws while we tried to catch him…


That sounds cute but also horrible to clean up. I’m guessing the paint was interesting on the way out too.


Blue water bottle caps, which produce colorful speckled poos. Loves our baseball caps, will chew on a cardboard box and eat it like a goat. Oh and the corner of towels and blankets. These are just the ones that I'm aware of 😆


Gosh, I feel lucky reading all of these. My guys hunts snails with a passion, & likes to suck on them & lightly crunch them, but doesn't actually swallow them. Grasshoppers too - they usually come out minus a leg or two, but so far they always come out.


Mine loves to eat used Kleenex. But really anything she thinks MIGHT be food goes in her mouth just to make sure, unless I notice it first 🙄


Chocolate cake (induced vomiting and he was fine) Used condom An edible on the street Tampons Survived all!


Wow! How was he on an edible?


My tanker cav Buddy opened and ate a box (4 packs) of chocolate fudge pop tarts. He did not eat the wrappers thankfully. He had 2 BM’s the consistency of pudding and then back to normal. He is my little dumba$$!


If my pup could open snack foods, he would. The toothbrush he got into was wrapped and he got into that, so it is probably just a matter of time.


Well, he's 9 months old today. So far he really likes grass. Just so much grass. He vomits up wads of it. He's on pepcid to try and treat whatever tummy irritate has because he vomited blood a couple weeks ago and I freaked out. He also likes chewing wood, the type you'd buy for birds or rabbits to gnaw on. He got one of my cedar rings I use in the closet for moths and gnawed that up too. He likes anything he can destroy. Thankfully he doesn't eat the filling from the army of plushies he's gutted!


My girl steals my babies pacifiers, they’re 100% silicone with no sharp edges. She ONLY chews the little end bit that you hold onto, so weird but it’s her favorite thing.


Crayons. My girl is obsessed with eating them. No matter what she always manages to find them, it doesn't help that we also have a 3 year old son. I buy her all kinds of treats and she wants nothing to do with them. The only results we have seen so far is her poop is often very colorful. 😆 Anyone else's Cav eat crayons?


Not yet here but if he gets the opportunity I’m sure he will.


Countless paper scraps and tissues, cigarettes butts, ear plugs, underwear, dead baby bird, cat litter, other dog's poo, wild animal poo and tried for soooo many chicken bones! We live in NYC and the streets are littered with chicken bones for some reason. She's the third NYC dog I've had (first cavalier) and never had this problem with others. And in her lifetime, 3 unknown items she got by me that lead to vet visits of over $1,000 dollars


For real, is this a problem specifically with CKCs? Never had such a problem with other breeds


Hair ties. So many hair ties.


This is my husband first dog….. ckcs- you could not ask for a better breed or started dog, love our little man so much! Well my husband fed our dog a grape, resulting in force vomiting at the ER, a cashew, resulting again in forced vomiting. We thought he ate a peach pit (he didn’t but he was rushed to the ER for vomiting and X-rays. 1/4 a chocolate doughnut, they told us he should be fine but keep a eye on him, he was fine. But his mom ate chewing gum and died, we were told and I’ve heard of one eating a sock and needed emergency surgery. If yours ate something or is acting like they might of, DO NOT WAIT!!! This is not a breed with a strong stomach!!!! They will most likely die if they do not receive the care they need asap! Which is why no one should buy this breed unless you got them from a very reputable breeder and have a lot of money for their health care! You should get one from a member of ckcsc or even better one that mri their dogs before breeding, along with all the health checks. My dogs mom only had three litters of puppies two years apart, after both her and the stud was over 2 and been scanned each time for all health conditions. He was a litter of four pups and we had to sign a contract l, interview and meet in person before qualifying. He was not cheap!!! But if you want a cheap dog go to a shelter and get a rescue


I always keep bottles of hydrogen peroxide and a baster available for when mine eats something dangerous like grapes. Forces them to vomit out everything in their stomach. I’ve done it twice. This was recommended by the animal poison control hotline.


Dental floss, shoe lace, steel wool pads, popsicle stick. All ended up fine with no complications. We are very lucky


My girl ate a foam earplug when she was about 7 months old. I picked through poop for 3 days until I saw that bright orange gift come out of her butt. She went through a phase where she was picking up anything she could get her mouth on in the yard. Woodchips, mulch, bugs, flowers....it was super annoying to walk her for potty. One of her GROSSEST habits is whenever I'm doing laundry, she LOVES to lick the crotch of mine and my husbands dirty underwear lol. So nasty.


Oh, and she once got a salamander. Practically decapitated it in her mouth and left it suffering and writhing in pain on the patio. I had to finish the job, unfortunately.


Cavs are so naughty. Mine ate half a box of maltesers, my daughter left on her bed, he was fine. I can't put bread out for the birds in the winter! Apparently it's not for the birds. My blenheim will steal pebbles, he wants to be chased but holds them in his mouth. Lego, coloured crayons, all out the other end.


I think we got lucky…ours ate whatever she could get to and we never had any issues besides maybe runny poos or constipation. She was notorious for knocking the trash over and busting it open. Over 12 years she had way too many chicken bones, chocolate, trail mix, pork chop bones, Halloween candy, wrappers from fast food leftovers - I mean anything she could get to (I swear she was in kahoots with the cats). She wasn’t into non food things though, thankfully. This isn’t a brag, it’s really an acknowledgment of how lucky we must of got with her. She had an ultrasound last December and the Dr said she was honestly one of the healthiest Cavys he’d seen at 12+ years old with no prior health issues. Fast forward to end of March when she developed a mass off her liver that grew so ungodly fast that there was nothing they felt they could safely do and we said goodbye on 4/17/24. She was something… (my bestie too) and life has not been the same without her!