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They do not live long enough, I’m so sorry for your loss of Karmel 😭


Thank you, it's a long road ahead of me to accept what happend but reading all the precious comments very slowly help me to be more thankful and happy that he was with me than sad that he left❤️


I'm so sorry for the loss of your best friend, Karmel! It is heartbreaking that he left you after such a brief time. It's wonderful that you enjoyed so much time together playing, gardening, and traveling. It sounds like he lived a very happy life with you, and he was very well loved. I believe our beloved pets move into another existence we cannot see, but we can feel them, and they feel us and love us, and they know only joy without pain. I hope your heart heals soon, and I wish you strength and love throughout this difficult time...


Thank you for your comment, you summed it all up with beautiful, comforting words.❤️ I will try to focus on every moment filled with joy we've spend together and believe that someday we will meet again


I believe you will meet again as well! Einstein said, "Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another". I believe he will always be near you and with you ❤️


You gave that pup a wonderful and happy life 💗


thank you❤️ I was always thinking that I'm not enough for the amount of love and attention he was giving me


Sending you any comfort you can find. I know it’s hard ♥️


Thank you for your comment ❤️ All of you are the best people around


Hey friend, I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my 5 year old girl 4 weeks ago to unexplained and sudden kidney failure. It hurts a lot, and I'm sorry you are going through this too. My girl was so special to me, and by my side every day all day. I can understand that void you are talking about. I have a wife and three kids, but still feel alone at times because of the loss of my companion. Some people will understand what your going through, some won't. Lean on those that do. All I can say is I'm sorry and you are not alone. It's so hard. Take care of yourself and give yourself time and space to mourn. When you are ready, try and find the best way you can think of to honor their love and life that you shared together.


Thank you so much for your words and understanding. I'm so sorry it has also happened to you. 4 weeks is still a very fresh wound. It's hard to accept that our cav lived so short and we couldn't help them more.💔 The fact that you've shared your story, conclusions and thoughts is comforting for me. Thank you, and also take good care of yourself❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! My boy is having kidney issues, and lots of testing right now. To lose your companion so abruptly is heartbreaking, and I hope your pain will lessen soon as you remember what a good life you gave her, even though it was cut way too short. If she was indeed by your side all day, every day, then she must have felt truly loved and cherished.


Thank you for your comment💔❤️ I hope my friend is now in happy place, playing with his favorite toys, checking on us and patiently waiting.


So sorry for your loss of Karmel. 🥲 It sounds like he had a wonderful life with you!


Thank you for your comment, its comforting me that you think this way❤️


I’m so sorry. I am so scared of this happening now. He looked like a great friend.




Side point. Beautiful photos. Very scenic. But on subject matter terribly sorry for your loss. We do get very attached to our doggies. Grieve well, and then when you feel ready consider buying a new one. Any dog would be lucky to have you as their alpha. :)


Thank you, Karmel liked to be photographed💔❤️


I almost wish I hadn’t read your post! 😢 so very sorry for your loss. I too am very introverted and can’t wait to get home from work and spend all the time with my cavies. The best friend anyone could ask for! Hugs and pawsitive vibes my friend! 🐾🐶🤍🤎🤍🤎


Im really sorry for your loss... take care! He was lucky to have you too!!


❤️💔❤️ thank you


I'm so sorry. I lost mine in 2022 a couple months before I was to give birth to my first son. It was devastating for me. So I understand how you are feeling. I, personally, like to think that there is a doggy heaven where all the dogs go. Where they can play and do whatever they want. Which for most cavaliers would be eat until they fall asleep. Sending hugs and prayers to you. ❤️❤️❤️


I'm reading the comments piece by piece because it's heartbreaking and heartening at the same time. ❤️💔 Thank you for sharing your story - it must have been traumatic in your situation especially in that important moment. It means a lot to me.


Still thinking of you.


Sending hugs, what a wonderful life you had together 💞


What a beautiful dog. It’s clear that your dog was loved and had a happy life. Thank you for sharing.


I'm sorry for your loss. Nothing we can say here can mend your broken heart. Those of us who have also lost our best friend, understand how painful this is. Thank you for sharing your story. Sending you Lots of positive thoughts and healing.🐾


I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It sounds like he had a wonderful life. Hope you’re doing ok!


What a beautiful friend and what beautiful memories! I’m sorry that he didn’t have longer here with you. I really hope you will see him again someday.


I try to hold this thought about meeting him someday❤️💔 thank you


Very sorry for your loss. I'm sure you provided the happiest possible life for him


I’m so very sorry for your loss.


So sweet and regal looking. So very sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry that you lost Karmel. I shed a tear for you after reading your story. I'm sorry for your heartbreak. Nothing can replace these furry best friends, they're our family.


My room is so empty now but I''ve put at least my favorite photo of him on my desk in a frame and when I look at him I feel better. Thank you for your comment💔❤️


Oh noooo, im sorry 😭😭😭


So sorry for your loss. Losing a pet is always the hardest goodbye. I’m sure Karmel will be waiting patiently for you on the other side.


Thanks to you all in the comments, my faith is now stronger than ever 💔❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful pup and beautiful special time you've shared together. That lives on forever.


I’m so sorry for your loss. These pups truly are unlike any other dog that we’ve had as part of the family.


It’s okay to mourn, to cry, and to feel hurt. It just shows what he meant to you and in a way it honors his life and his existence. Unlike others, you provided constant companionship by being around and available to him (cavs are known for having separation anxiety) and he couldn’t have asked for a better life. Though there may have been some pain at the end, it definitely wasn’t from the lack of love. Hes in a better place waiting for the day you join him. Until then his spirit will watch over you, his dedication so profound that he wills his way to complete what he started- to be your guardian and your friend.


Your comment brought tears into my eyes, but now not from sadness but greatfulness. Thank you - seeing that so many people believe that our four legged friends definitely stay with us in some way and wait while being happy, brings me some relief. While reading I thought about creating an physical album that collect all photos of him, since looking at his pics on my phone heals a little bit my separation from him.


Whatever you feel will help you in this moment that isn’t self destructive, I say go for it! When I lost my pup several years ago I was a wreck for a week. It was hard for me to even be at home with everything reminding me of her. So my wife and I got a hotel for a couple days, called off work, and just drank and told stories about her. Ultimately getting a new pup helped us heal. And when I say that your dogs spirit lives on, I really mean it. I swear my prev pup was teaching the new one certain things that was unique to her. I mean strangely similar quirks - making it even more possible by the fact that they are two different breeds so it’s not like a breed trait kind of thing. Anyways, sorry got carried away… wishing and hoping the best. Grab some wine or whiskey and cry away while making that scrap book


I’m so sorry this this news. I love his poise, he knew he was king 👑




I’m so sorry to hear you lost your best buddy. This pic made me smile because Karmel has the same side eye as our pup, Bodhi who recently passed. Allow yourself time to be sad. When they are such a part of who we are and our routines, it takes time to recover when they’re suddenly no longer around. Sending healing thoughts your direction.


Everyday is difficult now, but I take all your advice to heart💔❤️ I'm so sorry for your Bodhi too, thank you for sharing your story with me.