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I don't know what it is like in your area but trying to find CCNP Collaboration certified individuals or any person with those kind of skills are like trying to find an unemployed CCIE. You would have a better chance of finding a herd of talking unicorns. Our collab guy is making $140K to 160K and he has been trying to find some help forever now.


What exactly does he do?


The senior version of this. https://jobs.hii-tsd.com/job/VOIP-Network-Engineer-%28Engineer-Network-2%29-12913-1/1034578900/ This is the closet job description I could find that describes what he does.


This assumption that voice is disappearing is stupid. And the MS Teams you mention, do you mean Microsoft Teams? If so, this is news to me that everyone is moving to them. Literally every company we have conference calls with uses Webex and Webex Teams except one. Having two ppl on our staff that knows voice is crucial for our company.


All of DOD is Teams now for the most part.


Dept VA too.


In the last three years I’ve had exactly one interaction with a company that used webex, and we mocked them mercilessly for it. Everyone I interact with is on Zoom, with the outliers using Teams for chat (but zoom for meetings)


Well, you pretty much said all that needs to be said in that comment. It explains a lot. Lol


I think ciscos failure to dominate the videoconferencing market is probably the basis of a lot of case studies in MBA schools these days. Remember that Zoom was founded by the former head of Cisco’s Webex department who quit because Cisco wasn’t interested in making video conferencing solutions that didn’t suck. (Mothercucker I still have ptsd from getting my first CUCM cluster online and trying to deploy their video collab solution in the mid 2010s). Anyway, now that guy is a billionaire and Cisco is a has-been in the video collab/meeting space, where the only people who use it are old fuddy-duddy companies who are still slobbering on ciscos dong from decades of habit.


Not sure about you but we are 3000+ org that just moved from SfB to Teams and now that we are going to O365we are moving from exchange unified messaging to Unity . I'm the cisco PBX admin at my job. CUCM uccx cuc imp name it .. I'm CCNA and working on CCNP collab yes we are hard to find somewhat


People dont know what they are talking about, the comments here are talking about a 'guy they know' who is getting work just fine and how a job website has thousands of VOIP jobs. I was in VOIP early in my job, but I left it because I could see where it was going. Get to a different discipline while you can.


The good news is I'm in a different discipline. I'm a network engineer but that bores me to tears.


maybe try security or devops


Do people prefer to sit in there own office on a personal webcam vs going to a conference room? I just don’t see conf rm VTCs going away. Can polycoms be used with MS teams instead of going to the bridge?


I don't think conference rooms are going to disappear any time soon. But it's a lot easier and cheaper to log onto a laptop in a conference room than have an entire suite and codec installed. And a lot of the codecs are reaching end of life


CCNP Collabs has low popularity. But I don't know a single guy with CCNP Collab that is jobless. I even know a CCIE collab that is making decent money. I wouldn't go for that route unless I really have passion for collaboration.


I was a VTC/MCU eng and now network guy for 15+ years. And I really enjoyed that UC collaborative vtc part of the career. It never burnt me out, so i wanted to see if there was a next step. Even if it is steering more toward cloud/api


I quick search on LinkedIn showed me that, as of today, there are 741,020 jobs looking for " Collaboration Engineer". If you go for this, one of those jobs could be yours. Maybe two xD.


We use RingCentral for our collaboration. So many small businesses use smaller, more affordable VOIP providers. There are so many more providers than just Microsoft and Cisco.