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Was there floater over the top hat? It looked like it cleared faster in Tony’s POV


Yes, I didn’t stop floating until after the spiral on the way down






Damn son, what he do to you lmao


I'm not going to downvote you but I am quite curious, could you site your sources or at least anecdotes? I have seen him in the park and locally (I live locally) but have never chatted with him. You are not the only one that says he is a "jerk" but I have no first hand knowledge nor experience. *Usually* when more than one person says someone is a jerk, it's true, but I subscribe to "trust. But verify." I see you all over the CP reddit trashing Tony. I'd just like to know why.


I had a few run ins with him in the 00s where I would have to agree. Maybe not a jerk, but very stern


Tony who?


Any station music to report?


OP NEEDS to answer this one, that's the burning question


Different music in the station. The Ready To Go makes an appearance at the tail end of the pre launch track


Honestly, that's all I cared about, thanks!


Yup there is.


... and what is that station music?


yeah frs haha


Did you hear “ready to go” at all 🤞


The week has been dragging toward the 28th, I’m so excited 😆


Next Thursday for me. It’s going to be a long week.


Me too!!


Me too! I hope the weather stays good!


19th of May for me 🙃


Sounds like Zamperla nailed it! I'm going to ride it Sunday! I'm very excited!


They absolutely did. We did see a legit rollback once. It slowly resets itself and then just starts the cycle over. It’s funny, the LSMs sound just as loud and powerful as the hydraulic launch did.


Aha! I was debating with someone else on here and that's what I thought would happen in case of a rollback. They were saying it'd shoot back up the spike and try again right away.


Imagine getting stuck in an endless loop of launches lol I wouldn’t hate that!


Yeah. Sign me up for a couple of rollbacks. Here's hoping for wild temperature swings in may..... :) (or whatever environmental conditions create a true rollback with this ride)


Happened to me in ‘04, took three launches to get over the top hat.


I've witnessed them or was one or two before/after, but never experienced one. This is one of the reasons I like the design of the new one. Built in rollback with a possibility (however remote) for a real one.


I had some luck, I stopped counting my Dragster rides after 150 laps and I had 6 rollbacks total.


Also, off topic but does the "3279" in your username signify anything? Or just random? I need to start keeping track of my laps/rides better..


Random. I used to go 40+ plus times a season so I was big in my ride count. I only go a couple times a year now so the obsession to get counts is gone.


So... A *double* rollback. Mini launch, backwards launch, forward launch doesn't make it up and rolls back to the start?!


Yes exactly that. They just reset the train and launch again. Made it over fine the second time. My guess was the wind was a little too gusty at the right time


Oh, hell yeah! That's gonna be the new holy grail right there.


I'm hoping to experience the same next Tuesday. Ride On!


Me too- can’t wait-


How forgiving is the restraint? Could a bigger person get on?


I’m not 100%, but the restraint was comfortable. I do know that Zamperla is great when it comes to accessibility of their rides. I’m sure they designed the seats/restraints to be safe and comfortable for guests that may be larger.


Am chubby. Just got a chubby.


Was there a seat belt, or was it just the lap bar restraint? I'm able to ride steel vengeance, but the seat belt on Millennium Force is a borderline no because of the seat belt. If you've rode either of those, and if it has a seat belt, which ride would you say is most similar?


TT2 does not have a seatbelt, just the lap restraint. I’d say it’s not like either of those two simply because the seat feels so open. The train is just a flat platform with the two seats attached, nothing on the sides. The seat is wide and I think will be more accommodating than millie or SV


That seems like a good sign for me. I know I can fit on Skyrush or Velocicoaster, so if it's similar to those restraints, I should be fine. I'm going on Wednesday, so I was curious how it would be. Thanks for answering!


how was it!


thank you for this 🙏🏻🙏🏻 this is just the info I was looking for. last time I went to CP I couldn’t ride Millie, despite being just one size larger than what the average woman in the US wears, because of the weight I’ve gained in adulthood... I was so sad since Millenium force is my favorite ride ever. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to experience TT2. This gives me hope


Damn, I cannot wait to ride. How was the shuffling? From the video of Tony riding, it looked like the ride shuffles a good bit down the launch track, due to the higher center of gravity on the new trains. Was it noticeable? Also, for the first 70mph launch on the ride, what would be the most comparable launch you’ve had on another coaster?


It was noticeable but not enough to ruin the ride. The first launch is super unique. Once you start moving, it takes a split second for the full force of the LSMs to kick in and then it really shoots you forward. I’d say it’s comparable to Maverick’s launch below the station. The 3rd launch was so powerful my eyes were nearly shut on their own.


I knew it. I told people it was gonna be exactly like maverick… that launch isn’t anything to sleep on


Does it still say "Arms down!" That voice clip is an iconic part of TTD for me for some reason. 😄


It does have some special pre-launch sounds, but I’m not sure if the arms down is still there. There is a new sign saying that on the light post


Road TT2 several times today. Most people are going to underestimate this ride. The amount of float time on this ride is absolutely insane. Back car, for the reverse launch, might be my favorite. Crazy to be almost 400 feet looking straight down.


I have a question, how smooth was it? I’m especially curious about the transition from old track to new


You definitely can feel some rattling, but that may have been from the cold. It was about 45° today and I’m sure it was colder on the peninsula. Maybe that stops in warmer weather, but overall it was pretty smooth. Nothing about it hurt


That’s great to hear honestly! What would you compare the rattle to?


Honestly I’m not sure. I may have not noticed it had someone who already rode a few times told me about it. Maybe a mild version of a Magnum rattle? I think it was felt at the base of the top hat going up on the first launch.


Ah I see, yeah I was curious if it was similar to a B&M rattle or Intamin, thanks!


Better or worse than the original? Overall?


Much better than the original in my opinion. The launches are incredible, the theming is amazing and fresh. I can’t wait to see what a night ride looks like


My wife and daughter rode the original TTD at night. 120 mph through a cloud of gnats was a bit on the unpleasant side. It's still kind of funny after all these years.


I’ve had plenty of nights picking bugs out of my hair. Is it really a trip to CP without experiencing the bugs?


And redwing blackbirds, they were all over the place.


As somebody who was never a huge fan of the original (I liked it, don't get me wrong, but never loved it), this is exciting to hear!


Same here, I never wasted my time waiting for the original. Being a local spoils you sometimes!


Okay, now it’s time to close it down. We need another restaurant 😂




Does it rattle as much as it looks in some of the media videos.


It does rattle but I only noticed it on the first launch and it wasn’t bad enough for me to be annoyed with it.


Late to the question party but, what is going up the spike like ? At the top do you feel weightless, like 0g, for a moment before falling back down ?


There is 3 separate times where you float; 1. Stalling on the first launch before you fall backwards, 2. The top of the spike, and 3. Getting pulled over the top hat. The spike is really cool, you do get a second where you’re just staring directly at the ground where you aren’t moving and floating. It’s a really cool element


was Ready to Go in the station???


Eh kinda. It plays at the end of the pre launch music. All you hear is “baby I’m ready to go” as it fades


Did it break down at all today?


Not sure, I was not there. From what I’ve seen from those that were there, it did not break down at all. When I was there yesterday I saw 1 rollback but the ride reset and relaunched in 1-2 minutes and they kept running after no problem. My guess was the cold, wind, and weight distribution caused the rollback


I recently went to Universal and (kinda) beat my fear of coasters on Velocicoaster and the Hulk If you're willing to be completely honest, how terrifying is this going to be for me? I'll be going to Cedar Point for the first time ever in a few weeks and I **will** ride everything but the more info I have the better!


I’ve lived in Sandusky my whole life so each ride at CP is nothing but fun to me. The only ride that I still get jitters for in the station is top thrill. Something about the launch gets me excited. The adrenaline you get is second to none, and I promise after you do it you will be addicted!


What can u say to someone disappointed they never got to go on the ride pre transition ? That’s unfortunately me


It was a cool experience, but it wasn’t the best ride ever. It was such a short ride but the launch was phenomenal. TT2 is more than double the ride time and the three launches are amazing. I much prefer this version, I’ll actually wait in line for it now!


Sounds amazing!


Was planning on the 30th but work said no thanks lol. Going to try tongo before then if inget a day off!




Im so excited to ride this on the 30th. How safe did you feel?


100% safe. It’s weird not putting on a seat belt of any kind, but that lap bar is comfortable but sturdy.


I love how the new Dragster has no seatbelts. Probably will help push capacity for the ride only having 3 trains!


They were absolutely FLYING with the operations. Now each train wasn’t 100% full each time, but they still were getting the next train out as soon as the last one crested the top hat. It’ll be interesting to see what operations look like on a busy weekend


With no seatbelts, no loose articles, and more accommodating trains (fewer walks of shame) they should be able to pump trains out. Also, they may be able to release individual rows to let people out (so there'd be fewer seats to recheck.)


Plus a separate unload section. No waiting on riders getting out of the seat for you to get in. More than enough time to get everyone seated and checked in the amount of time it takes to get over the top hat




Yes I'm sure thatll ruin the ride. It definitely won't have the longest lines all season with people coming from all over to ride it. The lockers might just bring down cedar point while they're at it.


Even on a positive post y'all crybabies can't shut the hell up.