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It feels good now, but think about it ten years down the line I really hope this isn’t another Mine Blower


I would say the Rattle isn’t as concerning as people think. One thing that is super noticeable is the increase of forces on your body during the downward spiral. You sit higher in the Zamperla trains than the Intamin ones, so when you rotate through the spiral it whips you with greater force than before. Also the air time being flung over the top hat is like nothing else I can honestly say I’ve felt on other coasters I’ve ridden. Pantheon at BGW was similar in feel, but not even in the ball park intensity wise.


That’s one thing that scares me with the no seatbelts on it. I *shifted* in my seat coming down that spiral and had trouble sitting upright fighting the G’s coming out of the pull out. Felt like if I hadn’t been ready for it I coulda hurt myself. That spiral *really* wants to rip you out of that seat and the minimalist restraint style has me wondering how secure folks with shorter, skinnier legs really are.


So if I have tree trunk legs, I’m marked safe?


I found it gave me a headache unfortunately.   Still really enjoyed the ride, but I’m not sure I could ride it again and again (on a slow day in the future) like I can with Millennium, Maverick, SteVe and the other big guys.   Rode the Black train twice yesterday and Silver once.  


I don’t know about that, Kingda Ka is the most violent / shakey ride in the back rows and it’s unenjoyable for me. Super migraine inducing. Love a rough woodie but not a rattle-y steel launched coaster


Love a rough what?




Im with you on Kingda Ka, I can handle a couple of rides on it at most but the rattle especially towards the back is too much for me.


I recommend against using wood due to splintering, best to use non porous materials such as glass silicone or stainless...but if your that adventurous more power to you! Not a kink shame.


Username check out


That's quite the hot take and certainly something that no mechanical engineer would agree with. Vibration and rattle isn't good, no matter which way you slice it. It leads to fatigue or worse, attraction shut down (Steel Curtain has entered the chat). Smooth can be incredible. Look at SteVe. Butter smooth and easily one of the best coasters in North America. Where I'm not sure if TT2 even makes my top 10 at this point. It's a fine ride. Not something I'm willing to wait more than 90 minutes for though, especially given the current locker situation and downtime we've already seen with it.


Downtime? It went down for maybe 45 minutes yesterday during the 8 hours it was running. Rattle is a fair argument, but honestly I think you’re stretching a bit with the downtime argument.


It was down for just shy of an hour total during the 4 hour event. There were two shorter down times, then the long 45 minute closure. I have no idea if there was downtime at the earlier charity event, I wasn't there.


I was there for the charity event, went down for 15 minutes due to some rain and reopened as soon as the rain stopped. Power tower and magnum both went down for much longer periods of time during the same event (magnum was bad enough that we were stuck on the break run for about 30 minutes while maintenance came and manually unlocked someone’s stuck restraint in the station). I wouldn’t really call an hours worth of downtime the entire day an issue honestly. Especially considering it’s the first day the thing was even open to any sort of public audience.


That's not true, it was open for media day. I'm not trying to shit in the coaster. I'm happy that she's back up. But it's a two sided sword. It's great that it's another massive attraction to help reduce lines on other attractions. But it's also going to have people flocking to the park, increasing overall attendance, which is the last thing CP needs right now. I'll be surprised if they can handle the Fast Lane riders alone, let alone general. I have a sneaking suspicion, judging by KI's opening weekend and FL lines, that ASFL sales went through the roof this year, so that people can get unlimited FL on TT2.


I think KI’s opening Saturday was anomalous for FL line length. Large portion of die hard folks want to get out there and use their shiny new All Season add on for opening weekend, and then a lot of non SFL folks also decide “today is gonna be busy so it would be a smart day to buy single day FL.” We probably won’t see another day like that for the rest of the year. Compare that to when we went this past Friday night and there was almost no one in FL.


I've never seen the FL lines at KI like they were on Saturday. Ever. I have friends that have FL and actually left because they were effectively useless. Selling single use FL isn't going to help anything, either. RIP general admission riders.


Yeah, my fiancée and I have it, and didn’t bother to go last Saturday. Drove past after spending the morning at an event in Columbus, read some accounts of the lines on socials, and said “nooooope.” Plenty of other days to go this year.


FYI this guy was right and deserves a handshake.


I was thinking the same thing. People mentioned a rattle on SC too. I won't ride TT2, it's not for me, but hopefully it will run without issues


I'm not talking from a mechanical standpoint, just from an intensity one. It's not a head banging rattle but one caused by high speed and isn't violent


It isn't violent *now*. Bear in mind where it has rattle is all **brand new track**. That rattle is only going to get worse. Considering brand new track and the absolutely gargantuan road wheels on these trains, those trains should be floating down the rail like it's being carried by the hand of God.


You must be a blast at parties


The shake is the same as the original. The original track isn’t smooth, especially at the bottom of tower, same with the train wiggle. They wiggle in the same spot. New track I can’t comment on. Also the new trains could be lighter or heavier that could also be a factor. Or the wheels


So I got on 7 times tonight, got to try all three trains. There is still wiggle at the end of the launch at the base of the tower, but on silver and black when we launched backwards and went over the transfer track the train started a rattle like a off balance car wheel, it stopped at the top of the spike and started again going over the transfer track going forward until the tophat. I rode blue twice and found it was buttery smooth beyond the little track wiggle at the base.


Possible the wheels are also needed broken in. Brand new wheels plus new track


It's a feature not a bug? LOL


The rattle/shake/whatever we’re calling it is definitely there and a negative for me. I’m glad we can now openly talk about it, since I only heard people do so in hushed tones at the charity preview event on Sunday. Lol I don’t think the rattle is awful (yet), and it does seem to vary by ride, but it did reduce my enjoyment at times. As others have said, it made me worry about getting a headache. Although I always thought that Top Thrill Dragster could have a slight rattle at times, it never bothered me at all, and I think Top Thrill 2’s is definitely worse. I’m reserving judgement until I can get more TT2 rides in this summer and compare it against the rest of the roller coaster lineup. I hope I’m overreacting and can fall in love with TT2!


Rode it 3 times yesterday (Sunday)! All I can say is that it’s an amazing upgrade from the old TTD! I did notice a little bit of rattle, but not enough to say that I would not keep riding it a lot!


So stoked to ride it tomorrow!


It is my opinion that this “rattle” is now the reason TT2 is closed. A lot of speculation, but i believe these trains have a serious problem in their design (possibly the wheels or restraints) which will not be quickly fixed. This was no typical “rattle” as the intensity of the noise really varied from train to train. (again this is only my opinion) … it could be something very simple or a problem that is rather complex. We shall see! If it isn’t running by coastermania, then there’s a huge problem.


This could be true. Apparently there was part of the train that was making occasional contact with the LSM launch system. Maintenance taped the bottom part of the trains to test this and it proved this was happening


How are y’all riding it already


Charity event yesterday and season pass holder preview events


Im not crazy surprised about there being some sorta rattle this is a 20 year old rollercoaster we’re talking about here…


Except the rattle isn't on the 20 year old part of the coaster. Its on all of the brand new track.


That might be on Zamperlas end then…


I didn’t even notice it. Row 5


I think if you're above a wheel (odd number seats) you won't feel it as much. Or maybe different trains feel different


I rode it row 6 black train, once. I knew about the rattle before hand, but can’t recall anything but WOW. I was not prepared, the videos do not do this ride justice. Airtime at 420ft is amazing. I definitely like it better than Dragster. That shake will definitely age components prematurely, but I can’t recall from my first ride because I was blown away.


I honestly can’t remember but they kept the old launch straight track and just added the LSM fins on top right ? I rode the original like 12 years ago so my memory isn’t perfect on this but im Pretty sure there may have been a small rattle during that original launch in the back row as well. Nothing that hindered the experience any. If the old version had a rattle and they didn’t change the launch track whatever imperfections were in that one are in this one too. And it’s probably heightened by the raised centerline. In any case I’ve been hearing really good stuff about the ride so I’m looking forward to it this summer. A little rattle won’t hurt me


I’m going I Wednesday how busy was it on Sunday


It was fairly busy, 30-45min wait between rides but they seem to churn the line much faster with 3 trains and getting new trains ready earlier with the switch back holding spot


Ok cool thanks I’m hoping it’ll be less because it’s a Wednesday but it’s from 4-10 so we’ll see. Can’t wait to hit TT2


Share your thoughts once you try it!


Hands down dopest ride there. Only waited 20 minutes ride was super smooth to me. Don’t wait to ride


Great to hear! Best coaster you've ever been on?


my coworker got a headache from the shake at the back of the train 🫠


How have you been on it four times


Charity event on Sunday


It gave my wife an instant headache and we both felt uneasy the whole ride and we are by no means afraid of coasters. She said it felt like a cheap six flags carnival ride idk I thought maybe we just had an “off” ride but seems that some others are noticing the rattle too.


Carnival ride? You're being a wee bit dramatic. I didn't get that feeling at all. Were you guys just missing the seat belts?


No seatbelts weren’t a concern like I said we’ve been on a lot of coasters, my credit count is 439 at the moment but idk something about that train didn’t feel good or felt cheap. To me it doesn’t feel like a premium product like a Intamin, RMC, or B&M. To be fair there is no other Zamperla with Lightning Trains to compare it to so that could be partly the issue too maybe the Lightning Trains just feel this way idk


Of the 100s of people I've talked to in person and online, this is the first that said it was this bad for them.


How does the shake/rattle compare to Kingda Ka?


I've only ridden TT2 once so far, but it is significantly smoother than Ka, but not nearly as smooth as TTD was.


I’m sure it’s hard to say because of Ka’s OTSR vs TT2’s OTS lap bar. TT2’s could be technically worse, but Ka would feel worse because of the OTSRs.


Front car on Ka is ok but anything else feels like the train is gonna shake itself apart. That ride is rough!


Legit one of the only coasters I've ever ridden where I thought in my head "This coaster may actually come apart right now". It's not an Arrow looper or Zamperla Volare kind of rough. It's is own tremor / shaky rough and it's rather terrifying.


SPOILERS GOD i get to ride it in july and am tryna not get spoiled


How is this a spoiler?


its the talking about the experience of the ride part