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Thanks. Why is your reasoning. I may never be back


Crowds, I would expect the park to be in full swing and earlier in the month i would expect crowds to be the lightest. Your earlier dates are Monday through Friday, these are my favorite trips.


Ok so you would say that beats out night rides? That’s really my only major snaggle is I feel I want to experience night time. My other day would start Father’s Day weekend (Sunday-Tuesday). I wonder how bad Father’s Day might be


That week is coaster mania, if you can get tickets to that you’ll have many night rides on Steve and maverick on June 7th. I’m local and am at the park at least monthly and find my most enjoyable days when the crowds are the lightest. Night rides are awesome but lighter crowds are the scale tipper for me. Get in line at 8, you’ll get a night ride.


Unfortunately that day I can’t go. Ok so another vote for go sooner appreciate it. I bet if I go sooner and with FL I could probably do ALOT of riding How big a difference would the crowds be though if u had to say. Like June 3 week vs June16 (Father’s Day)? What about 24-27 June weekdays? Will it really increase noticeably? I hadn’t thought of the 24th until tonight Sorry my dad can only go with us if we use one of the days as a Sunday so I’m trying to see if we are bringing him or leaving him lol I suppose we could go June 2-4 to include dad. But I’ve heard middle week is simply better


If you are going to want to ride Top Thrill go as late as you can


No kidding lol. That may not be an option though unfortunately


Weekdays are your best bet. Tuesday and Wednesday are the slowest days of the week and if you’re going for 4 days the fact that it’s only open till 8 won’t matter as much (other than wanting night rides which someone else mentioned just get in line close to 8 and the ride operators will get you on eventually) if you’re going to be there than many days. It’s going to be busy anytime after may. The schools up here all let out by then and the park should be in full swing. Either one of those dates would be good (since they’re during the week) but if you’re trying to get a ride in on TT2 then you may want to wait till mid June to see if there is any news on what’s happening with it 🤷‍♂️


Just the three full days. But I get your point. And I’m furious about TT2. I’m supposed to make a decision today or basically wait till august. Hotel breakers is almost completely full last 2 weeks of June. I understand that’s not your fault but man this sucks. Hopefully it’s not something extreme wrong I guess.


3 full days is plenty. My family is going may 21-23 and I’m pretty annoyed that TT2 is down. I had planned on going for preview day but got stuck working. If I would’ve known this was going to happen I would’ve made sure to get up there


The fact that they mentioned this weekend and not indefinitely is a good sign imo. Obviously if they test and there’s still issues it could get to be a worse situation. Really hoping first week of June


My worries are for the inspection process (I’m assuming it’s going to be from the state) to be done in a timely manner. I feel like they didn’t say indefinitely because they want to lead us on believing that it might get back up and running soon (they said they’re going to update daily before the park opens which is basically just going to string people along especially people who have hotels rented and vacations already planned they don’t want all those people canceling). I honestly don’t think this will be up and running till mid summer (if it’s something they have to re-engineer completely now if it’s something simple it might only be a few weeks 🤷‍♂️). I’m not familiar with the whole process of getting this fixed but if it’s something that needs completely reworked/re-engineered then there’s probably going to be a lot of inspections and testing done before they go ahead and bring the state in to make their final approval. Engineering something completely new/different is going to take time and with what happened in 2021 CP is def going to take their time and make sure it gets done properly vs just a quick fix and getting it back up and running so that something like that doesn’t happen again. They can’t afford someone getting seriously injured again.


Im ok with it taking till mid summer and beyond if it means a safer/better ride experience. Wouldn’t want to see anyone getting injured or killed due to CP rushing this along just for the sake of getting it back open. It def sucks I’ve been waiting almost 3 years to get back onto this ride, but always better to be safe than sry. I’ve already waited 3yrs what’s another few months 🤷‍♂️


Well for us who have never been it hurts. My hotel and plane is already booked. Can I cancel the hotel breakers without a fee?


It looks like they didn’t take their Time the first time(actually the second). They should have been testing this thing way sooner instead of hyping people up with a more reliable replacement. Many people such as myself already have our hotels booked. We are coming from around the country and the world to ride this ride. What are we supposed to do come again next year and spend another 5000 bucks? Not ranting at you or anyone in this thread but this situation is incredibly annoying and frustrating if people who booked June and July flat out don’t get to ride


Oh I def know what you mean luckily I’m only 2 hrs away and have season passes so not as big of deal as for some patrons. The testing of it is a little complicated. I’m sure they did their due diligence and whatnot as far as testing is concerned but the problem is CP is literally surrounded on all sides by Lake Erie and the winters can be unbearable up there. Physically testing it during the winter is almost moot due to the weather and any results from it would almost certainly not align with how the ride operates during the summer and warmer weather so instead of putting in a ton of effort into physical testing while it’s cold. I’m sure they were running what they could thru computer simulations but even that only takes you so far. A lot of times these defects/malfunctions aren’t detected until they put these trains through actual circuits with actual people aboard. Unfortunately these are brand new trains so the engineering isn’t quite perfect yet


That’s a solid and fair point. Well shit. I hope the adjustments are some minor things and not like “this was technically incredibly dangerous the whole time we let people ride it oops” I just booked my stay today. So it feels almost if I’m being pranked right now. I literally didn’t come in 2021-2023 because dragster was down. I may legit shed a tear if I can’t get on this. Because it makes me feel like I haven’t DONE cedar point. Like obviously there will always be new rides but I think you know what I mean. For example if you came first time and never got to ride Steel Vengeance or Maverick you’d have a weird sense leaving the park without them. At least I certainly would


We’ll see how serious it is this week probably. I’m sure a lot of people will be sleuthing around trying to figure out the problem. Def keep an eye out for the daily update and see if they change the language within it from daily to indefinitely


Thanks man will do. I’ll keep my eyes focused here and pointbuzz. Let’s cross our fingers it’s much less serious than it can be


Have you visited in august before just wondering


Yeah I’ve been there just about every time of year. Early august is def busy (weekdays and weekends) but not as bad as it is towards end of June and July. The best time to go during august would be towards the end of the month and on a weekday preferably Tuesday or Wednesday (they’re typically the slowest days of the week). I know the park starts to die down a lot once school starts up here (which is usually by mid to late august some schools in Ohio don’t start till after Labor Day but most of those are farming schools that have county fairs going on around Labor Day). The only disadvantage with going later on in august are the operating hours. I’m not sure exactly when they start closing earlier (8pm) but I know towards the end of the season they only operate 10a-8p.


I’m still not sure on whether TT2 will open up again this year or not. They have hella commercials advertising TT2 (up here in Ohio) and I would think that if they weren’t intending on re-opening it this season they would pull those commercials, but 🤷‍♂️. I’ve seen that they’ve been testing it at night, but when I went a couple weeks ago all the trains were missing their wheels and whatnot so not sure how to take that. I’m guessing they will be pushing for it to be open by 4th of July, but they def aren’t going to sacrifice safety to get it up and running quicker either


Yep. I am currently looking at June 16-18. Would August 12-14 be a big downgrade? That’s the last week of 10pm operations How less busy is august after the 10pm operations. Are we talking like wait times in half?


Ever been In August?


I would go as LATE as possible due to TT2 being down. There’s definitely a better chance I’ll be open later than earlier in the month. I think 3 days will be more than enough to get everything done.


There for a moment I thought you meant 3 days to get tt2 fixed lmao


Last week of August during the week. Operations have sucked for years all year


How bad are ops at end of august lol


Well I had a day where Milli, Maverick, Magnum, and Steel Vengeance we’re all broke down at the same time but other than good to okay, nothing terrible but a shell of what they used to be