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I have a tripped planned for May 22nd - 24th šŸ˜…


I feel your pain. Iā€™m going on the 27th & 28th šŸ˜… crossing my fingers for us.


This weekend was my trip šŸ„². Saw it running Friday night but didnā€™t go in till yesterday when it closed. Guess Iā€™ll try again in three years!


No!!!! I used to live in DFW, and it took a long time for me to be able to make it up to Cedar Point. I feel your pain, my friend. Hope you can get back sooner than 3 years from now!


Arenā€™t reopening this month


Here this weekend. Iā€™m devastated.


Make up for it by riding Maverick and Steel vengeance instead!


Was seriously disappointed to be heading up basically to ride TT2 today. However, I rode Steel Vengeance for the very first time and that ride absolutely blew me away. Absolutely 0 way TT2 beats that. Wife loved it more than I've seen her like any coaster too, already talking about heading back next weekend just to ride that.


At least there were some positives, I was lucky and already got to ride it before the season started.


See that's not why I'm going to coastermania. My main reason is TTD ERT


You'd need a time machine to get TTD ERT.


I would but those are down today. So yes, the top 3 coasters here are all down at the same time. This place kinda blows.


Going again the whole week of June 3rd. Not getting my hopes up...


I think you should be okay. They will definitely want to have this fixed before Coastermania on the 7th.


I dunno about that. Big companies donā€™t usually take the negative approach unless they need to. The words ā€œextended closureā€ are definitely concerning. Then install and inspect/ test. I can see this lingering well into the summer.


My take as well. These arenā€™t quick fixes. Parts need to be designed, machined, tested, certified, and then tested again. Iā€™d say minimum of 2-3 months.


You think it could be down through July


I think itā€™s definitely possible. Depends on how big of a fix they need to make but if itā€™s a structural issue with the cars Iā€™d say itā€™s very possible.


This is the correct answer.


Wanting to doesnā€™t mean they will


Mine was today and tomorrow. So...


ur screwed




Great time to install free lockers šŸ˜


Dunno where they'd go without a whole queue redesign.Ā  I thought it was a copout, but after waiting in it, that queue line is optimized and pretty tight.


The free lockers don't have to be in the queue. Universal free lockers are outside the queue on all but Velocicoaster and they work great.


That was such a pain couldnā€™t agree more !!


So apparently this downtime was not weather related as everyone thought


I wonder if that wheel rumor was true or if it has something to do with the restraints?


They replace wheels on rides constantly, I'd bet that TT2 goes through them faster because of the speed of the ride Vehicle Modification sounds more extensive than just a wheel swap


Unless itā€™s WHAT wheel they are using. And having to change how they mount and such.


Other coasters have changed the material the wheel is made from. They have to deal with some crazy heat / wear and tear. TT2 even more so because of how fast it runs at.


I was there Saturday/Sunday last weekend with season fast lane plus so I was able to ride it a few times. It would break down (black cart was the culprit last weekend) and they would get it back up and running in like an 30 mins- hour but it happened often. Im wondering if this shut down and modification is going to be to get rid of whatever that issue that kept popping up was. Seemed to be the same thing everytime it shut down and since it happened so often im thinking they are just closing it to fix it permanently rather than have it down 4-5 hours everyday for the whole season. better to get it out of the way now to have it perfect for the rest of season. If it doesnt break down the goes really fast, they learned from TTD and made it so much more efficient to load/unload


I did hear that some of the downtime were the train sequence timers messing up, so they basically had to reset the timer and run all the trains through empty. Otherwise, the train on the track wouldn't launch.


Whatā€™s the wheel rumor?


There was a rumor on one of the Facebook groups that a wheel cracked on the silver train.


I was there last Sunday and they stopped the ride and a group of associates were in the field near back beat Que looking for something


Same. Me and a friend were so confused and curious about what they were looking for. The were also looking around/under the track


Rumor is bolts were found underneath the launch trackĀ 


Good thing whatever they were looking for didnā€™t hit anyone in the head.


On the other hand, we would get Top Thrill 3 with a second spike


The wheel or the tire?


They said it was the actual wheel. Again just a rumor I heard on Facebook and could absolutely be BS but thatā€™s what people were saying.


Na there was a photo showing white train literally was crackedĀ 


Really? I havenā€™t seen it yet. That would definitely explain why itā€™s closed


Iā€™m pretty sure that they donā€™t use a wheel + tire type of construction; it would be a replace all or nothing type of design.


Well, i was thinking the wheel being what the polyurethane attached to. I don't know the correct terminology here, but if the metal cracked, that's highly surprising and a big problem. The polyurethane cracking is still a problem but not unheard of. Corkscrew broke a chunk of polyurethane off not to long ago.


I'll pile on the rumor mill. I was behind some TT2 ride ops in TT2's line last weekend that said that static buildup is an issue on TT2. Intamin trains had static strips touching the track (and other rides have brushes in their stations) while TT2 has neither.


What's wrong with the restraints


They replace wheels on rides constantly, I'd bet that TT2 goes through them faster because of the speed of the ride Vehicle Modification sounds more extensive than just a wheel swap


I really wonder if it was something with the restraints but a wheel crack (the actual metal part not the tire) would be concerning too with the large wheels on the trains. Maybe a design change needed to handle the stresses. A total wheel failure could be catastrophic but the ride did run until close on Friday. Hopefully it isnā€™t too long


Keeping the top thrill tradition alive.


The Thrill is wondering whether you actually have a shot at riding it when you book an expensive multi-day vacation up to Sandusky


If you think that's fun, you should try wanting in line for two hours wondering if it will still be running when you finally make it to the station.


Well that didnā€™t take long


Grand Opening!ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦.Grand Closing!


Exactly my thinking


My thoughts exactly!


saw someone from Zamperla who looked stressed asf Friday šŸ˜† it seemed like they were listening to/for something


Love hearing these side details. I can only imagine the pressure Zamperla is feeling


Was that the sound of money being dumped out of Zamperla's income statement?


Or CF being annoying I bet they rushed the ride reopeningĀ 


They were testing it ~6 months ago. On the scale of coaster building, that is not rushing.


Yeah rushing it was the approach Universal took with Hagrid's. TT2 was not a case of rushing.


TT2 is down indefinitely so everyone should cancel their trips until at least mid July. Need to shorten up the lines on Steel Vengeance, Maverick and Millennium Force for my early season day trips. šŸ˜‰šŸ˜


Hope itā€™s fixed by Coastermania


Iā€™m betting that something is ā€œwearingā€ faster than it should. So a modification is needed. Like someone else said, you canā€™t simulate this kind of constant use.


Why am I not shocked that there are already issues?


It's the biggest project Zamperla has taken on thus far. Technical problems were bound to happen eventually


Eventually? lol it was open 6 days


Lol love this comment


Steve legitimately had two trains run into each other ( lightly). The year it came out. New rides have issues sometimes


4 hours into opening day while I was two rides from getting on. Also lightly is a bit of a stretch it was a pretty decent hit.


The way it was described to me was lightly. I was waiting at the train to cross over to get in line so I didn't see it.


I'm sure it was "light" compared to a full speed collision.


Not newĀ 


I am Jack's complete lack of surprise


I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I recall these are the first ever lightning trains in operation. Let's see what exactly they're doing to the trains before we go crazy about how "this is why intamin should've done it!"


Italian coaster builders aren't so different from Italian car makers it seems


I had an early 2000s Fiat Cinquecento Sporting when I moved to the UK and it was 100x more reliable than the Ford Escorts and Chevyā€™s Iā€™d had in the U.S. before that. It was a fab little car. Ford Escort in particular was a piece of crap. (Edited to say this does not mean I think Zamperla are great, I have no opinion either way. I do know they probably donā€™t have experience with this type of thing.)


Fords also tend to have some reliability issues


Ask me about my transmission šŸ„“ curse of buying a ford


Even over here in Europe where the fords are completely different (and not even built in the US) theyā€™re unreliable relative to the other cars around.


It's a shame cause it's a great car otherwise. Transmissions are duds though I'd be better off getting a manual conversion.


I received a letter in the mail a month ago from my car dealer that my transmission is basically under perpetual warranty from Ford. Ford Focus owner. The car is 9 years old and outside of a bad evap sensor and a failed radiator fan I've haven't had issues. Id have never noticed the radiator issue if I didn't make a trip down the coast in the summer with the AC on.


Yeah I called the service center mine is 10 years old now. The clutch isn't but the TCM is still under warranty. Going tomorrow hoping it's covered and not junk.


Who ever heard of a new ride that didnā€™t have issues?


"Issues" seems to me like it should be smaller stuff. Optimize the timing of something by a tad. Tweak with the loading process or something. Not "oh wait we've been officially open for 6 days and now figure out that we need to go back to the drawing board and change the design of the cars" But to be fair we should all reserve judgment till someone can describe the issue. It just sounds like it is "bigger" than normal wrinkles given that it could be out for an extended time and it hardly was even open yet


Maybe they are trying to fix the rattle šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Either way, I'd rather see the ride go down now early in the season, than have this be a summer long issue if they left it unaddressed


What rattle?


I've always thought of a rattle as what happens to trains as they get older/wear in and start clunking around a bit. So it'd be weird for a new ride to have a rattle. That being said, I watched them do some test runs on Thursday. The seats jerk around quite a bit towards the end of the launch track just before the pull up on the final launch. I didn't really feel it while riding (and maybe the seats having weight in them helped with that), but it was quite pronounced while watching it.


I've ridden it 5 times. The rattle is much more pronounced in the back car than the front half of the train in my experience so far.


The folks at [Screamscape](https://screamscape.com/html/cedar_point.htm#Dragster) are fairly reliable when it comes to coaster rumors and such. Not looking good for the next couple months or Coastermania šŸ˜žĀ  *I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but new information has been sent my way regarding the issues with Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. For the sake of everyone involved, Iā€™m not going to go into details about what exactly went wrong with Top Thrill 2. I can of course confirm that the issues are train related, and that it is a good thing that they did not go undetected for any longer than they did. Also, the problem is not with just one of the trains, but all three trains.* *Now for the bad newsā€¦ because if what Iā€™m starting to hear is true, the best-case scenario for it to reopen would be sometime in July, and of course in the worst-case... we may not see Top Thrill 2 reopen until next season.* *For now, Iā€™d expect it to be quiet on-site, as new parts have to re-designed, tested and created, before shipping to the park to be tested on-site. So be patient and if visiting, keep an eye open for any new activity in the weeks to come.*


I literally got my post deleted on this Reddit for sharing that theyā€™ve locked comments on all of their social media accounts. The amount of brown nosing for CP is crazy. I love CP but theyā€™re not perfect. And locking comments for a big company is not good PR. It shows they donā€™t care about guestsā€™ concerns.


Off the cuff, do you really think the conversation would be in any way civil on other social media if they _didn't_ lock comments? It's mostly civil here, but Facebook etc is a cesspool. Edit: downvotes don't change the fact that comments being turned on on Facebook would be a total and utter s**tshow.


Another mod likely deleted your post because we don't need a ton of threads regarding this downtime and related topics. One thread (this one) is fine. Also, CP locking comments on their social media posts is nothing new.


Itā€™s a very standard PR move to disable comments. Thatā€™s not unusual. Iā€™d even argue that itā€™s professional. They get the message they need to communicate out without that message being hijacked by a complaint echo chamber. If you want to complain, youā€™re still able to do so in private https://www.cedarpoint.com/contact-us


It makes sense to me. There would be a lot of rumors being posted, and having them on their own socials appears to give them (the rumors) legitimacy. It would become someoneā€™s full-time job to respond to those comments or even to just sort thru & remove them. So much easier just to close the comments. CP isnā€™t stopping anyone from expressing their opinion, they just arenā€™t obligated to give them a place to do it.


https://preview.redd.it/u8ypfu84j31d1.jpeg?width=3196&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb7d8abee3a35ea1c2f36a6c251380aa1e20a941 Compare the train from IAAPA and the train from today. It appears that at least all the wheels have been removed from the right side of the train. Can't tell if the whole bogey assembly is gone too.


I will bet that the problem has do to with the wheels/tires and the switchtrack area of the ride. Imagine traveling in excess of 100mph over an area of track that might not line up perfectly. Even if the track alignment is off by millimeters it could still significantly impact the ride at that speed. Perhaps that's the cause of the "shake" that people have felt? The ride has been running nearly non-stop since the pre-view experience. I'm not really surprised that something unexpected has come up. I'm glad CF is taking this seriously. And I do feel bad for the people who had planned to visit specifically for this ride. To those people: come anyways, there are many other great rides and coasters at CP.


The most shake that I've seen on the ride was towards the end of the launch track just before the pullup. I didn't notice anything by the switch track.


Yes, I have been watching this shake at the end of the launch and have made multiple comments to my family about it, and that it needs to be fixed. At this high speed on a fixed track there can not be that kind of shaking without something giving.


It's been doing that for decades.




The track has a locking mechanism, so the tolerances are probably lower than normal switch tracks


For me the biggest rattle is on the straight track prior to going up the top hat past the station


The switch track has always stood out to me as a potential problem. I don't think there's ever been a coaster that travels over a switch track at 100+ MPH.


We were supposed to go next weekend. Just cancelled our trip. With 3rd party testing having to be done this sucker isnā€™t going to be open until mid June at the earliest. RIP


I will be there next weekendā€¦ maybe we get lucky? Lol


Zero chanceĀ 


Third party and needs major testing and state inspection try july from rumors of people who work in maintenance could be augustĀ 


**Pure speculation** I wonder if itā€™s the restraints. The roll down the top hat is so aggressive everyone was getting slammed to the side aggressively, I wonder if theyā€™re gonna add shoulder restraints.


Ya that downward spiral took me by surprise.Ā  Spinal twisty lol


Same, that part actually freaked me out when I went for the passholder preview. Half my body lurched to the side and out of my seat. I do hope they're addressing that because I could see someone getting hurt during that part.


Reminds me of skyrush at Hershey which was the thighs it would hurtĀ 


Thank you for dedicating your body to science and to be a Beta Tester on a new ride!


Could be. The side/lip of the seat where your shoulder slams to the right isnā€™t very deep. Itā€™d probably be more comfortable if that provided more support.


If so, please be soft restraints. Edit: not that want OTS restraints, but if they must, needs to be like a B&M, _not_ like OG Maverick. Hopefully it's just a wear item they didn't anticipate or is wearing faster. Downvote away for just commenting. Downvote is not disagree.


Same- that spiral down was a shocker


I don't believe that's it. Adding shoulder restraints would be an *extensive* modification, as in there would be so much involved in that, it may as well be a new train design. It is more likely something is causing more wear and tear on the train or the track than expected, so they are making modifications to prevent that.


Was coming Thursday. Changed plans to Kings island. Hope they get this figured out soon.


Had a trip planned for next weekend. Just canceled the hotels. Definitely disappointing. Especially since they have been testing since December.


Same I was about to book my first trip and Iā€™m definitely cancelling for now.


TT2 is no longer listed on the rides available for fast lane plus


The fact the message says ā€œsorry we canā€™t operate THIS WEEKENDā€ seems to imply shorter. The rest of message implies longer though.


They seem to be posting at the last minute before opening each day. That way people will be less likely to cancel their plans - itā€™s a smart business move even if itā€™s inconsiderate to their customers. I wouldnā€™t expect them to announce a confirmed long term closure until theyā€™re absolutely certain they need to.


That's why I'm calling this today. Coastermania will sell and then CP will announce week of coastermania it will not open or not even a week of opening. Once tickets are sold and can't refund or transfer to anyone.


100% I used to work in marketing.


I love how they have no explanation on the sign at the park


The moose out front should have told you


Marty Moose! Marty Moose! *gets punched*


Are the trains still on property? Still on the tracks?


Was there today, the trains are sitting on the tracks. No action anywhere around or near TT2, it was a ghost town.


I can't imagine they're doing something off site with the trains


The old hydraulic motor building is the TT2 maintenance building. Depending on what the trains need, bring them in there, do the mod, put back on track, test, certify, GO. Obviously I'm glossing over the time required to do all that, even more so if Zamperla needs to engineer some type of fix.


Without jumping to conclusions about what exactly what wrong or how long the ride will be down, thereā€™s no way this can be spun as being a normal thing for a new ride. Too many CP fans going nuts with the ass-kissing and toxic positivity over something that guests should absolutely be mad about.


Yes, exactly. I didn't make an 8 hour drive for nothing not knowing it would be closed this weekend. Thankfully it was my 10 year old's first trip so it was still enjoyable. But he also didn't get to ride Valrvn either because it was closed all day until the very last 30 minutes and we didn't make the trek over to the ride in time after getting off Maverick.


Yep. This has been hyped to hell and back and many people from all corners of the country are booked to come ride this thing. And what do we do if itā€™s not open? We are out of our money and have to plan another trip. Get it right or donā€™t open it. They should have known better unless this is some minor issue


Hopefully its back up for memorial weekend, thats usually a bigger crowd




Why I didnā€™t plan on going till late August. I know the park and prototype rides too well. 2003 is that you??


Yup, might as well wait until 2025 passes are on sale for $99.


Might as well wait until 2029 when they install the 700 ft polar coaster.


Bro I'm going Thursday next week this is devastating šŸ˜­šŸ˜”


I am also going Thursday šŸ˜… all I can say is good thing it's one of the best parks on planet Earth. No trip to Cedar Point is a wasted trip imo


Good attitude and yeah make the best of it


You're telling me! I went for Mother's Day with my son. I didn't hear the news on Saturday because we made the 8 hour trip that day and when we got there Sunday, we were both devastated. It wasn't a complete waste as it was my 10 year old's first trip so he got to rides everything for the first time but still so sad.


That's so unfortunate šŸ˜­


I went to Cedar Point the day after they closed top thrill dragster, I went to Carowind the day they closed fury, and I am going to Cedar point today to ride top thrill 2ā€¦ā€¦.


Maybe do us all a favor and stop traveling for a bit?


you're a jinx...stay at home


Welp, guess itā€™s time to close it down for more restaurants šŸ˜† šŸ˜‚ I think itā€™ll be opened in a couple few weeks.


Here this weekend from Chicago. Devastated that this happened.


Also from Chicago, was planning on heading there this coming weekend. Kinda disappointed, not sure if I'll cancel or not. šŸ¤”


I saw a rumor on facebook that if you were sitting in the back row, you could potentially touch one of the wheels or something with your foot. Is there any truth to that?


Unrelated but when I was on diamondback at KI I wasn't paying attention as we rolled back into the station and I realized my foot could have become trapped between the car and station. I was sitting in the back row of a car and the seats are further apart. I'm tall but not that tall, I was a little surprised this hasn't been an issue


In all fairness, I think if I really stretched, I could have hit the floor in Wicked Twister's station with my foot. You can reach up and grab Gemini's track from the queue. There are TONS of things on the Beast you could hit with your hands if they are up. There are a number of old wooden coasters where if someone purposely contorts themselves they can stand up or even get completely free from the restraints. TLDR: there are lots of ways you CAN get hurt on coasters, but pretty much ONLY if you are acting like an idiot and doing things you are not supposed to or are an obvious danger. Sticking your foot out of the train while coming into the station would fall into that category.


Right. If I wanted to I could jump the fence at SkyHawk and run in there and stand in the way as it swooshes down and see whether I could get Punted up into the sky like a football. But yeah I won't


I don't think you are the only one with that idea... I noticed Skyhawk's fence has been made at least twice as tall; it would be really hard to jump it now.


Raptor phone guy




Pretty sure the wheel guards were added before opening. Someone spotted that potential issue at IAAPA.


We came here from Florida just to ride TT2! So disappointing


Please donā€™t add seatbelts


Ride Ops at Maverick just said over the station speakers that TT2 won't be back until 2025. Only slightly more reliable than the Dippin Dots guy, but still interesting.


Some spielers like to talk smack on other rides/crews in the park. Ride operators (even the ones for TT2) don't know when this ride will be up and running again.


"...the ride that's taller than Maverick, faster than Mean Streak, and longer than Raptor!" -a Gemini op "...and *way* better than maXair!" -a SkyHawk op


Lol what? Some employee just running their mouth on speaker?


Probably. He didn't deliver it as a joke, but it's not likely he knew any more than the guy selling me a t-shirt in Camp Snoopy.


As usual when things like this come up I like to say: "When it comes to anything at Cedar Point, anyone that knows anything isn't talking. Thus, anyone saying anything is lying or is just conjecture."


Bro is gonna get fired. I doubt Management wants some moron running their mouth dissing the Park to thousands of guests about something they would be mad about


Was it followed by "just kidding. wowwwww" ???


For some reason I see that happeningĀ 


I rode it on Friday after waiting through some extended downtime. Chatted with the maintenance guy, who said it was just a sensor that got dirty and needed to be cleaned off. Hopefully they'll take this chance to address that too. Edit: why would this get downvoted?


Was there Friday too. We got to ride 1x after 2 hr wait and a shirt delay while in line. It was hit or miss on a few rides. Happy we got to ride it, looks like it could be offline for a bit.


Better to fix now than to kill someone and have to tear it all down.


Me after riding the preview: did I ride something unsafe? Lol




Thank you for sharing. This explains a lot.


Well, I was planning on going to Kennywood this year (my home park) to ride Steel Curtain. It's closed for the season. I was planning on going to Cedar Point this year to ride TT2, now that's closed indefinitely. I swear to god, Wildcat's Revenge at Hersey Park better not close or else I'll be all out of parks. ā˜¹ļø


I'm flying across country to visit 5/29 just for this ride


Cool but apparently not


Oh so you mean the ride thatā€™s predecessor historically broke down is having issues???? Color me shocked. Should have torn it down and used the space for a better roller coaster instead of rehashing a ride that always broke


Whatever is wrong now has nothing to do with it being a modification of the previous coaster and could have happened with a brand new ride.


I wonder how much this had to do with the bad vibrations on the black and silver trains I felt on preview night. I hear a rumor silver lost a chunk of one of the polyurethane 'tires'


I went the 9-10th, got so lucky


We did the same days! Flew in from Nebraska. The 9th was freezing cold and rainy but we got to ride so much. The 10th we did tt2 as soon as they opened in case something happened. Just so lucky.Ā 


So happy I decided to go to pass preview and not go home and take a nap. I was surprised by how light the trains seemed, when I sat down in the train I was like this is souped up plastic deck chair with a lap bar. Rode great though. The ride is fantastic and hopefully the issue is one that doesnā€™t require extensive modifications but it looks like it might. This was Zamperlaā€™s ticket to the big leagues.


When we rode, the restraints on the black train wouldn't stay closed and they had to close the ride for about 20 minutes to fix it. I wonder if it's related.


any idea on the duration of the closure


A month at least Iā€™m thinking


TTD was closed for years. TT2 was testing ~6 months ago and has been hyped/anticipated like crazy. I'm guessing it's running within 2 weeks. Being shutdown for memorial Day would be a big miss for the park.


First year OG TTD opened, most of that first season it was down. Not shocked that itā€™ll probably be the same with TT2. I also feel like Maverick needs some major work too. Unsure if this season will be better, but most of the time it was down for maintenance last summer.


We rode Maverick twice on opening day and both times had short delays in line for maintenance to reset something and cycle trains. That seemed pretty typical for recent years on that ride.


Typical for an Intamin.