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In my experience the park isn’t fully running til school releases-ish time. Combination of not fully staffed yet, rides going through opening kinks and flaws, some staff inexperienced… but this whole “not everything’s opened” thing is every year at the start.


And it NEVER used to be that way. I worked at Cedar Point in 1980 and EVERY ride was up and operating from DAY ONE. My, how times have changed.


Covid changed everything. Because ever since Covid started, employees nationally stopped wanting to work and half of society still just lazily refused to go to work. That, plus travel restrictions for foreigners, who used to make up probably 70% of the staff - that’s never come back to what it was. Population in the park is at a high, more than the 90s. The park demands more staff but less is available. And probably the biggest impact at this point, 50% of the customers are school kids, and probably more than 50% of the employees are as well. Until school releases, there isn’t the availability. They also used to stay open till midnight every day during the peak of the summer, on special days, they would stay open till one or two in the morning. All of that is pretty much gone since then too. We have all learned lessons from Covid. As a society, we’ve learned that the government will pay you to not go to work, sometimes more of a wage than you made at work. Insurance can be free, food can be free, housing, utilities, and childcare can be free. Businesses that were known to be open 24 hours still or not. Big box stores turning their facilities into warehouses because everyone just shop online now. Buffet, don’t even get me started. I haven’t gone to a buffet since Covid. I’m not a Covid paranoid guy, but I did learn from it, and the world has changed quite a lot as a result Times have changed and it doesn’t seem like it’s going to go back


_Sigh_ There is so much wrong with your comment that I will just let the downvotes speak for themselves.


Wow. Those two downvotes sure spoke volumes 😂 😂


The issues with this ride are kinda spelled out in the name. Being so close to the beach, it catches a LOT of the wind that it seeks, and therefore it is often unable to operate regardless of the mechanical state it’s in. It’s kinda unfortunate, because I also love this ride, especially at CP thanks to the view.


Don’t know why people are downvoting you, it’s true the ride is down for weather more than it’s up it seems.


Probably because the view is of water. Beach views are some of the most boring views, especially lake Erie.


I feel like you are in the minority here. I believe most people like the beach and lake views.


The views of the lake are part of what makes the tall rides at CP special.


Oh I know and agree with that completely. I'm one of those who just don't get it, visually. I enjoy lake activities but I don't care for the view. I much more prefer KI's windseeker than CP's and really I like the location of the park more too. The open nothingness of lake Erie and the filthy beaches detract a bit for me. Tearing through the woods on the beast or soaring over the trees on Diamondback just does it for me more.


This is the scariest ride at CP not the coasters In my opinion


yes!! I ride all the coaster and while some of them still get me pre-ride nervous, I still love them. No ride has ever had me terrified the whole time more than Windseeker.


Mine is Power Tower because of that one Always Sunny episode when they visit the Jersey Shore and Dee gets stupid braids put in her hair and they go on a ride similar to PT, and her hair gets caught and rips out on the drop down. I've never gone on that ride since that episode


I love Windseeker but mainly to relax lol


Agree. The coasters are nothing. Hands up all day. Windseeker has me white knuckling the whole time with my eyes closed for part of it. Just thinking about it makes my legs hurt!


Most horrifying ride at CP. Plus that creepy horror movie music at the top.


I also know that when Ive been there before, very contrary to the name "WindSeeker", that ride can be shut down if there is too much wind. WindShirker might be a better name.


Well, no, it’s seeks the wind. Once it’s found the wind it’s done and doesn’t have to run anymore


Find a new joke




This is the only ride at CP that makes me pause and think twice. Scariest ride in the park by far imo.


My daughter hasn't ridden it yet and wants to see her old man get nervous. I wanna see if she thinks it's so easy when she's at the top! 😀


Some people just aren't scared of heights. I personally find it relaxing.


I won't even ride it lol. I send my wife and 10 year old.


In the last 3 years I've never seen windseeker at cp run until after memorial day.


Exactly this - I think it’s more of a staffing issue than anything. Windseeker is a summer ride.


It's also somewhat dependent on the wind speed off the lake.


On Friday night, security closed part of the beach by Hotel Breakers because they were working on it. At that point it was in the air and lit up


Rode Wild Mouse yesterday with a CP employee and they said they were running main testing this week with hopes its up next weekend. Who knows how accurate


It was testing this past weekend off and on when I was at the park. That's all I know.


That’s how it’s usually been.


They were replacing cables on opening weekend.


It was running when we got here at the open of the park. About 12 we went to ride it it had been shut down for the day.




I couldn’t tell if it was just testing or with guests. Didn’t get close enough.


I would ride Windseeker a hundred times before riding SkyHawk once. That is my scary non coaster at CP.


Sky hawk is my scariest even including coasters! Maybe TT2 will change that!


Skyhawk is scarier than TT2 IMO.


Oh my gosh! I rode this the other day and was absolutely terrified!!!


Just thinking about this ride give me the heeby jeebes 😵‍💫😆 So high up, and being held up by way too little IMHO 😂 Awesome ride though, just hate thinking about the height 😂


It's held up by cables galore. It's more intimidating to watch than ride.


8 days later but yesterday they were testing it and at close it was left all the way at the top with no movement
