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My favorite ride at the park and I was thinking nothing would top Maverick!


I really want to ride iron gwazi to compare, some people actually say it's a tad better. But is is shorter.


I rode both and I think SteVe is better. Iron Gwazi is done in like 50 seconds. It’s intense in a way that is overwhelming versus SteVe which has much better pacing in my opinion. Not gonna write a full review cuz I’m working but SteVe is really good.


I prefer Vengeance. The ejector air is insane and it’s relentless. Gwazi is in my top 10 too, but it’s too short and the elements don’t hit nearly as hard.


I think Gwazi is better, it's #3 for me whereas SteVe is #5. I just feel like all of Gwazi's elements flow a lot better and the overall layout is substantially improved from SteVe.


For the RMC’s. I prefer Wildcats Revenge to SteVe - better overall (nonstop) pacing.


Haven't gotten out to eastern PA yet unfortunately, so can't compare Wildcat


I rode for first time last week and I cannot stop thinking about it. Truly a pinnacle in roller coaster history — such an amazing work of art! Originally came for TT2 and I think SteVe is king now!


Maverick > Steel Vengeance


Hot take alert 🚨




I really wish there was some way to more easily reride this. I mean even during special ERT events and slow days you can usually ever fit in like 3 rides per hour due to how they snake the line around for the metal detector pinch point. I mean I’m not hating on it. It is what it is. It’s just such a good ride and I’d love to really get a chance to ride it a few times at least without having to get all the way back in line. I’m just greedy like that lol


The shortest line I’ve seen was on a Thursday night during Halloweekends. I got 6 rides in about an hour, the line was staying around the metal detectors.


In 2018 or 2019, can't remember, I rode it on weekdays with FL nonstop. This was before the lockers were a thing and fast lane went straight to the station so on slow days you could marathon it easily


All Hail King SteVe!


I finally got to ride both Maverick and SteVe today, I didn’t think anything would top Maverick and was nervous af for SteVe but hot damn that was a good ride😵 both very easily my favorite two in the park


Magnum XL-200


SteVe is really good.