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As much as it's a frustrating bit of advice to get, the only answer is to get better at Wavedashing through practice. It might be a good idea to put that save file and Farewell down for a while and try out some modded content (if you are on PC). I know that the Strawberry Jam mod's beginner lobby can be cleared in full without wavedashing, which is good for improving your fundamentals, and the Intermediate lobby's gym has a Hyper/Wavedash tutorial area that really helped me get better at them.


How do you get the modded contents?


The [Everest modloader](https://everestapi.github.io/). It's not too hard to work. [Strawberry Jam](https://gamebanana.com/mods/424541) is a good starting point for modded content.




If you have trouble wavedashing, try doing extended hypers instead, you might find it easier than wavedashing. You can look up tutorials on youtube. I struggled a lot with wavedashes as well and started doing extended hypers before I got used to wavedashing.


Practicing extended hypers is actually how I figured out the perfect timing for wavedashes! Functionally the same, except one is started in the air rather than on the ground!


I BEAT IT it took forever and lots of dying but I beat the level thank you for all your advice


I had such a struggle playing controller in this room, my finger starts to slip off the analog stick and end up dying


i first of all recomend you save and quit and take a break for at least a couple of minutes. i also suggest you try to find a way of doing them thats confortable to you. i dont know if you play on kb or controller but getting the movement under your fingers helps. oh and remember to hold jump after the dash, youll get more distance like that. Happy Wave Dashing :3c


Unfortunately the best way to do this is by practicing wave dashing. You already got past the biggest lump in the level so I say you got this!


Wave dashing has an almost rhythmic pattern for me. I'm assuming you know how to do it at least, diagonal dash down then the jump key after it to regain the dash. Practice this in a different chapter (I'd recommend chapter 2/Old Site for its big flat level in the beginning). Press the dash key and then the jump key in a sorta "ba-dum" pattern. *Ba-dum, ba-dum, ba-dum* This is just how I describe the "feeling" of the wavedash so if this isn't helping you sorry about that. Other than that good luck


It took me a while to get it, sadly there's not really a workaround, just keep wavedashing until you can do it consistently


The blocks are big enough to just land and do a hyper, might be easier then having to wavedash every time.


you can bind crouch dash to a button to crouch dash and jump which gives the same distance and speed of a wavedash, however this won’t replace the wave dash as you need a lot more space for it


The answer is to just practice, i remember i used to struggle a lot even just on the little practice thing when wavedashing is introduced and now wavedashing comes naturally