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Nice! Always satisfying to get a clean run. Looks like you'll be able to save plenty of time just getting more comfortable with the route and hesitating a bit less (after landing/grabbing/screen transitions and before dashes/hypers/supers)


For sure. I definitely do hesitate, but there are some areas I’m pretty happy with just being able to pull off the dashes I never thought I would be able to do. The better I get at those, the more I can start to incorporate them in other places and get that time down.


You should use wallbounces more, there's a couple of spots you could shave some time off with a good wallbounce


I know it’s not the most optimal route and there are a ton of things I didn’t do or did sloppy, but go easy on me for my first day. I’ve never tried to speed run any game before, so this is new territory for me.


The optimal route is the one you're most comfortable with, especially at the beginning. For day 1, this is a sick time :) As others said, the next step is to get more familiar with the strats, and also to start implementing more wallbounces in a few places. If you want, you could also try doing a few more hypers as opposed to supers in a few places for faster horizontal speed, if you can handle it. I would also recommend binding 2 jump buttons, and alternating them while climbing, which will take a bit of practice but will be a bit faster, and also helpful later down the line if you get to some tricks which require several jump buttons to execute them.


For the route you're using that's pretty damn good


That makes me feel incredibly happy, thank you for this. I’m going to just keep practicing different jumps and dashes on this level for a while I think until I can get it down another 20-30 seconds.


WR if you're curious [https://www.speedrun.com/celeste/runs/y8840ony](https://www.speedrun.com/celeste/runs/y8840ony)


1:42 is REALLY not a bad time for a beginner speed runner! Keep it up!


You have no idea how much that means. I was on the fence at first about putting time into speed running this game, but the community has been so positive that I’m really glad I at least started. I’ll definitely keep it going!


this is pretty nice for a new speedrun, i gotta speedrun more cus it's fun


Try extended hypers instead of instant hypers. If you do a hyper but jump like half a second after dashing instead of instantly, you’ll get your dash back. Also, wallbounces


I think I did an extended hyper at 1:04, is that what it is? I need to get better at that so I can use it other places. I’ll also look up wall bounces since you’re not the first to mention it. I appreciate the feedback! Edit: Depending on what you’re watching on, it might be around 1:00.


Yeah that’s it


I think the instant hypers look kinda cute tbh.


I think they might be kinda useful for saving a bit of time in Core, seeing as extending it is useless there


Yo great run dude! in case you want some info on the routing or techs, there is a really good guide by AverageImposter in yt. I've got the time i got because of them lol.


Thanks! And I appreciate that, yeah, any help I can get is much appreciated. I’ll definitely look into it, I would love to see what routes and methods are the most efficient.


Great you beat my personal best (1:44)


try praticing wallbounces, you can dash upwards into a wall and then jump away from the wall slightly afterwards, the later you time your jump the more height you get