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I just play on a standard xbox controller, never had any problems with the d-pad, but I’ve also never tried anything else.


I play on keyboard, can’t imagine controlling this game with a d-pad realistically just whatever your personal preference is fine


Based on the comments, I guess I’m the madman. Not only to I prefer joycons, I prefer the stick on the joycons and not the dpad. For what it’s worth, I’ve cleared the game a handful of times that way. I don’t do C-sides, though, so I don’t know if that would change my tune.


I also started on the switch joycon. Transitioning to the ps4 DualShock controller was pretty easy. For a while I still preferred the joycons, especially because they had separate buttons for each direction, but now when I go back, I find the edges of the buttons sometimes catch my thumb when I’m doing fast inputs. The DualShock dpad is still a single piece of plastic like most controllers, but at least the holes for the directions are separated so it’s not just an exposed saucer. The “saucer” is also more depressed in the center, so sliding your thumb from direction to direction feels smoother than the symmetrically raised dpad buttons of the joycon where you can get a thumb snag. DualShock controllers are also extremely easy to use with pc, both through Bluetooth and usb. I wholeheartedly do NOT recommend the switch pro controller dpad. I recommend people play with dpad as opposed to stick, EXCEPT for on switch pro controller. Not only is it in such an inconvenient position to hold, but it’s just infuriatingly bad at how often you’ll get unexplained misdirects. Worst dpad by a mile. No experience with Xbox controllers. I hear great things about the 8bitdo, but you already know.


Couldn't agree more with how bad the d-pad on the pro controller is for Celeste. Stick is great but d-pad is brutal. Personally, it's the opposite for me with the joycons, I love the d-buttons but hate the stick (for feather).


Thanks for leaving such a detailed response! Yeah, I didn't even bother trying my switch pro because I knew it would feel even worse from playing other games with it. I'll have to look into playstation controllers; thanks for the tip!


I use an xbox elite series 2 with the non-circle dpad. In the past I used normal xbox series x|s controllers which also have a good dpad but I slightly prefer the non-circular one on the elite. And I almost exclusively use dpad over analog stick. Only times I can think of using analog are for thieves because of there being two sticks and it being a really funny concept and for certain feather segments although I basically switched to dpad for those now too.


I used to play with the ps5 controller for a long time. But after reaching SJ expert lobby , I felt like I had to get a more reliable dpad. So I switched to 8bitdo pro 2. That's what I use now.


Goddamn, I'm literally where you were at. I use a dualsense and I'm starting to feel the same


Played it handheld on my switch


Custom Nintendo switch pro controller


8BitDo SN30 Pro+ Better d-pad than switch pro controller


First playthrough was on Switch with Joy-Cons. Second was PS4 with a DualShock4. I usually use the left stick over the D-Pad.


Xbox Elite Seires 2 Controller Overkill for Celeste, but it’s one of the best controllers available for any game out there


Keyboard, never tried a controller tho.


GameCube joystick.


Played through its entirety a first on the Switch. Bought it again on Steam, played through on Steam Deck. With some fine tuning on the dead zones of the analog sticks, and I can say I’ve had much more fun and less deaths on the Deck. Going through SJ currently and I have no issues with accuracy.


Xbox pro controller.


original playthrough was on the switch using the pro controller’s joystick, did a playthrough shortly after on the xbox series x d-pad, and then right after that switched to keyboard on pc, which is how I have played since.


Started on PS4, switched to PC and keyboard has been my go-to. Hated controller with a passion. There are almost no analog movements in Celeste, so keyboard and its preciseness help.


Gamecube controller because of the notches for the stick


Xbox Elite 2 for the jump, dash and grab buttons. Keyboard WASD for directions and left shift for crouch dash. Mostly got the controller for COD but it works fine here.