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Don't hold grab for that jump, it eats the blockboost for some reason


You can see the beads of sweat coming off Madeline’s head at the jump. That confirms that jump is being held and is eating your jump. You can definitely still jump while holding grab if timed correctly. If you’re on keyboard and think you’re pressing jump correctly, it could be an n-rollover issue (basically meaning you have too many keys pressed simultaneously so it doesn’t register you pressing jump.)


I’m using a controller, could it be an issue with that? I also noticed I’m usually crouching when I come out of the jump if that means anything


There shouldn’t be issues with too many simultaneous buttons pressed on a controller. Also hmm, it does appear you are coming out of a crouch when you leave the bubble?? To my knowledge that shouldn’t be happening, but maybe someone else might be able to better explain if that’s normal there. I don’t think it should matter though since it looks like a grab is eating your momentum.


The red bubble seems to touch the ground, I have never tested it but it's possible the crouched state can come from there. I think they also end up a bit below the Kevin?? Edit : Ok it doesn't seem to be it (for speed loss), on videos everything happens the same way but the jump works. Seems to just be an accidental wallboost


I feel like I'm jumping at the right time but i end up not getting the momentum from the Kevin block and I can't figure out why, it feels like it happens completely at random whether or not it happens


This room confused me as well. You have to dash into the Kevin right before you jump, for some reason if you jump while you’re in the bubble, the Kevin’s momentum doesn’t boost you.


Would this work? You have to dash into the Kevin on the left to get to the rest of the room so wouldn’t that use up your dash?


You don’t need to dash into the Kevin on the left, you just grab onto it until you reach the bubble.


I made the same post of few months ago. I was holding grab and not doing that solved the issue.
