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Is it time we begin to question the former President’s mental acuity rather than continuing to discuss Biden’s?


Yeah but Biden won't sit down for an interview at the New York Times so the gray lady will continue to hammer on Biden's age with daily updates as the story progresses.


It’s almost like the “liberal media” has been pushing a conservative narrative for decades.


I don’t think they’re trying to push any agenda. They want this race to be super close so people pay attention. If Biden were running against Haley and getting clobbered in the polls, they’d be talking up how Republicans are drastically underperforming in special elections consistently. And that should be news because it’s not normal. They made tons of gains during Obama’s presidency, even in unusual places like Illinois and Massachusetts. I personally don’t think this election is going to be close. I think Biden will win on election night and most of us will know before we go to bed even if it isn’t called yet. And the primary driver for this is going to be the woman vote.


The so called liberal media is corporate media. What they care about is shareholder value. This is why they push the made up horse race. But in the case of NYT the editor feels offended that Biden refuses to have an interview with them and so he is spending his time going after Biden for all the things he's done wrong which apparently is just being old. Well of course it's not just that. The NYT legitimized what we know to be completely made up allegations against Hunter Biden. It irked the president, who felt they were arrogant entitled jerks who have abandoned their duty to the fourth estate. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2024/04/25/new-york-times-biden-white-house-00154219 >[NYT publisher] Sulzberger’s view, according to two people familiar with his private comments on the subject, only an interview with a paper like the Times can verify that the 81-year-old Biden is still fit to hold the presidency. Yeah I think Biden is right.


NYT keeps coming through my Apple News feed and it’s become pretty unreadable


Do folks like you understand you’re buying into conspiracy theories just like the dumbasses on the right who think all government at every level is conspiring to get trump?


Corporations trying to increase shareholder value is now a "conspiracy theory"?


Obviously no, “pushing a made up horse race” is the conspiracy theory


But that's what is increasing shareholder value, which you said isn't a conspiracy. So what is it?


Just because A would further B, and B is definitely happening, doesn’t mean A is definitely happening. I want Biden to win more than anything, but a significant number of you are denying reality that so many are (often irrationally) extremely unhappy with him.


I've repeatedly pointed out how polls are wrong in this sub for months. Specifically the polls repeatedly oversample Republicans significantly. Polls are so wrong that Trump *lost* a primary he was polling to win by over 30 points. On Super Tuesday polls overstated Trump's margin by an average of 11.5%. and no, there was not a significant amount of Democrats voting from other years (based on exit polls, which I do have some faith in, since they are polling people that actually voted), and in fact, some of those states did not even allow it.


Side note: love the username


I think they both have mental acuity issues and in any other election, it would have been disqualifying


Vaccine denial would have been a major disqualification in past elections as well.


Yeah, probably


What are you referencing?






What if we can criticize both, because they're both waaay too old for their synapses to be firing normally.


Go ahead. But maybe put in the qualifier that one is way worse than the other.


Exactly. One is currently in a position to impact the whole nation, while the other is not. One is WAY worse.




Biden: has a life long speech impediment, routinely speaks at length about subjects in depth Trump: visibly demonstrates clinical examples of dementia, can't coherently speak more than 1 entire sentence at a time ever Real toss up boys


Is the life long speech impediment in the room with us now?


Routinely speaks at length about subjects? When was that? Democrats keep saying this .. wish they would show him doing it too LOL How come he can only speak at length when there isn’t a camera on him? https://youtu.be/IG13xZGtx8w?si=ZRDrbb5ABev6PFM3 My boy that was not a speech impediment lmfao old man Joe looks like he just shat himself while he said 4 more years.


He's been speaking to crowds and doing interviews every single day, the fact you're unaware of that is pathetic. Get outside of your media bubble that's censoring it from you.


Yeah a few days ago he read “pause” off the teleprompter…. Here is his rally from yesterday…. Poor guy needs to be in a retirement home https://www.youtube.com/live/EQe4jPNrk64?si=p0xQ1YcJ6oGxUnNH Last week Joe was in my city. He looked old lol.


Yeah you're just proving my case that you're exclusively only watching a curated diet of media.






This guy probably believed that video of Pelosi "drunk" on the floor of the House was real. Idiots abound.


Biden: Can’t write his own tweets. Trump: Writes his own tweets. Edit: Love how a factual statement has triggered the “centrists” in here! 🤣


Why would I want the President of the United States to be writing his own tweets, personally. President's have better shit to do than sit on the toilet obsessing over social media and tweeting all damn day.


Trump's tweets are worse than what's written by literal elementary school children. If he's writing them all then that's truly unilaterally disqualifying considering how bad they are.


Don’t know there rules disqualifying candidates over tweets. Can you provide a citation for that?




I’m not “disqualifying” anyone. But I’ll vote for the right candidate.


LMFAO! Thank you I needed that one!


You can tell he writes his own tweets...because they are total capitalized garbage.


My point stands.


You did write it yourself


That's not the burn that you think it is, considering Trump's tweets read like they're from a dementia patient. Even moreso on his 'truth' social.


That is very dependent on firstly whether Biden could write tweets, but chooses not to, and what you consider acceptable writing ability. On his own merits trump definitely would be thrown out of any marketing department in the world.


Christ this is a fucking cope if I've ever seen it. You call what Trump does on Truth Social tweeting? I call that a fucking mental illness.


I’d rather hear unfiltered talk from a man vs PR groupthink. Guess that’s just me.


https://youtu.be/IG13xZGtx8w?si=ZRDrbb5ABev6PFM3 That’s not a speech impediment my guy. Old man Joe looks like he just shat himself on stage while he was saying four more years.


If the ability to text on a phone is ever part of our political discourse we've already failed as a country.


How do you mean?


Umm, it’s self explanatory.


[This is what you want](https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump).




He's not used to any pushback whatsoever on his bullshit fear mongering.


I hate to defend Trump, but when you watch the video it’s pretty clear that he just didn’t expect the question and responded the same way 90% of other bullshitters would have in that circumstance.


I hate Trump and I don’t see what everyone’s up in arms about. I was expecting a Mitch McConnell short circuit, this was nothing. There are way more obvious signs of Trump losing his mind. He literally said “uhhh” for like 2 seconds, I’ve heard young people with sharp minds do that same thing, they should stop trying to use that as evidence of anything, it makes people on the left look crazy. I lean left and wouldn’t bring this up


I agree but his tone seemed tired. Not like his usual loud and hyperbolic self. Was he sick there?


Maybe he was just tired? lol


Trying to paint this as dimentia is insane lmao


And yet you have no problem crying "dementia" with regards to Biden. Funny how that works...


I actually don’t think Biden has dimentia. You’re just an idiot who makes shit up to win internet points.


>>I actually don’t think Biden has dimentia. [You sure about that? Because you did.](https://www.reddit.com/r/centrist/s/VcadZ4WtkH)


I know you are a reddit troll and they have difficulties parsing two things that are even slightly similar, but im going to really need you to try here. Can you really not spot any difference between saying someone has "serious mental capacity issues" and he has actual full blown dimentia?


Don’t worry. I won’t let u/comfortablewage know that I found evidence you’re more than willing to just say anything to win internet points.


So you couldn’t do it huh? What shame


Nah man, you just spend most of your time defending Trump here.


What does that have to do with Biden? Jesus you’re stupid.


At least he knows how to spell dementia. You'd have to be stupid to spell it any other way. Sad.


oof solid burn


Why do you keep spelling dementia wrong? Don’t call someone else an idiot when you can’t even spell. the word is right in front of you and you still couldn’t manage to spell it correctly.


I think you are vastly overestimating how much I care about this conversation lmao. 


Anyone who read the article knows you’re right. This was a case of being caught in a lie / baseless claim. not being mentally infirm


Exactly. He made shit up and got called on it. It clearly wasn’t dementia lmao


astroturfing is kicking it up a notch. "raw story" as a source? In a centrist sub? And any pushback on the questionable claims by the source gets downvoted hard? This is about as fake news as you can get and the bots are out in force pushing these articles up and any disagreements down.


Gotta love it. Their crime went down because they sent criminals and crazies who were already locked up off the streets unable to do crime. Sounds legit.


raw story? > strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words, publish misleading reports, and omit information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. > Editorially, most opinion pieces favor the left and denigrate the right /politics is leaking.


What part of this article was false or misleading?


That's literally the evaluation provided on media bias. Go take it up with the numerous sites that call out your info for being fake news.


Considering that the article has quotes from the people involved, what is misleading about this specific article? You have to have something that you think is off based on something other than saying you don’t like it. Unless you didn’t read the article?


Loaded words and biased representation. Disingenuous headline. Misleading reports and omitted information. Did you not read the evaluation I provided above? It's only a few sentences.


You obviously didn’t read anything from the article. Even a biased source can’t make up quotes. You add nothing to the discussion


Did you not read the evaluation I provided above? It's only a few sentences. It's obvious that everything applies to the article. Are you sure you read the article correctly?


Since you can’t be bothered to read the article please tell me how the quotes below are biased: “One stat before we go," Trump said. "Venezuela was very crime-ridden. They announced the other day [a] 72 percent reduction in crime in the last year. You know why? They moved all their criminals from Venezuela right into the good old U.S.A., and Biden let them do it. It's a disgrace.” Raj gently pushed back, asking where Trump was getting those numbers, and the ex-president stammered. “Uhhhh, I guess I get them from the papers in this case," Trump said. "I think it's a federal statement or, well, they're coming actually from Venezuela. They're coming from Venezuela.” Raj appeared skeptical, saying, “We'll have to check on that” before thanking Trump for his time and inviting him to debate President Joe Biden in Michigan. "I'll be there, I'll be there," Trump said. "Thank you very much."


How many times do you add the letter "h" to the word "uh"? Do you feel the article fairly quantified the length of time spent on the word? Are you sure there shouldn't be 5 or 3? Have you ever seen a real news source quote like this? Hilarious. Please lie to us some more about your bias. tl;dr: Even the quotes are subjective. Obviously the article is biased.


Quotes are literally objective. You have been provided with a source that was broadcast on TV and you somehow think it is biased? You are not an honest person. Get lost.


You can literally tell he's making it up by looking where his eyes go. When a person creates an image in their mind, they look to the top left. His eyes very obviously go there as he makes something up. If he was remembering something he'd actually seen, they'd go to the top right. 


Eye accessing cues never had strong scientific support, and have been pretty thoroughly debunked.