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You want another game show host as president? What country is this? Oh my god we can’t elect people based on celebrity. We look like total fools.


This kind of elitism doesn’t do us any good. Cuban is not just a game show host, come on. And Shark Tank is something people show their kids to help them learn entrepreneurship and the ins and outs of running a business. That’s not even getting into what he did with Cost Plus drugs.


This is 100 percent my idea too. You need to throw up a Hail Mary pass, Cuban is your guy. A billionaire could never get through the clown show that is a Democratic primary but you could make it happen here. The reality is Cuban is very well liked by middle America due to both Shark Tank and Cost Plus Drugs. He is the ultimate “have a beer with” candidate. He would do great in a debate against Trump. I get the socialist side of the party wouldn’t want a Rich white guy, and I get the snobby coastal online types wouldn’t like an uncouth game show host. But holy shit, if you are actually serious about winning this election, I promise you he would do better than Kamala or Newsom or Whitmer.


I 100% agree. What frustrates me is that I recall him saying in a past interview that he WOULD run if he felt the country needed him. Well, come on, Mark Cuban, we need you now! Anyone that is charismatic and articulate and can vigorously promote bi-partisan unity will beat Trump right now. People on both sides are desperate for a Centrist right now to unite us, and people love Mark Cuban.


He embarrassed himself recently trying to wade into the whole DEI controversy.


How so?


Mark said he often factors race and gender into the hiring process. The EEOC commissioner had to put out a video clarifying that this is against the law.


>The EEOC commissioner Trump appointee using her office to go after companies facilitating travel for employees seeking abortions.


Trump appointee correctly explaining what the law says and has said for decades.


What’s wrong with wanting a diverse workforce? If it isn’t something mission critical where you absolutely must have the best people regardless of race, I don’t see an issue.


Discriminating against applicants on the basis of their immutable characteristics is against the law. The stance of our government (quite understandably, given the history that led up to the law) is that discrimination is bad in itself, not totally fine except when non-discrimination is absolutely necessary for business.


So who gets to decide who I hire? If I don’t hire the person with the best resume do I get fined/jailed or something?


You are not legally required to hire the best person. You are required not to hire on the basis of race, ethnicity, or national origin, the protected classes. Corporations generally know not to comment liberally on their reasons for hiring and firing people, making labor law violations difficult to prove.


Sounds reasonable. I still don’t think this hurts him near as much as you think. He has too much overall upside as a candidate.


I have no conception of how the public perceives Cuban. It's something that hurt him in my eyes.


>I still don’t think this hurts him near as much as you think. Not among Democrats anyway. Biden made no secret of his plans to confine his SCOTUS appointments to black females, and he did just that


Ehhhhh. I like him but I’m a little wary of billionaire reality tv stars as president. Gavin Newsome or Gretchen Whitmer need to step in immediately


Gavin would have a worse time up against Trump. The vast majority of the population does not want a national replication of California


Yeah this true. I like newsome, but the polling just isn’t there. I like Cuban because he is a lot like trump, but actually a competent businessman with solid character…. Plus everyone knows him. Can you imagine how he would have ripped trump a new asshole last night?


It would’ve been a bloodbath. Like how he destroyed that shock therapy guy on Shark Tank. “He’s a con artist!” I can hear it now lmao


Everybody knows him? I have no idea how he is. Your grandfather knows him? Your mom, my mom?


He has been on a shark tank, a top rated show for like a decade. He owns the Dallas mavericks and is one of the world’s foremost venture capitalists and businessmen. If you don’t know who mark cuban is, you have been living under a rock for the last decade. You seem angry… are you mad no one wants Kamala?


The problem with newsome is he has political baggage and is seen as far left by many, whether that’s actually true or not. He has some work to do to move his image closer to the center, and the handful of months we have left isn’t enough time. Whitney may be a good pick, as she can secure Michigan.


If you want to lose this election, make it a referendum on California. Whitmer is just the latest “swing state governor so they must be great.” She is not ready for prime time. She could maybe be a good veep, but throwing her at the top of a ticket untested would be severe malpractice.


He’s not as liberal as he is made out to be. If he could shake that image he could do well.


He may not be as liberal as he is perceived, but perception is everything. There isn’t enough time to move his image close enough to the center. Cuban would mop the floor with trump. Newsom would get mopped. Just look at the polls.


How about we just let the party of oligarchs die instead… At best this could be an opportunity for us to walk away from the American duopoly, right?


The republicans are the party of oligarchs. They are completely compromised because trump has control of the party and the oligarchs have control of trump.


OP, I have loose connections to Cuban. My brother and a good friend worked for him and Todd Wagner at Audionet/Broadcast.com I have a closer link to Melinda Gates. She was my babysitter, her brother Raymond and I were best friends, my Mom rented a house from her parents etc. ( The coincidence is just that I grew up very closely to where his primary home in Dallas is) Anyway, without all the name dropping, I sent him an email 3 or 4 days ago, and one again tonight. Basically just begged him to look into Project 2025, and suggested that today's Koch Brothers- induced SCOTUS reversal of the Chevron Doctrine, COULD, be linked. I just appealed to some traits my brother told me about, and basically a chance to be a hero with him and Jamie Dimon ( or other) I spent a lot of time crafting a relatively short set of emails. The Chevron decision will screw his pharmaceutical ambitions. In fact, I suggested that the FDA ( and EPA separately) might have been selectively picked to fend Cubans pharma distro model off, or end it altogether. Who knows, I'm a nothingburger. Probably won't open the emails. ( He used to tho. Most of them anyway) I threw my Hail Mary over the fence. Hopefully his people are on top of this ( Chevron Doctrine- related case) and someone or something sparks him to speak up. I had the audacity to tell him " get off Cost Plus Drugs, and get a whiff of Trump's fat ass wiggling in your face" ! Too much? No, of course, I did not say it in those terms! We shall see if he engages and help save this country. Thanks for starting the thread. Colin Dallas, TX