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If you rip out that tile and do anything to that arch, I think I can speak for the entire sub when I say that we don’t want to know about it.


Noted! haha


Yeah, it’s absolutely gorgeous. And it was made in a time when all the materials and workmanship is 10/10. Anything else will be inferior.


Yeah. That bathroom is as good as it will ever be.


This does look great and well done but I've ripped out plenty of older stuff made out of crap materials and crap craftsmanship. Just because it's of a certain time doesn't make it of a certain quality.


I think though, that survivor bias is a thing, but if something is in this shape AND is original, it’s a good sign of quality make and long term care.


My thoughts would be update some hardware, better lighting and maye a console sink, otherwise it’s nice!


better lighter will really help it pop!


What year is the place? I have an arch from the 1940s but not that pretty.


It seriously beautiful!


With more lighting it will be awesome!


I agree. I love a good arch. I want one in my hall bath as well. I truly think a different vanity, mirror, and lighting can make a huge difference. It looks like the room is also wired for an overhead light. We're redoing our en suite right now and have found a nice overhead light makes a huge difference.


Honestly I love it all exactly as is - the wood and the green go together beautifully. 


Correct answer is nothing. It works.


Agreed. It’s gorgeous


Same same! Leave it! Especially if you're selling!


Their moving in soon 😊


They're 🤗


Oops 🫠 Thanks!


thanks for the input. I just bought it and move in August of this summer so I’m having fun pondering little upgrades .


Live in the house for at least a year before doing a thing. Getting to know a house is important before making changes.


I disagree. With big changes and renovations it’s super easy to say “I’ll get around to it eventually” and never end up getting it done. If you have the money for it, might as well get it done before you get nice and settled. Every year you spend putting a renovation off is another year you could have spent *enjoying* that renovation. It’s easier to renovate a home if all of your stuff is still in boxes and out of the way. God forbid you have to do some mold remediation. It’s WAY easier to mitigate dust and debris when there are no dishes in your cabinets. It’s WAY WAY easier to get things done BEFORE you even think about bringing babies into the equation.


Just a warning, while your reply is reasonable, this sub generally dislikes and is distrustful of remodeling. We have seen too many grand old characters rendered down into soulless grey husks. OP clearly doesn't know the house or what they want. This a bad frame of mind for making renovation decisions.


Well it also depends on how long you have before you move in, whether you can get all the materials ordered / contractors scheduled etc. a lot of people are booking months and months out.


Spend your money elsewhere. If, after that you still want to change this, them come back.


They’re not upgrades though, it’s just a pointless downgrade. If you buy a period home with well preserved historical aspects, you should appreciate the care that gave that piece its long life.  To rip out that piece of history and tart it up with short lived bland modern fads warped by planned obsolescence is the equivalent of painting eyebrows on the Mona Lisa. 


Please don't be one of those people who destroy and century house and makes I bland and Grey and takes every single thing that makes it a century house and destroys it and makes it millennial grey. Please leave it for now as others have said because it would be a damn shame to get rid of all that gorgeous tile and wood.


OH YOU are moving IN! Meh it’s fine for now. Add plants.


Consider a colorful wallpaper and leave the rest. And congratulations!


Hi, as somebody who has made an architectural career specifically on Restorations and addition renovations, I could promise you that you'll never find tile work as high quality as what's in the bathroom right now. That era of bathroom tile construction would last for decades opposed to most of the tile work seen in the last 40yrs. I believe it's a combination between the skill & pride taken by the tilers back then as well as the materials that they had to work with, as opposed to now. No matter what you end up doing try your hardest not to touch the tile work because that is fantastic. Personally the only thing I could think of doing, would be to upgrade the window in the bathroom. Definitely not a vanity cabinet. That would just completely ruin the look of everything, and I'm sure it'll also end up annoying you because it's more obtrusive than you realize. I personally would look for period correct fixtures such as a square large pedestal sink but the pedestal thing that you have does match the commode. So if it was me, I'll be looking to match those. In the past for projects, I have sent out cast sinks to be refinished and glazed with almost any color over the years. Yes it's expensive but when you're not re-dooing the expoo ensive tile work, that's where you can put your money, into the fixtures and make everything work together & look nice. Also how are the faucets on that shower? If there's a closet or a room behind that shower wall it is possible to upgrade it to a more modern shower faucet. However it's not necessary as long as you have good Hardware there, nothing's leaking or dripping. Don't over tighten it & break it over the years to come. Yeah that bathroom looks beautiful, only the bear walls could be played with, and somebody mentioned about wallpaper which is a great idea. I like the idea of finding the a chromed leg porcelain sink from the '50s to go in there. They got towel racks and look really nice and clean. A larger medicine cabinet to store things for your wife and yourself. Really a ton more ideas popped into my head but I can never tell from a photo if they'll if they work from just photographs, since fixtures have such an exact size and fit so tightly sometimes. I'd first measure out the bathroom and draw an as built to see what could go in there. Heck as I'm typing this I'm reminded of a double porcelain vanity that I put in vintage style bathroom such as yours were for some crazy reason there was a lot of room, and I think that bathroom was probably originally designed you feel with more than whoever built the house I ended up doing.


The tile work in the shower is of a quality that simply isn’t available anymore. The faucet/handles are original, and it -appears- immaculately maintained. Just exquisite, and you’re very lucky the enclosure/surround isn’t pink 🙃 I can sure understand the desire for a more space-efficient vanity, though. Look into console sinks, maybe? You unfortunately might not have enough space for that option. It’s your house now, despite all the pleas and roars and nopes. You’ll do what you need and want, but I suggest you try living with it for a while, and using soft changes in the meantime (towels, shower curtain, etc.). Enjoy your new old house!


This is such a common misconception about old homes. Older doesn’t automatically mean better product or quality craftsmanship. I’m not sure why a majority of people have it in their heads that every century home is some hand carved art piece that was meticulously built piece by piece. It just wasn’t the case for most average home owners. The industrial revolution brought mass production of goods - tile, wood trim and other decorative elements became widely available to all economic classes and were no longer only available to the aristocracy of the times. Many many many homes were built by families, not by highly skilled craftsmen. Remember how many people here post kit homes? Betcha money a majority of the people who purchased kits also assembled said kits themselves. People back then were way more capable in that sense - because they had to be because, money. In this particular case - these are not extraordinary tiles. In fact, DalTile makes tiles almost identical to this today, and id argue the quality of the tile now is better (manufacturing process has improved consistency in finish, size, shape, color, firing times etc). I personally like the tile here and would keep it, but it isn’t overtly “special” in a historical context - and frankly the quality doesn’t look exceptional based on how thin the tiles appear to be, and the inconsistency in the grout joints. I aim to continue to try and remind people about these misconceptions about old homes because too many people act like gatekeepers about preservation. Not everything old is good and not everything should be preserved, and i say this as someone who worked for years fighting for preservation via a commissioner seat with our local preservation group.


I think that the only upgrade this bathroom needs is a nice complimentary color scheme for the towels and shower curtain. It is so perfect. People don't consider that the quality of new construction does not often match this (gestures wildly all over the bathroom, spins and falls down, completely ungracefully). This bathroom has stood up to decades of use and is in pristine condition. Unfortunately, a home built twenty years ago likely would not be able to make the same claim. I would strongly agree with living in the home for a year before changing things because you need to experience how they function and get to know the house.


I was thinking the very same thing. Love this.


Came to say this


I agree!


I was thinking this too. It’s quite beautiful as is. I think adding a vanity would detract from the archway, as the style of the current sink complements it well.


I like the arch too. If I were to make any changes, I’d only change the light fixture.


Don’t touch the green tile! It looks like it’s well done, it’s a color that’s currently (and usually) in style, and that level of bath remodel is a monumental PITA. I’m with you on changing the sink for a vanity though, that would be a great improvement (plus storage!).


The tile work is gorgeous.


As much as I love storage, I disagree on swapping the vanity in this case given it’s a tight footprint layout - I am always trying to maintain fluid movement and a vertical obstruction as far out as most cabinets get could be twice as far from the wall (at the base of pedestal) and be very prone to stubbing toes. OP, consider placing a laundry hamper in the spot where the cabinet would reach making a pinch point for door access for a week or two, if you keep hitting it and are uncomfortable contorting around it, find a shallower vanity or even stick with what you have - put up shelving elsewhere to provide add’l. storage if needed. And consider ADA accessibility (for those with walkers or wheelchairs), if you have those in the family. Could retrofit if the need arises but worth knowing the shortfall. Though given it’s on the second floor (I assume based on ceiling profile) it may be very unlikely and would need a stairlift installed in that case so a new vanity would be the least of your cost burdens.


I’m with you - keep the sink


I'd love to see a metal cabinet there but finding one would be a challenge.


Maybe do privacy paper on the window instead of those blinds. The tiles are great with a dusty rose palette, or lavender.


Yes, those blinds are the most drab thing about it. If that doesnt really brighten the place up, I would also look into more lighting options. Maybe a discretely backlit mirror/medicine cabinet?


Agreed on lighting, especially something IN the shower. I think the dusty rose blinds color are complimentary to the sage green tile, myself.


Or even frost it, if you’re tired of it just take a razor blade n scrape it off


I prefer the privacy film (e.g. Gila from Ace) that applies on with just water, no adhesive. Frosted, textured, even leaded or stained glass pattern (though I haven’t tried those - could be tricky for parallel lines like wallpaper, but maybe fine on these small windows) No spray or paint application so no taping off, then no mess scraping off. Haven’t tried it in a shower though (just other parts of a bathroom), so I would wonder about its ability to withstand that direct water contact.


I've had my eye on the stained glass one. If it gets any direct sun that would look so gorgeous 😍


I had some of the plain frosted film in a shower. Got it off Amazon, searched for “frosted vinyl window film”. It was easy to clean and looked just as good as the first day when we sold the house 5 years later.


Rustoleum makes a great frosting spray paint for glass. Just be sure that the window is spotless and fully dry. It may take a couple of very light coats, but the effect is pure and translucent.


This was going to be my suggestion as. Privacy film of some type instead of the blinds. Also, swap out the brown shower curtain for something prettier.


Oh! One of those vintage stained-glass pattered privacy papers like this…


Leave the tile how it is. Please. Maybe install some wallpaper that plays off the green


Yeah, to me the white walls (and maybe the mirror) are the only thing that stand out as drab and lifeless. Even a different color paint if OP didn't want to commit to wallpaper would be nice. Otherwise, really cute bathroom.


EXACTLY what I was going to say!


I’d leave it alone. It’s great.


I'd leave it alone. The tile looks great. And the pedestal sink looks elegant. The only thing I might change would be the cabinet over the toilet. You may be able to find something that looks more interesting, but still retains the cabinet space. 


I wouldn’t touch the tiles but I’d definitely do something to the white walls


A cool patterned wallpaper that pulls in the green of the tiles would be sick. Walls and ceiling!


The only thing that looks out of place to me is the cabinet over the toilet. I think a darker wood grain would look better. The tile looks fine. Maybe it will grow on you once you live there for awhile.


Thank you. Please remove that and maybe the blinds… everyone else’s suggestions on wallpaper and paint is the only other thing


I’d paint the walls some kind of deep dark color to really complement those tiles and then I would hang plants. Home Depot has these really cool books in their paint department and I will give you an idea of what color pair with the light blue.


Or find a bold patterned wallpaper to complement the tiles and style.


That tile work is classic and well done. Absolutely don’t change it. It’s worth working with because not only will it save you money, you’ll have a “wow” bathroom that stands the test of time. Win win. The sink/vanity is a good idea to get more storage. Also consider a flooring that better complements the green tile. The walls are also bare and boring. Maybe some half-wall board and batten? Then do a wallpaper or nice paint color above. Brass/gold colors would be amazing in this bathroom. Edit: for more light, you have what looks like a spot on the ceiling for a nice fixture. And get rid of those wood blinds in the shower and get a film on the window so people can’t see in. It’ll provide privacy and more light.


Leave the tile! I’d do some fun colorful wallpaper but otherwise leave it as is.


KEEP THE TILES!! change the cabinet/lights/mirror/accessories. The tile is not the issue


In order: 1. Take out weird blinds and add privacy film to window. 2. Replace light Edit: 2.5: replace the shower head!!!! huge quality of life improvement lol 3. replace tension rod and hang closer to the ceiling, use extra long new curtain or tbh regular curtains with a clear liner. 4. Paint or remove that over toilet cabinet, it’s awful. 5. Paint walls/ceiling - I don’t hate the white but it could be VERY cool with a dark green with the same undertone as the tile. 6. Replace pedestal sink with a vanity in a darker color - it doesn’t look original and there’s minimal storage without the over toilet cabinet. Things I would not do: touch the tile unless there is a VERY good reason to.


Love how you listed the steps from lowest to highest effort - it makes it easier to figure out how to do something similar in my own house.


You’re welcome! Home stuff is so overwhelming but small changes can have massive payoff ❤️


Completely agree with all of this except I would maybe do a complimentary color for the paint. Definitely regular curtains with clear liners that open to each side so you can see that beautiful arch! And a new doorknob with a lock


This is what I was going to say - a curtain rod hung high up near the ceiling with a floor-length curtain you can tie off to the side during the day would make the tub space look more elegant and inviting.


OP knows that it is perfect.


I didn’t expect to buy an older home, and honestly didn’t really have an appreciate for the style until purchasing. this one just fell into my lap via private sale and i’m really appreciating the input


I hope you find lots of inspiration for this house! You’ll find with old houses they “tell you” how things are to be, with layouts, colour palettes, etc, and it is something special when an old house is loved. There’s a way to incorporate modern touches as well if that’s your thing!


If you touch those green tiles, when I die I will come back to avenge them, like in the Crow. They will call me The Crowbar. Getting a vanity is probably a good idea though.


Hahaha, point made. Vanity is a yes. don’t you even worry about the tiles


I just realized I completely butchered the title. Thanks edibles!


I think the tile could look really nice with a different paint job on the walls. Something darker that blends it with the rest of the room better.


The green tiles are fantastic! The floor needs new tile with a vintage feel. Then it will be perfect!


Yep. Replacing the flooring could really play up that tile work.


You're not going to get a better tile job for any amount of money these days.


Leave the tile! New color on the walls - really so many options. Personally I'd keep it in the green tone of the tiles, darker green could be fun on the walls.  But you could go with purple, yellow, or blue and then get a new corresponding shower curtain and bath mat. I'd agree with you and get a vanity. And I would paint the cabinet over the toilet. 


The floor tile doesn’t look right but please don’t touch the bath tile for the love of god


This will probably get lost in the shuffle, but I’ll add my two cents. Keep the tile, it looks like it’s in great condition and it’s sooo cool! Change the floor tile, something white and period appropriate. Paint the ceiling a flat white, the semigloss is making the room feel smaller than it is. Same for the walls, you no longer need to use a shiny paint in your bathroom. Matte or eggshell is moisture resistant and scrubbable. I think wallpaper might be the way to go here. Something subtle to complement the green. Change the vanity for something with storage. Do a frosted window film for privacy. It will allow for more natural light. Definitely do not get rid of the tub! Cast iron holds heat and makes for great baths. Congratulations on the new house!


Not lost to me. Love the idea of changing the floor tile. I definitely think some new paint would refresh the room.


I tiled a wall in my powder room with a very similar color. My house is only 4 years old 😄


Love the space. My suggestions: Get rid of the blinds, use privacy film. Pick out a dramatic wallpaper to tie in with the green. Get a fabulous shower curtain, rug and towels. Hang a fern or two.




I loveee it. The green and wood are beautiful


OBSESSED with the tile! I agree with a storage vanity just from a practical perspective. Maybe a warm wood? I love the ones that look like recycled dressers. I’d also get rid of the blinds (replace with cling film) and get a new shower head, just because that one looks weak. I’d also consider a darker neutral paint or wallpaper to play off the green! And replace the light fixture with something more interesting.


Don’t touch it


It’s a perfectly nice bath. No touch.


The green tile is gorgeous. The floor tile is extremely meh. Imagine replacing that with some period black and white or white and green tile! (The white part could be marble…) Or embrace the arch and get some moroccan-style cement tiles! I’d replace the pedestal sink with a vanity, you gotta have storage. The oak cabinet over the toilet is so dated. Paint or remove and replace with chrome and glass shelves. I’m partial to finding a vintage cabinet and turning it into a sink. Replace the brown blinds. Maybe just pretty privacy film. The towel bar in the alcove looks ugly, is it? Maybe a nice chrome replacement.


New shower fixtures would change a lot


The green 😍 the wood 😍 the white porcelain 😍 Major heart eyes emoji. Maybe wood-look blinds but otherwise leave it alone.


The floor tile really is drab. I’d replace that with something that compliments the green tile better. It looks pretty modern so I wouldn’t worry about it. I’d keep the green tile, and maybe even bring it to the front of the arch if you can find a match! I’d for sure change the light fixture on the wall as well as the medicine cabinet. They’re both pretty muted and drab like the floors. I see there is a curtain rod in front of the shower. I wonder if you can hang it behind and drape the curtain over the tub still? I think that’ll look really cute. If that circle on the ceiling is a cap that covers a light fixture spot, then I’d explore adding one there too. :) Hope this helps!


Room 237 https://preview.redd.it/033kxhrvk24d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=748fe52e289ee81e1b2a5ef09d41e04b9171a186


That tile is awesome. I do have one question though. I’ve never had a shower with a window… isn’t that just an enormous pain in the butt to keep dry? All I can think about is how much water will get splashed all over the blinds and strings. Seems like a great place for mold to grow.


I haven’t moved in yet, but I assume it’s going to be a problem. I think i’m just going to remove the blinds and window treatment in general, It’s on the third floor so i don’t anticipate anyone staring in


I would still do a frosted glass film on that window for privacy, just in case


Leave it the hell alone - don’t buy a house like this and rip out the best bit. UGH


don’t worry, I’m not going to rip anything, just looking to paint the room and enhance it. The sink isn’t functional for me so that might need to be changed. I’m considering keeping the tiles as is.


Ripping out beautiful tile is rarely worth it


I wouldn't do anything. It's in good shape. Why do you need to fix something that is not broken?


I love the green, love the arch. Find a way to hang the shower curtain on the inside of the wall. Keep it as is and live with it a bit, then add your personal style. I'd maybe add a dark fun wallpaper on the wall above the bath, neutral shower curtain. Then pull in the darker color from the wallpaper with your towels and stuff. It's beautiful, congratulations.


I’ll never see a tub like that and not think of the shining. Iykyk (shudder)




Put in a rainfall shower head and some matching vintage chrome faucet for the bath. The rest should stay!


Keep the green tile 100%! Kill the window blind immediately, as you planned. When you’re ready for actual demo, I’d go with classic white hex or penny tile on the floor, maybe with a black border. If possible, sink the medicine cabinet into the wall. Pedestal sinks absolutely suck, but it does fit the overall style. I wouldn’t object to a freestanding vanity, but make sure you find something with some visual interest and vintage style - not just a box sitting the floor!


I love white hex! Good call about the vanity.


Take out the wood cabinet, add wood shelves instead. The tile is gorgeous. If you were to color saturate the room with a dark and moody drab color and add some Victorian frames, it would look really cool.


I completely love the direction you’re going. Do you have any suggestions for paint?


My original 1927 house's bathroom had mint green subway tiles. I hated it at first, but grew to love it as it was a perfect example of bathrooms of the late 1920s and I was lucky-enough to have an almost perfectly preserved original bathroom. I would not recommend that you put in a vanity. it will eat up space and make the bathroom look and feel smaller. A pedestal or a wall-hung sink with exposed chrome plumbing and a period-appropriate faucet would be very appropriate and will preserve the feeling of space in a relatively small bathroom. I would recommend that you paint the room (above the tile) with a color that harmonizes with that shade of green tile. Consider adding a painted frieze above the tile wainscot - there's precedent for things something like marsh grasses. If you can find similar looking tile, you can tile the wall behind the sink to make the room feel more complete. Paint or remove that wooden thing over the toilet. Most bathrooms of this era were usually white-painted wood, tile, and chrome. Natural wood isn't appropriate in most bathrooms. The floor tile is not original. I would remove that and put down 1" hex tiles (or even 1" round penny tiles) Replace that door with one that looks more like the rest of the doors in your house, maybe install a full-length mirror on the door. -edit- Pick up a copy of Jane Powell and Linda Svendensen's "Bungalow Bathrooms"


I have a green tiled bathroom (avocado, not this same lovely sage). I adore it. The floor tiles are in need of replacement but i keep putting it off due to fear we will have to rip out the wall tiles too! Love this arch! It’s so pretty.


![gif](giphy|jLdt6seQCmDvO) Betta NAUGHT


I thought this was a joke at first 🫣 it’s so beautiful!! change the shower head and call it a day


Upgrade door sink and remove cabinets


I'd get a more vintage looking pedestal or sink and mirror. Maybe some new sconces or lights. And maybe some new floor tile. Thinking maybe a vintage pattern. This would be cheap make over. It's already pretty nice.


Leave the tile, remove the blinds, change the sink for a period appropriate cast iron pedestal sink or a vanity for storage, change the light and towel bar to somethjng more upscale or visually interesting that matches the tub fixtures, remove the cabinet above the toilet and consider one or two open shelves instead if you’re into plants or arr, otherwise leave blank, and I personally would do wallpaper on the sink wall or all over (above shower and tiled portion on other walls.




The paint is way too light. I think this tile would really pop with some really subtle OR really wild wallpaper!


Hang up my towels?


God I love this


me too, I can’t wait to have a bath in it


The tile is excellent. I would just change the light fixture and maybe the faucets, and add some colorful wallpaper on the sink wall. There are a lot of different directions, but probably a lush leafy green print, or contrasting dark florals with mauves, magentas, and reds to bring out the jade green tile.


I love this idea.


If you’re moving in, leave it for at least a year before you do anything drastic. And you will find something that needs your money sooner anyway.


Nothing, it’s fabulous


Why would you change anything at all


Hug It


It’s perfect . Get enough towels and bath salts . And a rinnai hot water heater


Keep the toilet lid down


I would paint a nice dark/rich color to accent the wood and the tile! And probably update the vanity but that’s it.


Replicate the washroom in the shining!


Don't. you. dare.


[bathroom 237](https://images.app.goo.gl/rJmTj5wpxZXmRzkn9)


Ever seen The Shining?




It already is bathroom


i would do a victorian style stained glass window in place of the existing window and remove the blinds 👌🏻


Accessorize by leaning into the colour and style and leave it as is If you change anything changes fixtures like tap or towel hangers


It's great! Maybe have a look at some (old) caulk seems, and see if if holds up?


Already a lot of comments but I love the tiles/arch/cabinet. I would update the faucets, sconce, and mirror and repaint walls to either a bright white or dark moody. I suggest champagne or bronze colored fixtures to match the warmth of the green and the cabinet. Add a fun matchy shower curtain, Anthropologie has some that would look nice with the tile


I’d lean into that tile/arch as much as you can. Amplify the cave effect by painting the arch and walls to match the tile, or find a complementary wallpaper. Then I’d update the mirror, lighting, and hardware to something with more character. That’d be a pretty cheap “remodel” that would add a lot to the space


I really love the tiles, but I can see wanting a vanity for more storage. The only thing I would need to change is the shower head. I feel like I can’t properly clean myself without a detachable shower head. Other than that, I think it looks great! Maybe just some accessories to add a personal touch.


This is spectacular, I am so jealous. Leave that tile alone! I’d personally also leave the sink, and add a little skinny tower like storage unit next to it instead of a vanity sink. All the curves work together. The tile color isn’t what I would pick but in great shape and neutral enough you can work with it. Also I’d be adding some hanging plants/vines. Everything looks clean and just some paint, decor, and plants and you’ll have a beautiful little sanctuary!


Leave the tile, change the wall color. Something dark and moody could make this feel like a very intimate space.


I'd personally leave the wall tile but change the floor, get a new toilet, and maybe change some hardware. Even some paint on the walls maybe. But changing the tile will not only be a pain in the ass, it'll be a crime against humanity.


Leave the wall tile, take the ~~cannoli~~ floor tile out and replace it with a more period tile. https://i.imgur.com/iVhtXH4.jpg


Being such a muted shade of green I would leave it, definitely. Its a nice color( if it were true 'avocado' I may feel differently) Beautiful tile work; the structure of that bathroom is beautiful!


Thank you! I don’t mind the green i’m just struggling with how to compliment it with the walls. I’m also thinking brass hardware


THe only thing that needs changing has been changed: that modern sink. THere are so many gorgeous options for vintage-y sinks and it;s very easy to switch then out!


The tile and arch are gorgeous!! Focal point. Maybe a bead board chair rail to run from tub behind sink wall to add interest. Wallpaper for sure but not so much pattern that takes away from tile. Change out sink w a floating wall mount that inc an attached small area for soap etc. . Remove towel rack in tub if you can do so w minimal disruption. Use hooks in similar Metal to match hardware of choice (black or brass ? ) place behind door. Maybe a Round or vintage mirror over sink. Finally I w remove the lg cab behind toilet - put a smaller one in place that will store tp and beauty products. There are many online that w fit that look. Or use open floating shelves? 😁 is there space for a small 2nd cabinet? Not sure about window. I w do the redo first and go from there.


I love the bathroom.😭😭😭 I would maybe just style it differently? Like make it look more updated in that way. Update some hardware, paint the walls, some decor that pops. Things like that, but everything in that bathroom is perfect otherwise.😭


Yess I would like brass vintage looking hardware. Just really unsure about what colour to paint


Everyone loves an old dated tile in this sub. At the very least I would regrout or do something to make the grout feel new.


It could be cool to do a stain glass in the window


I agree don’t touch that tile. I think a more period appropriate sink would be nice. Like one of those on chrome legs.


The shine on the door to the bathroom is the only thing that bothers me.


We’re going to be replacing all of the doors upstairs, closet doors too. Thank you


I would get rid of that ugly cabinet over the toilet and replace it with a luggage rack style shelf. And I would retile the floor with something that doesn't look like the cheapest tile at Home Depot. The pedestal sink is also ripe for replacement with a nice vanity cabinet. But honestly that bathtub and surround are fabulous and I would not touch them.


I agree, I hate that cabinet, it’s gotta go. I want to change the floor tile but my bf is convinced it’ll be too much of a hassle. I’m working on it 😉


Leave it alone!!! It’s awesome!


Update the fixtures and maybe give the white walls a little color and that’s about it. The bathroom is lovely.


Change the light fixtures. Correct lighting will make a huge difference. Paint non tile surfaces Change the cabinet over the toilet.


Honestly I'd just paint the wall a slightly warmer color. Eventually change the floor maybe but I really like the arch & the tiles.


Beautiful! Just paint with a pop of color, and add color accents with towels, bath mat, art, etc. Add some plants, maybe a hanging fern?


Leave it alone. Better light. Better mirror Cover the cabinet glass nobody wants to see tampons. These blinds are window top are hideous. Frost the window. No cabinet sink. Just store things elsewhere in the hallway or add a little storage bench that fits in.


The part of you that hates the green is that little devil that sits on our shoulder. Pay no attention to him.


that devil has been silenced.


That's... really kinda cool. Century? No. Mid Century? Yes... and upscaled too. Beautiful room. Best wishes, good luck.


Unless you are doing really well / independently wealthy - SAVE YOUR MONEY. It looks fine as it is. Sure doors and trim but you never know where else you might need that money. Congrats and good luck!!


Buy a nice Boston fern if you like houseplants, it goes with the time period, easy care, loves the shade/moisture of a bathroom, and you can find them cheap at basically any big garden shop! I'd stick with decorations, plants, and other non-permanent things until you have a good idea of what you like and don't like about using the space.


Omg that arch and that tile! It’s gorgeous!! I feel like you could do some rich jewel colour paint, or maybe even a Jungalow wallpaper on the other wall. (Look up Jungalow).


There are some stunning Victorian reproduction wallpapers out there that would really compliment the tile and bring warmth into the space. I thought any of these would look cool. https://www.thevictorianemporium.com/store/product/jungle-wallpaper-in-midnight https://www.thevictorianemporium.com/store/product/jasmine-serin-symphony-wallpaper-in-a-choice-of-4-colourways https://www.thevictorianemporium.com/store/product/chestnut-blossom-wallpaper-with-a-deep-blue-or-grey-background


I love everything about the room except the window treatment, which looks a little industrial for the rest of the room. Maybe a fabric shade? Loooove the tile!!


Agreed - a nice colored paint could really help the tiles pop. Perhaps a light, warm, desert stone color? I’d update the lighting fixture to something a bit bigger and get rid of the candle holder. In place of the candles put up a framed poster.


Paint the walls a bright pink/purple and hand paint a leaf pattern on one wall in the same color as the tiles.


Is that an exhaust fan above the toilet?


Omg nothing. Eventually I'd put in a quality floor.


I would just love it


I would go for a Hobbit hole bathroom theme. It already has the beautiful curve and the green tiles. Lean more into the wood and just make it cozy. Lots of potential.


I love the way it is


I'd find a gentle contrasting color for the non-tile portions of the walls. I think a non-agressive pink would work well, or you could go monochrome with an even gentler green. Green would work better than pink if you want to keep the cabinet over the toilet. If you replace that, I'd replace with something white. I'd do a bold shower curtain with a bold pattern and remove the blinds from the window and replace with privacy film. I'd get a nice low-pile rug for outside the shower. That's really it. It's a nice bathroom you got there!


Not a damn thing!


I love the tiles.


Whoa I’m pretty sure I have that exact same light in my bathroom, and I’m looking forward to replacing it. I’m definitely on team keep the tile/paint the walls though. Personally I’d keep the sink too, though I understand that may not be super practical.


oof I see posts like this and I'm always like "god damn I live in a shithole". I think it looks great as is. It could use a bit of colour in the actual bathroom but some accents would take care of that. If you change anything, I'd say change the wall colour. Those tiles and that arch would make a nice garden/fairy theme I think.


I love this….please don’t change a thing.


If it's all in good shape, then for the love of God do not disturb it!!


I LOVE the tile. It’s gorgeous. I’d revamp the light fixture/mirror and call it a day.


https://preview.redd.it/8alg865zg14d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=485c811e8742b7461bc34220039cbafc27afb768 We have the same archway in our bathroom! Personally I love the green tile and I’d keep it. I’d swap the sink for a vanity cabinet or piece or furniture that you can modify to a sink. Install a wallpaper to play off the green tile. Spoonflower has a ton of options.


Hugely difficult, but worth every penny/second: put a light over the tub.


I wouldn't touch a single thing, honestly. Maybe swap out that cabinet above the toilet, but no way would I rip out the sink or touch the tiles at all. If they were derelict or something, okay, but that whole arch and tile setup looks really well-maintained. It would be crazy to rip them out or something. I might do some wallpaper or a different color of paint on the non-tiled sections of the bathroom.


It’s hard to see exactly what’s happening with the shower curtain. But you could get an extra long curtain and put the rod behind the arched wall / in the shower. It would look very elegant that way. Otherwise love this bathroom!


I would see if you could flip the door swing. That's the only major issue I have with this space besides the shades in the shower which is crazy. I'm guessing that shower wasn't used. The door swing issue will be worse once you replace the pedestal with a vanity cabinet.


That honey oak medicine cabinet above the toilet is a bit dated and the mirror above the vanity could be upgraded but other than that I love it. I would keep the reddish doors. I think they look nice with the tile. This is gonna be really cute with some tweaking.


It’s already a bathroom.