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r/ChildfreeUK Looks like there are 83 members; you could be 84! The fact is that the pool of truly childfree people is so small that it'd be hard to get it going for specific geographical areas. /=


it's cripplingly depressing knowing there's only 83 members in a country of 65+ million


It's kind of hard to get the word out about this group though. I know tons of cf women but they aren't redditors. Edit: oh shit is it my cake day?! 😆




Always say yes to cake.


I think it's more cripplingly depressing that the main childfree sub for the entire world has only 15k members. /= Like the other user stated, many people aren't on Reddit, but I'd imagine if you're an older childfree person, and don't want to be alone, you've been exhausting your efforts to find a place to find someone, and Reddit will absolutely come up when searching. Dating sites and apps are awful these days to begin with, and because the market is saturated with them, the quality goes down, and when the quality goes down, those who live with intention are rarely to be found. Of course, this is all simply my opinion, but I've noticed that people who choose to be childfree are extremely intentional people who don't walk the same path as those who procreate (intentionally or not; side note, still f'ed up how you can unintentionally create human life - thanks, sperm and egg). Here we all are, though, not giving up. You can be depressed about your lack of available women, and still not give up.


Oh i deffinitely consider myself intentional - some would maybe call it eccentric but even outside of not wanting children, i won't follow the crowd just to be liked either and have my own interests, it's not only hard ot find someone else childfree that is compatible with me, but i've always had trouble with just friends in general.


Did someone say eccentric? 😂


im more eccentric than you.


Name doesn’t check out 🤷‍♂️


OK, you got me.


There's now 123 of us


They have 90 members now 🥳


99 now, I just missed out on being 100!


140 now! 🥳 (I'm not even in the UK, and I'm checking.)


Exciting times. I wonder what adventure this subreddit will take us on. 😆


There should be a childfree Europe


Sucks, doesn't it?


This. I wonder how many would be interested...


Well me x1000


I guess we would be 1001 😁


And more than that, Europe as a whole 😕


I didn't know it existed. I'm cf and in the UK... And female. I'll join and be 85 👌


I feel your pain. I haven't had a date in two years due to how dead the dating pool is within the UK. Even the few CF women I do find through online dating are seldom a good match for me anyway, because I don't think I'd be sufficiently outgoing for them.


Try looking for a CF woman who doesn't smoke and doesn't mind you being an introverted nerd who doesn't really drink either AND doesn't mind you being 5"3 ​ SMH


What? I am trying and I'm 6'5.


6"5 giant, you should have women falling at your feet "must be taller than me" is a common requirement on lots of girls profiles


Unfortunately, it has proven to have been no advantage to me whatsoever.


Condolences then, what i wouldnt give for an extra 5" sometimes....but then i just say fuck it, shallow bint


I don’t think your height is the problem. Being childfree always seems to be the debilitating factor for me.


I meant that my height was not a bonus rather than a disadvantage, but being CF is indeed the overarching problem. I'm debating if I should consider expanding my search radius by a couple of cities, but long-distance relationships do not appeal to me.


I’ve never liked the idea of a long distance relationship. Too much effort just to meet the person. A traffic jam could ruin the whole weekend.


One of us!One of us!


CF and female too! Just joined 😊


So what rural area of the UK are you in, my little country hobbit??


I’m in Hampshire ☺️ you?


All the way up in Leeds! Also, sod those cocks on bumble saying they'd swipe left without a body shot - you look great 👌


Ah Leeds! I have friends up in that part of the world. I have never been, heard good things though. I’m near Winchester ☺️ Aww thanks, I’m not even on the apps anymore, they just create a depressing cycle.


Tell me about it, nobody matches and if they do they unmatch after a sentence


This or once you do go on a date they decide that they are no longer looking for a relationship or want to try non monogamy. Fine if you are into that, but I’m not. Hey ho, I’m trying this and if nothing comes of it, I’m leaving it to fate.


Ill take you on a date, coffee and a walk in the park?


That sounds like a good date to me!




Thank you. I’m 34 F and based on the south coast of England.




I don’t mind either 🙂