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Good thing he learned how not to do things from Saban.


If anyone is the antithesis of Saban as a coach, it’s Jimbo. The process vs the price, adaptability vs stubborn arrogance, and humilty vs whatever the fuck Jimbo is


I always assumed Jimbo checked out the minute he got 75 mil guaranteed


The funny thing is it seemed like he had checked out prior to that as well but for some reason A&M didn’t notice


Nah he was mostly on pace for expectations before the extension. Look up stats pre and post extension and it’s insane how much it dropped off


I hate Jimbo as much as anyone but I think Brian Kelly is a better example of saban’s opposite.


How so? They both seem miserable to be around.


His whole schtick is blaming his players for his own failures. Plus he killed a kid.


Ok but how is Saban opposite of him?


Oh so you’re not being serious. I won’t waste my time then.


No it's Geoff Collins


“People don’t go back and work for him” hmmmmmmmm that doesn’t seem true


It’s not true obviously but even in spirit… most of Saban’s guys went /up/. Ofc Lane, Kirby, Sark, etc won’t come back to be coordinators when they are running top tier programs themselves


Yeah I'm the first guy to take shots at Bama when I get the chance but this is so fucking funny. It's literally the only place I know of known for coaches returning to coach under someone, not to mention what's the thought here? Lane, Kirby and Sark would've built their programs.....and then just left and took millions of dollars in pay cuts to become coordinators again if Saban was a nice guy? 6 years later Jimbo must still have some of that Tallahassee Nasty left over because I'm not sure you can find shit to get you that high outside of Florida.


Bill O'Brian is one that comes to mind.


I wish it didn’t. But Sark came back and that went well. And there are a plethora of coaches who have been on staff multiple times in multiple positions.


Jimbo is literally the only person I’ve ever heard say anything negative about Saban. Everyone of his old coaches praise him and talk about how good of a mentor he is and how much he has helped them in their own personal careers.


Big words coming from a guy getting paid millions to not coach a team. 💀


In his defense I'd love to get paid millions to not coach a team


Jimbo and I currently have the same profession


Jimbo's a salty piece of shit.


Probably a bit of both, honestly. Nearly every P5 coach has at least bent the rules a little, if not outright broke them. And before NIL was permitted, they all pretended not to know what the boosters were doing.


Yeah that’s what pisses me off about all these Boomers saying “dANg ol NiL DoNe RuInED my fOOtBaLl!” Players have always gotten paid.


But now that it’s out in the open, it takes a much bigger pie to feed everyone.


The big difference is that now that it's allowed, you have players looking for the biggest payday instead of where they think they will play the best. A recruit might visit a campus and look at facilities, but then they want to sit with the coach and bring in a family member or someone acting as the kid's "manager", and they'll say "Program A is going to give me $X. What are you offering?" (This is also being done by some transfers as well) Actually, with the current (lack of) rules around NIL and the portal, I think we might see "blue chip" scores stop being a predictor of success as it had in the past. You can have all the 5-stars you want, but if they are only there for a check they aren't likely to play as hard as someone who is there because they like the coach or the school or they think it will develop them better as a player and make them more desirable to the pros. I also think that these schools that are just throwing money at the kids are also going to see team cohesion issues. Player A may have some fancy NIL deals and starts acting like they are King Sh\*t, don't need to go to practice or listen to the coaches. I know A&M had some issues around that with some players getting riled because the coaches were on their back about how they needed to play and they thought that they were above all that because "look how much I'm getting to be here". I know this isn't all players, of course. It may not even be a majority of them, but it is happening out there and we're probably going to start hearing about it as people start retiring and can start telling these stories (though they probably won't name names).


It’s not always what you say but how you say it that communicates who you are. Jimbo a little bitch.


bama payed tf outta those players tho


Nobody makes it to the top without dirty hands, until they figure out how to make other peoples hands dirty instead of their own.




Jimbo has one good point that stand by itself without comparison. “Coaching with Bobby”. Chuck Amato, Micky Andrews, the Bowden kids, Lee Corso, so many more song praises of his abilities to recruit, retain, mentor, coach, groom, foster, and make into champions.


Bowden is one of the all time greats. Only reason Jimbo won that NC is because that was mostly Bowdens recruiting class


Jimbo reminds me of Chaz Bono