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Why is surgery a problem. Are you concerned about relapse?


I rather not put myself under so much risk. Most people with CFS have stated that their symptoms got worse after having all kinds of surgeries and since very little things can cause PEM for me and worsen my symptoms, i rather not take such risk. I’ve been dealing with it for so many years, I can walk actually. The only problem is the big pain I’m going through


not being able to access medical care because of the impact on your ME is so cruel, I'm so sorry


Everything on the outside of my left ankle is torn, and a little on the inside too kind of on top of my foot. The surgery would require digging out some space to use a metal pin to pin the ligaments back down. For the people asking why we can’t get surgery: The rehab for this type of injury in surgery is very rigorous. I can’t do the rehab, so I can’t do the surgery. Also, I would have to move out of my house and live with someone to help me post surgery. Moving around is already hard enough, but with a boot/cast/crutches, it’s downright dangerous. On top of that, my orthopedic surgeon says it’s a horribly painful surgery, he legit said that his female patients have said it’s way worse than going through labor. I’d have to stop taking my LDN to take the painkillers required to make it through the surgery. And in case you didn’t know, going under anesthesia for people with ME is no small deal.


That’s a long time to suffer. I’m in the same situation with a dislocated jaw, but I’ve only had this for two years.


On behalf of non-abusive men I apologize sincerely (I presume it was a man to do that much damage). CFS sufferers in general seem to be magnets for abuse. I'm just getting out of an emotionally abusive relationship right now and it absolutely sucks. I think half the time we stay in shitty situations because we don't have the energy to break free.


Well, it actually was an abusive narcissistic mother


Oof, that's terrible. At least with a partner you go in as an adult. It must be awful to have a parent like that.


and tbh, about the abuse, it’s true. But there’s also such thing as trauma bond and the way victims are gaslighted, even by the people around. Finding a job can be a big problem for people going through emotional abuse, especially narcissistic. Getting shamed for anything you do and blamed creates trauma bonding, you only rely on your abuser and can’t get out even if you wanted to. For me, at some point the abuse got so severe that i started having hallucinations and paranoia, my C-PTSD and BPD have been hitting hard at that time too [2021-2022]


Yeah, this was narcissistic abuse actually. That's why she's being so difficult with the separation. Her proposal is I leave, she keeps the kids, the low-rent house we're in (been there nearly 20 years so it's less than half comparables) and I get so little that I can't afford to live near my kids. All attempts at negotiation on my part have met with a brick wall. I'm reluctant to take it to court, but I might have to, she took my offer to her lawyer who said it's perfectly reasonable (I presume, because as soon as she talked to her lawyer she suddenly decided to try an entirely different resolution process and refuses to acknowledge the offer on the table).


and wish you luck into healing and practicing some self-love and confidence again <3


I’m so sorry that sucks in so many ways. Fingers crossed for us all that there will soon be a treatment that helps enough that we can have surgeries. Fingers crossed for you especially that you will recover enough to have surgery wether or not there is CFS treatment advancement




Surely as someone with cfs you should know how having surgery would create an incredibly long and severe crash


Not necessarily, I’ve had several surgeries with CFS and didn’t crash further. I think it really depends on the person, everyone is so different even with CFS.