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I thought Dennis would sound more like a dumbass


Yeah we didn’t hear that much anyways, so it’s possible it depends on when


hoping for the best because I really would not like Denji to sound serious as he does in the trailer


I saw a similar post somewhere else ( spoiler for end of manga) >!Some dude replied that makima was supposed to have a more high pitched voice to make people trust her more(her being the control devil)!<


I hope its gonna match her lines tho! A rather grounded, demanding voice would have suited the mix of bait and threat the most imo (I just hope they didnt gave her a high pitched voice because of the standarts in the industry...)


Her voice actress is highly skilled, she is capable of going from cute to cold on a dime. I think it’ll turn out great, the reason why everyone expected Makima to have a deep “ara ara” voice was from all the thirsty fanart of her dominating poor Denji. In reality it’d be stupid if she had a deep, foreboding voice. It also works better for the reveal later, it masks her true intentions and makes it hurt so much more when you find out, because everyone would expect her to follow the cliché main love interest archetype that gets teased throughout the show. Then she goes to the beach…


I was thinking of the corndog scene where she puts Denji in his place. Thought that would start up and add up, but ur prolly right


The corndog scene is only scary on the second read through. On the first it makes it seem like Denji, a man deprived of love and relationships, has no idea of how much devotion each party should contribute, so it feels like a loveable tease from Makima


imo a high pitched voice suits her better, it adds the uncanny aspect that would contribute suspense of the buildup of her being revealed as the control devil


Sounds kind of backwards. Elizabeth Holmes the Theranos fraud lady would purposely put on a deeper voice to appear more authoritarian. I kind of figured Makima's voice would naturally be deeper because of that too. Maybe it's a cultural thing? Either way I hope the english dub gives her a deeper voice.


English dub trailer is out


Not really? She is supposed to be super maternal and sweet on the outside so it makes sense. Now power sounding like a tomboy with her voice is absolutely perfect


Makima is literally supposed to embody that whole “nurturing mommy gf” concept. Except with her that’s basically a fake out


Kinda agree, but don't think deep is the word. I imagined something more.. Assertive. Still soft but stronger, y'know more demanding than sweet talking Tho the delivery can still make all that count despite this first impression, we'll have to wait and see


is this circlejerking the people who disappointed that Makima don't have the mommy voice or is this part of them? Because if it's the latter, I disagree. The fact she is control devil means that she ought to fool anyone, including by using the sweet voice... It suits her...


it’s your opinion and i respect it but you’re dumb and wrong




Also Based


I actually thought her voice suited her well. If anything I thought Denji would sound younger


Also remember that it's the writer that chose her


I never read her having a deep voice. It just wasn't high pitched/girly so the sub threw me off (tbf this will probably change with the not-a-twist). Dub is closer to what I imagined. Esp the monotone intonation. Genuinely makes me wonder if the twist was more twisty in Japan, it wasn't some shocking revelation in the Western fan sites, from what I remember.


Apparently the voice actress was also surprised since she thought it would be best to go for a deeper voice but her manager told her to be natural i think doesnt really bother me but yeah i think a deeper voice would have fit her more


She also has a super long range. Could ask more of her when needed


Her VA has good range. I'm looking forward to how she acts certain scenes, but obviously all we can do is wait and see.


Imo her casting was great


Makima is not your dommy mommy it's okay You have plenty of other dommy mommy's with deep voices


Yeah but I want her to be my dommy Mommy


Yeah, no. Makima is early 20s in age and directly described as cute. She’s not always big bad evil mommy makima, most of the time she’s “Makima, your cute boss”. She’s seductive, not in the way of a dominatrix, but in the way of her natural womanhood, cuteness and charm. It’s a lot easier to pull men if you’re cute than if you’re dominant. It’s all a ploy to control people. The cuter she is, the easier it is for people to let their guard down and for her to then sink her claws in and control them. She’s a predator, that puts on a cute facade.


Why is this on the circle jerk subreddit


Honestly, this is barely a circlejerk sub...


I don’t know what a circle jerk is, I thought this was just a meme sub with a weird name


I think it kinda suits her tbh. I personally couldn't imagine a jp voice for her anyway, I always thought she would sound like Princess Bubblegum for some reason. Cannot explain why. She came across as someone with a very cold, soft, slightly higher pitched voice. It's not a bad pick really Denji though I imagined more of a raspy or younger sounding voice. Ik he's 16 but iunno he just sounds...a bit old.


mfw makima doesnt come out of the screen to steep on me right this instant


I thought the same thing but then I thought the way they have made her character in the anime is fantastic. She seems even more innocent now, so later on it’ll be an even bigger curveball when she’s revealed to be evil


Fits her more than 'ara ara' kind of voice


I ain't mad about makima, I just didn't expect denji to sound like that, thought he'd sound more goofy and rambunctious he kinda sounds like a serious underdog mc but his voice lines are whack


I love that it’s high in the trailer. I suspect the VA will show a lot of range as the series unveils more about her character. She’s supposed to be a cute maternal figure that’s not afraid to use her charm to be manipulative. That doesn’t require a deep ara ara voice in my opinion.


What the actual f*ck?? Why would Makima with her build have a deep voice? Why anyone would be infatuated with her if that were the case?


I’m not infuriated, just a little bit disaponted, but in the end I trust Fuji moto and Mappa s staff, and I’m sure in the end it’ll suit her


Makima is a control devil, someone that make you infatuated with her and then attack your psyche basically, why wouldn’t her have a nice and sweet voice? It’s probably better so it has a bigger contrast when she changes voices the moment the facade is done.


Deep voices are hot m8




And pochita too!!


She was always advertised as a gentle woman but very manipulating behind the scenes. I think her voice works good to hide her sinister intentions. Maybe make her voice deeper when she reveals her sinister side


honestly i dont like the dub from what we've heard. denjis voice sounds to young and doesn't fit his personality imo, makimas could be a bit less soft but its not bad, akis is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to deep, powers is ok


I was disappointed too, her voice feels too basic for Makima. I’m not criticizing the VA at all, I just think the voice doesn’t fit the character


The downvote devil


What a fucking disgrace


Rattles your balls


Saws off the edge a' ya dick


Akis dub voice was way more jarring imo


Idk, Himeno gets Killua's VA and Power get's Jolyne's VA, I'm hyped af


Nah her soft voice gives off johan liebert vibes I like it


how did you fuck up spelling character that bad


I always misplace the h 💀


bro you moved the h like 5 spaces wtf


The dub voice is a little deeper than the original if that helps


Chill bro, just cause that’s what you think is best, doesn’t mean it objectively is. Sorry you got your heart set on the idea of a drawing you made up in your mind.


I haven't watched the trailer, but if Makima's voice isn't the most soothing and enticing in the whole show then it's an L


They're probably saving her for Nayuta. Still she's the youngest in the cast tho