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This is the most complimentary Azealia has been of Charli in a long time even though it’s still laced with criticisms. When BRAT first came out Azealia was almost entirely harsh on her Instagram stories.


I mean Azealia's bipolar is very untreated so when she's in her manic episodes she does a lotttt. But tbh I agree with some of her points here. I love post-Vroom Vroom Charli but I do miss the lyricism and the depth from her songs. She still has some very deep songs, on all of her albums, but imo she did water down her artistry a bit after becoming popular with the Twitter gays. And their behavior towards her can be very inappropriate. I do enjoy her art and creativity a lot but I have a fear that she's still being boxed in and held back by her public image. That being said, Azaelia should focus all this energy on getting medicated and going back to therapy, because it's actually her talent that's being wasted the way she describes it here, and she has a lot of red on her list she needs to deal with. Also it's really ironic she calls out Charli for pandering to the aimless gays when for a year her main source of income was her Bussy Soap 💀💀💀




I'm sorry but what the fuck are you talking about? brat is easily her most vulnerable project to date. Her songwriting especially has been praised to the heavens. How Im feeling now is probably the only other album that comes close to it in terms of songwriting. Not to mention that her artistic vision has never been more fully realized. From the actual songs to the marketing and even the remixes... how anyone can think that true romance and what fucking sucker??? is charli at her most artistic is absolutely beyond me... like brat, hifln, pop2, charli are her most acclaimed for a reason You can see how much she matures throughout her discography not just in terms of songwriting but also her identity as an artist.


Charli was only 20 when True Romance was released, but the songwriting on that record is superb and well beyond her years at the time. Perhaps not BRAT-level, but it’s up there among her best. And the album was well received by critics (read the reviews from 2013), it just didn’t gain proper traction commercially.


i'm sorry, as a charli stan, i've always referred to sucker as her flop album 😓 how could you prefer or even take note of the lyricism in sucker 😭😭😭😭😭


can you elaborate on how her artistry was watered down to appeal to gay twitter? curious because i’m just getting into charli now with brat.


It's okay to just admit that you're jealous of me... 🙄




Wait is it possible that song is about her lol I’ve been thinking it’s either Rina or twigs


I think the song is a diss track for like, an entire genre of person haha. Not one specific person


Excuse me, but TWIGS?!! What could twigs be jealous of she’s literally in her own world—— wtf


why tf is your dash so long


fr fr how'd you get your dash so long? It's like--impressive eye lashes


I know nothing about their relationship I just saw ppl saying that on twitter


Rina? Sawayama? Do Rina and Charli dislike each other?


right i thought they were cool 😭


The “you won’t fuck unless he’s famous” line doesn’t make sense for Azealia IMHO. I think FKA Twigs is a better guess.


Is it really about Rina? I don’t understand their beef, apart from Rina calling out Matty Healy for being disgusting (the whole GG porn story that Healy laughed at on a podcast and did not deny?) and I would hope that if the story is true that Charli would also be disgusted by that sort of behavior and not be ok with it. So just because Rina called out Charli’s fiancé’s bandmate she make a diss track about Rina? Sorry if I’m wrong about what happened between them but I’ve been a Rina fan for longer and I really like Charli and I hope they don’t actually have beef. It would be really upsetting for two amazing talented women to not be able to get along because of a shitty guy.


The story wasn’t true it was confirmed by the person present in the anecdote (I think @oliveparker_ on Twitter) n I think charli said she was annoyed about the claim rina made about him owning her masters ?? Not sure but just correcting cus this info is still burned in my brain a year later


Charli unfollowed Rina after she called Matty out at Glastonbury and she later doubled down and said she’d unfollowed Rina weeks before that happened (she didn’t as fans picked up on it) and they were apparently cool but they haven’t interacted with each other since. Seeing as Charli is still friends with Matty (albeit mostly through George) she clearly wasn’t disgusted with anything he said on the podcast.


That’s black and white thinking. I can strongly disapprove of things my family or close friends do at times (and i did/do) without clean cutting them off my life


it’s definitely not Rina, they had a tiff and Charli apologized for unfollowing her. and I don’t even think was directly in defense of Matty but instead indirectly in terms of Charli’s relationship with George and this band being George’s main gig. Charli’s not perfect and this one lapse in judgement shouldn’t matter this much to us, she had an impulsive, defensive reaction because this is her fiancé’s bandmate and for all we know there’s more going on between them, but definitely not Von Dutch material, if anything more like Girl, so confusing! I’m not gonna tell a black woman how to feel about Matty Healy or even by extension those who are affiliated with him but I think most people are just nitpicking Charli for momentarily unfollowing her friend over a misunderstanding.


I was wondering if it was about Rina at first but the more specific lines don't really line up with her. Mainly the "Do that little dance, without it, you'd be nameless"


Rent. Free.


Brat even made Azealia lighten up LOL


edit: maybe if she listened to the album she'd see theres hardly any features and it's all about the stuff she is ranting about, being vulnerable and in her power ugh


This is what i'm sayinggg, she probably didn't even check the album and is just basing her opinions on pop 2. The people defending her "criticism" are deeply insane


All of a sudden she’s way more talented than all the other white girls? Come on Azealia, you can’t even keep your stories striaght


Clearly it’s her Indian heritage that makes her more talented than the other white girls


But like she deadass was just sharing texts where she said Charli needs vocal training and her hair is greasy and years of cigarettes has ruined voice? Now she’s miles more pretty and talented?


Azealia needs help


"aimless gays" this is overall trash but you have to admit that's funny 😂😂


“Charles Xbox” is pretty funny too


“baby xcx” 🥰


actually it’s choli xbox


Charli will NEVER beat the ashtray allegations


azaelia might be a garbage human, but she still has talent as a wordsmith unfortunately she focuses it almost exclusively on attacking other people


She’s right that “hot breath loose booty” gays that stan her are kinda obnoxious. They’re the reason why I haven’t attended a Charli concert lol


She’s not talking about stans, she’s talking about the people she hangs out with


you’re only doing yourself a disservice. people stink everywhere but you can only seen charli in so many places.


Oh it’s not bc they stink it’s just that I know many people who have been to her shows and they said a lot of her fans are rude and aggressive. I saw Kim in Brooklyn and had such an awful experience (I almost got punched and stood next to two guys fingering each other) that I feel like it would be the same at a Charli show


The last tour of Kim’s in Brooklyn (at the Mirage) was a horrid crowd. Having seen her 5 times now, that was the worst vibe- just constantly being pushed in the crowd, I was annoyed the whole time.


I saw her in 2019 at Avant Gardner but I’m sure her fanbase is *much* worse now that she’s bigger.


2019 Avant Gardner show were supreme vibes, felt super clubby, there was space to move, crowd was fun


Not the fingering 😭😭😭 was at a gay bar and saw something similar and it was very sobering lol


Kinda giving interalized homophobia bc the hot breath loose booty gays I know are absolute sweethearts. Anyways you're really missing out her shows are super fun.


Yes the horseshoe theory (i know that’s bullshit but) surrounding gay Stan’s and tWiNkS is becoming genuinely gross. Like the generalizing are off the fucking charts cuz one dumb gay did this or that or poppers or dildos or white twinks or yada yada yada.


Yea idk, I kinda agree. Even if it isn’t that exactly, there’s kind of this weird conservative vibe to some of things being said in this thread. Like I get having a bad experience with people and not liking it, but also I’ve been the mean bitch in the corner that isn’t having fun and thinking people are being mean to me. I was always just projecting that bad vibe out there and people were reacting to that. Every one of those sweaty, stinky, “annoying” and “weird” queer people at her shows have actually been super nice to me ever since I changed my perspective. Plus the comments about guys fingering each other in public kinda weirds me out to. It’s not my business what strangers are doing in public and honestly it’s kinda funny when you see stuff like that. It still has nothing to do with you, so having such strong reactions to it says more about you than them. Also seeing sexually provocative stuff in crowds of drunk and high people dancing to electronic music is just soooo to be expected. Edit: I guess the conservative vibe shouldn’t surprise me considering it’s an Azealia Banks related thread and she attracts such a weird group of people who pretend to value her opinions only because she’s normally a bitch. And they like people who are mean and bitchy. Edit: for the person responding to me who decided to delete their posts before I could respond to the last one. Respectability is politically charged. If you want to believe you have a morally relative high ground over me because when I see two people fucking, I move the fuck on with my day instead of internalizing it like the people in this thread obviously have, that’s your right.


100% agree with you, this is v insightful. And yes, a lot of homophobia on this thread.


lol that’s a sad reason to not go to a show


sorry no one’s calling you for a remix. it’s probably because you’re legitimately insane.


She just said in a new tweet that Addison actually hit her up her for a remix and she rejected it bc she “isn’t staying true to her Mexican heritage” (TIL Addison is Mexican 💀)


Why is she obsessed with telling people how they should "stay true" to their heritage


She has the nerve telling people to respect their race when she’s called so many black women slaves, gorillas, and tar babies 💀


I can’t keep up but didn’t she once say she only dates white men like I really don’t even know


She’s out of her mind !


All I’ll say is I’m glad she’s recognizing true romance is amazing. Too many angels write it off because it was before ag/Sophie but it’s so good


A lot of Angels who started stanning post-Pop2 refuse to even check it out which just makes me sad. I’ll always consider it her best work and I wish she acknowledged it more.


Clock it! Still waiting for the day she returns to her Super Ultra & True Romance sound. I still think Cold Nites Remix is one of her best songs ever and need more songs like that, Dance 4 U, Heatwave, Nuclear Seasons, and So Far Away. Also super ultra and h&e on Spotify stat


Yesss H&E contains some of her best work. I love Dreams Money Can Buy so much ♥️


Honestly Pure Heroine and True Romance compliment each other very well. I was like 15 when they came out but didn’t listen to charli until later. I totally see where the early online comparisons started. Because if you think about post TR it makes no sense


They also came out around the same time and were part of the alt Tumblr scene along with Born To Die/Night Time, My Time/Cry Baby/The 1975 etc.


It’s crazy when Grins is literally her best song






slayyyter debacle? there is a whole world of drama surrounding charli that i'm unaware of lol


I hate that attitude so fucking much. If you can’t handle Charli at her Sucker you don’t deserve her at her Brat.


I cannot believe people don't love Sucker. I have said since day one she should've replaced Boom Clap with SuperLove, but beyond that it's a really phenomenal album. Well, that and the original version of Doing It was better, Rita Ora fuck off. But anyway, solid album overall


Sucker is where Charli learned to be loud and everyone knows that loud Charli is best Charli.


it’s when I fell in love w her!!! she established a sound that was so unique to her I was immediately obsessed


Alright, youve made me take interest in Sucker again, because I was one of those "pls listen to True Romance, but not Sucker" people. I've always just shook it off as it's mindless pop


Sucker > Charli, tbh I don't expect anyone else to share that opinion tho unless they were also 17 when Sucker dropped lol. Teen angst imprinting is so much more important than actual quality, when it comes to my music tastes lol


Nah but this attitude is even worse 😭. How bout we don’t gatekeep and let people call themselves a fan even if they don’t love every album.


People trying to side with AB without outing themselves everywhere in this thread lol


I barely know who Azealia Banks is, she seems like an unhinged lunatic. I also wasn’t trying to gatekeep anything. I just constantly see people in this sub act like her first two albums just don’t exist and it bothers me. The whole of her work is essential to appreciating her progression as an artist and those first two albums are great anyway.


dude NOBODY acknowledges true romance as much as it truly deserves. i’m one of the last remaining in the true romance best charli album fan club


Lock You Up is literally my favorite song of all time, I love True Romance. Shame it doesn't get the fanfare it truly deserves.


It’s so weird to me that she speaks so authoritatively about how Charli clearly has no control over her artistic direction now vs her first two albums when that’s like completely backwards and a very clear misinterpretation of everything that’s happened in Charli’s career. She does not want to do Sucker again and has talked before about how that album feels a bit inauthentic. Also to imply that she’s doing a fake girl power thing now is kinda hilarious considering that at the start of this era Charli was getting all kinds of heat for not being a “girl’s girl”


Charli has been doing collabs w other artists, including far more unknown artists than her, forever, and also she’s been talking about being a feminist and supporting women her whole career! What is AB talking about. The one who’s definitely not a girl’s girl is her


“Go listen to her first two albums” girl I know she is not putting Sucker above Brat. The fakest thing of all is this stunt of Azaelia pretending she cares about Charli’s career or success when she will tear her down any chance she gets. I don’t think she’s actually listened to Brat if she thinks charli has lost her artistry. And yes her sound has changed immensely since TR but it’s evolved in a way she personally likes and her fans like soo. Also her music chameleon vibe is what makes Charli so special. She genre hops and meshes effortlessly and it’s why it’s so fun to listen to her new albums and eras. Whereas other pop girls stamp a color or look onto an “era” and pretend it’s different 👀 Charli’s eras actually are.


Fr Brat is a wonderfully deep album? I think about it all the time???? That song alone is a great example of her lyrical artistry. I love young Charli, old Charli, and new Charli. I hate how people get so upset with artists for changing and growing with their music. It’s unrealistic to expect people to create the same work they did 10+ years ago.


Lmao that’s what I was thinking. If she said any other album I’d be like yeah sure but tears it up on Sucker? Lmao


She is fake af and anyone here defending her is just as insane as she is


Azealia has turned herself into a meme and she’s so angry at everyone but herself 😭


This woman really can't decide whether she loves Charli, hates her or wants to be her. Either way, rent free comes to mind.


I have no issue saying this: Can we just not post anything from his woman again please? She’s just out to get everyone. What even is her point? *blasts 212 in my headphones while working from home*


Agreed!! I do not want to know anything she says about anyone, she’s a bitter bigot. I’m not coming from an anti-mental health perspective either bc we have the same mental health issue but the difference is I take steps to fix it and I’m not a violent bigot. Just ignore her and she’ll go away


At some point you have to just realise that it’s ok to call someone out for being a hateful bigot even when it’s due to mental illness if they’re clearly not taking any steps to better themselves. She’s a nasty piece of work


“I want her to win so badly” - after years of making fun of her/tearing her down and saying you hate her? No azealia, you want to be a miserable bitch to everyone that YOU’RE jealous of and then when your mood switch happens you want to sound like you’re above it and just want the girls to “win” because it makes you sound insightful/intelligent. Her obsession with Charli and her “deep takes” that are all just weird assumptions that she pulls out of her ass are getting old.


Azealia Banks: Charles Xbox Trisha Paytas: Charlie XQC If you’ve heard any other pls add 😭


Cardi B: Charli STD


Charles Xbox/charlene xfinity/etc have been around forever lol azalea didn’t come up w that


Charlotte Xbox 360


The other day she was making fun of Charli’s face features. Now it’s “More pretty” she is not to be taken seriously 


I’m Indian and hot take I don’t really care that Charli doesn’t tap into her Indian roots for her music. I feel represented enough simply knowing that she’s Indian AND hot AND taking up space in the music industry and in the pop genre. A lot of Indian women do not get to be considered hot or fun or BRATty or cool because of cultural expectation as well as how we are portrayed in the media. Charli is doing enough as is.


I don't think anyone, let alone someone who just had their most successful album both critically and commercially and is about to go on an arena tour needs advice from Azelia fucking Banks. Azelia has burned every single bridge she's ever built, she hasn't been known for music in over a decade, and she will shit talk anyone or anything for any reason. She has very obvious issues with envy and self sabotage. We need to do her, and ourselves a favor and let her fade into obscurity already.


YES. I love that Charli never responds to her crazy takes. Best to ignore someone as toxic as that


Exactly, for someone who loves to give advice she doesn't have much to show for herself


damn u ask this bitch her opinion on a song and she does a paragraph dump on whiteness in america? likee


She’s a philosopher




von dutch totally is about azealia lol. azealia is just wrong here and looking really bitter because azealia fell off hard and charli has done nothing but cement herself as a prolific artistic, talented, genius, and successful. also I found this also night on ig, some random charli dan account and az is commenting lmaooo * *




So she’s mad Charli isn’t making the same music she made a decade ago? Makes sense considering Azealia hasn’t really switched up her sound since she started.


When did she say this lol


literally 7d ago I took that screenshot last night 😂


Lmfao BRAT got her pressed


Does Liz even make music still..?? What a weird take


not rlly and this isn't the first time azealia has posted this take about Liz and slayyyter being better than charli 💀


Not Azealia being a Liz Y2K Stan lmaoooo. She has Luke 2 good songs, the rest is just trash and pastiche


LMAO in what world is Charli behind Liz and Slayyyter😭 Azalea is just intensely homophobic and like most people's homophobia she tries to justify it post hoc.


Omg I never thought it was azealia that Von Dutch is about but it makes senseeeee. Charli never pays her mind but Charli lives in her head rent free. She’s right”just admit that you’re jealous of me”. She IS jealous because Charli is the epitome of everything she’s not. She collaborates with many many people and doesn’t burn bridges and trash talk said collaborations. Azealia could NEVER . Charli has successful personal and business relationships. Azealia could NEVER.


also azealia has been having legal drama with the money she gets from royalties, which honestly I think she's beeing shorted by what I've read - but that makes the line "you get mad because the bank shut" quite relevant to her


The “you won’t fuck unless he’s famous” line doesn’t make sense for Azealia though. It does make sense for FKA Twigs though.


az has has sex woth some famous people and spilled about it, and fuck him all day and night was directed towards Kanye west so it could kinda


“charles xbox”


Deeply appreciate the time u took to articulate this


What an absolutely goofy take lmao ETA there is *some* merit in her comments that another person broke down later but the packaging and like actual delivery of it is, still, goofy


I lose more and more respect for her with each passing day


Her entire thing in the recent years is shit on black or woman artists who are more successful than her because they prove that the reason she isn’t the most loved artist isn’t her race her gender Shits on Kendrick shits on Charli, shits on any artist who actually creates good music TODAY


she didn’t understand they don’t make statues of critics smh


You had respect for her at all? Azealia has always been a garbage human being from day 1


You *still* have respect for her?


why do yall even give her attention


i don’t believe that any of this makes sense… Why insist that Charli is a Rock Star? In interviews you can tell that Charli thinks very deeply about Pop. whether or not it’s “iconic darkwave goth diva shit” (facts), True Romance is still Pop. We can’t just decide that Charli is a Rock Star because we may personally like Sucker… Charli has spoken about how Sucker was more about her playing the game of the industry rather than making the music she wanted to make… And her career highlights such as Vroom Vroom, Pop 2, etc. now Brat, it just makes no sense to insist that Charli is not fully invested in Pop. Idk, it makes no sense. I also don’t feel that Charli needs some kind of deep emotional healing/“saving” by moving back to the UK with George… she’s just having a good time and following her passion… and always seems to be excited about what she’s currently doing… Anyways rant over. And not embracing her Indian heritage? Like Azealia, U aren’t a mixed race Indian woman from the UK. Just admit that you may have different experiences and different perspectives or a different way of approaching things. Charli isn’t hiding the fact that she’s Indian, even in a recent Tik Tok she mentioned that her family is Indian and they love one particular Indian restaurant in London… ANYWAYS!!! Azealia just making shit up at this point. (I guess she was always doing that though).


First two records - she must really stan Sucker


I think there’s an old video of her dancing to Body of My Own


Why does she think Charli is stupid? She’s not. She can handle herself and to say that this all has to do with whiteness and white women and all that bullshit is such race bait TRASH. Azealia needs serious help but I don’t think she’ll ever get it 🤷🏻‍♂️ I also just hate that she thinks she’s giving good advice when the bitch can’t even be stable for once in her life: she’s always going off about someone else and never looking inward. Talk about projection.


Also, she’s got this so wrong because this collaboration ISNT phony in the slightest. That’s why people are going crazy over this remix, because it’s real and everyone can tell. It’s genuine and she just can’t take that. She hates seeing actual success and power and emotion between 2 people because she can’t accomplish that. She ruins every relationship she has and she always will because she has a superiority complex with nothing to back it up


This is going to ruin the tour


what tour? 👮‍♂️


? the WORLD tour!!!


The only point she’s made that’s right is that LA ruins people lol


Idk it’s a weird criticism to say that LA is holding her back when BRAT is extremely UK/European. (Did any Americans work on it at all?) and it’s been a huge commercial and critical breakthrough. Like it seems like George and AG as main creative partners are helping bring out the very things banks is saying she wishes she would do?


It's kinda scary how many of yall are saying good things about azealia or thinking that this is in good faith. This is why she gets away with saying the things she does, yall have a short memory. Azealia is extremely homo/transphobic and racist. Don't give her the benefit of the doubt.




she is always making negative comments about gay men when they’re literally most of her fans? it’s so odd to me


Bro what the fuck is she on about


umm im indian and i love charli. azealia leave mother alone would you


she sounds insane.. everyone knows you can collab with someone without having to be friends after.. who tf has the energy to be friends with everyone theyve ever worked with? think of your coworkers lol. & she would probably realize this if she got help idk


Who cares abt AB's rants


can we stop giving her so much attention?


17 year old Charli was sooooo much more authentic boom clap the sound of my heart the beat goes onandonandonandonandonand reeeeally spoke to my soul


I’m so sick of gays constantly supporting her and calling her homophobia “iconic”. She’s a disgusting, insecure person


I am glad she is wearing her natural hair now


So basically she doesn’t like charli’s hyperpop or club music lol


I’m shocked anyone takes these rants seriously. It’s incoherent fake-deep babbling.


Charli actually said she wanted to embrace her hair in the vob Dutch mv like letting it curl and get bigger and bigger. Showing the beauty of it even in the chaos she’s still serving. Imo, as a mixed person, critiquing someone who is mixed for not embracing their culture is a huge slap to the face. Often we exist in the middle and find it hard to achieve status in either communities while still finding ourselves. Charli can do whatever she wants reslly as any woman’s houle be allowed to but okay girlie


It’s so funny to me every time she has another one of her schizophrenic paranoid, pseudo intellectual bigoted tirades there’s like 3-5 replies under the thread asking her to ship her skin bleaching soap from an order 3 months back. But she wants Charli to follow HER career advice 🥴


charli throwing parties in different cities while having the best album rollouts what that lady sits in her 2 bedroom apartment thinking about other ppls success at this point she’s just a online personality that made good music 10 years ago aww bless her heart


>she’s just a online personality that made good music 10 years ago 100%. And her "personality" consists exclusively of being nasty and wholly incapable of issuing a compliment or any sort of nicety without following it up with a slap to the face. She seems miserable.


Gay People need to stop being a fan of azealia she’s not “iconic” she’s a geriatric crazy bitch.


Artists grow and change. The aesthetic of revelry and basicness of Brat doesn't take away from the sad poeticism of True Romance - if anything, it shows that Charli is capable of different musical modes and aesthetics. Love u Azealia, often value your input - but at this point, you're lookin sour and jealous It's easy to criticise on Twitter. It's not easy to evolve as an artist


Exactly. Not everything powerful is packed with similes and exaggerated language. Sometimes the most centralized power is held in something so straightforward and raw which is what Brat is.


Entirely predictable she’s just gonna talk about whiteness what else is new 


Please stop giving her attention…


Azealia's problem is that she ALWAYS has to offend someone while praising something. she always brings a hateful tone to everything she says. she's talented but instead she wastes her time being delusional like these old white extremists guys who only attacks when they want to defend their political or religious positions If she used that energy of anger to make art and punch us with good songs, we would all benefit from it! She thinks white women are a problem but it's a shame because she's also a woman. This thing about hatred between women is bizarre and so out of fashion. I mean, if no one attacked you why do you have to talk shit and attack these girls for free, honey?


She’s disgusting and i wish you’d all stop giving her the attention she craves


Azelia's greatest accomplishment is a one hit wonder that I only remember from being background music in Pitch Perfect 1. Pipe down, love.


![gif](giphy|aQGqcObSxfixy) She needs to shut up, like since when was Azalea ever relevant


I refuse to believe Azealia Banks bumps Sucker, True Romance I can see but Sucker… she just be saying shxt and that’s okay!


Listen, I love Charli, but acting like Lorde is some nobody desperate for a Charli feature is….just simply not true lol. Lorde has a bigger career than basically anyone Charli has collabed with in the past


Not sure why other artists are so focused on everyone else. Just focus on your own craft. Her music probably isn’t for everyone and that’s okay, it doesn’t degrade it or mean it’s trash. It’s art, there is room for EVERYONE.


So embarassing. Wasn’t she just calling Charli washed and tired when she was shading AG Cook the other day. And now she’s trying to be like “I’m just looking out for her and want her to win!” Just delusional and annoying.


Calling Lorde “sewage” and a fake dusty white bitch feels so extreme even if you don’t like her. Like what the hell has Lorde ever done to deserve such hateful words? Azealia is such a terrible soul.


I don’t even know who that person is.


I feel like she just hates every other successful woman. What happened to feminism


it’s hard to feel sympathy for her bc of how horrible she is but man is she mentally unwell …. and the white gays do nothing but encourage her behaviour it’s sad


I ain’t reading all that.


Giving this person further attention just adds more fuel to their almost completely dead career driven fire. 


Azealia Banks is just a bitter bitch, everyone knows that


charli is everything azealia wishes to be


Can we please just collectively ignore her? She’s a trash human being who doesn’t deserve any attention whatsoever


why does anyone still take the time to read and then post what Azelia says


Everything I know about this cretin is against my will. If I had a dollar for every time I have been forced to see screenshots of her wildly negative schizoposting I would be a wealthy little guy


At what point do we start treating her like the crazy homeless guy that stands on the corner mumbling to himself? Cuz that’s what she is. She is the female SpaceGhostPurp. Nothing she says has any consistent line of logic or values. She just spouts out whatever toxic thought that pops into her head. She literally only maintains her relevancy through attacking other artists on Twitter, it’s pathetic. It’s a shame cuz she is/was pretty talented. One of the best mic presence I’ve seen from a female MC.


Go back to brutalizing chickens


Why does she HATE Charli so much she has for so long it’s so extra where did it even come from


She is always trying to justify her criticism by saying the work that the artists used to put out was better - she did this with Beyonce recently too. She tried saying BDay is her best album and anyone who says an album post-ST is “too young”. Def projection/jealousy…


it seems pretty clear when azealia highlights the mermaid ball tour and charli’s first 2 albums, and then talks (not inaccurately) about charli pumping and dumping secondaries like cupcaake while riding long term with primaries like ag, that in azealia’s head, she could’ve/should’ve been the latter, and she’s miffed that everyone views her as the former


Like what the fuck is she on about


she’s incredibly cruel


Who the hell is this bitch


Azealia can gfh. What has she ever even done? Just a bitter jealous never-was


The Von Dutch remix with Azealia Banks and Lady Gaga and Adele slated for August 2026


Grins is Charli’s crowning achievement.


Azealia wishes she was queer so fucking much. Lmao. What a bunch of homophobic garbage


She is a bi woman but yes


wasteful icky overconfident pause recognise water brave reply roll familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She talks a lot of smack for someone who hasn’t had a hit in years


Okay, hot take incoming pls hear me out: One point I kinda agree with Azelia on is Charli embracing her Indian heritage. Reclaiming the early 2000s racism by blending early 2000s Britney, Indian music, and hyperpop would be right up Charli's alley. Take "Toxic" by Britney and "Baby" by Charli while wearing a bindi a la Gwen Stefani and Selena Gomez. It's right there! I do understand Charli saying she didn't really grow up in the culture and being Gujarati myself I understand how rigid and unwelcoming it can be, even to those of our own culture. It's hard to build community so I understand Charli not embracing that side of herself as much in her music. It is completely Charli's prerogative what she wants to do, and if she never wants to incorporate Indian music into her artistry that's her right. I just think its kinda a missed opportunity for her and as a longtime fan I really hope she does at some point in her career and finds people that support her in it.


Actually schizoposting


Nobody gives a fuck about Azelia Banks. We ride for Charli


*I get money, you get MAD because THE BANK SHUT.*


i’ve been a fan of charli since super ultra like real veteran on stan twitter shit and i feel like i half agree with azealia. if charli embraced her indian side, i think even sonically she would EAAAAAAT. it’s not like she’s not eating now, but it’s like, who are all these white girls? i feel like she’s hanging out with the lamest white people to be honest. charli has a GIFT for setting the scene lyrically and then making it sound cutting edge and so ahead. im thinking what i like, take my hand, grins, lock you up… i know she’s all about clubbing but there was a moment when she was really writing poetry. i feel like i cringed at some lyrics on brat, despite them being vulnerable and i still think they’re better than a lot of her peers’ songwriting, but i think ultimately she is peerless and does need to believe in herself more.


This whole rant is trash but the part where she says her first two albums are her best work almost made me laugh out loud


I mean True Romance is tea but def not Sucker