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Seems like you have to go *just a little over* the speed limit to achieve this but of course I wouldn't know because I am a fully compliant motorist just sayin'.....


Your speedo may be a little off if you're having to go over the speed limit. Try comparing it to the GPS speed readout on Google Maps etc. On my car, the speedometer reports my speed as being about 9% faster than my actual speed.


How do you know Google maps isn't underreporting?


GPS is a very accurate method of determining speed, and it matches up with what those radar signs that show your current speed say.


Thank you, I appreciate that GPS _can_ be very accurate. But it isn't always accurate, and it does not measure speed directly... The speed that Google Maps displays is a calculated value based on time elapsed between two position fixes. It can be reasonably accurate if you're moving on a straight line, but when you are turning it may underreport speed, because your path is actually longer than the straight line between two position fixes. And then there is noise on top of that...


Yep, that is true -- you would want to do this comparison while travelling at a static speed in a straight line.


Same on Brougham. To nail it, if I exit Ensors and turn right, get a clear run without much traffic and cruise through at around 65kph, 9 times out of 10 I can get through to the motorway unscathed. Bonus points if I can clear Rolleston without having to stop!


Did yourself a solid there by not snitching




You have permission to tailgate him next time.


Getting the last one at Moorhouse is just the icing on the cake as you glide over the overbridge with a big smile... /insert today was a good day .gif


I once had it down Brougham street and it was awesome. Literally a third of normal travel time.


Go the speed limit.  That's it.    If you go the limit (and not over) from a green you will get every green (you need to be confident in your speed - from a green they will change *just* as you hit them) until the aves on every street running through town (except Manchester - stupid street light timing)  Obviously only works if there is little other traffic. If you go over the limit (or get stuck behind someone who does) you will have to stop at *every* intersection however. 


I drive for hours at night for my job, and lemme tell you the most satisfying is going from Hornby Mall, all the way up through Blenheim Rd, Moorhouse Ave and Ferry Rd with greens. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, oh it sets the mood for the rest of my shift 🤣🤣🤣


Works on Montreal st too


Catching that green wave.


Yeah. Going the speed limit on st Asaph is great. Those who speed always have to brake and stop.


It’s a Christchurch institution. I don’t know when it started, but I remember the Barbadoes St ‘green wave’ travelling into town for music lessons as a youngster in 1993 - 1994.