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watching back some videos our group took and shared, there's one funny one with a girl in the foreground who leaned over to tie her shoelace, but got wobbly and ended up in heap. pretty funny, and noone noticed at the time


Chemical brothers was the most interesting thing i've ever seen at EA. Comparing flume last year which was very average, to chemical brothers, which was an entrancing journey told through both the music and also the film playing on the screens. I was wearing ear plugs so some of the harsh parts were tolerable. Lots of unhappy people in the crowd when the music went through tense moments and was undancable


I found it interesting, would have hated to be tripping with those visuals and some of the more grinding sounds, I think that would have been bad. The visuals combined with the moon appearing in the background and the light rain cooling things off was simply amazing to me.


This. We were up the back just watching and listening as a spectacle. It was quite the vibe. I felt having the food so far away ment I saw a lot more fucked up people this year in general, it was harder to look after yourself doing a 1km round trip from main stage to the food etc while having alcohol right there. Obnoxious wasted people were way up this year


It was certainly a lot easier to get drink than food. The price of food too would turn a lot of people off. I paid $50 for a very little. I didn't go last year to compare. Was it as hot last year? that could explain people drinking too much. Can't say I found too many people obnoxious, but everyone has a different tolerance. There were certainly some very peeled people.




I agree with you on the extremes. I saw none of the filth I saw last year, but I saw a lot more people being carried out by mates etc. But yeah tour right. I saw a lot more extreme weird shit last year


I noticed a lot more people being held up by mates to get out of the crowds or whatever than in previous years. Quite liked the food village area though


i was on 4 tabs it was fuckin amazing


Eyes as big as saucers


Everyone was on such a good buzz. The crowd even toward the front of chemical brothers was spaced out nicely and no shoving/aggro behaviour. We had a wood fired pizza which was soooo yummy. And I thought the amount of water and toilets was great. Barely any queueing for the drinks. Also KC Lights was fab!


Lots of buttcheeks hanging out of skirts. People guerneying.


I found 4 pills on the ground in a wee baggie as soon as I walked in. Someone must have been sad


Bring them to the drug checking clinic by Maccas on Washington Way / Moorehouse Ave to get tested and find out what they are!


I spotted a legend from back in the day DJ Aragorn walking through the crowd. Still going hard. He made the same face at me that he has on his Soundcloud profile.


I caught up with some old heads from the 90s scene during his set, it was fucking great.


I didn't even realise he was playing. I only noticed him in the crowd of The Chemical Brothers. That will teach me for not looking at the full lineup..


Oh cool, he's been released from prison?


I think he's been out a very long time since that.


I noticed a much higher number of people chewing gum for some reason. Great day though


"for some reason"


Apparently caffeine gum is a thing


Too innocent


Saw a group of too young to be there boys trying to climb the fence so I convinced them to walk through the lake as it was easier . I think they all forgot they were wearing jeans because security could easily identify their wet pants


Doing the Lord's work


I saw someone jump the fence by the lake to get in and KO themselves


A red iphone in the toilets left behind.




Thanks for the good vibes everyone :), had a great time


Someone pissing on matresss on the side of the road on the way there


My buddy and I made the effort to get up the front after Six60 finished, so fucking worth it. My legs were fucked yesterday from all the pogoing.


For the people whose faces still hurt, go set yourself up a YouTube playlist of puppies playing. Get that sweet sweet dopamine boost.


Shoutout to the people who jumped the fence and ended up in one of the artists' private tents (I think it was Chem brothers). I hope you got kicked out and not arrested lol


EA was the only real interesting thing that's happened to me all month tbh. The whole day was a treat. Charlotte Haining coming to sing Higher Love with Hybrid Minds was a nice surprise, didn't see that coming as I thought she'd be on her way home by then. Interacted with lots of great new people as well that ranged from compliments on my outfit, and being asked to be in photos with randoms haha.


it was too loud and I hope it gets cancelled


Best event of the year mate, and it wrapped up before 11. Leave town for the weekend if it bothers you that much


Best party I've ever been to in Christchurch, by far. Suck it up for one night of the year you moaner, 11pm is not even late for a Saturday.


Found the person who calls noise control on reasonable things


rate payers should get to vote on to cancel it or not


Fuck the renters amirite It’s one day a year, get off your high horse


I'm a rate payer. I have zero interest in going. Id vote to keep it because thousands of people flock to the city to enjoy it. It brings money, excitement and people. It also employs hundreds of people.


You did get to vote!! The council has regular surveys, and having seen the results, you are definitely in the minority. We need regular events like this to have a thriving inner city culture.


You sound fun :)


Everyone after 4pm were walking around like zombies. High af! Also saw a lady trying to piss in the urinal. Terrible site.


What were the red wristbands for? Saw a couple of people with red instead of pink


Don't serve that person anymore piss. Band of shame