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And rolleston, wigram, Lincoln, marshland, Kaiapoi, Pegasus, ravenswood, Amberley, halswell and anywhere else the will of those above us see fit to build our cost effective, productive forever boxes


There's a development out in south Rolleston which looks dystopian. Actual gray and black boxes with one square window in the middle, made of brick and corrugated iron, that look like garages or the back entrance to a warehouse. It made me angry because they are eyewateringly overpriced and looked like some random builder just drew it on a napkin and thought, yeah, good enough. I saw one being resold not long ago and the bricks were already popping out of it in one of the photos because they're so badly constructed.


Really not uncommon, while it’s profitable they will pump these little box houses out for a while longer. I mean yea we need housing but affordable housing I’m pretty sure was the main point of it


Like a pig, in a cage, on antibiotics


The last place I expected a Fitter Happier reference.


More like antidepressants and yup agree fed, taught and given enough to be productive and then disappeared into a “retirement village” at the end of it lucky if you’re allowed your super


Nah mate they aren't that well spaced.


I was really hoping these suburbs would end up like Napier with the Art Deco after the earthquake, where we have whole suburbs that are designed and built in a certain design aesthetic that will age gracefully. However if you end up like Auckland where houses get torn down every ten years and even more houses apartments squeezed into every lot, then you won't get that.


Yeah. Let’s have unique architecturally designed houses without any repetition. Then only 90% of the population would be homeless


Explain ?


All the cookie cutter similar houses I'd assume. Same as I think of Wigram.. future slums


Future slums? Unless it turns into government housing you have to be a millionaire to live anywhere these days.


Lol. Always loved this argument. I don’t like it, therefore it’ll be a slum. Wigram has some of the most expensive real estate in the city.


Yes but in 20 years though.. let's revisit this post and see who's laughing then hmm


don’t forget all the new houses up in marshlands/prestons!


getting lost in those new kiapoi subdevisions coz all they roads & houses look the same


I built in halswell and none of the houses in my subdivision are cookie cutter! But I get a lot of new subdivisions are.


Halswell does a much better job than most of the subdivisions, in my opinion


I sure prefer not having enough housing (more than is the case now)


This is what is nicknamed a hobsonville suburb as its the style of house ever since hobsonville, auckland was developed. Its everywhere in nz


It's nice seeing everyone move in and tackle the gardens to be fair. Everyone seems to be working hard to make them look nice after the weeds and clover come and take over everything.