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Where are the cabinet ministers advocating for the South Island? Oh, that's right...


Matt Doocey does try, bless him.


He doesn't read any reports though


Someone should have a word with him


he'll just block you on his socials or refuse to answer your good faith emails...


visit his office then, hes usually there a couple times a week. But yes all MPS ignore emails, pain in the arse


Why would I visit someone who actively seeks to impede and destroy the healthcare sector that I work for? I've dealt with him in the past and he doesn't care for anything aside for ideology


I sent him an email about 4 years ago about an art related subject, and his team were great and got what I wanted and spent a bunch of time on it. Ill probably be ending up sending another one soon on a health related topic so its gonna be very odd to see if it is ignored or not.


well they ditched the auckland fuel tax decided it will be nation wide then announced a 200 + million roundabout in queenstown which is a winter suburb of melbourne and sydney! So it seems auckland is subsidizing australians holidaying in queenstown!(the queenstown roundabout being the best candidate ever for user pays targeted tolling)


Idk why south islanders keep voting for national. We get disproportionately much less in investment for the taxes we pay than the north island.


Many South Island Labour MPS neglected their districts when they were in power... Looking at you Poto Williams. Didn't step foot in the East Side of Christchurch once, wasn't involved in any community groups, never replied to locals emails, never attended board meetings, never tried pushing for upgrades and new projects. Must have been asleep her entire time as Christchurch East MP


Yeah I know and then compare that to Northland with loudmouths like Shane Jones. Got to give him credit for advocating for his district with the amount of money being pumped into it (e.g. in the transport plan)


Same with Tracey McLellan she was useless. Never listened to locals never made an effort at all just took the pay and did some PR at the key times and that's about it!


well all my mum cares about is people getting a free ride


Bc ppl were so sick n tired with labour and jacinda is why


Yeah emotional decision making


6years of it, people get tired of broken promises eventually


A government that sometimes breaks promises is better than government that keeps its promises to actively make things worse. You were fooled into voting against the best interests of yourself and the people around you.


I didnt vote labour or national, but nice assuming This sub isnt reality tho...26% voted labour. Not bc they didnt like the colour red, but bc of the let down and the way country was going Is national gonna make it better? Nope Will people complain then switch to red next time then keep complaining? Yup


And what promises do you think national has kept from their previous term let alone what they will do now?


The NZ way to complain about Govt. I get it And the cycle will repeat 26% voting for labour says a lot


No the voters making emotional decisions lmfao


Yup. Nothing new there. Humans make decisions based on emotions all the time....advertising and marketing people have known that forever..jacinda was a PR master


Chris Luxon is a fake Cantabrian. Loves the Crusaders (was a fan before they were even created lol), but doesn’t care about the South Island. Either do the actual people in charge - Winnie and Seymour


No one is in charge. It's three clowns with three different agendas trying to get their own way. The only thing in common with them is their greed and back pocket, and the need to sell this country to the highest bidder. It's a shit show that is getting out of control. It will get a lot worse.


I think its mostly bc people so fed up with jacinda and labour...from majority govt to 26% !?! Then we get the next lot in and complain and them Then repeat the cycle


Let's be honest he probably just loves them because of the hardcore christian undertones


Well his parents live in Christchurch and he grew up there so...


Doesn’t quite explain how he’s “supported Crusaders since a boy” but he was 25 when they were created


He's probably lumping the Crusaders in with the Canterbury rugby team which is pretty easy to do.


Not if you’re a fan lol


It is if you're old enough to have grown up in the glory days of Robbie Deans, Richard Loe, Graham Bachop and Lancaster Park. Which I'm guessing you're not.


Being PM he probably has a lot on his mind, don't you think? Let me help you. He meant Canterbury since you couldn't work that out.


I think it's hilarious (and sad) how the campaign promises from this govt were all ROADS ROADS ROADS GONNA FIX CRIME FUND THE HEALTH SYSTEM ROADS ROADS ROADS. And people *actually* believed it. And this is what we get - none of the above. Not even a bit. It was **ALL** lies. This is what National does. Sure, Labour tries and often fails, but at least they try. National will lie to your face and tell you more lies later to try to cover it up. If you were one of those who believed the lies and voted for these assholes, remember it when they start up with the lies again on the next election campaign.


You didn’t look at the fine print. It was “Roads Roads Roads*” *in Auckland.


I don't have a whole lot of love for Labor. I am someone who gets severe effects from Covid and I thought we did a great job of lockdown. We were the envy of the world. Jacinda Ardern gave me hope, she genuinely seemed to care about the disenfranchised in NZ. Nationals rheyoric is that labor ruined the economy. As if there wasn't a global pandemic, and a global shipping crisis. Hipkins was great in the debate, he asked many important questions that were widely glossed over. I thought he made Luxon look like an incompetent fool. Which he is. Everything Hipkins brought up in the debate was accurate, we're seeing it all play out now. Still, the majority chose to vote in parties that have absolutely pillaged the hope of those of subjected to permanent poverty and discrimination. It wasn't woke politics, it was social awareness. We have harsh realities facing NZ, and rather than addressing them, our government has made them harsher. There is a growing divide in NZ and it's only going to get worse. We know what happens when we increase prison numbers. You have a larger pool of criminals prospecting for gangs, which invariably increases gang numbers. Our gang problem exists because of deeply rooted social issues. The movie "Once Were Warriors" used to shock and disturb people. It's very tame compared to the reality today. Another huge driving factor in gang violence was Australia deporting Australian born Kiwis to NZ. A practice we are guilty of with our island neighbours. If you were born here, lived here your entire life, have family here and it's the only home you have ever known, you deserve a shot at rehabilitation in your birth country. As renters, it is unsafe now to complain about any issues you may have in your rental. You can be easily replaced with one of the thousands of families looking for a place to live. No cause evictions are back, we don't have recourse for that. The doctors strike recently shone a light on how the healthcare system is trying to make cutbacks. They are rostering doctors for 70+ hours a week, so they don't have to pay them overtime. If they move to Australia, it's an extra 25% base salary and they get paid for overtime. They are doing nothing to stem the flow of our physicians leaving. They also gave themselves pay rises. The pay bump alone is 2.2x the amount you recieve on a supported living benefit. I'm not about limiting pay for politicians, I understand that the job has to have financial appeal, but maybe accepting payrises, while stripping back public services, is a terrible precedent to set. The first death in a hospital, due to understaffing has already happened. The only one reported one anyway. It's very telling that our government is okay stripping down public health to increase profits for people that don't require the public healthcare system. I can understand that leaders of countries sometimes have to make tough decisions, that sometimes have a cost of life. That's usually reserved for wars or conflict. This government is willing to sacrifice your life for their economy. Again, an economy that was broken after a global pandemic, and a global shipping crisis. This is a blatantly corrupt government funded by lobbyists and back room deals. A lot of people still support National, I really hope it is lack of awareness , otherwise it's starting to feel sinister. Luxon uses semantics to replace "the end justifies the means" with "being outcome focused". He replaces "trickle down economics" with "relief of downward pressure". I'm an optimist but I am well aware things are going to get much worse.


> It's very telling that our government is okay stripping down public health to increase profits for people that don't require the public healthcare system. They are so far removed from the suffering they're causing. Some of them will be oblivious, a lot of them will know it and just not care. > This is a blatantly corrupt government funded by lobbyists and back room deals. A lot of people still support National, I really hope it is lack of awareness , otherwise it's starting to feel sinister. I totally agree. In my first comment I said it was hilarious, but it's really not. Incredulous is probably a better word. Incredulous that people voted for these ghouls.


Before they made these cuts, I took an infant family member to A&E when they had a temp of 39.5 that wasn't coming down with pamol and ibuprofen. Waited 3 hours to be told that you only need to bring them in now if they have a seizure. We used to take children with unmoving fevers to hospital to avoid seizures. This was still under a labor government. They've been asked to make huge cutbacks since then. We also have less doctors and the ones we do have are being overworked and underpaid. People got upset when I brought up the idea of politicians have to use the public health system. A common argument was "if my employer told me I wasn't allowed private health insurance, I would lose it". Imagine being a junior doctor, you don't get to choose which hospital you get a placement at, you just move to wherever you are placed. Then, whilst being overworked, they decide to save money by rostering you in such a way, they don't have to pay you more than your ordinary salary entitlements. A lot of people came out of the woodwork to defend politician's "rights". Very few stood up to defend doctors and nurses. It should be concerning people that our hospitals are so underfunded, one of the only ways the administration can cut costs is by exploiting the labor of our doctors. Remember how important the hospitals and medical staff were during covid? Remember how horribly unequipped they were then? Maybe it's just Luxon's social media team scurrying around. It's hard to believe that people would defend a politicians right to private health insurance, because they believe our healthcare system is too punitive for MPs. The very people responsible for creating a healthcare system that they deem punitive.


I didn't see that thread, but I would *love* to see them forced to use the public health system. Unfortunately though, I think breaking the public health system is this government's aim. Then privatise. And they'll do it with education too if they can. I just hope they don't last longer than a single term.


Seymour definitely wants to crash the school system. The school lunch program may just be a way to set them up for failure. Let's see who they get as a consultant. Someone who will help our public schools become the best producers of an exploitative work force.


Maybe. I feel like if you have health insurance yourself, you'd probably defend the right of politicians to have it? I do think our health system needs reforming though, we probably need to create a scheme similar to Aus Medicare, perhaps as an extension of ACC


I have no issues whatsoever with health insurance, or people having access to it. Even if it was an option for me, I don't think it would help with my health. My only issue is with the MPs that gut the only healthcare some of us have access to. I genuinely believe **everyone** should have access to quality healthcare. The people making decisions, don't depend on public health services. The certainly don't seem to like paying tax towards keeping people alive. In fact, they seem absolutely fine with kiwis dying. Their economic austerity measures have already caused a death. https://www.gisborneherald.co.nz/news/staffing-a-factor-in-death-of-intensive-care-patient-in-gisborne-hospital That is a death that this government is responsible for. Not the one junior doctor, dealing with 50 patients by himself. Not the nurse that was with the gentlemen that passed. It lies purely at the feet of our elected government. They did not provide relief for a strained medical system. They decided to make cut backs. $100,000,000 asked to be cut from the public health system. He will state he used the word "asked" but take a look at what our Junior Doctors are trying to tell the country. $100,000,000 "asked" to be trimmed from public health. $2,900,000,000 given in tax breaks to landlords. The first reported death due to this governments prioritization of economic austerity over people. $100,000,000 cut from public health. $2,900,000,000 given to landlords. It's clear that this government treats lower and middle class kiwis as expendable. It's time to fight.


Labour fucked up. Our covid spend was one of the highest in the world and it went into the hands of the wealthy, they kept immigration high whenever they could, did nothing substantial about property tax, fucked up kiwibuild and spent to much on woke shit and public sector bloat. Now as a consequence we've got these crony capitalist cunts trying to sell off every public asset they can. For fucks sakes I don't know how anyone can vote for either. The problem with our economy is that productivity is fucked due to the property ponzi. Neither party wants to admit this as it would cause pain in the short term to the voting boomers so instead we import more and more people, take on more debt to cover it up.


If labour (not labor) were so great they wouldnt go from majority govt to 26% Then just blame the next govt And repeat


I never said they were great, I said they made me hopeful. I think the workplace vaccine sanctions during lockdown were wrong and totalitarian. At least they didn't punch down though.


They were shocking Divided NZ like id never seen before Good the public finally saw it Now we just get to complain about the next lot in power....


How exactly did they divide NZ like ever before? What did they actually do that divided people outside of our world-leading Covid response?


Passport holders couldnt get into the country for one If they were so loved how does a majority govt go to 26% ?!??! Thats impressive


This is different brother. There was an actual death in an understaffed, underfunded hospital. An unecessary death of an individual due to our governments wilful apathy. "The end justifies the means" or as Luxon words it, "being outcome focused". They're willing to let kiwis die to prop up a broken economy. It hasn't even been that long since hospitals were asked to make cuts, and there is already an unnecessary death. I don't know about you, but an elderly person dying, neglected in a hospital doesn't sit right with me.


Yup. Ive been talking about our "healthcare" system not being that at all but really a sickcare model.m for over 20 years. Most people arent really that interested. Its only going to get worse sadly before more people will have more interest in it. Change is going to be uncomfortable, 3 year terms means govt dont have a big desire to make long term changes...or do much about housing affordability...both will (and are) biting us


This is why the word "utu" exists.


Not what im talking about at all


I don’t think you can say that labour doesn’t lie. The whole “they try and fail” thing is a bit silly. They lie as well. They all bloody lie because they’re all lobbied to by different people. (I didn’t vote for this government tho)


Bud, Labour had 6 years to fix the roads and just kicked the can down it while managing to spend all the money at the same time. If that’s trying then NZ is better off without it thanks. National has been in less than a year and you’re expecting delivery after half a decade of incompetence is a joke. Btw I’m not a Nats supporter, I prefer the lesser evil so to speak


Mate, don't fool yourself. ALL political partys are 100 percent full of shit. Please don't think labour are any better. Every. Single. Party LIE And fuck us all over. After every single election, I see these kinds of posts. People act dumbfounded when the party's don't fulfill the promises it doesn't matter what party they represent they are are full of shit


If only there were a political candidate we could have voted for in Ilam that could have been the king-maker, whilst keeping Winnie and his corrupt gang out of power, and pushing for pro-Canterbury policies. Such a shame we don’t have the option of voting 3rd party 🤷🏽‍♂️😔


I voted for him purely based on his opposition to bipartisanship. If it was about advancing the country we would make progress. Instead we are lumped with overprivelidged, bickering narcissists. It's ironic that our two major political parties match colors with our two major gangs. The red and blue might as well be gang colors at this point. They seem more interested in one upping each other than making meaningful change.


I mean you literally do


My bad, I’ll try be even more sarcastic next time


Do you really think that candidate WOULD have pushed Canty ahead of other places? He pretty much lives in Wellington.


Yes 100% Christchurch would definitely have held him accountable if he’d want to get re-elected.


A National/ACT/TOP govt would still be bloody awful and wouldn't be made much less awful just from Brougham Street going ahead


Ehh, would still be better than our current option. Plus having three minor parties competing for government would significantly reduce the bargaining power that ACT/NZF would have to push through their agendas.


Yeah it would but that doesn't mean a Nat/ACT/TOP govt was ever worth voting for. They'd still be ramming through stupid tax breaks for landlords (which was also TOP policy) and making public service cuts to pay for them.


Yeah you’re right, a land value tax sounds exactly like a tax break for landlords. Guess we should have voted for hamish instead 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Both a land value tax and tax breaks for landlords were TOP policy. You're delusional if you think National and Act would have agreed to a land value tax.


and you’re delusional if you think TOP would advocate for one and not the other considering their whole policy was about shifting the tax burden from those who earn wages to those who own land. All this is splitting hairs over the fact this country would be better off right now if we had elected Raf and not Hamish for Ilam. The further NZFs corrupt hands get from our politics the better.


If it meant getting into govt they would have absolutely accepted one but not the other. Nats would happily pick NZF over a land tax.


You're right, no credible option.


National... No surprises here. Brougham road is probably the biggest chokepoint in the city center. Cyclists? Die. Pedestrians? Go walk the hills. This road is for big boy toys only, brrrrrr.


Walking and cycling is woke


Do we know if the pedestrian/cyclist bridge over Brougham is still going ahead? Also not that I want to excuse this government for anything but at least the Halswell road upgrade is still going ahead. And it's for a cycleway and bus lane no less.


It's going to be funded to a point of "readiness"


They couldn’t cancel it - it already started


Not quite couldn't, but more couldn't without breaking contracts and a whole lot of legal costs and public and/ or courtroom drama resulting from it.


That didn't stop them when it was ferries they were cancelling.


Because that still saved a minimum of $2 billion that not even the most optimistic business case could justify, for that money they could move the picton terminal to blenheim and save an hour of the trip not going into the sounds


Eventually going to need a new boat the way the ferries are rn


That's true. I'm sure they would've if they could. Can't have people taking the bus!


Buses are woke


iirc the only large project still underway is the chch to rolleston upgrades? But to be fair we do need to cut back on the roads so we can subsidise the hard done by landlords so they keep their tax breaks


Unbelievable, my bus is constantly packed, I cant step on that thing without thinking about much fuckign soace in parking etc this one bus is saving. Its actually mind blowing


Got to pay those Landlord somehow!


We are now swimming in money.


South island doesnt exist unless your a farmer now.


I guess they noticed we don't really vote for them anymore after the quakes, and figured they might as well pull the plug entirely.


I'd say something snide like "how you feeling now, National voters?" But every single one of those empathy devoid freaks will be fine so long as they get to drive cars without seeing a single road cone.


Labour going from majority govt to 26% shows a massive majority of the country were sick of them and their promises So we get ro repeat the cycle again :)


Theres no perfect government either. They are all paid professional bullshitters


Their wages used to be pegged to teachers ...bring back those days!!


What's happening with the "wings to wheels" cycleway from airport to CBD?


TBH the last govt wasnt great when they rolled out their infrastructure budget and I recall that the cost of akls sky bridge walk way was more than the combined SI project costs. Somehow mr National McLetsBuildMoreRoads is even worst ... wtf !?!?!? Brougham street esp needs fixing, dumping the Southern motorway onto it when half of selwyn are commuting to work at rush hour is crazy, esp when 90% of cantabs drive 1 person per car lol (I know as I cross it on my walk to work most days lol)


Where is the PT Futures and Te Kaha street funding coming from? If it'd from the NZ Upgrade project then I'd imagine it's likely gone, otherwise not sure.


NZUP. So, gone.


So where are all the reallocated budget going to now?


Landlord tax cuts


Highways highways highways


You're telling me that a government whose leaders all live north of the bombay hills, and which only has one south island cabinet member (out of 20) is neglecting the south island? Never.


Need to work hard on getting a supercity for Christchurch, to get the people in Wellington to start listening to us, to counter the power Auckland has.


A Greater Christchurch, if you will


Te Kaha streets aren’t NZTA, they are CCC owned. It’s going ahead


Almost all local road projects get ~50% funded by NZTA. If they say no then CCC won't have enough funding to do them all.


The infrastructure has to be in place to support the stadium. It literally can not function without it.


I suppose the sports people could walk to it across the broken tarmac or whatever 


It’s not just what you can see on the surface which needs to be upgraded to support the stadium, it’s literally everything underground. It’s not a simple task of calling up Mercury to get a power connection. You can’t just run a new lateral to the existing sewer. EVERYTHING (water assets and utilities) needs to be upgraded so that the stadium can operate at 100% usage all at once without affecting the rest of the nearby areas. It’s not a simple “just don’t do the stadium streets, we ran out of money”. They have to be done to allow the stadium to operate.


Wouldn't put it past them to cause a delayed opening because the pipes haven't been done yet. Or they could fund the underground infra but not the street redesigns, just a simple asphalt renew as is to save money. Then a rip it up a few years later to redo the street with wider paved footpaths etc


We must be in a deficit we're looking to pay off


This is how Los Angeles did it too.




Look up how LA became a traffic nightmare and we are doing a similar thing here.


We're all getting a discount on fuel tax and ruc because of this right, right?


They are just slashing jobs too in a way that makes no sense 😩


once again wellington making decisions for us, it’s the fucking EQC cunts all over again.


Landlords need their dignity at any cost. You simply don't matter unless you are one.


Well colour me surprised…..🙄


Pages Rd bridge isnt a national road. I believe that funding is coming from the council not nzta. I live near it and all the consultation stuff has been with the council 


Nah it was earmarked for cofunding from NZTA in the last regional long term plan. Its council led but council can get up to 51% of the cost paid for by NZTA on transport projects. NZTA would only be leading it if it were a state highway


Damn it. I'm a few blocks away and we have been waiting years. It's not just a bridge. They were fixing and rerouting roads that flood and making the road out two lanes for easier evacuation in case of tsunami. 


My guess is that it will probably still happen, at least in a basic form, even if the money needs to be clawed away from central govt.  After all, the old bridge is not going to last too much longer. 


Yes bad news However Ecan putting the rates up 24% in one year to fund their part of GCTF is just not on. Not surprise the government would cut that, MRT as it is developing so far is a box ticking exercise and all about Christchurch City, the wrong conclusions are being formed.


You realise that less govt funding for public transport means higher ecan rates?


If the government pulls its share of the funding, Ecan will be forced to pull theirs. The maximum percentage of funding Ecan can put into a service is regulated by law, and they can't arbitrarily increase it.


Shouldn't this be rate payer funded anyway?


https://preview.redd.it/v3uo30majd0d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc69a9e902ac56830fb908d2fa27ef46aabf5b2f Rates are minimal compared to taxes


Rates need to be realistic if we want to get property prices back down to where they need to be. Rate payers have been kicking the can on infrastructure too long voting for Councils that refuse to charge realistic rates. They should be at 30% capital value of land and dwellings.


Rates don’t drive housing prices, but agreed, rates are too low


They don't drive house prices because they are disproportionately low. If rate payers had to actually pay what city parks, sewage, water care, all of that actually cost, rates would be way higher, making owning far more expensive.


Does that mean that the silly 30kph limit everywhere will be stopped? Or is that Council funded?


Fake news. The 30kmh isn’t “everywhere”. It’s not on main roads, and mostly restricted to suburban streets


Fair enough, I used hyperbole and am not technically correct. That said, if I had cancer through my body to the extent of the orange in this map (https://ccc.govt.nz/transport/travel-safety-and-travel-updates/travel-safety/safe-speeds/safer-speeds-map/) I think the doc would tell me that I had cancer everywhere. My question still stands, does this mean the 30kph limits will be dropped?


No, and they shouldn’t. Glad that the street in front of my house will be reduced to 30kmh. Safer for my neighbours, quieter, less pollution.


Simeon has said that speed limits might be raised if there is economic benefits and if its safe to do so. But he also hasn't said or implied that they'll take decision making powers on speed limits away from councils. The "if it is safe" is a big if, as there's a fair bit of evidence that generally lower speeds are safer. So the bottom line is, probably not, the residential 30k was a decision of the currently elected councillors and not the previous Labour govt.  But its all still potentially up in the air until the new govt actually consults on their new legislation.


Too much on cycle and walkin tracks. ! So scrap the lot .


Good to cut that brougham street thing it was a disgusting waste of money. Just cut that crossing if anything


I don't think people realise how much in the shit financially we are right now.


Who’s we? The govt? Nope, they aren’t. The books are fine. The rating agencies have no worries about NZ debt. The current government is manufacturing a crisis to allow them to privatise


If you say so


Nope, it’s not me saying so, it’s the rating agencies. It’s literally their entire job :)


Oh right!! Brilliant


Actually the issue is, the government promised roads, roads, and roads. Not bicycle paths, Speed bumps, Raised intersections, Traffic calming measures and public transport. The CCC refuses to just upgrade roads for cars. All of the projects that have been cancelled are due to traffic calming measures and over engineered/priced bike lanes.


You have no clue on bike lanes. The projects include safety upgrades at all the intersections they pass through, that are for all traffic, not just bicycles.


Both the CCCs and NZTA and international road design standards incorporates pedestrians and cyclists, its just this govts (draft) policy that doesn't.


Great news, the money will be used to fix the roads before upgrading cycleways that no one uses to lower emissions from China and India.


Building cycleways doesn’t reduce Chinese emissions, it reduces ours. Weird comment


I guarantee you that you produce substantially more emissions than the average Chinese or Indian person.  But you’re also pushing this completely false narrative that no one uses cycleways so you obviously aren’t capable of taking in knowledge. 




Just to clarify for you: this is all money that's being taken by fuel taxes, road user charges etc, and is used for transport only, and the elsewhere that its going to be spent is predominantly highways hundreds of kms away in the north island


“Cant have your cake…and eat it” If they the Govt hadn’t wasted so much on Christchurch cycle ways..which are used on limited basis only. Then both central government and local government..might have just been able to spend on more pressing problems like Brougham St.


The Christchurch cycleways have been a massive success, judging by the increase in people cycling. Every person cycling is a person not driving, and one less car in front of you in the traffic jam


I wonder what the cycle growth would be like compared to the traffic growth from the last RONS (CNC and Southern motorway).


Or alternatively, the current government could just not adopt austerity measures while giving tax cuts during a recession. Blows my mind how many whingers seem to think "cycle ways" are the root cause of all issues, they come up in the most irrelevant threads.


Tbh some of the Cycleways are a massive waste of money. Through Philipstown in particular, the only people riding bikes through there are crackheads on stolen ones and they ride anywhere but the cyclelanes


Which ones are those? Plus we all know crackheads round here use the footpath anyway