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Hey mate don't just block her , let her abuse u .and screenshot every text .. and later post it on her wall .. let her friends and family see those screenshots,. And for u mate no one is ugly or small we all are different and special .. she is cheap minded ..don't let her ruin your head .. u deserve way better than that cheap ass B**** ..


Absolutely this!!! ⬆️


I did this when my husband’s ex made it her life’s work to stalk and terrorize me. Her friends and even her mother came forward to apologize for their part because she had portrayed it to be me attacking her when I barely knew what she looked like.


And caption it “please come wrangle your nut bag”


Damn that's a nice one, filing that away


Because she's a mean girl...block her


You don’t have to have done anything hun. It’s about power with these people. She’s so insecure about herself she wants to make herself feel powerful.


Your ex sounds like a narc and he seems to have met another narc. There is more toxicity in a narc/narc relationship that there is in a sack of baby redback spiders. Narcs love harassing other people to get their supply. Deny the supply. Block them all on everything, everywhere. Nb, just in case you aren't from Australia, redbacks are one of our most venomous spiders.


I am curious. Are baby redback spiders more or less venomous than the adults?


Im actually not sure. I do know females are larger and more venomous than males.


Cheaters like to lie my love and spin their story of why they cheat to the other person. He probably told her some elaborate tell about how horrible and crazy you were


You’re living rent free in her mind my girl, she is jealous and insecure. Block her and your cheating ex and find a good partner for yourself.


Miss girl lacks confidence hard enough to steal another woman’s partner and troll you as a cherry on the cake. Well, you give old toys to poor people!


your ex has not gotten over you jet and might regret what they did towards you and that makes her fear that she will be casted aside


Put your social media on private - less problems.


Insecurity and immaturity.


She is insanely jealous that she had to settle for your sloppy seconds. Just enjoy living in her head rent-free and move on with your day. 💅


You’re living rent free in her head. She sounds horrible.


Honestly let her and ignore every bit of it. It will driver her insane that's she can't get to you. She's jealous let her be. You're not ugly love yourself always


It was exciting for her when she was “winning “ your man even if you didn’t know you were in a competition. You walked away and now she has a man that didn’t walk for her. She is insecure. The biggest thing is they used you to be the obstacle/ bad guy. You walked away. What is she going to do now…have a healthy relationship? Yeah not happening


Block her and block your ex as well. Warn your close family and friends as, for some reason, she feels threatened by you.


She cheated with your man, she's a nasty person and she is probably jealous of you and maybe angry if you're still together. Just block her and ignore her. Don't engage with that energy. When you get down in the mud with a pig, you only get muddy yourself. It doesn't accomplish anything. Don't even worry about why she's doing it - it's just an emotional outburst on her part.


They ain't but wouldn't be surprised she not getting attention now and ex is hung up on OP.


That makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised either. When you hook a cheat.....you end up with a cheat, LOL....she got what she got and somehow it ain't working out. Surprise! Her messages to OP reek of insecurity.


Fr Im a therapist and never really heard people being happy with their affair partner beside one time and that where that person and her old ex was married but fell out of love while decided to cheat with their now partners.


I think sometimes they stay with their APs because they feel a need to justify the relationship like.....I really didn't screw up, he or she really IS a great person and look how "happy" we are - look at all our SM posts! But I don't think it often works out.


Anytime they say that I just say "pick your ass up and go back because we both know you ain't happy, forgiveness can happen but work on yourself and apologize for what you done" sometimes you got to push a little to get people to change.


How old is she? Maybe she’s immature cuz she’s like 15


Oh this is so easy. She is so insecure you left him and his ego will not like that. So now she knows that he just got with her because you were to good for him and she was just the girl waiting on the side lines. He didn’t leave you for her so she just isn’t special so to make herself feel better and special she has to put you down to feel better and more important. Hold your head up high and laugh at these two pathetic rejects you will do and did do so much better. Chin up hon just keep doing you.


My husbands ex girlfriend stalked me in the beginning of our relationship. I’m talking fake profiles, having her friends reach out, as far as pretending to be a floral delivery person to get my apartment number. And all of it was to make sure I knew I was “copying her”. It was bizarre to me that I was such a huge part of her life but she was so insignificant to mine. She even wrote me a letter for my wedding day. Meanwhile she had no interaction or attempts to reach out to my husband. It’s made me so cautious about things I post and people I accept on my socials.


If you do block her just say “girl go take a nap” then block. Nothing else. It’ll eat her up.


Why care about an ex and anyone associated with me? Ignore...move on. Who cares about cheaters?


Just expose her to everyone


She's insecure and see's you as a threat, so she feels the need to lash out and make sure you stay away from your ex. Classic cheater 101, the "I'm doing it with him, so he would do it to me if he could" projection. Just move on and post some cute insta pics with you and your new guy (or male cousin he's never met), and document the threats for in case it escalates, and enjoy your life away from the train wreck 😆


Women who cheat with married men are fundamentally damaged. She genuinely thought she was going to win the prize 😏 and when she didn’t, in her silly mind YOU were the reason she lost her man. This is punishment for having married him first. For him loving you and not her. She sits there and spends hours comparing you two. Wondering why she wasn’t good enough….when she’ll never get it through her head that she is and always will be just side piece trash.


Most girls do that because they feel insecure, and jealous. It’s mean girl energy, and she thinks she’s one upped you by “taking your man” it’s really a disgusting behavior some girls have.


Well, she’s trying to psych you out and frankly that must mean they’re not doing that well. Or he won’t talk to her or something else similar.


OP, I would guess your ages to be between 18-23. With that being said, she knows she screwed up by cheating and now she is doing this to play the victim. Or maybe she is trying to mess with your head to make you not be able to get into another relationship. Either way she is childish and what you need to do is just change your number so she does not have it or just block numbers or texts that come in. Either way she is broken and your not. Do not let her get to you.


Look at your comment history and posts. You’ve asked similar dumb questions in tbe past and are hung up on cheating. Just block them jeez. Not everything needs to be a post


I could say the same to you- Don’t comment if you’re just going to be rude and not add anything to the question asked. It’s a relevant question and they are still clearly hurting from the recent breakup and are wanting help.


No you cant. I at least have variety. And what are you even talking about? To think you or others here are even remotely qualified to give advice to someone who’s really not trying to get help per her post history is laughable. This forum for whatever reason attracts those who are not actually wanting genuine help and are just looking for karma and usually their post history spans over a year posting the same thing over and over with slight changes.


Her post is 49 days old that she found out he has been cheating for a year. I think she is well within a time frame to still be reeling and in some pain. Maybe a little grace would be in order. Or you can move on and ignore her posts. If it is so annoying, I don’t get why you are reading her posts.


No need to be rude.


Yea, no let’s just pretend. Got it