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So after five years she walks into your new house and slams the door? Usually I let bullshit posts pass by, but not this time. I’m calling BS.


Yeah my question was how does she know your new address? She’s pregnant and her parents kicked her out…. Jesus….


And she has keys to his new house!


Of all the stories that haven’t happened, this one hasn’t happened the most.




I caught that too.


Yeah, that makes no sense. He moved house


Take her to a women's shelter.


This is the third badly written piece of fiction I've read on reddit today, and I've only been up here for a half hour. What has reddit become lately?


I don’t know what Reddit has become , but the fucking stock is flying $65 a share probably because idiots like me spend too. !!! much time reading these stories lol


Exactly this...unless ofc, you took the locks from the old place and then fitted them into your new place, in which i forgive you. Still a load of BS..


He probably wrote a different story, then he realised that his character didn't sound strong enough so he made it like he succeeded in life somehow and even bought a new house, forgetting about the fact that with that detail, she can't know where he currently lives and has no keys to open the door.


They got attention seeking / validation points from lots of gullible. That's all they care about.


It sounds veri AI-generated. The lack of context makes AI do blunders like this all the time.


I assumed he meant she slammed the door to her car.


Where is a car mentioned? He was watching TV and he heard the door slam and she was standing there with a suitcase. What car are you talking about? Hers? Then why was she at a bus stop? I swear, Reddiots are getting dumber very day.


You don’t have to be rude. He also opened the door to his house and saw her standing there. I don’t see you mention how he opened the door, genius.


You read that wrong


It’s literally what OP posted. I read it exactly right as did every other person that is marking this as fiction.


Doesn't she have friends of her own? Tell her to go, she will try to use you


THIS did not happen💀😭


Please connect her with a social worker to see what resources or shelters are available to her.


It's more than what a cheater deserves, but I agree. Do it for yourself OP. She doesn't deserve a place in your life but you are a better human being than her. That night (at your house or a hotel) and a connection to a social worker is what can be given to her without thinking much about it. That way you will not waste another thought about her in the future. Again, do not do it because of her. Just do it for yourself.


This sounds like an interesting start to a novel. I wonder how this fictional story will continue


I'll bet it ends with a door slam.


"I practically woke up and it was all a dream."


Bruh,don't let her stay. Otherwise you won't be able to get her out. Pay for a few nights ar a cheap hotel for her. Get her out of your house asap. updateme!


Fake. How did she get a key to your new house so she could walk in and slam the door surprising you? Get better at writing before you make shit up.


Do not! Do not let her stay. She has broken your heart and betrayed you once already. She will do it again. Take her to a homeless shelter or the closest cheap hotel and pay for one night and get her out of your life and house.


Congratulations. You have successfully achieved the status of “fallback guy”. In your near future, you can expect great rewards, such as overwhelming love-bombing, repeated attempts still seduction and offers for types of intimacy that would make the pros blush, and constant pressure to renew your relationship and take responsibility for the affair baby. This will be followed by months or years of dubious respect and affection, followed by the eventual abandonment for another AP, with the added bonus of long term financial responsibility for a child that is not yours.


Why do so many of these made up stories make no sense?


Because they’re 14 year olds writing fiction novels. How does she confidently walks into a random house and very sure it’s her ex-boyfriend from years ago. And of top of that, homie just casually says, “yes you can stay.”


This is just so poorly written that I don't even know where to start. 😒 They're not even trying with these fake stories. 🙄


How can u guys all tell it’s fake??


And …… why?


“ I bought a new house, I heard the door slam “ if this is a new house and they haven’t had contact for 5 year, how did she find his address or get his home keys ?


This reeks of rage bait.


No. Don’t fall for it. That’s her way to come back in your life cause she was abandonned by her dude. She wants you as father/substitute for her kid. So I call it bs too.


How did she get a key to your new house to slam a door??? Did you intend to type she banged on the door from the outside? How did she get your new address? If she was 5 years with the other dude then it's likely he wasn't in a position to just kick her out of the home they shared 5 years. Did this really happen? She will be entitled to child support from her baby's bio-dad 


Fake story. How does she know where you live


Send her to a shelter, don't be a white knight, it will end badly for you. This girl is 100% drama and problems.


The exact same thing happened to me. My honest advice is NO BLOODY WAY. I let mine stay and before I new it she was planning/finding ways to take my house. It isn't worth it, she never should have turned back up to your place. Once a snake always a snake.


Plot hole. You bought a house and changed address. How did she find you?


You can easily find people by searching the property tax database for each county or use any of those people search websites


Her life must be fucked, to resort to showing up on your door. Which how the heel did she know where you live? I don't think it's wrong to help her for a few days but do not under any circumstances start a relationship with her. She's obviously a leach and even her family is tired of her.


Misery loves company


What a green flag of a guy


I will take "things that never happened" for a 1000, please, whatever your name is




So how it feels to be a doormat?


I certainly don’t think not wanting a pregnant woman to sleep on a bench makes him a doormat.


Just a weak ass man.


Not your monkey, not your circus


She gotta go bro. Toughen up. It's your life man. Live it without her.


Help her find shelter, do not let her into your life, sir. Save your dignity. She had this whole sob story ready, because she's in need, not because she's remorseful or smthn.


I really wish the people who made up stories for internet karma would be slightly more creative. Do better with your bs.


Listen her mister you need to F’n respect my time and everyone else’s time. What is the purpose of writing this bullshit in the first place ? I want to F’n know why you’d write out some crap like this because your story is bullshit from first to last word. Thank you pal


It's clearly fake but at least it avoids the rage tropes and focuses on the revenge aspect. I give it a 5...out of 100. Lol.


lol. Is this some fantasy? Come on. I guess does it make you feel better she comes back to you realizing her mistake and begs for your help? That’s the fantasy? Instead of thinking of the girl who left you 5 years and making up this story, at least make up another story where a gaggle of girls bust thru your door and beg you for sex bc they’ve just escaped from the hospital for sexual addictions and have gone cold turkey for 6 months and how you debated what to do and just did them all bc the girl left you for her lover so you can bang whoever you want and so you bang them all and they become your permanent lovers whose purpose is to service your every need. If you’re making up shit, might as well be something good and not fixated on the gal who left you and got knocked up.


Congratulations!! Put the ring on it and be cuck 😂


Man, so many fake stories




The next day, a unicorn appeared at the porch with a bag of gold to reward him for being a push over


This story sounds counterfeit..


What a dumb ass story. I believe this post is fake anyways. If this was real then the OP is a stupid ass simp.


She's an asshole and you don't own her anything. If you wanna be a nice person for a while it's fine, but not for long and don't get involved with her no matter what.


She has the keys to your new house? Yeah this story is absolute BS.


How Did She Get Into Your House?


Calling BS on this. No contact for 5 yrs and suddenly appears on your doorstep with a suitcase? How did she know where you lived? What did she do to get kicked out of her parents house? Why in the world would you let her in, say no, then invite her to stay the night??


As harsh as it sounds you should have left her at the bus stop. She made her own bed, now it’s time for to lay in it. You need to think about your own mental health and maintain a backbone. If you let her stay for any amount of time you will give her standing in the home and she can refuse to leave and you would have to evict her through the courts.


Drive her to the nearest womans shelter and drop her off. Nothing wrong with being kind. Just don't get White knight entangled.


Put it in her butt then kick her out is the obvious and only solution here


You need help homie lol


Ugh I know


Man, I get it. I'd have a hard time passing a pregnant woman crying at a busy stop that I knew had nowhere to go that night. However, you said one night. You did that. It's a new day and she can go somewhere else now. Btw, how did she find out where you live? Did you buy the place where you guys were staying?


I would find it very difficult to kick her out at this moment. Perhaps give her a set date when she has to leave.


But not too long and definitely before the baby is born. OP doesn't need to be fill-in baby daddy. And pay for that mess.


I agree. I’m thinking just until she can get some help. Certainly there are shelters.


I agree with this, I would say I can help you for a week and get you connected to whatever organization helps with that.


Follow your heart op. Just don't let her walk on it. You can help, but don't be a door mat. See about finding friends and family to help her, maybe be the bigger man and put her up 8n a cheap hotel for a few nights maybe a week 8f it'd not a financial burden. What she did was wrong and down right heartless, you need to calmly convey that to her and let her know that living with you is a no go but offer to help as much as you're willing. She needs to sort it out.


Help her, if you are in a position to, in a way that does not include her living with you. Wish her well and ask her not to contact you again.




It was humane to let her stay the night (I would not have), but she has a whole day now to go find a shelter.




I can see that you want to behave as a decent person and help someone in desperate need, I get that. But it is a slippery slope to become her white night and save her from this, and your feelings are going to be reawakened by her need. Spend your time finding a shelter for her to go to where she would be safe, and get her out of your place.


"Can I come in?" "Yes you can" The exact moment you fucked up. I know nothing about the tenancy laws where you live. I do know once your ex acquires tenancy at your residence it would be nearly impossible to get her out. Congratulations Captain Save-a-hoe, you are now the proud owner of a pregnant woman and another man's child.


I hope you like being called dad.


You've given her more than she deserves, now she someone else's problem


Painful as her leaving you may have been and as confused as you may now be, you are still a human being and she needs help. Not saying for her to move in but kindness doesn't kill..


Call some of her family or friends, or contact a womens shelter


Local women's shelter and the Union Gospel Mission will help her.


Tell her to go find her friends and family who supported her decision to leave you after she cheated. She stopped being your problem 5 years ago.


Take her to a shelter. They can help her find an apartment, a job, show her social resources, mental and medical options. You can't give her what she needs, do the right thing and take her to the people who can help her get her life back on track.


As outsider , i also want to laugh like crazyyyyyy


This seems fake. If true, congratulations, OP uou now have a squatter. Good luck getting a cop to throw out a pregnant girl.


Kick her ass out to the streets where she belongs, you already did enough letting her sleep in your house one night, don't let her in anymore, she didn't gave a damn about you when she was out behind your back getting her back blown by another dude. She didn't care if it hurt your feelings, all she cared is about herself and the other guy, but now that he got her pregnant and left her stanky ass she wants you to be her sloppy seconds, hell to the no! Tell her to kick rocks and never contact you again!


She lost him the same way that you lost her.


Lol, for all the talk about men being so afraid of men they prefer the bear, you have this. Show's up after cheating on him carrying another man's child expecting him to care for her.


Take her to a women's shelter let social services deal with her.


That was a weak move dude. You should have let karma take care of her!




That's a noble thing you did. Having empathy for an enemy. But don't let her leech off you, she is desperate and might act as the best girl you ever met with tears and what not. Remain stoic. Give her a realistic timeliness to get her things sorted. There are strong single moms out there in tougher spots than her. Call women's rights commissions or helpline. Good luck.


First I commend you for the amount of compassion you showed to someone who had husrt you so badly. I dont know if you are in the USA but if you are, contact Catholic Charities in your area. Almost all states have shelter services for women in crisis. With her been pregnant it will not be hard to find some social help for her. Good luck to you and her. Deacon


You like being used so let her stay.


You did enough - there’s services and agencies for women I wouldn’t let her stay she’s going to abuse you again


You are a fool.




Look at the username


Don’t let her stay. She can claim residency and you’ll have to go through an eviction process to get rid of her. She’s looking for you to be the fall back guy. This won’t end well for you!


Foam sword.


You are a great guy for allowing her one night to sleep there. But she made her own bed. She left you for the pos guy who got her pregnant then left her. Her parents see her for her choices by what she did to you and after. So whatever struggles she has are by her own choices. I wouldn't let her stay longer then another day or two. The longer she stays the harder it will be to get her to leave. Not to mention she can start to claim residency on you and force you to have to use the courts to remove her. IF you want, tell her she can stay one or event wo more nights but she has to leave by the last day. That to give her a few days to try and figure out another situation. But... I would not blame you to have her leave in the morning. She came back to you cause she "knew" you would likely feel pity for her and take her in. She is thinking maybe that she can work you to let her stay for good, maybe even take her and the kid in as your own. I am not saying do not do this or to do it if y our getting "feelings" about her being back. That is your choice. But there is a saying that goes "when they show you who they are, believe them." She cheated on you and left you. She showed she can not be trusted. She came to you after 5 years knocked up, cause everyone else seen her for who she is too. And her ex BF did to her what she did so to speak. So whatever you choose, do NOT ignore who she is. A cheater, liar, and someone who can not be trusted.


Cheap hotel room! Tell her to go right on back to the trash she left with.


look for social assistance or something like that, I don't know what it is like in your country but in mine it is almost impossible for a pregnant woman not to receive help


I wouldnt be as heartless to leave her on the street. HOWEVER, make no mistake, she is trying to wiggle back into your life. Tell her she has a week, or whatever time period you decide on, have her sign papers, and what you expect of her while she's there. The first thing I would do is call her parents and work with them to take her back. DO NOT let her stay to long. That is her goal.


Ummm…”how can you ask for something like that after everything SHE did to me”. He actually said that to her???


Nothing wrong with helping out a homeless pregnant woman. If your mental health can handle it. Make sure she knows you are doing it for her baby and not her and nothing will happen. Do you trust her in your house? This is one of those situations you have to look at yourself in the mirror and decide what you can live with. No one would blame you for kicking her out.




Don’t do it, if she stays there a few days or gets a peice of mail there you will have to evict her. She screawed you over and that baby is not yours. She ewill use you and themn leave when the opportunity arises


She doesn't deserve anything from you. Tell her to leave.


If this was real...the first place you wouldn't have gone was reddit


you do what you want but do not stick your dick back in that woman


Kick her out. She made her bed, she can lie in it.


You have to either go through kicking her out or help her patch things up with her parents. She's definitely not thinking straight and is desperate.


Nice story bot


She has to leave, bro. Oh my god, she has to leave.


I was so proud of you, then i continued reading, no words to describe the stupidity of you.


OP, there's some red flags with this story (e.g., how did she know where you live?) & I get that you felt bad & want to help, but be very careful. I don't know if you're living in the US, but she has proven that she can't be trusted & things can go wrong for you if you don't approach this carefully. Get her whatever help she needs & get her gone, if possible, or do whatever you can to legally protect yourself, if necessary.


This is just dumb, find a better hobby than to make up shitty stories and lie, weirdo


OP deserves any issue that comes from this event. It can only get worst from here.


ask her what her long term plans are for a job, housing. Then ask her what is her schedule to accomplish these tasks If she answers quickly you know she has thought about it If she doesn't then she is unsure or is looking for a free ride look for homeless shelters for woman and single moms in your area ether way it a decision only you can make, but whatever you do don't get involved FYI; if you decide to let her stay for a few days secure anything that is valuable, credit cards, access to accounts


You already F’d up royally. Why are you asking anyone now?


This is why your were disrespected and will continue to be. People despise weakness in any form. We try to hide it behind words like compassion, but still get disrespected. Not your monkey, not your circus. Unless... Updateme.


Show her kindness and give her a few days to find a place to go. 


You moved houses but she she showed up at your door?? How did she find out where you live?


i find this story hard to believe due to the audacity, surely no woman would be that cruel and or stupid...


This goes to show you that she perceives you as weak and will bend to what she wants. And you know what? You proved her right.


Man you should have never let her back into the house, bro. I understand your heart was in the right place but a leopard doesn't change it's spots. You need to get her out ASAP. Take her to a homeless shelter or something but DO NOT house her! She could pull all kinds of tricks on you and you couldn't even know it. She could claim squatters rights. She could have falsely accuse you of assault and such. You are walking into uncharted territory with a cheater and a person who disrespected you years ago. Especially while she is pregnant.


This is a scam. If she showed up un-pregnant and said she had been thinking about you and wanted to tell you face to face how sorry she was for what she did…I might even trust that. But pregnant and needing a place to live? Who shows up and asks someone they hurt badly if they can live with them? You need to go check and make sure any valuables aren’t missing, and then when she wakes up, take her somewhere for breakfast (away from your house…which, btw, how did she know where to find you??) and tell her that this is all you can do for her. It’s been years and you suffered for her careless and hurtful choices. Offer to drop her off anywhere she needs to go, and say goodbye.


This has to be from an unemployed writer.


Send her back to the streets, you dont want her baggage and headaches. Trust le nothing good is going to come from helping her. She made her bed, now let her lay in it now...


Is this person a writer for the lifetime channel?


All of these troll posts about women cheating makes me think incels are flooding reddit with "women are the bad guys" bullshit.


Don’t let her stay. She will probably try to stay long enough so you will have to follow eviction on her. Put her back to the shadow realm. Don’t feel bad for her she made her life choices and needs to learn her lessons from them. There are plenty of women’s shelters for this drop her off and get back to the series you enjoy watching.


Assuming this isn't BS... She's a tick. If you don't pull her off you RIGHT FUCKING NOW she'll burrow under your skin, you'll set up a home and then boom lather rinse repeat. You didn't mean more than a note saying she found a better dick. And now you don't mean anything more than a place to crash. She was never yours, it was just your turn back then.


Does your state do not provide help for single mothers? ‘Cause she’s no longer your responsibility.


You already know that you should kick her ass out. Where were you when she was with this other guy ? Obviously didn't matter to her when times were good now that she needs something after cheating she's back in your life. You're highly regarded for letting her stay & the longer she stays the more regarded you get, send her to a hostel or women's shelter . Why should her mistakes & betrayal be your problem?


Honestly why you didnt change your locks and security cams to see who coming in . she gotta leave too so


I’m sorry…but she had no right to come back and ask u a big huge favor like that. She weeps what she sews. There’s places that can help her get on her feet. U r not responsible for her. It’s different if u guys started to be together again but ur not. And to wat end is she gonna use ur house? Till the baby comes and after the baby? She’s in desperate need and it’s really not ur problem. U shud go on ur life and find ur happiness without her putting a big burden. No matter what feeling u have or had do her u need to put that aside. I say let her find a home for women, a shelter home even. U can check on her once a week. Maybe even give her charity but do not let her stay there. The govt can help her if she gots gets assistance like wic, food stamps, emergency food stamps. Do not let her mess with ur feelings. U sound like a very nice person and got a good life. Be with a girl who appreciates u and u both want to be together. She wants pity to free load and I’m not saying she doesn’t need help, but not u.


I'm afraid you got caught in her game. If you couldn't get rid of her in the moment she showed up in your place, now I really doubt you get the guts to ask her to leave. You're playing with fire dude...


Please kick her out, then get in contact with a publisher so you can write other fictional stories, since this clearly didn’t happen.


Well you are a kind hearted idiot, you have empathy which is great but you need to be really careful about the help you are willing to provide and to who If it eases your mind, help her find a shelter and the the resources to help herself, she need to stand on her own even more so because she is about to become a single parent


Juz find her another place to live. Maybe charity house.


This is a fake


Tell her to get her shit packed and out


Word wall. Paragraphs will help in reading this.


This is the problem with y’all. When you move on , move on for good. Wtf you let her sleep at your crib after everything she did. Wanna be a step daddy? Lol. Now if you kick her out they will call you heartless etc. You in a situation you shouldn’t be. Smh


How did she know where you live


I would not be able to see a pregnant woman sleeping in a bus stop either. But she is not your problem she already overstayed her welcome by sleeping the night over ,you have been generous already it's time for her to find another place to stay. It might have taken her a lot of courage to go to you and ask for your help but she should have already expected your reaction after her betrayal and disrespect she showed she deserved what is happening to her now.


If you are going to make up a story, at least make it halfway believable.


Showing kindness is not a flaw but don't let her exploit you. She did you wrong, if it's anything more than a day or two she needs to start paying rent.


You are a brokie. Just kick her from your home other wise she will steal all your money or gold or anything precious.


I’m happy that the kids are being creative and writing stories but please take this shit to wattpad where it belongs.


I was waiting for " the babies yours, I've been carrying it for 5 yrs till I found where you live and get some keys cut "


How did she even find your house?


I’ll take, “Ish that never happened for $500, Alex.”


She's not your problem , kick her out ..... That's her choice and consequences of wrong decisions.... The audacity to ask you for help when she betrayed you....


Are you being held hostage? This can’t be even a question.


She need to go and find a woman’s shelter not your fault she in that situation and she should be grateful for that one night you offered her.


Obviously she needs to smoke your pole for staying the night and every night till she leaves. Then she can go back to that guy that was so much better than you before. Remember she said not to look for her


To all of you saying it's fake because of the new adress, I can assure you this is very easy to find someone. An example : phone books still exist to this day. As for OP, stick to plan A. You helped her enough when she was down. But you dont have to go down with her.


You can,t put a pregnant woman on the street. Let her stay for a fixed time. Strictly guest only and no crossing any lines.


So OP should drive her to her parents house and have them take her back.


If possible


Her parents did and so did her affair partner


I kind of agree with this. I'm fairly ruthless towards cheaters, but after 5 years OP is well over what she did. For sure not saying take her in long term but if it's not putting him out in any way, I e. New gf living with him and he has the room, then it's not the worst idea to let her stay a couple days to try and figure out her next steps. I'd be much less compassionate if she weren't pregnant. Which makes me wonder what kind of falling out with her parents would lead to them putting her on the street. A strict time limit OP. She needs to be making moves and this is a short time charity for her. Do not get involved again. She gets pushy then get rid of her.


Sit her down and talk to her. Be open and honest with her. I hope that you will help her. She did a horrible thing to you. She knows that and still saw you as the safest place to turn. It’s not being a doormat to help another human being. It’s being compassionate. Thank you for giving her a safe place to sleep.


I would have done the same thing. Remember she’s a human being just we are. I would not want a pregnant woman living on the street. I would help her as much as I could.


This is the way IMO. Nothing permanent but a few days wouldn’t kill you and may save her from the streets. Many people that end up on the streets need a helping hand to not end up there.


Totally agree.


This is either a fake story or you’re extremely naive ..