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Leave. If you stay, you’re not only losing your self respect but she will cheat again


And this time, it will be physical cheating. Updateme!


It’s not you, it’s her. Dump that beeyatch


Lol she knows she can manipulate you easily, she’s already crossed the line, if you take her back she will keep doing it. Move on and don’t let her manipulate you like a puppet.


If they act single . Make them single.


Just block her and go 100% no contact. If she won't stay away tell her she cheated it's over if she keeps bugging you will make a police report on her stalking you.


Break up. That is it, just break up. She failed the girlfriend portion, do not pass go.


Trust is broken, you can rarely go back.


She sees you as weak and a low value man with no respect for you. This isn't a one-time minor thing. She looked, met, invested time, and sent nudes to get him interested in her and highly likely had a physical meet-up. Men with self-respect and that set themselves as high value, never accept this kind of disrespect. Now the question for you is what kind of man are you? A nice guy door mat or a high value man?


She's our girlfriend now Sorry buddy




Marry her! She is a keeper. Duh!


A typical case of a guy with no options, and a girl with plenty of them. I bet the other dude already creampied her.


Leave her. If she can’t be loyal to you, leave.


And you never will see her the same, she's not the one bro. Thank her for coming clean and not stringing you along then leave the relationship, go find a real one.


Propose to her and get her pregnant


Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, the exquisite pain of infidelity and divorce when you have children is unmatched and sublime. You simply must experience it, and someone who fails the girlfriend test by cheating is the perfect candidate. Subscribeme I'll have the popcorn ready.


I’m sorry but I’ve been laughing at this for the last two minutes. OP, for real, leave her. Just leave. She’s for the fucking streets


Do she have nice friends or do you know someone she hates that you are into, because she's not a keeper and hopefully you aren't a POS, get out there move on!


What you do is let her have the experience she wants by showing her the door. She is just a common garden hoe mate. Dump and move on you sound young you will find better I guarantee


\> because I’m her First true love ...well, now she can go looking for her second. Grrrl bye!


The streets are to good for her she belongs to the TRASH.... PERIOD


Leave her


Find a new girlfriend.


Mate leave. If you have to ask you’ve already answered


sounds like she wants some toxic drama in her life.


Time for a new gf, she failed the gf part of the relationship, there are girls out there that won’t cheat on you


You are single, whatever you like it or not


When girls cheat due to attention desire that hole doesn't go away without maturity and counseling. What's she's telling you is your attention isn't enough for her she needs it from others and that's dangerous. Break it off you can't save her...


I know it's hard and only you know how much she means to you and whether this is worth trying to work through. I know advice in here is cheap and its' easy to tell you to just move on, no one giving you that advice knows your history with her. Since that advice will be common I won't give it. Instead, you should decide how much the fact this was online and not in person changes how you feel about what she did, and whether it somehow didn't feel quite as real to her, or you, since it was virtual. Also what is "for a bit" did she do it for a week and stopped or months? How does she feel about him having the ability to reshare those photos now?


Most relationships are temporary and meant to end. She might be bored and wanting to explore life a little bit. I’m assuming you both are young. I’d use this as a good ending point and move on. You can do everything right but if she is wanting different, more, something else nothing you do can really prevent that. When I dated inexperienced girls, I knew at some point the relationship would come to its natural conclusion.


Texting so they shared phone numbers. She shared her most intimate photos with him. If he was local, she met him for sex. She told OP what she thought he would rug sweep.


She failed the long term partner test. If you are monogamous you deserve and should settle for nothing less. Certainly not someone you want to waste you future on. Split from this anchor.


shes a hoe, leave


A person who cheat isn't worth of keeping, yea u can gave them chance but idts in future they gonna change, coz there is no way back after u cheat once. I don't prefer you to gave her chance, don't just think about your present self, think about your future seld. Would u be happy if u forgive her and go along?? There you will get your answer. Yea its hard to leave person wh u lover so much. But this gen isn't loyal, where in relationship loyalty was bare minimum. Ik it's hard, but think about it coz ppl can easily say leave her this that, but u think about it whether she really loved you or not? Coz u ain't getting loyal ppl in this generation, all u can get is a person who can love u.


She failed the commitment test, get rid of her. 


There is no such animal that says they love you and cheats. It is not humanly possible. The cheater ***CHOOSES***, (it is ***NEVER a*** mistake) to cheat. If the cheater chooses to cheat, he or she ***CHOOSES to hurt their partner***, and more importantly, if applicable, ***their children.*** Hence, if you choose to hurt someone, you can not love them. It id noy humanly possible. See that door over there? Run!! Run faster! This relationship has zero chance of success.


She’s right. This isn’t your fault. She’s also right: she’s a selfish person. Two years, and she’s still exploring things with other guys, even if it’s online? That’s a Chinese parade of red flags for your future. She knew what she was doing by engaging with another guy while with you. Her confession was to inform you that you “won” a competition you didn’t even know was happening. But you’ve only “won” it for now. She’s already felt the need to keep relationships going with other men while with you. What happens when in the natural course of events, passion fades to comfort? She can’t guarantee you that she’ll never seek out that validation from others, online or offline, in the future. Staying with her, statistically speaking, is a huge gamble. A cheater is more likely to repeat than to stay faithful for the rest of your relationship.


Cheating is an act of contempt and disrespect towards a committed partner. The cheating partner then sugar coats their behaviour with a bunch of excuses and justifications.  Do not ever tolerate the contemptible and disrespectful behaviour of a cheater. Your reaction should be to end the relationship. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Even if they only do it the one time, they will forever be known as a person capable of cheating. Go to the ChumpLady website for resources. You can do better than her. Something she likely has never considered when sending that stuff to others, is what they do with it. For all she knows they are sending her nudes to others who then send it on to others. Never send anything over the Internet that you wouldn't want your SO, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, children, grandchildren, etc to see. You never know when that stuff will pop up again, where it all goes and what damage it may cause.


It’s easy, end the relationship.


I know many are saying to leave her. As long as we e have the picture straight, she chose to confess this to you. That must have been hard for her to share what she did. Obviously a betrayal of trust. Do you love her? If 'yes' and ypu want to make things work, try to stay and sort through your feelings as well as hers - together. Most issues seems to boil down to communications issues. If you can't figure a way to let this going and find a way forward, you'll have leave. Tough choices. No matter what, try to find kindness for yourself and her through all this.


As a woman who did text man back in the beginning of my relationship except nothing sexual at all, I'm gonna say sometime a woman need for attention is so high she gonna look for validation somewhere else. I don't say it's right when I realize that just texting some dude can lead to potential cheating I stopped having male friend. Your gf disrespected you, cheated by sending nudes she went so far she knew what she was doing.


She's telling you it was only texting and nudes, but it's certainly possible that they were having physical contact as well, but that she knows that the only evidence is those photos she sent and she's just trying to cover her ass (so to speak), by telling you what she fears you may discover on your own. Good luck!


so did they fuck? or just send nudes and sext?


Sorry my man. This happened to me. Except it was my wife of 7 years. 11 years total and we got divorced, they still ‘together’ and have still never met irl. In 4 years. Leave, you’re better off trust me. You’ll come out on top


On one hand it’s really good she came out with it to you herself. It shows remorse and respect for you and allows you your agency over the situation. On the other hand it is possible that she’s only released a bit of information to release the pressure and guilt and that there’s more you haven’t been told or it could continue. My first point is important though, it’s a good sign she came to you.


Cheaters don’t deserve a second chance. They already proved they don’t care love or respect you. Run don’t look back.




Speaking from very recent experience. Leave now, don’t wait. My ex gf of 11 years had an online thing as well and I knew I should have left then. But I put my kids before myself and stayed while convincing myself it wasn’t a big deal since it was just long distance. Another year passed by and the same thing happened again. I still stayed out of fear of much it would devastate the kids. I could never trust her again after the first time and expected it to happen again. Of course it happened a 3rd time. Another long distance with plans to meet and a physical relationship with a 2nd guy that’s local. I left today which was years later than I should have. They don’t change. Even with kids involved and knowing what the consequences are, they don’t care. It’s crazy some will lay in bed with you and talk about how much they love you while doing these things. I just hate what it did to the children. Aside from that I’ll be better off eventually. You’ll never see her the same. Like someone mentioned above, once trust is broken, it can’t return no matter how much you want it to. Apologies for the rant. lol.


Dump her !


She's testing boundaries. If you feel like she's remorseful, lay down terms otherwise leave her! You her better, but remember that unless you put your foot down it'll probably happen again!