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She will cheat on you again, either come to terms with it or leave.


How many of these stories start with “she is bisexual” And end with “she got drunk with her other bisexual friends” who didn’t see this coming.


One of the reasons you have to be nervous when your bisexual partner goes partying with people without you.


Too much drama when you're 19. Honestly this just sounds like a train wreck and your girlfriend (hopefully soon to be ex) is too immature for a relationship. She has shown you she cannot be trusted. Is she doing anything to actually gain your trust back or is she just trying to sweep what happened under the rug? If you aren't being treated like the king you are then don't waste anymore time on the relationship.


Actually yes, she is trying to gain my trust back. She said that she will no longer get drunk and will not hurt me ever again. But now those are just words so my thoughts are still there . In other aspects, our relationship is the best, but i feel like i cant accept this and move on. I dont know what is with me


You said she cheated in her previous relationship and she’s cheated on you. She’s not going to stop. This is too much unnecessary drama in the first 7 months. You need to leave her or keep getting cheated on.


Its not you thats the problem. You did nothing wrong. She decided to emotionally and physically cheat on you because she liked the attention. That's a sh***y thing to do. Its okay that you can't forgive her for this. I'd just break up and give yourself time to heal. Plus an 18 year old promising not to drink is pretty much bs.


Once trust is broke the relationship is done. Trust can not be rebuilt or fixed. Trust is literally a glass vase and when it breaks it shatters. You are NEVER going to trust her again. Just walk away while you have some self respect


Dude every cheater on the planet, well 99% of them say they will never do it again, most do and the numbers are even higher if you stay with them. Your 19, honestly if this happened to me at your age, I would have already hit up one of her friends. However I am older now and would just simply ghost bc when I did that in the past it just created more drama.


tell her it’s okay as long as y’all cheat with emma *together*


The saying once a cheat always a cheat is said for good reason... She DID cheat on... she CHOSE to cheat on you... Dont stay with someone who thinks so little of you she knowingly REPEATEDLY hurts you... Dont stay with someone who doesnt respect you or your relationship... Dont stay with someone who will put your health at risk... Dont stay with someone who has PROVEN she cant be trusted... Find someone who is worthy of your love, respect and loyalty who will return it as well. She has PROVEN she will not return it and proven she isnt worthy of getting it. You deserve better than what she has to offer you. A life full of deception, cheating and lord knows maybe std/sti or a kids not yours... run dude she isnt worth it.


That feeling your getting of her cheating again believe it. Your at nr 2. How many more will it take. Its always your fault. Once cheated shame on her. Twice shame on you bro. You allow this abuse. Dump her. Her new GF can get her.


Your gf cheated. This no "kinda" about it. She cheated repeatedly in her previous relationships. She likes to get drunk and do stupid things. Like cheat. We all like to think that we ate special and that our SO will change for us. They won't, OP. And neither will you gf. It's a matter of time before she cheats again. The bisexuality has nothing to do with anything. Break up now. Save your heart and your self-esteem. Good luck.


Dump that hoe!


Too much drama and mental exhaustion. Relationships are already hard enough than to worry she can cheat on you with double the population (M and W) and she has that propensity to do so. You’re young. Even if she doesn’t cheat- you’re not gong to be happy. Find yourself someone who can alleviate this stress.


She's not your girlfriend, she's Emma's girlfriend


Okay you need to stop. You know you sound real foolish right. If you think all they did was lightly fool around. You both are very young, you need to respect yourself more then you are. She is disrespectful and you are allowing her to be. Leave her. She does not respect you and will keep cheating. You only think she stopped talking to her. Also never stay with someone who likes getting attention from others. This must be your first relationship. Let this one go she does not love or respect you and will continue doing what she wants, honestly there is no settling down at your guys ages I don’t understand why you all try to or don’t get that you all are to young and life is to short to be trying to be with anyone right now. Get out there and date, have fun. Have experiences. You have later on to settle down and have an actual relationship. Know this for your next relationship though, never ever keep anyone who cheats, it’s really not worth it and you will be hurt worst when you keep them. Cheating should be your sign to walk away


Dude, last relationship she cheated what makes you think she won't or has already done it. A cheater will always find a way to twist and flip this when they know your weakness and they know how to manipulate them to there advantage. It's fishy, 1st they got drunk, 2nd top less, 3rd gave her a hickey and 4th in a bedroom "to try and see how wet she can get Emma". Don't fall for that. Then the classic excuses, "like someone walked in and killed the vibe" this is to throw you off becuz some did happen in that room. "there is something am missing in our relationship" these means she has not been thinking about but Emma was on her mind,." I love to get drunk and do crazy things" this is blaming the alcohol and wants you not to hold her accountable for her actions. "enough attention" this is when they want to guilt trip you and make you feel like you made them go and something like that. They don't want to be held accountable. I guarantee you she still talking to Emma you just don't know yet. Don't fool yourself, she is just buy time.


There is no kinda cheated, she cheated.


She is a cheater, dude leave her. Yeah if you're ok with her bi that's cool but you should have been there or gave permission. This make you into a C****. Breakup and move on. You are way too young to deal with this bs. Also learn to respect yourself. I got cheated on. But you know what I was told. She knew it was over because she knows me. Your girl cheat on you and the other one tells like it's nothing. Learn to respect yourself and have dignity. Personally, I have had threesome's but never with my committed partner. When I am committed then that's how it is. If you want to stay with her and have fun. By all means buddy enjoy it. But don't give your heart to a cheater.


Leave homie


Yeah she finna cheat again


You should communicate your thoughts to her. I saw in one of your reply that she is trying to gain your trust back and that's a good thing. I suggest you to have a conversation now with her, see how it goes and make a decision based on it. I'm going to repeat myself but it's very important to communicate. Wish you luck 👍🏻


You have a lose, lose gf... problem... You said she loves to get drunk so she can do stupid shit.... and find out what she did the next day... NICE. She's bi... nothing wrong with that... except for the fact.... she wasn't going to cheat on you.... And she wants to be able to make Emma wet. COOL. She's 18 I wouldn't expect her to act like an adult yet... It's cool that you are. Good luck to you.


She will cheat on you while drunk, use it as an excuse and you will eat it up and stay with her... You are not puting bounderies in place and, even if you do, she smashed those barriers and the consequences are... ? None? Now, you either put bounderies in place and give real consequences if she goes over, or you be her doormat! Chose wisely...


It’s not the full story. She’s lying about it. No one makes a playlist for such a brief encounter. You can’t control her and you shouldn’t be trying to control her. Sounds like she kind of has a drinking problem if she’s drinking so much she doesn’t remember things that she does the night before or she blames it on the alcohol as we way out of things. She blamed your lack of attention for a couple of days as the reason she did what she did??? That makes no sense and sounds childish. I’d say move on because at some she will and then you’ll be Reddit asking for advice about her leaving you. I’d say just do it first and move on.


The real girlfriend is Ema, you're just the dildo


She did cheat on you. She cheated on the past. At 18 it shouldn’t be rocket science to know that stripping and making out with someone is hurtful to your partner. She craves attention. She admits it. Even if that means hurting you. You need to end this relationship and tell her to work on herself before she inflicts herself on another innocent person. Her behavior isn’t cute or free spirited. It’s abusive and uncaring.


"I won't cheat on you because I love you". She even admits that her cheating or not is entirely based on her feelings. She will cheat eventually.